2023年中考语法专项训练 代词和数词(含参考答案)

2023年中考语法专项训练 代词和数词
代 词
1.—Excuse me,are these new shoes(名词,形容词性)
—Yes,they are .(无名词,名词性)
A.your;mine B.my;your C.her;her D.mine;yours
2.I have two cats.One is black,and is white.
A.another(不定数量中的“另一个”) B.some(一些)
C.other(别的,其他的) D.the other(两个中的“另一个”)
3.—What are workers (复数)doing —They are making a new machine.
A.it B.this C.that D.those(复指)
4.Mrs.Wang teaches English.We like class(名词,形容词性) very much.
注意:固定短语:teach sb.(宾格人称代词/名词) + 学科
A.me;hers B.me;her C.us;hers D.us;her
5.—May I help you with some jeans,sir —Yes.I'd like to try on those blue .
A.one B.pair C.two D.ones
6.Paul's mother doesn't think he can look after when she isn't at home.
A.him B.he C.his D.himself
7.I have milk(不可数名词).I have to buy some this weekend.
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
8.(2022天津) —Whose camera is this Is it (无名词,名词性)
—No,it's not mine.It's .(无名词,名词性)
A.you;him B.yours;him C.yours;his D.you;his
9.Mum,I've found one shoe,do you know where is
A.another(不定数量中的“另一个”) B.others(其他的)
C.the other(两个中的“另一个”) D.the others(特定范围中的“其他的”)
10.—This city has changed a lot in the past few years.
—Yes.You can see a lot of buildings and trees on sides of the streets.
A.every(每一个) B.either(两个中的任一)
C.both(两个“全、都”) D.all(三个及以上“全、都”)
11.There are many flowers and trees on side of the Century Road.
A.none(三个及以上“全不、都不”) B.either(两个中的任一)
C.both(两个“全、都”) D.all(三个及以上“全、都”)
12.I like beautiful cars,but I don't have enough money to buy .
A.it B.this C.that D.one(一,指代前文事物)
13.I thought very useful to know the customs of foreign countries.
A.that B.this C.it D.them
注意:...think/find+it+adj.+to do...
14.With help,we finished our work on time.
A.they(他们,主格,谓语动词前) B.them(他们,宾格,动词或介词后)
C.their(他们的) D.theirs(他们的,后无名词)
15.—Maria and Lily,this is your classroom,right —No. is on the second floor.
A.Mine B.Ours C.Hers D.Theirs
16.(2021新疆) —Where would you like to go next week,Beijing or Tianjin
— is OK.It's up to you.
A.Both(两个“全、都”) B.None(三个及以上“全不、都不”) C.Either(两个中的任一) D.All(三个及以上“全、都”)
17.—Can you speak French (语言,不可数) —Yes,but only .
A.few B.a few C.little D.a little
18.Jenny,do you know where Anna is Mrs.Black is looking for everywhere.
A.she(主格,谓语动词前) B.her(宾格,动词或介词后)
C.he(主格,谓语动词前) D.him(宾格,动词或介词后)
19.Mum,I don't need your help.Believe me!I can do it by .
A.me B.myself C.you D.yourself
注意:by oneself 通过自己
20.I have four pens in my pencil box,but of them work now.
A.all(三个及以上“全、都”) B.both(两个“全、都”)
C.none(三个及以上“全不、都不”) D.neither(两个“全不、都不”)
21.—Do you need more milk (牛奶,不可数) —No,thanks.There's in the fridge.
A.several(一些,数个,接可数) B.plenty(很多,大量,接可数或不可数)
C.many(很多,接可数) D.few(一些,接可数)
22.Follow me,Tom.I'll show you your room and is next door.
A.our(我们的,后接名词) B.mine(我的,后无名词)
C.her(她的,后接名词) D.their(他们的,后接名词)
23.—David,did you find in the music room
—No.But I really heard someones peak just now.
A.everybody(每个人) B.nothing(没有事)
C.anybody(一些人,任何人) D.something(某事)
24. of my two friends wants to go swimming with me this weekend.They want to go climbing.
