
1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。 写在本试卷上无效。
3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the man think of the movie
A. Bad. B. Average. C. Amazing.
2. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A A friend. B. A competition. C. A toy.
4. Where are the speakers
A. At an airport. B. At a bus stop. C. At a train station.
5. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Sign letters. B. Answer faxes. C. Check diary.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a pet store.
B. In the man’s home.
C. In the woman’s home.
7. What does the woman advise the man to do
A. Give away his cat.
B. Buy a pet cat.
C. Try another cat food.
8. How long has the man worked in the hospital
A. For 2 years. B. For 6 years. C. For 7 years.
9. What will the man serve as in Nigeria
A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. An organizer.
10. What’s the woman’s attitude to the man’s decision
A. Positive. B. Indifferent. C. Disapproving.
11. What can we know from the conversation
A. The woman got her ideas from a cook book.
B. The man is probably a regular customer.
C. The man has never been to the shop before.
12. What desserts does the man choose
A. The green tea cupcake and the lemon pie.
B. The lemon pie and the strawberry cake.
C. The strawberry cake and the green tea cupcake.
13. How much should the man pay in total
A. $3. B. $ 4. C. $ 7.
14. What kind of people does the man dislike
A. Dishonest people. B. Lazy people. C. Impatient people.
15. What does the man think he is good at
A. Meeting challenges. B. Speaking in public. C. Learning fast.
16. What does the woman think of the man
A. He s intelligent. B. He s unqualified. C. He’s pretty shy.
17. What did the speaker usually write about before 2019
A. How to learn history. B. How to bake bread. C. How to write.
18. How many articles of the speaker did List verse use in 2020
A. One. B. Ten. C. Eleven.
19. What did the speaker like to do on Strange Age
A. Introduce newspapers.
B. Share her published articles.
C. Post old newspaper articles.
20. How do people feel about the speaker’s blog probably
A. It’s useful. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s funny.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Florida Theme Parks and Amusement Parks
Fun Spot America (Two locations: Orlando and Kissimmee)
The two small amusement parks offer two great wooden roller coasters: White Lightning and Mine Blower. They also feature lots of spinning (快速旋转) rides, one of the world’s tallest Skycoasters, go-karts, and other attractions. For 2021, the Orlando Fun Spot America is debuting Sky Hawk, a 90-foot-tall swing ride.
Discovery Cove (Orlando)
SeaWorld Orlando’s sister attraction lets guests get up close and personal with dolphins and other animals for a unique theme park experience. Its somewhat expensive admission price includes all attractions, the swim-with-dolphins experience, meals, and a 14-day pass to either SeaWorld Orlando, Busch Gardens Tampa, or Aquatica water park.
Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Lake Buena Vista)
The smallest of the four Walt Disney World parks, with the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and the Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, Disney’s Hollywood Studios is home to Disney World’s most thrill-packed rides. Two of its more recent additions, Toy Story Land and, especially, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, have made Disney’s Hollywood Studios much more popular.
Legoland Florida (Winter Haven)
The delightful Lego-themed park is designed for the 12-and-under set. Among the best things to do at Legoland Florida are Lego Ninjago the Ride, Miniland USA, the funny Lego Movie 4D, and the lovely Cypress Gardens, which is an ode to the park that once stood on the site. For 2021, the park introduced a new 4D movie, Journey to Mythica.
1. What can visitors do in Discovery Cove
A Watch a 4D movie. B. Get close to dolphins.
C. Visit Toy Story Land. D. Experience a swing ride.
2. Where is the smallest Walt Disney World park
A. In Kissimmee. B. In Orlando.
C. In Lake Buena Vista. D. In Winter Haven.
3. Which park is specially built for children
A. Fun Spot America. B. Discovery Cove.
C. Disney’s Hollywood Studios. D. Legoland Florida.
Laurie Horam never thought of himself as musical. At home, his dad never listened to music, while one of his boarding school teachers labelled him tone-deaf. But last month he started to play the harmonica (口琴)on the streets of Bradford. People clapped, danced and threw coins into his case for the local food bank.
Eight years ago, Horam, a retired civil servant, was on his way back from a trip with his family. Gavin, one of his sons who cover a range of instruments, stopped at a music shop. He walked out and said: “Here you are. I bought this for you, Dad. We must have got our musical abilities from you. It’s a harmonica. I’ll try to show you how to play a bit.” Horam was surprised and confused.
They went to their local pub. Gavin played the guitar and Horam sat in the corner with his harmonica, trying to make a sound that no one would hear. After six months, he was invited into the group. He discovered a talent for improvisation (即兴表演) , responding to a note within a millisecond without batting an eyelid. “I don’ t play by ear. I play by heart.” Actually, Horam says, “My harmonica plays me—how I feel what I am, and what I’ve been.”
Music has enriched life with friendship and made Horam feel “part of something much big— ger” than himself. “At a time when the circle of life might be shrinking, mine is expanding,” he says. “Maybe we never know completely who we are or what we can do.”
4. Why did Horam play the harmonica on the streets of Bradford
A. To recall the good old days.
B. To beg food from passers-by.
C. To raise money for charity.
D. To live his childhood dream.
5. What is Gavin’s attitude to his father’s musical ability
A. Unclear. B. Positive. C. Doubtful. D. Negative.
6. What can Horam do by playing the harmonica
A. Express himself. B. Make a lot of money.
C. Enjoy the fame. D. Sharpen his hearing.
7. What does music bring to Horam
A. A sensitive soul. B. A comfortable life.
C A new understanding of family. D. A broader circle of life.
Prefer your coffee black Then you probably like dark, bitter chocolate, according to new research identifying a genetic (基因的)basis for those preferences. If that’s you, then congratulations——you are the lucky genetic winner of a feature that may offer you a boost toward good health, according to caffeine researcher Marilyn Cornelis, an associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Studies find appropriate amounts of black coffee between 3 and 5 cups daily has been shown to lower the risk of certain diseases, including Parkinson’s, heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer. But those benefits are likely to be more pronounced if the coffee is free of all of the milk, sugars and other fattening flavorings we tend to add.
“We know there’s growing evidence suggesting there’s a beneficial impact of coffee consumption on health. But reading between the lines, anyone advising someone to consume coffee would typically advise them to consume black coffee due to the difference between consuming black coffee and coffee with milk and sugar,” Cornelis said. “One is naturally calorie free. The second can add possibly hundreds of calories to your coffee, and the health benefits could be quite different.” she added.
