
Great Theatres in the World.
The Palais Garnier
The Palais Garnier is the best known theater of Paris. In 1669 Louis XIV gave a green light to the opera theater foundation in honor of the poet Pierre Perren and the composer Robert Kamber. Throughout centuries the theater changed its name and location several times up to the moment it appeared in Paris district in the nineteenth century.
Palace of Catalan Music
The Palace of Catalan Music in Barcelona is a quite young opera house founded in 1891. The facade (外观) of the Palace reminds that in Spain it is the place where the European and Arabian cultures connected closely.
But the main feature of the concert hall is its lighting. The illumination (照明) is completely natural. The Palace of Catalan Music’s roof is made of color glass fully. Lights of the sun create an indescribable effect!
Vienna State Opera
Vienna State Opera was built in 1869. Its opening was marked by Mozart’s opera Don Juan. On the other hand, the building often became the object of severe criticism since it was built in extremely widespread neo-renaissance style.
La Scala Opera House
In 1776, the Milan architect Giuseppe Piermarini liked the piece of earth on the site of the destroyed Church of Santa Maria Della Scala. He decided to construct the opera theater on this place, which inherited (继承) the name of its ancestor building. The Europa Riconosciuta by the composer Antonio Salieri became the first opera of the La Scala theater.
1、Which theatre has the longest history
A. The Palais Garnier. B. Palace of Catalan Music.
C. Vienna State Opera. D. La Scala Opera House.
2、What is most distinguished about Palace of Catalan Music
A. Its location. B. Its adoption of natural light.
C. Its historical background. D. The styles of different periods.
3、What do Vienna State Opera and La Scala Opera House have in common
A. They both received criticism.
B. They were both totally destroyed.
C. They were both constructed on the site of a church.
D. Their openings are both marked by shows of masterpieces.
As a teacher at Justin F. Kimball High School in Oak Cliff, Jesse Acosta finds most of his students are from low-income households, so they often end up wearing shoes that are falling apart.
“In my very first year as a teacher at Kimball, I had a student and when he would walk, his sole (鞋底) would just come apart from the rest of the shoe,” Jesse said. “The only part that was still glued was the front of it, right by the toe area.”
To make matters worse, sneaker culture is huge at the school. This was the case even when Jesse was a student. Although expressing oneself through sneakers is fun and harmless, sometimes those who are unable to participate end up getting bullied (欺凌).
Although Jesse was aware of this problem, he knew it would take a lot to find a solution. That’s why in 2020, he spent time designing a plan. He even had the perfect partner to help him: his girlfriend, Alejandra Zendejas. As a math tutor and “sneaker nerd (呆子),” as she calls herself, she could not be a better person to turn to.
To find the best shoes they can, Jesse and Alejandra shop at places like Nike with a budget of $30 per pair. It’s not easy, but these two spend the time that’s needed to hunt down outlet stores that often have huge discounts.
At first, they bought shoes with their own money. Later they started a nonprofit called Pasos for Oak Cliff. Now that their nonprofit has gained so much attention, they’re able to purchase shoes through donations and a grant (补助) from Amazon. They’re also planning on giving away $10, 000 in college scholarships to Oak Cliff students.
Best of all, they’re still expanding! Jesse and Alejandra are looking for more storage space for shoes in their own house. “We’re just doing things and approaching the inequity gap a little differently from other nonprofits,” Jesse said. “It’s worked out so far and we’re definitely blessed for that.”
4、Which of the following can best describe the situation of most of the kids
A. Physically disabled. B. Financially disadvantaged.
C. Intellectually gifted. D. Emotionally damaged.
5、What concerns Jesse most about sneaker culture
A. The living cost is getting higher.
B. It causes a waste of resources.
C. Some people may be ill-treated and teased.
D. Some students are unable to focus on study.
6、How did Jesse and Alejandra solve the problem of money shortage
A. They sold a house. B. They applied for scholarships.
C. They purchased discounted shoes. D. They turned to nonprofit organizations.
7、Which of the following can best describe Jesse
A. Caring and generous. B. Humorous and strict.
C. Tolerant and cooperative. D. Cool-headed and respectful.
Trees don’t look at the calendar to see when spring arrives, but they seem to know when spring is here better than we do. Recently a research takes a look at why trees in cities are turning green earlier than expected. The annual shift from winter to spring is a breathtaking event to watch as leaves become green and a lush (苍翠的) environment reveals itself.
