人教版七年级下册Unit 3How do you get to school? 易错题型 (含答案)

1.— do you get to school — At 7:40.
A. How B. When C. Why
2.— — About 15 minutes ’ ride.
A. How do you get to school
B. How far do you live from school
C. How long does it take you to walk there
3.— Do you get to school by bus — No,I don't.I take subway.
A. a;a B. the;the C./;the
4.— Is this your new bike Can I it — Sure.
A. ride B. take C. by
5.— Have a good time at school.— .
A. You,too B. I'm sorry C. You're welcome
6.— Does your mom every day — Yes, she does.
A. by car B. drive to work C. drive work
7.— Do you often go to school on foot or by bike — .
A. Yes,on foot B. No. by bike C. On foot
8.—How far do you live away from school
— It's only two kilometers my home school.
A. from;with B. in;to C. from;to
9.— does your mother go to work every day
— She goes to work by bus.
A. How B. When C. Why
10.— is it from your home to school — It's only about two kilometers.
A. How often B. How far C. How long
11.— people are there in the picture — Six.
A. How many B. How much C. How old D. How soon
12.— It's a top secret.— Yes,I see.I will keep it you and me.
A. among B. with C. around D. between
13.— is this pair of shoes —20 dollars.
A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often
14.— Mr. Black, is the bridge — Let me see! It's about 1,000 meters.
A. how old B. how often C. how long D. how high
15.— do you my new car — It's cool.
A. What;like B. How;like C. What;think D. How;think
16.— does the boy go to school — his father ’s car.
A. How;By B. How;With C. What;In D. How;In
17.—Mr. Brown lives quite far from here.
— Yes. It usually him about 2 hours to get to work.
A. spends B. costs C. takes D. pays
18.— Why are you so excited — We will have a holiday next week.
A. five-day B. five days C. five-days D. five day
19. In South Korea, most students go to school .
A. take a subway B. by subway C. by the subway D. take subway
20.I'm going fishing after I finish my homework.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. does
1.— How do you get to school —I r my bike.
2.— How does she get to school — She usually t the bus.
3.— How long does it take to get to school on foot
— It takes about 15m .
4.— How far is it from your home to school — It's only about two k .
5.— Does Jane walk to school — No, she doesn't. She goes b bus.
1.—How far is it from your home to school
— The bus ride ( take) about 20 minutes.
2.— Can you ( give) me a ride to the train station — Yes, of course.
3.— How does Mike go to school — He usually ( walk) to school.
4.—How long does it take you to get to school
— It ( take) about 10 minutes.
— Does your dad ( drive) his car to work
— Yes, he does.
Peter:How do you get home from school,Jane
Jane:I (1) the bus.
Peter:How long does it take
Jane: Oh, about one (2) and 30 minutes.
Peter:Wow!That's a long time.
Jane: Yes,I only go home (3) weekends.
Peter:How far is it from your home to school
Jane: It's (4)60 kilometers.
1.— Is this your new bike — Yes.I ride it to school (每天).
2.—How far is it from your home to school
—I (不确定). Err... about 10 kilometers
3.—How long does it take you to get to school
— About 15 minutes by bike. It's (很好的锻炼).
4.— (祝过得愉快) at school!— Thank you.
5.— How does Mary get to school — She (乘地铁).
一、1—5 BBCAA 6—10 BCCAB
11-15 ADBCB 16-20 DCABC
二、1. ride 2. takes 3. minutes 4. kilometers 5. by
三、1. takes 2. give 3. walks 4. takes 5. drive
四、1. take 2. hour 3. on 4. about
五、1. every day 2. am not sure 3. good exercise
4. Have a good time 5. takes the subway



