
一 单项选择。
1.He will have to watch his _______because of his serious stomach problem.
A. style B. diet C.smell D. menu
2. -I will buy you a new phone if you do well in the exam.
-Is that a______ I'm sure I'll get the phone.
A. truth B. promise C. word D.job
3.-What would you like to drink,girls ______,please.
A. Two glass of water B. Two glass of waters C. Two cups of tea D. Two cups of teas
4.Tom is in good health,because he often exercises and eats a lot of healthy______.
A. food B. water C.pear D.carrot
5.-I have great______in finishing the work by myself. Could you helpme
-No problem.
A. fun B. success C. advice D.difficulty
6.-There are so many_______over there. What's happening
-Let's go to have a look.
A. flower B. people C.child D. car
7.The customers are pleased with the_______of the restaurant.
A. education B.experience C. surface D. service
8.-What makes you so upset
-I wanted to explain why I was late,but Mr White didn't give me a(n)_______.
A. way B. chance C. idea D.excuse
9.-It's said that you have moved into a new house.
-Yeah, and we need to buy some______in the mall nearby.
A. food B. furniture C.hamburger D.milk
10.At the foot of the mountain,you can hear the____of running water.
A. sound B. noise C. voice D.silence
11.Sara takes a lot of exercise every day and she is always full of________.
A. knowledge B.energy C.change D.courage
12.If you go 10 visit London,don't forget your_______because it often rains.
A. passport B.money C.map D. umbrella
13.Mum.there is little food in the fridge.let's buy some______and_______.
A.chicken;potato B.chickens;potato C. chicken;potatoes D.chickens;potatoes
14.-Where can I buy some books,Simon
-Go to the _______in the shopping mall in Old Street. You will find many books there.
A. restaurant B. bookshop C. cinema D.library
15.David visited lots of______in the world.
A. places of interesting B. places of interest
C. place of interests D. place of interesting
16.Our school uniforms are out of______.We think young people should look smart.
A. luck B. sight C. reach D.fashion
17.-There is going to be a picnic in three days. Have you had any______.
Not yet. So let's discuss what to prepare.
A. wishes B. plans C.mistakes D.friends
18. There are some_____in Dayton Art Institute Museum. For example,no food or drinks is allowed inside.
A. jobs B. records C.rules D.paintings
19.The old man can't hear us well because there's something wrong with his______.
A.mouth B. nose C.ears D.eyes
20. -Excuse me, is the museum far from here!
-No,it's about_________.
A.5 minutes walk B.5 minute walk
C.5 minutes' walk D.5 minute's walk
1. You were working 1o0 hard. You should keep a________(平衡)between work and relaxation.
2. In order to stay fit,he pays more attention to his_______(饮食).
3.Beth has a lovely singing________(声音).Listen! She is singing in the next room!
4.We aim to offer good value and service to all our_______(顾客).
5.There are two_______(书架)in her room.
6.The child finally finished the race because of his parents'________(鼓励).
7.I want to become a writer to write for international______(杂志).

8. There is a________(书店)near our school.We often buy books there.
9.Mike hurt one of his_______(脚)in the accident yesterday.
10. I'm going to the_______(超市).Let me get you some fruit
11.I'm sorry to give you so much______(麻烦).
12. The hospital needs some______(志愿者)to help paint the rooms.
13.I had a very unusual_______(经历)on Sunday.
14. My father has just got his driving______(执照).
15. There is something exciting in_______(今天的)newspaper.
三 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1.They are from Germany. They are_________(German).
2. Everyone agreed the meeting was a great______(succeed).
3.________(child) Day is just around the corner.
4.Computers can work out difficult________(problem)more quickly than humans.
5.She gave me some useful_____(advise)on learning English well.
6. If you don't have more food,you won't have enough________(energetic) to play football.
7.A new_______(govern) is elected every four years
8.All the_______(hero) are great people.We should remember them forever.
9.We will go 10 my______(uncle)for dinner this Saturday.
10.All the______(woman)enjoy themselves on March 8th,because it is their own holiday.
四 .根据汉语改息
Mary never does her ______as carefully as Bob. She often makes lots of ______.
They are.They aren't___________.
Before going for an______,it is important to look up as much as possible about the company.
The good ______at the hotel makes up for the poor to_______ some degree.
Some _____ ________ were sent to the scene of the accident.
Taking a in the evening is a good_______.
He said that two _____ ________ would come to our school the next day.
Several_____are talking under the tree. And their _______ are swimming in the lake.
It's our ______ to protect the__________.
-Excuse me,how far is the____ ______ from here
-It's about____ ____ _____ .
