Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 词汇巩固练习 (含答案)

unit 2 词汇巩固练习
1.A (磅) ____________ in the purse is worth two in the book.
2.He went cold all over when he heard the g_____ story.
3.Her mother w____ her not to get close to the dangerous dog.
4.I like those _________(月饼)because they are delicious.
5.Do you like ice cream for d_______________
6.Lu Xun was such a great writer that many Chinese people _______________(崇拜) him and respect him.
7.Tony can always bring us________ (温暖) and pleasure.
8.Lucy receives many _______ for her birthday every year.
9.Tom got a lot of p________ on his tenth birthday.
10._______ (不管) it's summer or winter, Mudanjiang is a good place to take a holiday.
11.Her aunt is her nearest r____________ in this city.
12.I hope to have a big house with a g___________ where there are a lot of flowers.
13.There’s a ________ (传统) in our family that we have a party on New Year’s Eve.
14.On the e___________ of the Spring Festival, people always stay up late.
15.Once someone _______________(偷) something, people maybe think he is always a thief(小偷).
16.There are many f_____(民间的)stories in the book.
17.Never go out with s_______ without unless you get your parents' permission.
18.There is nothing in the room. You may l___(放置)the bookcase in it.
19.The birthday party e________ with an English song last night.
20.Lucy ____(招待) her friends to dinner last week.
21.People celebrate Mid-autumn Festival by a________ the moon.
22.Today my father is wearing a blue _________(领带).
23.A thief broke into the house and s_______________ many expensive things.
24.My father has gone to Beijing on b________ .
25.Have you ever seen different ____(蜘蛛)
26.It's important for us to get together with our r________ during the Spring Festival.
27.My father will p_____________ me again if I am late
28.Tom has received many ________ for his birthday.
29.Don't open your door for a s________ when you're alone at home.
30.What _______________(传统) do you have at the Spring Festival
31.We don’t know whether he is alive or d____________ now.
32.Our teacher often w________ us not to swim in the river, because it's dangerous.
33.The news that Tim won the singing competition s____ so quickly that everyone in his town knew it soon.
34.Look!They are making _________(灯笼).
35.It is said that this is a ____(闹鬼的) house. Nobody dares to go into it.
36.W_______ breaks the school rules will be punished.
37.She tried everything to stop her father ________ (惩罚) her brother Jack.
38.When we think of C________, we will think of Santa Claus.
39.It's a tradition to play t_____ on people on April 1st.
40.Mr. Wang has written five________(小说) since 2000.
41.Long long ago, Hou Yi ________ (shoot) down nine suns and saved the people on the earth.
42.Tom _____ (put) some flowers on the table just now.
43.My father promised that he ________ (buy) me a new bicycle on my birthday.
44.The teacher ____(come) in ten minutes.
45.It tells us the importance of ________(share)and giving love.
46.The snake remains still. Is it ________(die)or alive
47.Some animals like tigers and lions look ____(scare).
48.I believe you can find a good hotel in the _____ (neighbor).
49.Which do you like ____(well) of the three traditional festivals
50.The traffic signs warn people ____(not drive) after drinking.
51.All the doctors and nurses didn't give up ________(save)the young man.
52.Cormorant fishing is a _________ Chinese skill, probably more than one thousand years old. (tradition)
53.I was watching TV while my parents _______ (chat) on the Wechat.
54.The story happened in a_____ (haunt) house.
55.Your kindness gives people ________(warm).
56.My parents often remind me ____(study) hard.
57.My teacher always gives me some useful __________ (suggest).
58.His grandfather _________ (die) for many years.
59.To keep healthy, we should pay attention to ______ (wear) masks and washing hands.
60.I’m sorry I don’t know who came in just now because I ________ (think) about something important.
61.Lily is very kind and she always treats others ________(nice).
62.The story of him was so____ that all of us ____.(touch)
63.During the Water Festival, people go on the streets ________ (throw) water at each other.
64.He is away on ________(busy). So he can’t stay with his son.
65.My teacher warned me ____(keep) silent.
66.It’s becoming _________ (popular) to celebrate Mother’s Day in China now than before.
67.Don’t tell your personal information to ________ (strange) when you chat with them on the Internet.
68.We’re not sure if it ________ (rain) tomorrow. If it ________ (rain), we won’t go hiking.
69.I wish ____(go) right now.
70.The Dragon Boat Race is interesting ________ (watch).
71.We don't know that woman. She is a _________ (strange) to us.
72.A goddess thanked Hou Yi by _________ (give) him magic medicine.
73.What do you expect ________(learn)from the story A Christmas Carol
74.My mother often warns me not __________ (eat) junk food too much.
75.We must be careful to avoid __________(make) mistakes in the exam.
76.Mooncakes carry people’s _________ (wish) to the families they love and miss.
77.Many thanks for your ________(kind).
78.Mary wonders if there ________ (be) a party at her house next Sunday.
79.It's our ______ (traditional) to have a school trip in May.
80.Her sister hasn't come back,so her parents look ________(real) worried.
1.pound 2.ghost 3.warned 4.mooncakes 5.dessert
6.admire 7.warmth 8.gifts/presents 9.presents 10.Whether
11.relative 12.garden 13.tradition 14.eve 15.steals
16.folk 17.strangers 18.lay 19.ended 20.treated
21.admiring 22.tie 23.stole 24.business 25.spiders
26.relatives 27.punish 28.gifts/ presents 29.stranger 30.traditions
31.dead 32.warns 33.spread 34.lanterns 35.haunted
36.whoever 37.punishing 38.Christmas 39.tricks 40.novels
41.shot 42.put 43.would buy 44.will come 45.sharing
46.dead 47.scary 48.neighborhood 49.best 50.not to drive
51.saving 52.traditional 53.were chatting 54.haunted 55.warmth
56.to study 57.suggestions 58.has been dead 59.wearing 60.was thinking
61.nicely 62.touching were touched 63.to throw 64.business 65.to keep
66.more popular 67.strangers 68.will rain rains 69.to go 70.to watch
71.stranger 72.giving 73.to learn 74.to eat 75.making
76.wishes 77.kindness 78.will be 79.tradition 80.really