In previous research, Cornelis and her team discovered that a genetic variant (变异)may contribute to why some people enjoy many cups of coffee a day, while others do not. “People with the gene metabolize (新陈代谢)caffeine faster, so the stimulating effects wear off faster, and they need to drink more coffee,” she said.
In a new study published in Scientific Reports, Cornelis analyzed more precise types of coffee drinkers, separating black coffee lovers from cream and sugar (or more) lovers. “We found coffee drinkers with the genetic variant that reflects a faster metabolism of caffeine prefer bitter, black coffee,” Cornelis said. “We also found the same genetic variant in people who prefer plain tea over sweetened, and bitter, dark chocolate over the more mellow milk chocolate.”
8. Why do some people prefer bitter chocolate
A. They are affected by their genes.
B. They know it benefits their health.
C. They’ve got the habit since childhood.
D. They are influenced by their friends.
9. What does the underlined word “pronounced” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Complex. B. Changeable. C. Obvious. D. Fundamental.
10. What can be inferred from the third paragraph
A. People often give misleading suggestions.
B. People should choose calorie-free coffee.
C. The effect of coffee on health is overstated.
D. Sugar and milk are damaging our health secretly.
11. What’s the text mainly about
A. How to keep healthy. B. How to make coffee.
C. Why chocolate gets popular. D. Why people like black coffee.
If you were to move to a new country with a different language and bring along the family dog, your pet would likely have a hard time understanding commands from the locals9 according to a new study looking at how dogs’ brains react to different languages.
The new study was conducted by lead author Laura Cuaya, a neurobiologist at Eotvos Lordnd University in Hungary, who recently moved from Mexico to Tokyo alongside her dog Kun-kun.
Cuaya and her team trained 18 dogs, including Kun-kun, to lie motionless in an MRI machine so the researchers could scan their brains. As the dogs were being scanned, the researchers played the dogs three different recordings: a Spanish reading from the famous children’s book The Little Prince; a Japanese reading from the same book; and a series of human noises that did not resemble speech at all. All of the dogs had been exposed to only one of the two languages, meaning one was familiar to them and the other was unfamiliar. MRI scans revealed that dogs’ brains can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar languages making them the first-known, and so far only, non-human animals to be able to tell the difference between human languages.
During the experiments, researchers also found that older dogs showed more activity in the secondary auditory cortex of the brain, suggesting they were better at differentiating familiar and unfamiliar languages than younger dogs. “I think that the main reason that older dogs are better at differentiating languages is the amount of exposure to the language Cuaya said. “Older dogs have had more opportunities to listen to humans while they talk.”
What makes dogs unique is that they do not need to be trained to distinguish between human languages. “Their brains detected the difference naturally, perhaps due to the domestication process,” Cuaya said. “While it is possible that many species can distinguish between human languages 9 dogs are one of the few that are interested in hearing us.”
12. What does the new study find
A. Dogs may settle into a new environment easily.
B. Dogs can face language barriers in a foreign country.
C. Dogs are more sensitive to languages than other animals.
D. Dogs fail to understand their owners in a new environment.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the study
A. Its background. B. Its benefit. C. Its process. D. Its purpose.
14. What does Cuaya intend to convey in the last paragraph
A. Domestication helps dogs better live with humans.
B. Dogs are closely related to humans.
C. Humans should be more friendly to dogs.
D. Training plays an important role in raising dogs.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. Dogs can bring surprising health benefits
B. Dogs are good translators in a new environment
C. Dogs that are often exposed to humans are more intelligent
D. Dogs can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar human languages
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
How can we have a less complex and more meaningful life The answer might be minimalism(极简主义). ____16____ The following ways will assist you in your journey to live a simpler yet fuller life.
____17____ Most people’s living space is filled with things that are never used and don’t contribute to their well-being. Separate the ones you do need from the ones you don’t, and throw the latter right into the dustbin or give them away.
Appreciate all the amazing things you already have. We usually compare ourselves to others who seem happier, more beautiful and more important than us. We try our best to imitate those we envy. ____18____ We need to stop comparing and accept ourselves for who we are, with all our imperfections. Take a moment to appreciate what you have.
Do one thing at a time. Minimalist living actually means making the most out of each moment. We’re usually carrying out different tasks at the same time. So whatever we are doing our mind is partly wondering somewhere else. ____19____
Develop mindfulness. ____20____ Thus you need to develop mindfulness. Mindfulness means fully attending to what’s happening in the present.
A. It is about enjoying life more with less.
B. Stop consuming products you don’t need.
C. Yet no matter how much we try, we always fail.
D Get rid of things that don’t serve your happiness.
E. Our minds are filled with worries in our busy lives.
F. Minimalist living requires a calm and undisturbed mind.
G. Stop multitasking and concentrate on a single thing at a time.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Joe and I no longer lived in the same state, so we weren’t together for the holidays, but I made sure to ____21____ my little brother on Christmas Day. “The kids must be having a ball with their presents.” I said. “Oh, yeah,” said Joe. “Santa really ____22____”
At the ages of four, three and one, Joe’s kids had no ____23____ it was Santa who’d ____24____ those gifts. Joe and I had been that ____25____ once. In fact, I would never ____26____ a certain Christmas when I was seven and Joe was five. I’d kept a ____27____ about that Christmas for 30 years, and hearing Joe’s voice made me feel ____28____ about it all over again.
One Christmas morning when I was seven, I’d woken up early, went downstairs and stuffed coal into the red stocking. I watched Joe ____29____ his stocking, lay it on the living room floor, and look at what was inside. Joe’s ____30____ froze, then faded. He didn’t ____31____ or complain. He stayed ____32____ silent.
“Hey, Joe,” I said. “Do you ____33____ that Christmas morning when you were five and you got. . . in your stocking. . . I put...”
“Coal!” Joe said. “Of course I remember! Wow, you really got me that time, didn’t you ”
To my ____34____, my brother burst out laughing. Joe’s forgiveness was the best stocking present I could have ____35____ for.