While it may be winter, trees in cities are turning green earlier than expected and one of the reasons is artificial light. City lights brightening the night skies, billboard signs lit up on roadways, and car headlights all contribute to shifting the regular day to night cycle that plants and trees rely on.
In order to stay alive during cruel winters, trees hit the pause button on their growth. Since temperatures can vary dramatically throughout the winter the length of daylight is the signal trees look for to safely start growing again and turn green.
On average cities are typically 1.8° to 5.4℉ warmer than rural areas. This is known as the urban heat island effect. The changes in city environments may affect seasonal changes even more than climate warming and can affect the allergy (过敏) and mosquito season, water cycles, and also affect pollinators (授粉媒介).
Scientists use satellite imagery to see when plants turn green. By comparing spring green-ups in the 85 largest US cities scientists found that on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of urban heat effect and artificial lights.
Despite the worries and concern, it isn’t all bad news.
“With a longer growing season, trees would be able to absorb more carbon dioxide,” A researcher said. “Hopefully they’d have a longer period to do the cooling effect that can help mitigate the urban heating effect in cities.”
8、Which might be a factor causing trees to turn green earlier according to the text
A. Timely rain. B. Devoted care. C. Street lamps. D. Noise pollution.
9、What can we say about the research findings
A. Cities are generally 5.4℉ colder than rural areas.
B. The length of daylight influences when trees start growing.
C. Changeable water cycles may cause urban heat island effect.
D. Urban heat causes trees to green up 9 days earlier on average.
10、What does the underlined word “mitigate” in the last paragraph mean
A. Relieve. B. Enhance. C. Establish. D. Release.
11、In which section of a website can the text be found
A. Business. B. Education. C. Life kit. D. Environment.
Even though people have been paralyzed (瘫痪的) playing sports like rugby and football, extreme sports take the whole ordeal(磨难) to the next level. Sports like downhill cycling are very dangerous because one would be going downhill, over rocky or dirt zone, through forests, even at potentially deadly speeds. A slip up could be your downfall.
Nobody who gets into extreme sports goes with the desire to do harm to themselves. With that, athletes train for years and years before they attempt anything extreme. To most people, extreme sports are extreme simply because they take more skill than what an average person has. An athlete with skill and training makes an extreme thing become a daily routine. That does not wipe out the danger, but it greatly reduces it.
Even when there is a lot of skill involved, things might not go the athlete’s way, not at all. Luck and circumstances have a lot to do with how things develop, whether above 8000 meters or in a wood, going downhill. In some places, crossing the street is an extreme sport, considering how wild traffic can get.
Some view parkour—the sports of running, jumping and climbing under, around and through buildings—as an extreme sport, while it is more of a life philosophy, where the athlete does not have to do anything remotely dangerous. Free soloing, which means climbing a rock or ice face without safety gear, is absolutely deadly, where one slip means almost certain death, depending on the height, of course. Skateboarding is relatively safe, but if you constantly find ridiculous places to practice on, like the fence of a bridge, then things can get very complicated. The extreme part depends on the athlete.
To summarize, yes, extreme sports are dangerous, but the danger depends on the athlete, their choice of sport, direction in which they take it, as well as the circumstances. Some things are out of our reach of control, while others we can influence through exercise and healthier risk choices.