11.B 题意:因为严重的胃病,他将不得不注意自己的饮食。由stomach problem可知,应该是要注意饮食,diet“饮食”,符合题意。style“风格”;smell“气味”menu“菜单”。
2.B 题意:“如果你考试考得好,我就给你买一部新手机。”“那是一个承诺吗?我肯定能得到这部手机。”promise“承诺”,符合题意。truth“真相”;word“单词”;job“工作”。
3.C 题意:“你们想喝点什么,姑娘们?”“请来两杯茶。”water和tea在此均为不可数名词,没有复数形式,排除B、D;water和tea前分别有量词glass和cup,且都有基数词two修饰,glass和 cup要用复数,故选C。
4.A 题意:汤姆很健康,因为他经常锻炼,并且吃很多健康的食物。food“食物”,不可数名词,符合题意。water“水”,与eats不符;pear和carrot均为可数名词单数,用a lot of修饰时,应用复数形式。
5.D 题意:“我自己完成这项工作有很大的困难。你能帮帮我吗?”“没问题。”由“Could you help me?”可知选 difficulty,have difficulty in doing sth.“做某事有困难”。fun“乐趣”;success“成功”;advice“建议”。
6.B 题意:“那边有很多人。发生什么事了?”“我们去看看吧。”空格前有many,应用可数名词复数,集体名词people符合。其他三项都是可数名词单数。
7.D 题意:顾客对这家饭店的服务很满意。service“服务”,符合题意。education“教育”;experience“经历;经验”;surface“表面”。
8.B 题意:“是什么让你这么心烦意乱啊?”“我想解释一下我为什么迟到了,但是怀特先生不给我机会。”chance“机会”,符合题意。way“路线;方式”;idea“主意”;excuse“借口”。
9.B 题意:“据说你们已经搬入新居了。”“是的,我们需要在附近的商场买一些家具。”根据“搬入新居”可知需要买“家具”,furniture“家具”,符合题意。food“食物”;hamburger“汉堡包”;milk“牛奶”。
10.A 题意:在山脚下你可以听到流水声。sound泛指用耳朵能听到的声音,符合题意。noise“噪音”;voice“嗓音”;silence“无声”。
11.B 题意:萨拉每天都做大量的运动,她总是充满活力。energy“活力”,符合题意。knowledge“知识”;change“改变”;courage“勇气”。
12.D 题意:如果你去游览伦敦,不要忘记你的伞,因为那里经常下雨。根据because引导的原因状语从句可知,umbrella“伞”,符合题意。passpom“护照”;money“钱”;map“地图”。
13.C 题意:妈妈,冰箱里没有食物了,我们去买一些鸡肉和土豆吧。some“一些”,可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,chicken作“鸡肉”讲时,为不可数名词;potato为可数名词,复数形式为potatoes。
14.B 题意:“我在哪里能买到书,西蒙?”“去老街上的购物广场里的书店吧。在那里你会找到许多书。”bookshop“书店”,符合题意。restaurant“餐馆”;cinema“电影院”;library“图书馆”。
15.B 题意:戴维游览过世界上很多名胜古迹。place of interest“名胜古迹”,是固定短语,其复数形式是在place词尾加-s,interest不变。
16.D 题意:我们的校服过时了。我们认为年轻人着装应该整洁漂亮。out of fashion“过时的;不流行的”,符合题意。out of luck“不走运”;out of sight“在视野外,看不见”;out of reach“够不到”。
17.B 题意:“三天后将有一次野餐。你有什么计划吗?”“还没有。所以咱们讨论一下该准备什么吧。”由语境及常识可知,plan“计划”,符合题意。wish“希望;愿望”;mistake“(行为、看法、言辞等上的)错误”;friend“朋友,友人”。
18.C 题意:代顿艺术学院博物馆有很多规定。例如,不允许带食物和饮料进去。根据后面的举例可知此处用rule“规定”,其复数形式为rules。job“工作”;record“记录”;painting“绘画”。
19.C 题意:那个老人听不清我们说话,因为他的耳朵有疾病。ear“耳朵”,符合题意。mouth“嘴”;nose“鼻子”;eye“眼睛”。
20.C 题意:“打扰一下,博物馆离这儿远吗?”“不远,步行大约5分钟。”数词大于1,minute应用复数形式,minutes的-'s所有格形式为minutes',故选C。
二.1. balance
2. diet
4. customers
5. bookshelves/bookcases
6. encouragement
8. bookstore/bookshop
11. trouble
12. volunteers
13. experience
14. licence/permit
15. today's
三 .1.Germans
2. success
3. Children's
5. advice
8. heroes
四. 1. homework; mistakes
4. service;food
5.men doctors
7. women scientists
10. post office; twenty minutes' walk



上一篇:第四单元 自然界的水 综合素质评价(含答案)
