牛津译林版八年级上册Unit8 Natural Disasters Period 5 Integrated skills &Study skills 课课练(无答案)

8A U8 Natural Disasters
Period 5 Integrated skills &Study skills
班级:__________ 姓名:__________ 得分:__________
1. Many polar bears die because of _________(lose) their living areas.
2. He ________(burn) himself carelessly and then went to the hospital.
3. We should protect ourselves from _________(fall) objects during an earthquake.
4. Bad weather sometimes causes ___________ (nature) disasters.
5. The radio says that it will be much _________(fog) tomorrow.
6. A large number of farmers moved to the __________(south)cities to find jobs now.
7. If you _______ (not be) careful enough in the exam, you will not get a good grade.
8. Jack said he ___________ (mop) the water up at that time.
9. The earthquake happened and many people were ___________ ( terrible ) hurt.
rotect himself from; learn from
; stay away from;
what to do; you’
d better
1. _______________ stay at home if it rains heavily.
2. What did you _______________ the talk about wild animals
3. You should _______________ fire, or it may burn you.
4. I really didn’t know ________________ when I got lost in Beijing.
5. He doesn’t walk across the river in order to ________ washing away by the water.
( )1. I’ m sorry to hear that people died in the earthquake.
A. two hundreds B. hundreds of C. two hundred of D. hundreds
( )2. We should drive as_________ as_________.
A. careful, possible B. carefully, possible C. careful, can D. carefully, can
( )3. everyone is here, let’s begin our lesson.
A. Because B. Since C. As a result D. So
( )4. Was the dog still __________ after the days without eating anything
A. live B. life C. alive D. lived
( )5. We should put the flowers in the warm place to them from the cold weather.
A provide B. protect C. produce D. perfect
( )6. My mother was cooking her father was watching TV.
A. when B. while C. as D. since
( )7. I don’t know if Tom _________ here tomorrow. If he ________, I’ll tell you.
A. comes; comes B. will come; comes
C. comes; will come D. will come; will come
( )8. ________ shelter and food for the animals is very necessary.
A. Provide B. Providing C. To providing D. Provided
( )9. You felt unhappy yesterday, __________
A. didn’t you B. did you C. don’t you D. do you
( )10. --I didn’t see you last night. Where were you -- I a book at home.
A. was reading B. read C. am reading D. will read
( )11. When I was working on a Maths problem, a good idea went ____my head.
A. over B. in C. about D. through
1、别担心,我会尽快告诉你的。Don’t worry, I’ll tell you _____________________.
We learnt a lot about ___________________________ fires.
First, you should ____________________________ for about ten minutes.
You can _____________________ protect yourself when the earthquake comes
We should _________________________ when we ______________________.
________________________ can protect ourselves from _________________.
There are four seasons in most of the countries. But the weather is not always the same. In England, winter is not very cold and summer is not very hot. Summer isn’t quiet different from winter. Do you know why
England has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to England. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to England. The west winds blow over England all the year around. They blow from the southwest. They are wet winds. They also bring rain to England. So England has a lot of rain all year around. Sometimes it rains heavily. The west of England is wetter than the east.
In Canada they have four seasons, too. But the average(平均) temperature is very low. Spring is usually very cold in most part of the country. It comes in February. People can still go skating in some places. Summer is usually very cool. Early in the morning the weather is so cold that people usually wear sweaters. Autumn comes after summer. Canadians like to watch maples(枫叶) in the park or on the hills. They are really beautifully.
Winter is the coldest season of the year. It’s often freezing cold. There is thick ice on the river or lake. Children like to go skating there. Of course, they should wear warm, thick coats, or they will catch a cold.
How many seasons are there in England _______________________________
Is the weather cold in winter in England Why or why not _________________
What do Canadians like to do in autumn ____________________________
Which is the coldest season in Canada __________________________
Is the weather cool in summer in Canada _______________________________




下一篇:必修二第六章 化学反应与能量 测试(答案)