12、Why is downhill cycling mentioned in Paragraph 1
A. To call for attention to extreme sports.
B. To introduce the origin of extreme sports.
C. To illustrate the danger of extreme sports.
D. To show the complexity of the extreme sports.
13、What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about regarding extreme sports
A. Extreme sports differ from one another.
B. Skill matters a lot in maintaining safety.
C. Athlete’s luck is a key factor that influences safety.
D. Extreme sports are more dangerous than regular sports.
14、Which would best describe the author’s attitude towards the danger of extreme sports
A. Doubtful. B. Objective. C. Intolerant. D. Uninterested.
15、Which of the following is the best title of the text
A. Do Extreme Sports Test Your Courage
B. Why Should Extreme Sports Be Banned
C. Why Do We Love Extreme Sports so Much
D. Are Extreme Sports Really That Dangerous
16、 Good leadership skills are important, no matter what position you’re currently in. The following are several examples of tips you can use when increasing your leadership abilities:
Get inspired. ①_____ Determine what inspires you in the workplace and use that to fuel your leadership efforts and encourage others to take action.
Reward your employees. Good leaders don’t just critique (评判) employees or assign tasks, they also take note and reward employees for a job well done. When a team member achieves a goal or performs well, reward their good performance. ②_____
③_____ It can be hard to assign tasks if you don’t first trust your team. Learn how to trust and let go so that you’re better able to release certain responsibilities to others. Not only will this help build mutual trust between you and your employees, but it will also allow you to free up your own time to focus on things that matter.
Remain transparent. ④_____ Your team must be up-to-date on current circumstances to perform their best and focus on the most appropriate tasks to achieve their goals.
Find a leadership mentor (导师). There is likely someone in your company who holds a leadership position that you look up to. Consider asking this individual to be your mentor when it comes to developing your leadership skills. ⑤_____ Try to apply what you see that leader doing to your own work and ask for feedback regularly to ensure you’re making progress.
A. Trust your team.
B. Focus on what matters most.
C. This will increase overall job satisfaction.
D. Observe how he acts in certain situations.
E. Good leaders are willing to share information.
F. You can also practice discipline in your personal life.
G. It’s hard to lead others if you aren’t motivated yourself.
If your parents name you “Adventure,” they probably hope you’d do some adventurous things. Sam Adventure Baker understood his 1 . The Colorado 8-year-old sets out Monday to become the 2 person to reach the summit of El Capitan in California’s Yosemite National Park.
Sam Adventure Baker has been going up the huge cliff with his father, Joe Baker since Tuesday. The duo (二人组) are part of a four-person team, where one person climbs ahead and 3 the ropes for others to follow. Nights are spent 4 on the rock face.
“He 5 the youngest rope ascent(攀登) of El Cap! In a few years he might break more 6 ,” Joe Baker said. Sam’s mother, Ann Baker, told the press they’ve been supportive of Sam’s 7 . “He seems really happy to be up there and 8 are high,” she said.
Ascending El Capitan, a rock formation rising 3,000ft above the Yosemite valley, is an extremely challenging task for even the most 9 climbers and a cherished 10 for many in the global climbing community. The routes are for expert climbers who train 11 and have a lot of natural ability.
Sam Baker was born into a 12 family, his dad said. Joe and Sam’s mom fell in love with rock climbing when young. “I’m so 13 of Sam,” said Joe.
While 14 to the top of El Capitan would set records, that’s not Sam’s motivation for attempting the ascent. “I’m most 15 to climb with my Daddy,” Sam said.
17、A. instruction B. assignment C. company D. excuse
18、A. youngest B. toughest C. most cautious D. most energetic
19、A. packs B. sets C. cancels D. circles
20、A. balancing B. painting C. sleeping D. battling
21、A. designed B. improved C. measured D. completed
22、A. promises B. rules C. records D. schedules
23、A. adventures B. education C. debates D. application
24、A. classifications B. scores C. atmospheres D. spirits
25、A. intelligent B. experienced C. troublesome D. exposed
26、A. advice B. option C. goal D. plan
27、A. accidentally B. regularly C. gradually D. casually
28、A. lifting B. running C. jumping D. climbing
29、A. critical B. certain C. proud D. tired
30、A. making it B. giving up C. hitting it D. pulling over
31、A. excited B. annoyed C. anxious D. relieved
32、 There are the obvious places one might think of visiting first such as the Forbidden City, Summer Palace and so on. All ①______(undoubted) great choices with much to offer, however, I would like to throw another suggestion into the mix.
