Unit 6 When was it invented? 词汇巩固练习 2022-2023人教版九年级英语全册(含答案)

unit 6 词汇巩固练习
1.All the doors were _______________ (锁上的), so we had to break in.
2.Michael Jackson was the King of Pop.His _____(音乐的) talent was amazing.
3.The 32nd _____(奥运会) will be held in Japan in 2020.
4.Piano, guitar and violin are ________ (乐器).
5.My daughter likes to eat ________ (饼干) very much.
6.Protecting the environment is a ________(全国的) problem.
7.It’s said that potato chips were __________(发明) by mistake.
8.There are many ________ (英雄) in our country.
9.Mobike is considered to be a new ________ (发明) in China.
10.There are lots of eggs in the ________ (篮子).
11.The ________(先锋) extra work won high praise from the people in the town. They are respected by others.
12.You can try this blouse on. It is the newest ________(款式).
13.Did you know the tea was invented ______________ (偶然)
14.Don’t forget to put ice cream in the ______________ (冰箱).
15.The bridge broke down in the last __________(地震).
16.The manager is trying his best to solve both of the ________ (消费者) problems.
17.What they said seemed to ________ ________ ________(有道理).
18.My teacher asked me to ______________ (翻译) the English sentence into Chinese.
19.It ______ (闻起来) so strong that I don't like it at all.
20.We _____(留) in England for two days and came back yesterday.
21.Today, the _____ (受欢迎) of basketball has risen all over the world.
22.We can’t avoid ______(提及)some historical facts when we talk about this subject.
23.The cup is ______ (几乎) empty.
24.No man can be a good ________(统治者) unless he has first been ruled.
25.I ________ (钦佩、崇拜)Zhong Nanshan and want to be a doctor like him when I grow up.
26.Sue said that all the names of our class were ________(列表) here.
27.The bus will run on ________(电) and solar power.
28.I had just enough time to finish eating before the _______(铃) rang.
29.Last night, Lucy left the door open by ________(错误).
30.My new friend is a(n) _____ (加拿大人), but her Chinese is excellent.
31.He didn't show any ________(高兴) when I offered to go with him.
32.It’s a foggy day. I________ (怀疑) if the highway will be closed today.
33.We all know that Kobe is a ________ (职业的) basketball player.
34.China does a lot of______(贸易)with many countries.
35.This orange is very ________(酸的).
36.A year is ________ (分开) into twelve animal signs.
37.Our new ______________ (项目) is to build a new hospital in the city center.
38.Jane likes ________ (酥脆的) cookies. They are dry, hard and easily broken.
39.Don't add too much salt in the soup,or it will be too _____(咸的).
40.There is a ______________ (网站) and we can post free messages on it.
41.Do you know any ________ (Canada) singers
42.I remembered ______ (lock) the door, but it was still open when I returned home.
43.Julie Thompson is the __________ (invent) of the battery-operated slippers.
44.The exciting moment was ________ (cover) live by CCTV on Nov. 24th, 2020.
45.Not only my mother but also my father ________ (take) good care of me. I love them very much.
46.They are from Canada. They are _________________ (Canada).
47.In the past, the castles(城堡) were those ________. (ruler)
48.New China was ________ (found) on 1st October 1949.
49.Yesterday Linda ________ (invite) to go to Ann’s birthday party.
50.The beginning of the party was very _____________ (live).
51.You should stop the students from ________ (run) in the hallways.
52.The flight________( cancel) because of the bad weather last week.
53.—Thank you for helping me translate it into Chinese. —It’s my ________(please).
54.Drinking plenty of _________ water is good for your health. (boil)
55.Not only the students but also the teacher ________(invite) ______(go) to the party.
56.Our great leader Deng Xiaoping passed away in his ________ (90).
57.Blue was once believed to have the power to drive evil spirits away, so people dressed baby boys in blue in the hope that boys would ___________ (protect).
58.Dinosaurs were the ______________ (rule) of the earth.
59.The potato chips were invented by a cook _________ (call) George Crum.
60.Wearing red can make it easier ____________(take) action.
61.How many ________ (project) do you have today
62.After the _________ of paper, people started to write on paper to make books.(invent)
63.The boy dreams of ____________(become) a scientist.
64.The ________(popular) of table tennis has risen all over the world.
65.I think my ______________ (day) life is too boring. I really expect something exciting.
66.In this film, a baby dinosaur _____ (choose) to be the future king of the dinosaur family.
67.The singer became famous in the ______ (nineteen) century.
68.Nostalgia was _______ (write) by the famous Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong.
69.He made ___________ (mark) with a pencil.
70.You will ___________(require) to do it again if you make many mistakes.
71.I like to read some ________ (music) books.
72.She ________ (mistake) for her younger twin sister as they looked the same in the past.
73.—When was the telephone ___________ (invent) —It was invented by a great ___________ (invent) in 1876. And I think the telephone is a helpful ___________ (invent).
74.I can’t stand my long hair. It’s been n________ three months since my last haircut.
75.The men in Dr. Naismith’s class ___________________ (divide) into two teams to play basketball in 1891.
76.Nanjing with the population of more than eight million people ________ (divide) into eleven districts.
77.Will Beijing and Zhangjiakou hold the winter______________ (Olympic) in 2020
78.I wondered what stopped her from __________ (come) here.
79.Several useful ways of learning English __________ (mention) by our English teacher yesterday.
80.This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I ________ (be) good at drawing.
1.locked 2.musical 3.Olympics 4.instruments 5.biscuits
6.national 7.invented 8.heroes 9.invention 10.basket
11.pioneers’ 12.style 13.by accident 14.fridge 15.earthquake
16.customers’ 17.have a point 18.translate 19.smells 20.remained
21.popularity 22.mentioning 23.nearly 24.ruler 25.look up to/admire
26.listed 27.electricity 28.bell 29.mistake 30.Canadian
31.pleasure 32.doubt 33.professional 34.trade 35.sour
36.divided 37.project 38.crispy 39.salty 40.website/site
41.Canadian 42.locking 43.inventor 44.covered 45.takes
46.Canadians 47.rulers’ 48.founded 49.was invited 50.lively
51.running 52.was canceled 53.pleasure 54.boiled 55.is invited to go
56.nineties 57.be protected 58.rulers 59.called 60.to take
61.projects 62.invention 63.becoming 64.popularity 65.daily
66.was chosen 67.nineteenth 68.written 69.marks 70.be required
71.musical 72.was mistaken 73.invented inventor invention 74.nearly 75.were divided
76.is divided 77.Olympics ing 79.were mentioned 80.am