21. A. comfort B. call C. email D. meet
22. A. gave up B. slept over C. came through D. set out
23. A. idea B. evidence C. difference D. doubt
24. A. brought B. moved C. packed D. sold
25. A. short B. old C. young D. tall
26. A. recognize B. understand C. notice D. forget
27. A. hope B. trouble C. dream D. secret
28. A. cheerful B. guilty C. excited D. sad
29. A. wear out B. knock over C. take down D. put on
30. A. mind B. hand C. smile D. foot
31. A. fear B. wake C. laugh D. cry
32. A. completely B. immediately C. slightly D. delightedly
33. A. record B. celebrate C. remember D. hate
34. A. annoyance B. relief C. embarrassment D. shame
35. A. accounted B. wished C. headed D. stood
Ai Kanxiang is about to finish his first semester at college, ____36____ he is working hard to make his dream come true. As a physical education major, he hopes ____37____ (become) a PE teacher and train China’s future soccer ____38____ (play).
Two years ago, though, his dream was even bigger. Ai wanted to join the men’s ____39____ (nation) soccer team, but the 20-year-old has experienced twists and turns on the soccer field.
____40____ (raise) in a small village in Yunnan, Ai got public attention last year after videos of him playing soccer in a river became popular. Demonstrating creativity, such as the way to do a precise bicycle kick in the water, he became ____41____ online celebrity, with some fans even ____42____ (say) that he was “better than professional players”.
But when Ai ____43____ (final) played with the team, he was beaten. He was barely able to keep up. His skills were not as strong as he ____44____ (imagine), and he had little awareness of teamwork. Ai realized he needed more experience. So he set a new and more practical goal-to apply to university _____45_____ become a PE teacher.
46. 假定你是学生会主席李华,为了让留学生了解中国传统文化,学生会计划举行唐诗吟诵大赛(Tang Poetry Recitation Contest),特邀请学校国际部学生参加,请你根据提示写一则通知,内容包括:
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Throughout life we come across many people who impact us in a way. Their impact can be for a day or for a lifetime. It’s common not to recognize the impact someone has left on you until a certain moment. The person who left a great impact on me is my dad.
Three months after turning fourteen, my life was great. I was getting settled into a high school; my grades were already starting off greatly and I was making friends.
One day as I came home from school, I walked into the living room, finding my mom and dad talking. My parents turned to me and told me to sit down because there was something important they had to tell me. I soon found out that my dad’s liver was failing and he needed an immediate transplant. I was shocked and confused because my dad seemed fine. He was working and never looked sick. My parents told me not to worry because everything would be fine. Four months had passed and my dad still had not received a new liver ; he was progressively getting worse. His body seemed to be getting weaker, but he constantly said he was fine.
It was getting hard for my family and me. My dad had to quit his job leaving my mom to be the only provider. I had to take on the responsibility of cleaning the house, cooking meals and checking on my dad while my mom was at work. I had to cut back on hanging with my friends because my dad was beginning to go in and out of the hospital. My focus for school was starting to slip. So were my grades. Two nights before my school spring break, my mom received a call from the hospital that my dad had been in a car accident and that he was in hospital. Surprisingly, my dad hadn’t received a scratch on him. Then next night my mom received a call from the doctor stating that there was a liver that matched my dad’s body and that he needed to get to the hospital immediately.
1 .续写词数应为150左右;
2 .请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
My parents and I rushed to the hospital.
I had to take on so many responsibilities at home.
1 .答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。
2 .回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需 改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。 写在本试卷上无效。
3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下 一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the man think of the movie
A. Bad. B. Average. C. Amazing.
2. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter. C. Teacher and student.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A friend. B. A competition. C. A toy.
4. Where are the speakers
A. At an airport. B. At a bus stop. C. At a train station.
5. What does the man ask the woman to do
A. Sign letters. B. Answer faxes. C. Check diary.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每 小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a pet store.
B. In the man’s home.
C. In the woman’s home.
7. What does the woman advise the man to do
A. Give away his cat.
B. Buy a pet cat.
C. Try another cat food.
8. How long has the man worked in the hospital
A. For 2 years. B. For 6 years. C. For 7 years.
9. What will the man serve as in Nigeria
A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. An organizer.
10. What’s the woman’s attitude to the man’s decision
A. Positive. B. Indifferent. C. Disapproving.
11. What can we know from the conversation
A. The woman got her ideas from a cook book.
B. The man is probably a regular customer.
C. The man has never been to the shop before.
12. What desserts does the man choose
A. The green tea cupcake and the lemon pie.
B. The lemon pie and the strawberry cake.
C The strawberry cake and the green tea cupcake.
13. How much should the man pay in total
A. $3. B. $ 4. C. $ 7.
14. What kind of people does the man dislike
A. Dishonest people. B. Lazy people. C. Impatient people.
15. What does the man think he is good at
A. Meeting challenges. B. Speaking in public. C. Learning fast.
16. What does the woman think of the man
A. He s intelligent. B. He s unqualified. C. He’s pretty shy.
17. What did the speaker usually write about before 2019
A. How to learn history. B. How to bake bread. C. How to write.
18. How many articles of the speaker did List verse use in 2020
A. One. B. Ten. C. Eleven.
19. What did the speaker like to do on Strange Age
A. Introduce newspapers.
B. Share her published articles.
C. Post old newspaper articles.
20. How do people feel about the speaker’s blog probably
A. It’s useful. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s funny.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Florida Theme Parks and Amusement Parks
Fun Spot America (Two locations: Orlando and Kissimmee)
The two small amusement parks offer two great wooden roller coasters: White Lightning and Mine Blower. They also feature lots of spinning (快速旋转) rides, one of the world’s tallest Skycoasters, go-karts, and other attractions. For 2021, the Orlando Fun Spot America is debuting Sky Hawk, a 90-foot-tall swing ride.
Discovery Cove (Orlando)
SeaWorld Orlando’s sister attraction lets guests get up close and personal with dolphins and other animals for a unique theme park experience. Its somewhat expensive admission price includes all attractions, the swim-with-dolphins experience, meals, and a 14-day pass to either SeaWorld Orlando, Busch Gardens Tampa, or Aquatica water park.
Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Lake Buena Vista)
The smallest of the four Walt Disney World parks, with the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and the Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, Disney’s Hollywood Studios is home to Disney World’s most thrill-packed rides. Two of its more recent additions, Toy Story Land and, especially, Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, have made Disney’s Hollywood Studios much more popular.