Zhihua Temple, meaning “temple of wisdom attained”, ②_____(build) in the Ming Dynasty in 1444 and is the only ③_____(remain) Buddhist temple with Ming characteristics in Beijing. Constructed ④_____(honour) a powerful historical figure, the complex ⑤_____(contain) the usual structures you might find within a temple. However, Zhihua Temple has some subtle differences and unique ⑥_____(feature) that raise it to another level.
Once inside, seeing faded paintwork, you really feel the age of the relics and the weight of the history upon them, ⑦_____ allows for a greater appreciation of the skills that went into their creation hundreds of years ago. Within the temple there are museum exhibitions with a series of photos that let you see how the temple was and provide more insight ⑧_____ its long history. Finally, perhaps the biggest ⑨_____(attract) for me is being able to explore the complex in relative peace and quiet in one of the busiest cities in the world.
Every historical building in Beijing has something to offer and teach us, but Zhihua Temple provides enough of a different flavor to stand shoulder to shoulder with the better-known locations ⑩_____ is surely worth visiting.
Dear George,
Li Hua
I was sorting through old photos with my mother, looking for a specific picture of my father. I’d recently gotten a scanner and was in the process of digitizing our family pictures.
“Where on earth is that picture of Mumpsy and Dad ” I asked. I’d seen the picture in a frame at my grandma Virgie’s house when I was a child. It showed my father as a boy, in a suit, holding his beloved Boston terrier (波士顿狗), Mumpsy. It was one of my favorite pictures of him, and the only one I hadn’t found yet.
“Maybe Jean has it,” said Mom. “We could ask her.”
I looked at Mom as if she had three eyes. She could not be serious!
Grandma Virgie had had two sons, Dad and Uncle Ralph, who was married to Jean. Mom and Jean had always had a difficult relationship. Jean would say mean and unfavorable things to Mom while Mom tried to rise above it. Grandma Virgie wanted to help but there wasn’t much she could do. After Grandma passed away, Uncle Ralph’s family stayed in the house and took care of what Grandma left. My parents bought a new house and we moved out. As Mom and Aunt Jean was not on good terms, they purposely broke contact with each other.
With that, any connection we had with Uncle Ralph and Aunt Jean fell apart, and our big family split in two. Both my dad and my uncle were dead now. Mom and I had no contact with Jean.
Yet here was Mom, proposing to reach out to Jean nearly 30 years later.
“I’m in my eighties,” Mom said with a shrug. “Jean’s just a little younger. Neither of us has many years left. Why not give it a try ”
I couldn’t argue with that.
Mom looked up Jean in the dusty phonebook and decided to call her.
I thought Mom would be back in an hour or so, but she didn’t return until close to dinner.
