牛津上海版七年级下册Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 3 同步练习题 (含答案)

His father is in __________ [t ɑ:d ] of the kitchen helper.
At last we got to the USA________. ['se fli]
The _________ [k t ] asked his players to follow the rules of the game.
Look! Lucy is ________ her little dog how to sit. ['tre n ]
Has the young postman ________ all the mail yet [d 'l v d]
Tony is a ________ (wait). He ________(work) in a big restaurant.
It is not _________ to play football in the street. (save)
There are many car accidents on the road on __________ days. (snow)
We may be able to __________ a course to suit your particular needs. (designer)
Peter became a famous __________ when he grew up. (engine)
Many _________ are competing for the project. (company)
Last month I paid a v______ to my grandparents.
It’s u__________crying over the spilt milk.
Her mum is good at c________ Chinese food.
At my birthday party, my family and r_______ gave me nice presents.
After November 11, the postmen are busy d________ letters and parcels.
( )1. Find the word with a different sound.
A. since B. ring C. stupid D. surprising
( )2. Kitty’s father is _______ architect, while her mother is _______engineer.
a, an B. an, the C. an, an D. the, the
( )3. Do you know why he looks so ______ today
A. angrily B. sadly C.tired D. interesting
( )4.This term they will have a young lady to teach ______ English.
A. they B. their C. theirs D. them
( )5. Lily’s mother has been a secretary ______ 2001.
A. by B. after C. since D. before
( )6. - ______ has your uncle been a teacher - Since about ten years ago.
A. How far B. How much C. How long D. How often
( )7. Jon is not good at study. He always plays ______ computer games.
A. quite a few B. much C. a little D. a lot
( )8. Joy is a good girl who is always kind to ______.
A.others B.other C.the other D.the others
( )9. If I have ______ , I can do it ______.
time enough...good enough B. enough time...enough well
C. time enough...well enough D. enough time...well enough
( )10.--Let’s do some cleaning, shall we --______.
A. Yes, let’s. B.No, we don’t. C.OK. Let’s go. D) Thank you.
1. My father works in a company in Guangzhou. (改为反意疑问句)
My father works in a company in Guangzhou, __________ __________
Tom has learned English since 2015. (对划线部分提问)
__________ __________ has Tom learned English
He has made a lot of mistakes in his homework.(改为一般疑问句)
______ he made ______ mistakes in his homework
We played happily in the Century Park last Sunday. (保持句意基本不变)
We __________ a __________ time in the Century Park last Sunday.
John’s mother bought an English-Chinese dictionary for him. (改为否定句)
John’s mother __________ __________ an English-Chinese dictionary for him.
year, we, here, have, since, ago, lived, a
There was once a great artist in Belgium who said that his daughter should never marry anyone but an artist. But she loved a Black Smith and the Black Smith was in love with her. When she told him that her father did not ___1___ her to marry anyone but an artist, he left his trade(行当)and studied hard in order to become a painter. He was certainly a man of great talent, as in a ___2___ time he became a good painter.
One day the young painter went to the artist’s studio and finding that the artist was not at home, decide to wait for him. Nobody had seen him come into the studio. He looked round at the pictures. At last he took a ___3___ and painted a bee on the leg of one of the figures(人物)and then stood aside to look at it. Suddenly he heard somebody open the door. He quickly put the brush down and turned to the back of the door. The artist was not yet in the room and did not see his ___4___ put the brush in its place.
When he came in, he at once saw the bee on the leg of one of his figures. He thought that it was a real bee and tried to brush it off. When the young painter saw this he could not ___5___ smiling. The artist smiled too when he saw his mistake and said that it was a wonderful little painting. The young man told him the ___6___ story and soon after that the young painter and the artist’s daughter got married.
( ) 1. A. allow B. annoy C. argue D. agree
( ) 2. A. quick B. slow C. short D. long
( ) 3. A. brush B. book C. picture D. pen
( ) 4. A. waiter B. visitor C. worker D. headmaster
( ) 5. A. join B. help C. wait D. believe
( ) 6. A. working B. free C. own D. whole
Mr Wang was a very rich and generous man. One day, he invited three men who owed (欠) him money to his house. He announced that if they promised to repay (回报) him in their next lives, he would reduce (减少) the amount they owed by half.
One man said he would come back as a horse so he could work very hard for Mr Wang. Mr Wang agreed and let him go. A second man said he would return as a cow so he could provide plenty of milk. Mr Wang agreed and let him go, too.
The third man, who owed the most, said he would be reborn (重生) as Mr Wang’s father. Mr Wang was angry. This man owed him a lot of money, and yet he was being very rude. Mr Wang was about to throw him out of his house when the man began to explain. He said, “If I returned as your father, then I could save all my money and buy land and horses to give you. In that way, I could return what I owe and more!” Hearing this, Mr Wang understood and said, “Your answer has pleased me very much! You owe me nothing!”
How many people did Mr Wang invite
Which man had the most clever answer
How do we know that Mr Wang was a generous man
Why did Mr Wang invite the three men
Why was the third man’s answer better than the other men’s
charge safely coach training delivered
waiter works safe snowy design engineer companies
visit useless cooking relatives delivering
1. doesn’t he 2. How long 3. Has many 4. had good 5. didn’t bring 6. We have lived here since a year ago.
The third man.
He offered to reduce what people owed to him.
To get all his money back.
Because he could repay only what he owed.




下一篇:Unit 1 What’s the matter (Section A 3a-Grammar focus)同步练习 (无答案)2022-2023人教版八年级英语下册