Legoland Florida (Winter Haven)
The delightful Lego-themed park is designed for the 12-and-under set. Among the best things to do at Legoland Florida are Lego Ninjago the Ride, Miniland USA, the funny Lego Movie 4D, and the lovely Cypress Gardens, which is an ode to the park that once stood on the site. For 2021, the park introduced a new 4D movie, Journey to Mythica.
1. What can visitors do in Discovery Cove
A. Watch a 4D movie. B. Get close to dolphins.
C. Visit Toy Story Land. D. Experience a swing ride.
2. Where is the smallest Walt Disney World park
A In Kissimmee. B. In Orlando.
C. In Lake Buena Vista. D. In Winter Haven.
3. Which park is specially built for children
A. Fun Spot America. B. Discovery Cove.
C. Disney’s Hollywood Studios. D. Legoland Florida.
【答案】1. B 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。根据第二节中“SeaWorld Orlando’s sister attraction lets guests get up close and personal with dolphins and other animals for a unique theme park experience.”(奥兰多海洋世界的姊妹景点让游客可以近距离接触海豚和其他动物,体验独特的主题公园体验)可知,在Discovery Cove游客能够近距离接触海豚。故选B项。
细节理解题。根据第三节标题Disney’s Hollywood Studios (Lake Buena Vista)和第三节第一句中“The smallest of the four Walt Disney World parks, with the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror and the Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, Disney’s Hollywood Studios is home to Disney World’s most thrill-packed rides.”(迪斯尼的好莱坞电影制片厂是四个迪斯尼世界公园中最小的,有暮光之城恐怖之塔和摇滚过山车,是迪斯尼世界最刺激的游乐设施的所在地。)可知,Disney’s Hollywood Studios是四个迪士尼乐园中最小的一个,在布埃纳维斯塔湖(Lake Buena Vista)。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据最后一节中“The delightful Lego-themed park is designed for the 12-and-under set.”(这个令人愉快的乐高主题公园是为12岁以下孩子设计的。),可知Legoland Florida是专门为孩子设计的。故选D项。
Laurie Horam never thought of himself as musical. At home, his dad never listened to music, while one of his boarding school teachers labelled him tone-deaf. But last month he started to play the harmonica (口琴)on the streets of Bradford. People clapped, danced and threw coins into his case for the local food bank.
Eight years ago, Horam, a retired civil servant, was on his way back from a trip with his family. Gavin, one of his sons who cover a range of instruments, stopped at a music shop. He walked out and said: “Here you are. I bought this for you, Dad. We must have got our musical abilities from you. It’s a harmonica. I’ll try to show you how to play a bit.” Horam was surprised and confused.
They went to their local pub. Gavin played the guitar and Horam sat in the corner with his harmonica, trying to make a sound that no one would hear. After six months, he was invited into the group. He discovered a talent for improvisation (即兴表演) , responding to a note within a millisecond without batting an eyelid. “I don’ t play by ear. I play by heart.” Actually, Horam says, “My harmonica plays me—how I feel what I am, and what I’ve been.”
Music has enriched life with friendship and made Horam feel “part of something much big— ger” than himself. “At a time when the circle of life might be shrinking, mine is expanding,” he says. “Maybe we never know completely who we are or what we can do.”
4. Why did Horam play the harmonica on the streets of Bradford
A. To recall the good old days.
B. To beg food from passers-by.
C. To raise money for charity.
D To live his childhood dream.
5. What is Gavin’s attitude to his father’s musical ability
A. Unclear. B. Positive. C. Doubtful. D. Negative.
6. What can Horam do by playing the harmonica
A. Express himself. B. Make a lot of money.
C. Enjoy the fame. D. Sharpen his hearing.
7. What does music bring to Horam
A. A sensitive soul. B. A comfortable life.
C. A new understanding of family. D. A broader circle of life.
【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“But last month he started to play the harmonica (口琴)on the streets of Bradford. People clapped, danced and threw coins into his case for the local food bank.(但是上个月他开始在布拉德福德的街道上吹口琴。人们鼓掌、跳舞,把硬币扔进他的箱子里,捐给当地的食物银行。)”可知, Horam在布拉德福德大街上吹口琴,是为了募集钱。故选C。
推理判断题。根据第二段“He walked out and said: “Here you are. I bought this for you, Dad. We must have got our musical abilities from you. It’s a harmonica. I’ll try to show you how to play a bit.”(他走出去说:“给你。这是我给你买,爸爸。我们一定是遗传了你的音乐天赋。这是口琴。我试着教你怎么玩。”) ”可知,Gavin认为他们的音乐天赋和兴趣是来源于父亲,所以可以推断出,Gavin对他父亲的音乐能力的态度是肯定的。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段““I don’ t play by ear. I play by heart.” Actually, Horam says, “My harmonica plays me—how I feel what I am, and what I’ve been.” (“我不是用耳朵弹奏。我是用心弹奏。”事实上,Horam说:“我的口琴演奏的是我——我现在感受,我曾经的感受。”)可知,Horam吹口琴能表达出自己,故选A。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““At a time when the circle of life might be shrinking, mine is expanding,” he says. “Maybe we never know completely who we are or what we can do.”(“在生命的圈子可能缩小的时候,我的圈子却在扩大,”他说。“也许我们永远都不知道自己是谁,也不知道自己能做什么。”)”可推断出,音乐给Horam带来了—个更广阔的生活圈子。故选D。
Prefer your coffee black Then you probably like dark, bitter chocolate, according to new research identifying a genetic (基因的)basis for those preferences. If that’s you, then congratulations——you are the lucky genetic winner of a feature that may offer you a boost toward good health, according to caffeine researcher Marilyn Cornelis, an associate professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Studies find appropriate amounts of black coffee between 3 and 5 cups daily has been shown to lower the risk of certain diseases, including Parkinson’s, heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer. But those benefits are likely to be more pronounced if the coffee is free of all of the milk, sugars and other fattening flavorings we tend to add.
“We know there’s growing evidence suggesting there’s a beneficial impact of coffee consumption on health. But reading between the lines, anyone advising someone to consume coffee would typically advise them to consume black coffee due to the difference between consuming black coffee and coffee with milk and sugar,” Cornelis said. “One is naturally calorie free. The second can add possibly hundreds of calories to your coffee, and the health benefits could be quite different.” she added.
In previous research, Cornelis and her team discovered that a genetic variant (变异)may contribute to why some people enjoy many cups of coffee a day, while others do not. “People with the gene metabolize (新陈代谢)caffeine faster, so the stimulating effects wear off faster, and they need to drink more coffee,” she said.
