Unit1 第6课时Task &Self-assessment 基础练习2022-2023牛津译林版英语八年级下册(含答案)

第6课时Task &Self-assessment
1. By ( use)a fact file, we can organize our ideas.
2. The Siberian tiger, known as the North- east Tiger in China, is ( large) tiger of all.
3.I ( make)a lot of friends since I came to this school.
4.I have become much ( fat) after the high school entrance PE exam. So I decide to lose weight in the coming holiday.
5. It is faster ( get) there by underground than by coach.
in the southeast of; much colder ;feel lonely; used to live; rain
1. Hong Kong is China.
2. John in London. But now he lives in Shanghai.
3.I have no close friends here, so I from time to time.
4.—Why don't you like winter in Beijing
— Because the weather in winter is than that in Guangzhou.
5. What bad weather! It has been since last Monday.
1.We try our best to fight against pollution.
A. should B. may C. mustn't D. nedn't'’t
2.— He exercise in the park every morning when he was young.
— Yes, but now the life he was used to a lot.
A. used to;changing B. was used to;has changed
C. was used to;changing D. used to;has changed
3.The government asks people the rubbish from their daily life in different groups.
A. to put B. putting C. put D. to putting
4.— ten years ago — It used to be a town with many trees.
A. What was the town like B. How was the town like
C. What did the town like D. How did the town like
Some people .
Now the old are living 。
, most of the local villagers new flats.
People should traveling by public transportation.
Dear Museum Scientists,
My name is Yang Jingjing.1 live by the sea,near a mangrove swamp(红树林沼泽地)。
My mum is_2_tour guide. She knows a lot about the mangrove swamp. She loves _3_people the beautiful animals that live there.I am writing to you_4 I'm worried about what is happening near my home. The mangroves are home to many_5 such as birds,butterflies,snakes and so on. Down in the water under the trees are homes of fish and shrimp. The mangroves also protect us_6_wind, waves and floods(浪潮与水灾).
However,in the past few years,things 7greatly. These changes bring lots of worries to more and more people. New neighborhoods_8_last year and the year before. It turned the place with mangroves into stores,houses,cinemas,restaurants and car parks.What is even_9_, all these things are still going on! What will happen to the animals that live in the mangroves I don't know 10_. How I wish we can find a way to live together with the mangroves and animals!
Sincerely yours,
Yang Jingjing
1. A. My B. Mine C. I D. Me
2. A. a B. an C. the D./
3. A. show B. to show C. give D. to give
4. A. although B. before C. because D. unless
5. A. plant B. plants C. animal D. animals
6. A. from B. with C. about D. for
7. A. has changed B. have changed C. is changing D. are changing
8. A. build B. are built C. built D. were built
9. A. bad B. worse C. good D. better
10. A. what we can do B. what can we do C. how we can do D. how can we do
一、1. using 2. the largest 3. have made 4. fatter 5. to get
二、1. in the southeast of 2、used to live 3. feel lonely 4. much colder 5. rainy
三、1~4. ADAA
四、1. even have their own planes 2. a comfortable life 3. To improve the living environment;have moved into 4. get used to 5. In my spare time,I often listen to the radio or watch TV.
五、1~5. CABCD 6~10. ABDBA




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