
如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds
2.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,
如:knife-knives, leaf-leaves, shelf-shelves
3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,
如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries
4.以s. x. sh. ch, 部分o结尾,加-es,
如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches, hero-heroes
① 以o结尾,分情况。
有生命的名词,加es,如:tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes, hero-heroes
无生命的名词,加s,如: radio-radios, zoo-zoos, photo-photos
② 以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,复数加s,如:day-days
③ 以th结尾名词,复数加s,如:month-months
man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen,
policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children,
foot-feet, tooth-teeth,
fish-fish (鱼条数), sheep-sheep, deer-deer(鹿)
【注意】 1. 鱼条数:fish-fish 1. 鸡肉: 不可数
fish 2. 鱼种类:fish-fishes chicken 2. 小鸡: chicken-chickens
3. 鱼肉: 不可数 3. kitchen:厨房(注意辨析)
如:I like humburgers (hamburger). 我喜欢汉堡。
②one of 后面一定用名词复数。
如: one of the boos 其中一本书
7. 国家、国籍、人和语言。
国家名称(n.) 国籍(adj.);…的/ …人的 人(n.) 人(复数) 语言(n.)
China Chinse Chinese 不变 Chinese
Japan Japanese Japanese 不变 Japanese
Korea -n -n -ns Korean
America -n American -s (英语)
Germany German German -s German
France French Frenchman -s French
England English Englishman -s English
Australia -n -n -ns / (英语)
Russia -n -n -ns Russian
Canada -n -n -ns / (英语)
Italy Italian Italian Italians Italian
Spain Spanish Spniard Spaniards Spanish
Europe European European Europeans /
Britain 英国 British Briton Britons English
Rome 罗马 Roman Roman Romans / (古拉丁语)
【注意】the + 国籍,可以指这一国家的人,如:
the Spanish 西班牙人 the British 英国人 the Korean 韩国人
①前面的修饰名词不变,主要词改为复数。 如:
boy student --- boy students; stone bridge --- stone bridges
man doctor- men doctors woman teacher-women teachers
a sports club, a sports meeting (运动会), sports news,
a sports school (一所体校), a sports channel (一个体育频道),
a sports car (一辆运动型轿车) a sports hero (一个体育英雄)
10.不可数名词的复数就是原型: paper, juice, water, milk, rice, tea, work
scissors剪刀, jeans牛仔裤, trousers裤子, glasses眼镜,
instructions说明书, thanks感谢, best wishes祝愿, congratulations祝贺
(1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格:
单数后加 ’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt
以s 结尾的复数名词后加 ’ 如: his friends’ bags
不以s 结尾的复数后加 ’s 如: children’s shoes, Women’s Day
① 如果把 ’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如:
Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车
② 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s,如:
Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车
(2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如:
a picture of the classroom 教室里的画
the leg of the desk桌子的脚
1. I have a lot of ________________(homework) to do every day.
2. Some ________________(child) are flying _______________(kite) near the river.
3. It is the best one of the _______________(photo) in my family.
4. Are there any _______________(strawberry) in the fridge
5. Can you cut this big pear into two ________________(half)
6. After three _______________(month) study, the scientists worked out the physics problem.(易错)
7. _______________(tree) are planted in most of the mountain villages.
8. Here is a card for you with our best ________________(wish).
9. There are different ________________(fish) in the sea.
10. Thousands of people lost their _______________(life) in the disaster (灾难).
11. Could you tell me how many __________________(boy student) there were at the party
12. Jim’s drawing is much better than any of his ________________(classmate).(易错)
13. This is a ________________(visitor) car. Mine is over there.
14. There are five ________________(pencil box) on the desk.
15. Three ________________(German) are walking on the People’s Square.
16. We will have several _________________(exam) this term.
17. These workers are going abroad to work for three years. Their _____________(wife) will have to stay at home alone.
18. Our city has a few ______________(zoo).
19. There is a ________________(sport) club in my town.
20. It is __________________(Lily and Lucy) room.
21. September 10th is ________________(teacher) Day.
22. June 1st is _________________(child) Day.
23. What kind of ________________(movie) do you like
24. I keep many ____________(chicken). I like eating _________(chicken) very much.
25. Every _________________(student) has a book.
26. Lucy was surprised to see some ______________(mouse) running inside her room at night.
27. The soldier saved the boy from the flood with a piece of _______________(wood).
28. Everyone knows that ________________(library) are places for people to study.
29. Yuan Longping and Yang Liwei are great national _______________(hero) of China.
30. A number of ________________(foreign) are becoming more and more interested in Chinese culture.
31. It is said that _______________(tomorrow) sports meeting has been put off because of the bad weather.
32. The second Sunday in May is ________________(mother) Day, and I’m thingking about what to buy for my mother.
33. In the past, people used to listen to ______________(radio) programs instead of watching TV. (易错)
34. I hope that in a few ________________(year) time, you’ll come back to visit our school.
35. The pen isn’t mine. It’s my ________________(brother).
36. My favourite food is ___________________ (sausage).
1. homework 2. children, kites 3. photos 4. strawberries 5. halves 6. months’
7. Trees 8. wishes 9. fishes(表示种类) 10. lives 11. boy students
12. classmates’(表示他的同学们的画,any of 后一定要用名词性物主代词或者名词所有格)
13. visitor’s 14. pencil boxes 15. Germans 16. exams 17. wives 18. zoos
19. sports(含sports的复合名词,变复数时,sports不变)
20. Lily and Lucy’s 21. Teachers’ 22. Children’s 23. movie 24. chickens, chicken
25. student 26. mice 27. wood(wood木头,是不可数名词) 28. libraries
29. heroes 30. foreigners 31. tomorrow’s 32. Mother’s
33. radio (考察复合名词变复数,前面的修饰名词不变形,后面的主要名词变复数)
34. years’ 35. brothers



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