In a new study published in Scientific Reports, Cornelis analyzed more precise types of coffee drinkers, separating black coffee lovers from cream and sugar (or more) lovers. “We found coffee drinkers with the genetic variant that reflects a faster metabolism of caffeine prefer bitter, black coffee,” Cornelis said. “We also found the same genetic variant in people who prefer plain tea over sweetened, and bitter, dark chocolate over the more mellow milk chocolate.”
8. Why do some people prefer bitter chocolate
A. They are affected by their genes.
B. They know it benefits their health.
C. They’ve got the habit since childhood.
D. They are influenced by their friends.
9. What does the underlined word “pronounced” in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Complex. B. Changeable. C. Obvious. D. Fundamental.
10. What can be inferred from the third paragraph
A. People often give misleading suggestions.
B. People should choose calorie-free coffee.
C. The effect of coffee on health is overstated.
D. Sugar and milk are damaging our health secretly.
11. What’s the text mainly about
A. How to keep healthy. B. How to make coffee.
C. Why chocolate gets popular. D. Why people like black coffee.
【答案】8. A 9. C 10. B 11. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“Prefer your coffee black Then you probably like dark, bitter chocolate, according to new research identifying a genetic (基因的)basis for those preferences.( 喜欢你的咖啡黑吗?那你可能会喜欢又黑又苦的巧克力吧,根据最新的研究,确定了这些偏好的遗传基础。)”可知有些人喜欢苦巧克力是受到基因影响,故选A。
词义猜测题。根据划线词上文“Studies find appropriate amounts of black coffee between 3 and 5 cups daily has been shown to lower the risk of certain diseases, including Parkinson’s, heart diseases,Type 2 diabetes and several types of cancer.( 研究发现,适量的黑咖啡(每天3到5杯)已被证明可以降低某些疾病的风险,包括帕金森氏症、心脏病、2型糖尿病和几种癌症。)”和下文的But,以及画线单词下文“if the coffee is free of all of the milk, sugars and other fattening flavorings we tend to add.(如果咖啡中没有牛奶、糖和其他我们倾向于添加的增肥调味品。)”可知,如果咖啡中不含牛奶、糖和其他我们倾向于添加的增肥调味品,这些好处可能会更明显。因此划线词pronounced意为“明显的”和Obvious(明显的)同义,故选C。
推理判断题。根据第三段““We know there’s growing evidence suggesting there’s a beneficial impact of coffee consumption on health. But reading between the lines, anyone advising someone to consume coffee would typically advise them to consume black coffee due to the difference between consuming black coffee and coffee with milk and sugar,” Cornelis said. “One is naturally calorie free. The second can add possibly hundreds of calories to your coffee, and the health benefits could be quite different.” she added.(“我们知道,越来越多的证据表明,喝咖啡对健康有益。但言外之意是,任何建议人们喝咖啡的人通常都会建议他们喝黑咖啡,因为黑咖啡和加牛奶和糖的咖啡之间存在差异。”“一种是天然无卡路里的。第二种咖啡可能会给你的咖啡增加数百卡路里的热量,而且对健康的益处可能大不相同。她补充道)”可推断人们应该选择无卡路里的咖啡。故选B。
主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其最后一段“In a new study published in Scientific Reports, Cornelis analyzed more precise types of coffee drinkers, separating black coffee lovers from cream and sugar (or more) lovers. “We found coffee drinkers with the genetic variant that reflects a faster metabolism of caffeine prefer bitter, black coffee ” Cornelis said. “We also found the same genetic variant in people who prefer plain tea over sweetened, and bitter, dark chocolate over the more mellow milk chocolate.”(在《科学报告》上发表的一项新研究中,科内利斯分析了更精确的咖啡饮用者类型,将黑咖啡爱好者与加奶油和糖(或更多)的爱好者区分开来。科内利斯说:“我们发现,携带咖啡因代谢较快基因变异的咖啡饮用者更喜欢苦的黑咖啡。”我们还在那些喜欢纯茶而不是甜的、苦的黑巧克力而不是更醇厚的牛奶巧克力的人身上发现了同样的基因变异。” ) ”可知文章介绍为什么有人喜欢喝黑咖啡,原来他们是有基因偏爱的。故选D。
If you were to move to a new country with a different language and bring along the family dog, your pet would likely have a hard time understanding commands from the locals9 according to a new study looking at how dogs’ brains react to different languages.
The new study was conducted by lead author Laura Cuaya, a neurobiologist at Eotvos Lordnd University in Hungary, who recently moved from Mexico to Tokyo alongside her dog Kun-kun.
Cuaya and her team trained 18 dogs, including Kun-kun, to lie motionless in an MRI machine so the researchers could scan their brains. As the dogs were being scanned, the researchers played the dogs three different recordings: a Spanish reading from the famous children’s book The Little Prince; a Japanese reading from the same book; and a series of human noises that did not resemble speech at all. All of the dogs had been exposed to only one of the two languages, meaning one was familiar to them and the other was unfamiliar. MRI scans revealed that dogs’ brains can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar languages making them the first-known, and so far only, non-human animals to be able to tell the difference between human languages.
During the experiments, researchers also found that older dogs showed more activity in the secondary auditory cortex of the brain, suggesting they were better at differentiating familiar and unfamiliar languages than younger dogs. “I think that the main reason that older dogs are better at differentiating languages is the amount of exposure to the language Cuaya said. “Older dogs have had more opportunities to listen to humans while they talk.”
What makes dogs unique is that they do not need to be trained to distinguish between human languages. “Their brains detected the difference naturally, perhaps due to the domestication process,” Cuaya said. “While it is possible that many species can distinguish between human languages 9 dogs are one of the few that are interested in hearing us.”
12. What does the new study find
A. Dogs may settle into a new environment easily.
B. Dogs can face language barriers in a foreign country.
C. Dogs are more sensitive to languages than other animals.
D. Dogs fail to understand their owners in a new environment.
13. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us about the study
A. Its background. B. Its benefit. C. Its process. D. Its purpose.
14. What does Cuaya intend to convey in the last paragraph
A. Domestication helps dogs better live with humans.
B Dogs are closely related to humans.