A.Both(两个“全、都”) B.Neither(两个“全不、都不”)
C.All(三个及以上“全、都”) D.None(三个及以上“全不、都不”)
25.—Have you found your lost book —Not yet.I will buy today.
A.it B.one(一,指代前文事物)
C.that D.this
数 词
1.My father is .And we just had a party for his birthday last weekend.
A.forty;fortieth B.forty;forty C.fortieth;forty D.fortieth;fortieth
2.This is Tony's visit to Jinan.He has been here once before.
A.first B.second C.two D.one
3.—Can you tell me something about the workers in your factory
—OK.About of them were born in the .
A.two thirds;1970 B.two thirds;1970s C.two third;1970 D.two third;1970s
4. the teachers in the school is one hundred,and of them are women teachers.
A.The number of;four fifths B.A number of;four fifth
C.A number of;four fifths D.The number of;four fifth
注:The number of “...的数目”,作主语,当单数;A number of “大量的...”
5.—There is a wrong word in the line. —Where —In Line .
A.two;Two B.second;Two C.two;Second D.second;Second
6. of our classmates are good at basketball.
A.Three quarters B.Three fourth C.Third four D.Three four
7.Lucy said she went to the library times a week.
A.twice B.second C.three D.third
8.—How many villagers are there in the little village —Over .
A.seven hundred B.seven hundreds C.hundreds D.hundred of
9.—Which class won the match in the end —We aren't quite sure.Perhaps did.
A.Class Third B.Third Class C.Class Three D.Three Class
10.September is month of the year.
A.ninth B.nine C.the nine D.the ninth
11.—Excuse me,how can I get to the swimming pool
—Sorry.It's my time to come here.
A.one B.first C.once D.the first
12.I don't believe that this girl can paint so nice a picture.
A.five years old(五岁) B.five-years-old(写法错误)
C.five-year-old(五岁的,后须接名词) D.five-year old
13.—How was your day off last Saturday
—Perfect!It was my grandfather's birthday.We had a big cake.
A.eighty B.eightieth C.the eightieth D.the eighty
14.Last year,I visited a factory in Shandong.There are about workers in it.
A.six thousands B.six thousand C.six thousands of D.six thousand of
15.Three students ran faster than Lucy in the race.Lucy was .
A.the fourth(序数词前无其他词修饰时,须用定冠词)B.four C.fourth D.the four
16.There are days in a week and Tuesday is day of the week.
A.seven;third B.seven;the third C.seventh;three D.the seventh;three
17.—His uncle plans to give of his money to the charity.
—Really What a kind man he is!
A.one third B.one three C.one thirds D.ones thirds
18.Last weekend,one hundred English teachers took part in the English Summer Training.
A.two-month(两月的) B.two-months
C.two months(两月) D.two month
19. people took part in the competition but only few of them succeeded.
A.Million of B.Many million of C.One million of D.Millions of
20.—I hear your friend is visiting Shanghai again.Is it the second time for him
—Yes,and he will come for time next spring.
A.a third B.a second(又一,再一)
C.the third D.the second(第二)
21.In his ,Wilson returned to his hometown and began to teach.
A.forty B.forties C.fortieth D.fourteen
注:九十年代:in the nineties; 在他们70岁多时:in their seventies
22.Each of us has to write a report every week.
A.two-hundred-word B.two-hundreds-word
C.two-hundreds-words D.two-hundred-words
23.There are months in a year.December is the month of the year.
A.twelve;twelve B.twelve;twelfth C.twelfth;twelve D.twelfth;twelveth
24.I'd like bowls of noodles.One is for myself and the other two are for my parents.
A.one B.two C.three D.four
25.Jack began to make a living by himself .
A.in his thirty B.in his thirties C.in the thirty D.in the thirties
2023年中考语法专项训练 代词和数词参考答案
1.A2.D3.D4.D5.D6.D 7.C 8.C 9.C 10.C11.B12.D13.C 14.C 15.B 16.C17.D18.B19.B20.C
1.A2.B3.B4.A5.B6.A7.C 8.A9.C10.D11.B12.C13.B14.B15.A16.B17.A18.A19.D20.A
21.B22.A23.B 24.C 25.B
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