Units1-2 易错题整理-2022-2023牛津译林版九年级英语下册(含答案)

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FAECG9B Units1-2 易错题整理再练
1.Nanjing, ______ capital city of Jiangsu Province, is _______ ancient city with a long history.
A. the; an B. a; the C. the; a D. /; the
2---Why don't we take a little break ---Didn't we just have____________
A.one B. it C. this D. that
3. He had an accident yesterday. Luckily, he was not badly hurt, but his car is_____repair now.
A. beyond B. over C. against D. with
4 I think Mount Fuji is well worth ________.
A. visit B. travelling C. visiting to D. travelling to
5. The Great Wall runs ________many forests _______northern China.
A. across, across B. through, through C. across, through D. through, across
6 _________ the fans are waiting for the popular singer outside the concert hall.
A. Two thousand B. Thousands of C. Two thousands of D. Two thousand of
7. I told the young boy __________.
A. that the sun rose in the east B. he would leave for Beijing for 2 months
C. who to make friends with him D. which was the way to the bookshop
8. He found _________ difficult to improve his English __________ the teacher’s help.
A. it is; without B. it was; with C. it; without D. that is; with
9.---He seems terribly ill. I'm afraid we have to send him to hospital at once.
-- Maybe he’s just got a bit of a cold, so I don't think it ________________.
A. minds B. works C.cares D.matters
10 _________ nicknames are seen as a form of showing no respect for others, next time you want
to call someone by his nickname at school, weigh it before you do.
A. Since B. Although C. Unless D. Before
It was a sunny day. My sister Nina and I jumped ___1___ when my parents suggested going to the beach. While mum was ___2___ the food, Nina and I put our swimming clothes as well as our beach ball in a bag.
After half an hour’s drive, we arrived at the beach. My father searched the beach for a cool place ___3___ finally found one under a large tree. He then took out the picnic mat and Mum took out the food she prepared. Later, Nina and I changed into our swimming clothes and joined our ___4___ in the water. We had fun playing in the water while mum was reading her book.
After some time, we went to enjoy our meal. We enjoyed sandwiches, chicken wings and cake. After stomachs were ___5___, we soon fell asleep when my mother continued to read. After about half an hour, I woke up. Turning to my side to ___6___ my sister, I was surprised not to find her there. I looked around, but she was ___7___ in sight.
Feeling a little ___8___, I told my parents I couldn’t find Nina. My mother also didn’t notice that Nina had walked off. We then walked around the beach to look for her. After about five minutes, there she was building sandcastles with a few other children on the beach. I ran to hug her, and I was excited that she was all right. The ___9___ looks on my parents’ faces disappeared when they saw my sister. Dad made her promise not to do that again.
All in all, it was an unforgettable day at the beach. I’ll ____10____ forget the trip with my family.
1.A.quietly B.sadly C.happily D.secretly
2.A.ordering B.enjoying C.tasting D.preparing
3.A.but B.so C.and D.or
4.A.father B.mother C.brother D.sister
5.A.shared B.solved C.served D.satisfied
6.A.satisfy B.encourage C.wake D.warn
7.A.everywhere B.nowhere C.somewhere D.anywhere
8.A.nervous B.proud C.surprised D.excited
9.A.cold B.sad C.crazy D.worried
10.A.always B.never C.also D.almost
Your smartphone isn’t listening to you——but does secretly watch everything you do.
Scientists made the finding while finding out the long-held rumor(传闻) that apps are able to control microphones in smart devices to secretly record audio to help them better target(把……对准某群体) advertisements showed online.
Smartphone users have complained of the frightening feeling for years——their apps are listening to their every word, but the new study found no evidence(证据) of the practice ever taking place.
Scientists did an experiment that tested 17,260 of the most popular Android apps, including many owned by Facebook. Of those surveyed, more than half had the right to enter users’ camera and microphone, allowing them to activate the features(激活该功能) any time the app was open. Researchers found no evidence that any were secretly recording using the built-in microphone.
The latest findings dispel the rumor that apps like Facebook sometimes record conversations and send keywords to third parties to help them target ads. Users have complained that after chatting about some topics or tourist attractions, relevant ads will often appear across their apps or online browsing.
A closer look at the results shows that while apps are not listening, some do regularly record footage(镜头,片段) and screenshots of what users are doing. The software then send this information to a third party for analysis.
Researchers caught one app, GoPuff, recording the screens of users and sending the footage to mobile analytics company Appsee. The app, which has been downloaded more than 100,000 times from Google Play Store, took footage of a screen that asked for customers to list their zip code. Once this issue was brought to our attention, the company immediately disabled tacking capabilities(跟踪能力) for the mentioned app and removed all recording data from our servers.
1.What have worried smartphone users for years
A.Their phones spy on(监视) them every moment.
B.Third parties may control their smartphone apps.
C.They become the target of online advertisements.
D.Some apps shoot video of their actions.
2.What does the underlined word “dispel” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.spread. B.prove C.remove D.explain
3.Why do third parties receive footage from some apps
A.To collect personal postcodes for better delivery.
B.To analyze and protect personal information.
C.To target the customers for their ads better.
D.To provide better service for phone owners.
4.What is the best title for the text
A.Are those apps harmful to you
B.Is your phone watching you
C.Do you worry about using your cellphone
D.Are you being tested by your phone
1 The standard of your work has fallen from the __________(水平) we expect from you.
2. Mr Li walked into the bedroom and __________ (悬挂) his coat on the wall.
3. Farmers are encouraged to use __________(技术) as a tool to develop agriculture.
4. --What's it, Miss Li --Watch it and describe the __________(形状) and the smell, and you will know.
5. We like to skate on the lake when it’s __________ (freeze) in winter.
6 The Summer Palace____________ (attraction) a large number of visitors every year.
7. There are more and more __________ (India) students coming to study in China.
8. On the first day of our stay at Mount Huang, we were attracted by its __________ (beautiful).
1. The principal was busy writing at his desk, so we __________ (leave) him alone.
2. In the United States, lunch __________(provide) for students for free at school.
3. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good ________( breathe).
4 _________ (ride) around the countryside is popular in Guilin, isn’t it7
5. Across the lake __________ (be) a 17-hole bridge.
Have you ever visited a garden that seemed just right for you, where the atmosphere of the garden appeared to total more than the sum(总和) of its parts 1 . But it doesn’t happen by accident. It starts with looking inside yourself and understanding who you are with respect to the natural world and how you deal with the gardening process.
2 .
Some people may think that a garden is no more than plants, flowers, and masses of color. Others are concerned about using gardening methods that require less water and fewer fertilizers(肥料) . 3 . However, there are a number of other reasons that might explain why you want to garden.one of them comes from our earliest years.
Recall your childhood memories.
Our method of what a garden should be often goes back to childhood. Grandma’s rose garden and Dad’s vegetable garden might be good or bad, but that’s not what’s important. It’s our experiences of the garden that matters --how being in those garden made us feel. If you’d like to build a powerful bond with your garden, start bu taking some time to recall the gardens of your youth. 4 Then go outside and work out a plan to translate your childhood memories into your grown-up garden. Have fun.
Know why you garden. B. Find a good place for your own garden. C. Then write down the strongest memories you have. D. It’s exciting to see so many beautiful flowers. E. Some may simply enjoy being close to plants. F. You can produce the atmosphere in your garden ,too




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