C. Humans should be more friendly to dogs.
D. Training plays an important role in raising dogs.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. Dogs can bring surprising health benefits
B. Dogs are good translators in a new environment
C. Dogs that are often exposed to humans are more intelligent
D. Dogs can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar human languages
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. A 15. D
细节理解题。根据第一段“If you were to move to a new country with a different language and bring along the family dog, your pet would likely have a hard time understanding commands from the locals9 according to a new study looking at how dogs’ brains react to different languages.(根据一项关于狗狗大脑对不同语言反应的新研究,如果你带着家里的狗狗搬到一个讲不同语言的新国家,你的宠物可能很难理解当地人的命令)”可知,这项新研究发现了狗在国外会遇到语言障碍。故选B。
主旨大意题。根据第三段“Cuaya and her team trained 18 dogs, including Kun-kun, to lie motionless in an MRI machine so the researchers could scan their brains. As the dogs were being scanned, the researchers played the dogs three different recordings: a Spanish reading from the famous children’s book The Little Prince; a Japanese reading from the same book; and a series of human noises that did not resemble speech at all. (Cuaya和她的团队训练了包括Kun-kun在内的18只狗,让它们一动不动地躺在核磁共振成像仪上,这样研究人员就可以扫描它们的大脑了。在扫描狗狗的时候,研究人员给狗狗播放了三段不同的录音:著名儿童读物《小王子》中的西班牙语朗读;读同一本书的日本人;以及一系列完全不像说话的人类声音)”可知,第三段主要告诉了我们研究的过程。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段““Their brains detected the difference naturally, perhaps due to the domestication process,” Cuaya said. “While it is possible that many species can distinguish between human languages 9 dogs are one of the few that are interested in hearing us.”(Cuaya说:“他们的大脑很自然地发现了这种差异,可能是由于驯化过程。虽然可能有很多物种都能区分人类的语言,但狗是少数对听我们说话感兴趣的物种之一。”)”可推知,Cuaya在最后一段想表达驯化有助于狗更好地与人类相处。故选A。
主旨大意题。根据第一段“If you were to move to a new country with a different language and bring along the family dog, your pet would likely have a hard time understanding commands from the locals9 according to a new study looking at how dogs’ brains react to different languages.(根据一项关于狗狗大脑对不同语言反应的新研究,如果你带着家里的狗狗搬到一个讲不同语言的新国家,你的宠物可能很难理解当地人的命令)”结合文章介绍了研究开展的过程以及发现。可知,D选项“狗能区分熟悉和不熟悉的人类语言”最符合文章标题。故选D。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
How can we have a less complex and more meaningful life The answer might be minimalism(极简主义). ____16____ The following ways will assist you in your journey to live a simpler yet fuller life.
____17____ Most people’s living space is filled with things that are never used and don’t contribute to their well-being. Separate the ones you do need from the ones you don’t, and throw the latter right into the dustbin or give them away.
Appreciate all the amazing things you already have. We usually compare ourselves to others who seem happier, more beautiful and more important than us. We try our best to imitate those we envy. ____18____ We need to stop comparing and accept ourselves for who we are, with all our imperfections. Take a moment to appreciate what you have.
Do one thing at a time. Minimalist living actually means making the most out of each moment. We’re usually carrying out different tasks at the same time. So whatever we are doing our mind is partly wondering somewhere else. ____19____
Develop mindfulness. ____20____ Thus you need to develop mindfulness. Mindfulness means fully attending to what’s happening in the present.
A. It is about enjoying life more with less.
B. Stop consuming products you don’t need.
C. Yet no matter how much we try, we always fail.
D. Get rid of things that don’t serve your happiness.
E. Our minds are filled with worries in our busy lives.
F. Minimalist living requires a calm and undisturbed mind.
G. Stop multitasking and concentrate on a single thing at a time.
【答案】16. A 17. D 18. C 19. G 20. F
根据上文“How can we have a less complex and more meaningful life The answer might be minimalism(极简主义).(怎样才能让我们的生活不那么复杂而更有意义呢 答案可能是极简主义。)”说明我们要用极简主义设计一个不复杂而又更有意义的生活,选项A“It is about enjoying life more with less.(这是关于用更少的资源享受更多的生活。)”承接上文,解释了极简主义,耗费资源更少而更有意义。语义通顺合理。故选A项。
根据下文“Most people’s living space is filled with things that are never used and don’t contribute to their well-being. Separate the ones you do need from the ones you don’t, and throw the latter right into the dustbin or give them away.(大多数人的生活空间都充满了从未使用过的东西,对他们的幸福没有任何贡献。把你需要的和不需要的分开,把后者直接扔进垃圾箱或送人。)”建议应该把生活空间中从未用过的东西扔掉或者送人,选项D“Get rid of things that don’t serve your happiness.(摆脱那些与你快乐无关的事情。)”概括本段主题,把生活空间中那些无关的东西摆脱掉。语义通顺合理。故选D项。
根据上文“We usually compare ourselves to others who seem happier, more beautiful and more important than us. We try our best to imitate those we envy. (我们总是把自己和那些看起来比自己更快乐、更美丽、更重要的人进行比较。我们尽力模仿我们所羡慕的人。)”说明人们总是互相攀比并模仿自己羡慕的人,选项C“Yet no matter how much we try, we always fail.(然而无论我们如何努力,我们总是失败。)”承接上文,转折语义,说明这样做并不成功,引出下文“We need to stop comparing and accept ourselves for who we are, with all our imperfections. (我们需要停止比较,接受我们自己,接受我们所有的不完美。)”建议停止攀比,接受自己。语义通顺合理。故选C项。
根据上文段首“Do one thing at a time. (一次只做一件事。)”概括了本段主题,一次做好一件事,选项G“Stop multitasking and concentrate on a single thing at a time.(停止一心多用,一次只专注一件事。)”呼应段首,建议要一次专注于一件事。选项中concentrate on a single thing at a time和上文段首Do one thing at a time语义一致。故选G项。
根据下文“Thus you need to develop mindfulness. Mindfulness means fully attending to what’s happening in the present. (因此你需要培养正念。正念意味着完全关注当下正在发生的事情。)”建议要培养正念,关注当下,选项F“Minimalist living requires a calm and undisturbed mind.(极简主义生活需要一个平静和不受干扰的头脑。)”和下文之间存在因果关系,因为生活需要平静不受干扰,所以要培养正念,关注当下。故选F项。
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Joe and I no longer lived in the same state, so we weren’t together for the holidays, but I made sure to ____21____ my little brother on Christmas Day. “The kids must be having a ball with their presents.” I said. “Oh, yeah,” said Joe. “Santa really ____22____”
At the ages of four, three and one, Joe’s kids had no ____23____ it was Santa who’d ____24____ those gifts. Joe and I had been that ____25____ once. In fact, I would never ____26____ a certain Christmas when I was seven and Joe was five. I’d kept a ____27____ about that Christmas for 30 years, and hearing Joe’s voice made me feel ____28____ about it all over again.
