人教版七年级下册Unit 2 What time do you go to school?补全对话练习 (含答案)

6Unit 2
A:Hi,Linda! 1
B:Well,I usually get up at 7:10.I never go to school late.
A:Do you have breakfast at home
B: 2
A:When do you go to school
B: 3
A: 4
B:School finishes at 5:10 and I get home at 5:30.
A:What do you usually do after finishing your homework
B: 5
A.I either run or play chess. B.Yes. I usually have some bread and milk at home. C.Class begins at eight o’clock D.What time do you usually get up in the morning E.I have lunch at school F.I go to school at 7 : 45. G.When do you get home
A: Can I help you
B: Yes, please. 1.
A: 2.
B: Yes, I can. But I can't dance.
A: 3.
B: Tom Smith.
A: How old are you
B: 4.
A: 5.
B: I want to learn about music.
A.Can you sing B.I am fourteen years old. C.My favorite subject is math. D.Why do you want to join the club E.May I know your name F.When is your father's birthday party G.I want to join the music club.
A: Dale, please tell me about your morning. What time do you usually get up
B: 1. ________
A: What do you do then
B: 2. ________ At about 7: 10, I eat my breakfast.
A: 3. ________
B: Some bread, an egg and some milk.
A: 4. ________
B: It starts (开始) at 8: 00.
A: Do you like English
B: 5. ________
A: Thank you very much.
B: You're welcome.
A. What do you usually have for breakfast B. I do it at 5: 30. C. I usually get up at 6: 15. D. What time does your school start E. I brush my teeth and take a shower. F. My English teacher is good to us. G. Yes, I also like Chinese and art.
A:Amy,what's your mother's job
A:Is she busy every day
B:2.____ She works long hours every day.
A:When does she get home
B:That's hard to say.3.____
A:Does she come home for lunch every day
A:What time does she have lunch
A:Oh,your mother has a really busy job.
A:Yes,she is. B:No,she isn't. C.Well,she is a doctor(医生). D.She always comes back late. E.She has only an hour for lunch. F.She usually gets home at nine o'clock. G.From twelve to one o'clock.
A:Do you want to go to the movies with me on the weekend
B:1. ________
A:What do you usually do
B:2. ________ And I must practice the piano from 3:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon.
A:What about the evening
B:3. ________
A:Oh, what a pity! I think you need to have a rest(休息), don't you
B:Yes. I'm so tired(疲惫的).
A:4. ________
B:At 11 o'clock.
A:Ahh, it's too late and you don't have much time to sleep. You should talk with your parents.
B:5. ________
A.When do you usually go to school B.Sorry, I'm really busy. C.What time do you go to bed every night D.In the morning I have lots of homework to do. E.I have to help my mom with housework. F.That's a good idea. G.Let's go.
C. 1-5 DBFGA
E. 1-5 BDECF



上一篇:祁阳市浯溪二中2022-2023人教版英语七年级下册培优Unit 1《Can you play the guitar》阅读理解日练(2)(含解析)
