
Throughout the past year, we followed some interesting new inventions in the field of artificial intelligence(AI). Here is a look back at five notable AI developments in 2022.
Facebook's parent Meta said it had built a technology tool designed to directly translate spoken speech from one language to another. The AI-powered tool was built to translate between English and the Hokkien language. The company said the project required unusual development methods. This is because Hokkien is mainly a spoken language and does not have a widely used written form. Meta said it trained its AI models on written text examples from Mandar in Chinese, which is similar to Hokkien. In addition, developers used an encoding(编码) tool designed to compare spoken Hokkien to similar English text. The team also worked closely with Hokkien speakers to ensure correct results. Meta said it aims to use the same methods used for Hokkien to create speech-to-speech translation systems for many more languages in the future.
Researchers announced a new AI method to identify Parkinson's disease – a neurological disease that harms the brain. The system works by measuring a person's breathing patterns during sleep. A study describing the method said it can also measure the severity of disease and record its progression. The researchers noted that early signs of Parkinson's disease are not easy to discover.
Many signs, or symptoms, only appear years after the disease sets in. But the team said its experiments showed that with just one night of sleep, the AI system was able to correctly identify Parkinson's up to 86 percent of the time. With 12 nights of data, the rate went up to 95 percent.
Researchers announced they had created a technology tool that uses pig sounds to interpret different emotions. The tool is based on thousands of recordings collected from more than 400 pigs throughout their lives. The scientists developed an AI-driven algorithm to identify a series of emotions the animals could be experiencing. The study centered on more than 7,000 audio recordings of pigs in different situations. By training the algorithm to recognize the sounds in both good and bad situations, the team said the tool was able to identify the correct emotion 92 percent of the time. Researchers said the tool is expected to lead to further systems, farmers can use to improve the productivity and well-being of their animals.
Developers said they had created a technology tool that can identify and re-create different smells. The scientists built on past research to produce a brain-like technology model to create a "principal odor(气味) map" to identify molecules(分子) related to smells. The team said such a system can be used across many different fields, including the healthcare, food and fragrance industries. The researchers reported that the tool can be used to help fight one of the world's biggest health problems – diseases spread through insects. They said the system can measure how effective a molecule is at keeping mosquitos away from humans.
Researchers said they developed an AI system to help fill in missing words in ancient writings. The tool, called Ithaca, is designed to help historians repair the writings and identify when and where they were written. Researchers – led by Alphabet's AI company Deep Mind – created the tool. They said the system is "the first deep neural(神经系统的) network" to identify missing text in damaged writings, or inscriptions. The team said that when historians work on their own, the success rate for repairing damaged inscriptions is about 25 percent. But when humans teamed up with Ithaca to assist in their work, the success rate jumped to 72 percent.
(600 words)
1.Meta’s developers used the following unusual development methods except _____.
A. training its AI models on written text examples from Mandarin Chinese.
B. using an encoding tool designed to compare spoken Hokkien to similar English text.
C. worked closely with Hokkien speakers to ensure correct results.
D. studying a widely used written form of the Hokkien language.
2. Which AI development can help farmers
A. a technology tool that uses pig sounds to interpret different emotions.
B. a technology tool that can identify and re-create different smells.
C. an AI system to help fill in missing words in ancient writings.
D. a new AI method to identify Parkinson's disease.
3. How does the new AI method help to identify Parkinson's disease
A. classifying a person’s sleeping condition.
B. measuring a person's breathing patterns during sleep.
C. testing a person’s daily eating
D. recording a person’s daily heart-beat.
4. Which word can be the best to take place of the underlined word interpret in Paragraph 4
A. make B. find C. understand D. invent
5. From Paragraph 5 we can learn that we can keep the mosquitos away if ______.
A. we wear clothes with some certain colours.
B. we make some certain sounds.
C. we give out some certain smells.
D. we have some certain medicine.
Foie gras is a popular dish in France. Its name means "fat liver" in the French language. It is traditionally made from fattened duck and goose livers. But vegan(素食) and other plant-based alternatives to foie gras are becoming more popular. A severe bird flu this year has decreased the number of ducks as well as the supply of foie gras. Production is expected to fall 30 to 35 percent from last year, while prices will likely rise about 20 percent.