One Christmas morning when I was seven, I’d woken up early, went downstairs and stuffed coal into the red stocking. I watched Joe ____29____ his stocking, lay it on the living room floor, and look at what was inside. Joe’s ____30____ froze, then faded. He didn’t ____31____ or complain. He stayed ____32____ silent.
“Hey, Joe,” I said. “Do you ____33____ that Christmas morning when you were five and you got. . . in your stocking. . . I put...”
“Coal!” Joe said. “Of course I remember! Wow, you really got me that time, didn’t you ”
To my ____34____, my brother burst out laughing. Joe’s forgiveness was the best stocking present I could have ____35____ for.
21. A. comfort B. call C. email D. meet
22. A. gave up B. slept over C. came through D. set out
23. A. idea B. evidence C. difference D. doubt
24. A. brought B. moved C. packed D. sold
25. A. short B. old C. young D. tall
26. A. recognize B. understand C. notice D. forget
27. A. hope B. trouble C. dream D. secret
28. A. cheerful B. guilty C. excited D. sad
29. A. wear out B. knock over C. take down D. put on
30. A. mind B. hand C. smile D. foot
31. A. fear B. wake C. laugh D. cry
32. A. completely B. immediately C. slightly D. delightedly
33. A. record B. celebrate C. remember D. hate
34. A. annoyance B. relief C. embarrassment D. shame
35. A. accounted B. wished C. headed D. stood
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. D 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. D 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. B
考查动词词义辨析。句意:乔和我不再住在一个州了,所以我们不能在一起过节,但我确保在圣诞节那天给我的弟弟打电话。A. comfort安慰;B. call打电话;C. email发邮件;D. meet见面。根据“Joe and I no longer lived in the same state, so we weren’t together for the holidays, but I made sure”以及“hearing Joe’s voice made me feel     8   about it all over again.”可知,乔和作者不住在同一个州,但作者确保在圣诞节和弟弟通话。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:“孩子们拿着礼物一定很开心。”我说。“哦,是的,”乔说。“圣诞老人真的来了。”A. gave up放弃 ;B. slept over睡过;C. came through通过;到来;D. set out出发。根据上文“The kids must be having a ball with their presents.”可知,乔的孩子圣诞节收到了别人送的礼物,所以说圣诞老人来过。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:乔的孩子们分别是四岁、三岁和一岁,他们毫不怀疑这些礼物是圣诞老人带来的。A. idea想法;B. evidence证据;C. difference区别;D. doubt怀疑。根据“At the ages of four, three and one”可知,乔的孩子还小,他们深信是圣诞老人带来的礼物。故选D。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:乔的孩子们分别是四岁、三岁和一岁,他们毫不怀疑这些礼物是圣诞老人带来的。A. brought带来;B. moved移动;C. packed打包 ;D. sold售卖。根据“Santa really 2   ”可知,乔的孩子们收到了礼物,他们以为是圣诞老人带来的圣诞礼物。故选A。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:乔和我也曾经那么年幼过。A. short短的;B. old老的;C. young年幼的;D. tall高的。根据“At the ages of four, three and one”可知,作者感慨自己和弟弟也曾年幼以为圣诞老人会送来礼物。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,我永远不会忘记我七岁,乔五岁的某个圣诞节。A. recognize认出;B. understand理解;C. notice注意到;D. forget忘记。根据“about that Christmas for 30 years,”可知,作者一直没有忘记一个圣诞节发生的事情。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:关于那个圣诞节,我保守了30年的秘密,听到乔的声音,我又一次为此感到内疚。A. hope希望;B. trouble麻烦;C. dream梦想;D. secret秘密。根据“Christmas morning when you were five and you got. . . in your stocking. . . I put...”可知,作者一直保守者一个秘密,没有告诉弟弟真相。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:关于那个圣诞节,我保守了30年的秘密,听到乔的声音,我又一次为此感到内疚。A. cheerful开心的;B. guilty内疚的;C. excited兴奋的;D. sad伤心的。根据“Joes forgiveness was the best stocking present”可知,作者为小时候在圣诞节捉弄弟弟而感到内疚。故选B。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我看着乔取下他的长袜,把它放在客厅的地板上,看里面是什么。A. wear out磨损;B. knock over撞到;C. take down拿下;D. put on穿上。根据“lay it on the living room floor, and look at what was inside.”可知,弟弟在圣诞节那天,先是取下圣诞袜,然后把它放在客厅地板上。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:乔的笑容凝固了,然后消失了。A. mind头脑;B. hand手;C. smile微笑;D. foot脚。根据上文“ I’d woken up early, went downstairs and stuffed coal into the red stocking.”和下文“froze, then faded”可知,作者的弟弟本来满心欢喜的去长袜里取出圣诞礼物,但是看到圣诞袜里的礼物是煤块时脸上没有了微笑。故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:他没有哭,也没有抱怨。A. fear恐惧;B. wake醒来 ;C. laugh大笑;D. cry哭泣。根据“He didn’t    11   or complain.”可知,作者弟弟当时没有哭。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:他完全沉默了。A. completely完全地;B. immediately马上;C. slightly稍微地;D. delightedly故意地。根据“He didn’t 11  or complain. ”可知,作者弟弟看到圣诞袜里的煤块完全沉默了。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你还记得吗?”圣诞节的早晨吗?当你五岁的时候,你…在你的袜子里…我放……”A. record记录;B. celebrate庆祝;C. remember记得;D. hate痛恨。根据“Of course I remember!”可知,作者问弟弟还记不记得当年收到煤块做礼物的圣诞节。故选C。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:令我欣慰的是,我弟弟突然大笑起来。A. annoyance恼火;B. relief释然;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. shame羞愧。根据“my brother burst out laughing”可知,作者弟弟大笑并没有怪哥哥的恶作剧让作者释然。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:乔的原谅是我所希望得到的最好的圣诞礼物。A. accounted数数;B. wished希望; C. headed朝向;D. stood站立。根据“the best stocking present”可知,弟弟的原谅是作者希望得到的最好的礼物。故选B。
Ai Kanxiang is about to finish his first semester at college, ____36____ he is working hard to make his dream come true. As a physical education major, he hopes ____37____ (become) a PE teacher and train China’s future soccer ____38____ (play).
