
( )1. He usually ________ shopping with his mother at the weekends.
A. go B. goes C. going
( )2. My dog is fatter than __________.
A. him B. he C. his
( )3. Tom wants to make a kite, so he needs some paper and ___________.
A. two bottles of glue B. two bottle of glue C. two bottles of glues
( )4. The man _________ big eyes is Su Hai’s father.
A. with B. in C. on
( )5. David __________ a sports meeting tomorrow.
A. takes part in B. took part in C. is going to take part in
( )6. Lily and parents are going to visit __________this morning.
A. on foot. B. by train. C. Beijing Hotel.
( )7. __________ is Amy going tomorrow The Tiananmen Square.
A. What B. When C. Where
( )8. How are you going to the Summer Palace ____ the N0. 16 bus.
A. On B. Get C. By
( )9. I__________ it’s the longest wall in the world.
A. go B. know C. Travel
( )10. --Where are you going this evening
--We ____to the supermarket.
A. go B. going C. am going
( )11. —_____ are you going there
— On foot.
A. Where B. Why C. How
( )12. ______ season do you like _____, spring or autumn
A. Which; best B. Which; better C. What; better
( )13. We ______ be quiet in the library.
A. should B. shouldn’t C. can’t
( )14. She is asking Ben some questions _____ the weather _____ New York.
A. for; in B. about; in C. about; for
( )15. Would you like _____
A. cook food B. to cook food C. cooking food
( )16. Would you like to go to _________
A. math B. date C. Disneyland
( )17. We want to ________ all the beautiful places.
A .see B. saw C. seeing
( )18. The secenaries is very_____. All the students are ________.
A. wonderful; excited B. good; exciting C. nice; exciting
( )19. ______ course . I would like to travel around the world.
A. in B. of C. in
( )20. ____________is the school from the post office
--It’s about three kilometers away.
A. How many B. How far C. How much
( )21. Look, my sister _______ in the classroom.
A. read B. reads C. is reading
( )22. Don’t_______ your car here.
A. park B. parking C. parks
( )23. --Do you have any hobbies
--Yes, I do. I like _________.
A. take photos B. taking photo C. taking photos
( )24. The students are talking_______ heir plans for the weekends.
A. to B. with C. about
( )25. --What’s your father’s _____
--He is a worker.
A. job B. name C. address
( )26. There ________ some milk in the fridge a moment ago.
A. are B. was C. were
( )27. It is cold today, you must _______ your coat.
A. take off B. put on C. pick up
( )28. I have _______apple. ________apple is on the table.
A. a, An B. the, The C. an, The
1--5 B A A A C
6--10 C C C B A
11--15 C A A B B
16--20 C A A B
21--25 B C A C C
25--29 A C A C



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