解析:细节理解题 根据原文可知,The Palais Garnier始建于1669年,历史最为久。故选A。
解析:细节理解题 根据原文第二部分“But the main feature of the concert hall is its lighting. The illumination is completely natural”可知,其最大的特点在于自然光的采用。故选B。
解析:细节理解题 根据第三部分“Its opening was marked by Mozart’s opera Don Juan”和第四部分“The Europa Riconosciuta by the composer Antonio Salieri became the first opera of the La Scala theater”可知,两座剧院的开幕演出均为非常知名的作品。故选D。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“Although expressing oneself through sneakers is fun and harmless, sometimes those who are unable to participate end up getting bullied.”可知一些学生可能会受到霸凌。故选C。
解析:推理判断题 根据原文前二段可得知,城市里的人造灯光造成城市里树木发芽的时间提前。常见的人造灯光包括广告牌,汽车大灯等。路灯也属于人造灯光一种。故选C。
解析:细节理解题 根据原文第三段可得知,白天的长短对于树木来讲是非常重要的,因为树木会根据白天长短来决定是不是继续生长。故选B。其中,D选项“Urban heat causes trees to green up 9 days earlier on average(城市热岛效应导致树木平均变绿的时间提前9天)”与原文第四段“on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of urban heat effect and artificial lights(由于城市热岛效应和人造光的共同作用,城市树木平均提前9天开始变绿)”不符。D选项以偏概全,故排除该选项。
解析:词义猜测题 根据原文最后一段可得知如果树木的生长季节更长,树木会从大气中吸收更多的二氧化碳。树木将有更长的时间来实现降温效果,这有助于缓解城市的高温效应。故选A。
解析:推理判断题 本文讲的是城市环境对树木生长的影响,因此,该短文最可能出现在有关环境的网站板块上。故选D。
解析:推理判断题 根据原文第一段可得知,作者第一段提及速降骑行是为了说明极限运动确实有危险性。故选C。
解析:段落主旨大意题 根据第二段内容可得知,在极限运动中,运动员的技巧在保障自身安全的过程中是非常重要的。故选B。
解析:推理判断题 根据原文最后一段可得知,作者认为极限运动确实有很大的危险性。但是极限运动的危险也取决于运动员自身,他们做出的选择、方向以及周围的环境等要素。因而作者对极限运动的看法是客观的。故选B。
解析:篇章主旨大意题 根据原文的内容可得知,作者认为极限运动的危险和很多因素都有关,不能简单地把极限运动和危险等同起来。因此D选项作为标题是合理的。
解析:考查名词。根据上文“如果你的父母给你取名‘冒险’,他们可能希望你能做一些冒险的事情”Sam Adventure Baker他的名字里带有adventure,所以他理解他的任务(使命)。故选B。
解析:考查动词。句意:他完成了El Cap最年轻的绳索攀登!故选D。
解析:考查形容词。攀登El Capitan,一个高出约塞米蒂山谷3000英尺的岩层,对即使是最有经验的攀岩者来说也是一项极具挑战性的任务,也是全球攀岩界许多人珍视的目标。故选B。
解析:考查名词。Sam Baker出生于一个攀岩家庭。故选D。
解析:考查动词词组。句意:虽然登上El Capitan之巅会创造纪录,但这并不是Sam尝试攀登的动机故选A。
32、答案:①undoubtedly②was built③remaining④to honour(honor)⑤contains⑥features⑦which⑧into⑨attraction⑩and
②考查时态以及语态。主语为Zhihua Temple,此空需要作谓语。故填was built。
③考查非谓语动词。此处为修饰Buddhist temple,因remain为不及物动词。故答案为remaining。
Dear George,
I’m happy to learn you take great interest in the special courses in our school, so I am writing to tell you something about a course I have attended.
At the beginning of this semester, I chose to take the labor course aimed at helping students appreciate the value of physical labor and helping students develop into well-rounded individuals. We are required to grow vegetables in the garden and take care of them, like watering them and fertilizing the fields. It offers us a chance to take a taste of our labor fruits earned through effort and sweat. The course is well received and more and more students want to sign up for it.
What about the special course you have attended in your school I hope you can tell me something about it.
Li Hua
Mom looked up Jean in the dusty phonebook and decided to call her. Unexpectedly, Jean answered the call. Jean said she had inherited boxes and boxes of Grandma Virgie’s old photos, but they weren’t organized or labeled, so Jean invited Mom over to help her look for the picture of Dad and Mumpsy. Mom agreed. They set a date for a few days later. But I was still a little worried. “If she acts the way she used to, I’ll turn right around and leave,” she promised me right before she left for Jean’s house.
I thought Mom would be back in an hour or so, but she didn’t return until close to dinner. After she came back she told me what happened. She and Jean said Hi and then sat down at the kitchen table to look through photos. After a while, Jean apologized for the way she’d behaved years before. Then Jean took out a photo album of Virgie’s and suddenly the picture of Dad and Mumpsy caught their eyes. They both laughed. After Mom’s visit, Aunt Jean, Mom and I started getting together regularly. We all have framed copies of that picture of Dad and Mumpsy for it’s a reminder of how we were drawn back together as a family.



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