Two years ago, though, his dream was even bigger. Ai wanted to join the men’s ____39____ (nation) soccer team, but the 20-year-old has experienced twists and turns on the soccer field.
____40____ (raise) in a small village in Yunnan, Ai got public attention last year after videos of him playing soccer in a river became popular. Demonstrating creativity, such as the way to do a precise bicycle kick in the water, he became ____41____ online celebrity, with some fans even ____42____ (say) that he was “better than professional players”.
But when Ai ____43____ (final) played with the team, he was beaten. He was barely able to keep up. His skills were not as strong as he ____44____ (imagine), and he had little awareness of teamwork. Ai realized he needed more experience. So he set a new and more practical goal-to apply to university _____45_____ become a PE teacher.
【答案】36. where
37. to become
38. players
39. national
40. Raised 41. an
42. saying 43. finally
44. had imagined
45. and
考查不定式。句意:作为体育专业的学生,他希望成为一名体育老师,培养中国未来的足球运动员。hope to do sth“希望做某事”。故填to become。
考查形容词。句意:艾本想加入国家男子足球队,但20岁的他在足球场上经历了波折。通过分析句子可知,空格处应使用形容词作定语修饰名词soccer team,national“国家的”,形容词。故填national。
考查宾语补足语。句意:他展示了自己的创造力,比如在水中精准地踢了一个倒钩,因此成为了网红,一些粉丝甚至说他“比职业球员还厉害”。with后为宾语 some fans ,与say构成主动关系。应使用saying 作some fans的宾语补足语。 故填saying。
考查动词时态。句意:他的技术并不像他想象的那么强,他也没有什么团队合作意识。根据句意可知,他的技术并不像他过去想象的那么强,表示过去的过去,应使用过去完成时态。故填had imagined。
46. 假定你是学生会主席李华,为了让留学生了解中国传统文化,学生会计划举行唐诗吟诵大赛(Tang Poetry Recitation Contest),特邀请学校国际部学生参加,请你根据提示写一则通知,内容包括:
【答案】 Notice
I’m writing to invite you to enter for the “Ancient Chinese Poetry Recitation Contest for Foreign Exchange Students” to be held in our school.
Scheduled at 8:00 a.m. on October 20th in the lecture hall, this activity is intended to help the foreign exchange students in our school acquire the wisdom of the glorious Chinese civilization and nourish their love of China. Each participant is required to recite a Tang poem or a Song lyric poem within 5 minutes. If you want to sign up, please fill in the application form on the school website before October 5th.
I’d love it if you could accept my invitation.
Best wishes!
Students’ Union
报名:sign up→enroll
原句:I’m writing to invite you to enter for the “Ancient Chinese Poetry Recitation Contest for Foreign Exchange Students” to be held in our school.
拓展句:I’m writing to invite you to enter for the “Ancient Chinese Poetry Recitation Contest for Foreign Exchange Students”, which will be held in our school.
【点睛】【高分句型1】Scheduled at 8:00 a.m. on October 20th in the lecture hall, this activity is intended to help the foreign exchange students in our school acquire the wisdom of the glorious Chinese civilization and nourish their love of China. (运用了过去分词作状语)
【高分句型2】If you want to sign up, please fill in the application form on the school website before October 5th. (运用了If引导的条件状语从句)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Throughout life, we come across many people who impact us in a way. Their impact can be for a day or for a lifetime. It’s common not to recognize the impact someone has left on you until a certain moment. The person who left a great impact on me is my dad.
Three months after turning fourteen, my life was great. I was getting settled into a high school; my grades were already starting off greatly and I was making friends.
One day as I came home from school, I walked into the living room, finding my mom and dad talking. My parents turned to me and told me to sit down because there was something important they had to tell me. I soon found out that my dad’s liver was failing and he needed an immediate transplant. I was shocked and confused because my dad seemed fine. He was working and never looked sick. My parents told me not to worry because everything would be fine. Four months had passed and my dad still had not received a new liver ; he was progressively getting worse. His body seemed to be getting weaker, but he constantly said he was fine.
It was getting hard for my family and me. My dad had to quit his job leaving my mom to be the only provider. I had to take on the responsibility of cleaning the house, cooking meals and checking on my dad while my mom was at work. I had to cut back on hanging with my friends because my dad was beginning to go in and out of the hospital. My focus for school was starting to slip. So were my grades. Two nights before my school spring break, my mom received a call from the hospital that my dad had been in a car accident and that he was in hospital. Surprisingly, my dad hadn’t received a scratch on him. Then next night my mom received a call from the doctor stating that there was a liver that matched my dad’s body and that he needed to get to the hospital immediately.
1 .续写词数应为150左右;
2 .请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
My parents and I rushed to the hospital.
I had to take on so many responsibilities at home.
【答案】My parents and I rushed to the hospital. After various examinations, my father was rushed into the operating room, leaving my mother and me a big smile from which we read the word FINE. Three hours’ waiting seemed like a lifetime during which my mother kept comforting me by saying “Your dad said everything will be just fine!” The time when the door opened and out came a smiling doctor who informed us the good news, my mother burst into tears. Three weeks later my father was able to be out of the hospital but he still needed special care at home which was a responsibility of me because my mother had to work all day outside.
I had to take on so many responsibilities at home. Housework and the care for my father took up most of the day, leaving little time for my study. But everyday my father told me the same thing “Honey, everything will be just fine!” Six months later, my father was fully recovered and four years later I graduated as a top student. Time took away so many happy moments of my family but left us something most important “Honey, everything will be just fine!”
②.占用:took up/occupied
①.大哭了起来:burst into tears/burst out crying
②.幸福时光:happy moments/happy occasions
【点睛】[高分句型1]. After various examinations, my father was rushed into the operating room, leaving my mother and me a big smile from which we read the word FINE.(由介词+关系代词which引导的定语从句)
[高分句型2]. Housework and the care for my father took up most of the day, leaving little time for my study. (由现在分词短语做结果状语)




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