French chef Fabien Borgel runs the "42 Degres" vegan restaurant in Paris. He created what he calls a "faux gras" two years ago. "Faux" means fake or false in French. Borgel's vegan foie gras contains cashew nuts along with sunflower and coconut oil. It looks like traditional foie gras but is a little softer. Borgel says the decrease in supply of traditional foie gras could make more people want to try such alternatives. 42 Degres is putting its "faux gras" on its menu from December through February.
Foie gras was officially classified as part of the "cultural and gastronomic heritage(遗产)" of France. However, some countries and places have considered banning it because of worries about the treatment of ducks and geese. Animal rights activists are against foie gras because the ducks and geese must be force-fed in order to enlarge their livers. "You have people that have never tasted foie gras and will never taste it and they want something festive for the year-end parties. Others want to change the way they eat and are heading towards alternatives," Borgel said.
However, not everyone in France is ready for those alternatives. A recent public opinion study released by French foie gras producers found that 77 percent of French people were not ready to change from traditional foie gras to plant-based versions.
(304 words)
1. The followings are the reasons why plant-based foie gras is becoming more popular except ______.
A. it tastes better than the traditional foie gras.
B. people are worried about the treatment of ducks and geese
C. there are not enough duck livers at the market.
D. people like to make a change on the traditional food.
2. The "faux gras" is made from ___________.
A. livers from only geese B. livers from ducks and geese
C. plant-based food D. oil from ducks and geese
3. Farmers force the ducks and geese to eat more to ____________.
A. make them have a bigger body size.
B. make them taste better.
C. make their livers grow larger.
D. make their livers a little softer
4. From the report we can learn the followings except that ____________.
A. foie gras is not a festive food for animal rights activists in France.
B. most Frenchmen are ready to change their foie gras.
C. you can have some faux gras in some restaurants in France now.
D. people will have to pay more and more for the traditional foie gras in French restaurants later on.
5. What does the underlined word alternative mean
A. a thing that is grown or produced, usually for sale
B. a thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities
C. things needed for doing or making something
D. a part of your body that has a particular purpose or function, for example your heart or lungs高中英语阅读理解练习答案及句子精讲(三~四)
答案(三)1D 2A 3B 4C 5C
(四)1A 2C 3C 4B 5B
1. Facebook's parent Meta said it had built a technology tool designed to directly translate spoken speech from one language to another.
-- spoken ['sp uk n] a.口语的
-- unspoken [, n'sp uk n] a.未说出口的
(人教版高中英语 必修4, Unit 4)
-- outspoken[aut'sp uk n]a.坦率的,直言的
(人教版高中英语 必修4, Unit 1)
1). It was a good chance for us to practice spoken english.
2). Something unspoken hung in the air between them.
3). His face was expressionless, but Alex felt the unspoken criticism...
4). She was outspoken in her criticism of the plan.
2. A study describing the method said it can also measure the severity of disease and record its progression.
-- severe [si'vi ] a.严重的
(人教版高中英语 必修5,Unit 1)
-- severity [s 'ver ti] n. 严重;严厉;严肃;苛刻
1). If untreated, the illness can become severe.
2). The chances of a full recovery will depend on the severity of her injuries.
3. The researchers noted that early signs of Parkinson's disease are not easy to discover.
-- discovery [di'sk v ri] n.发现
(人教版高中英语 必修4, Unit 2)
-- discover [di'sk v ] v.发现
1). He was discovered hiding in a shed.
2). She was shocked by the discovery that he had been unfaithful.
4. The scientists built on past research to produce a brain-like technology model to create a "principal odor(气味) map" to identify molecules(分子)related to smells.
-- principle ['prins pl] n.原则;原理
(人教版高中英语 必修1, Unit 5)
-- principal [ pr ns pl] adj. 最重要的;主要的
1). I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles .
2). New roads will link the principal cities of the area.
1. "Faux" means fake or false in French.
-- fake [feik] n.假货
(人教版高中英语, 必修3, Unit 3)
1). She's not really sick ─ she's just faking it.
2). No one spotted that the gun was a fake.
3). Their care and understanding for you weren't all fake.
-- false [f :ls] a.错误的;假的
(人教版高中英语, 必修4, Unit 4)
1). A whale is a fish. True or false
2). He used a false name to get the job.
2. Foie gras was officially classified as part of the "cultural and gastronomic heritage(遗产)" of France.
-- classify [ kl s fa ] v. 分类;划分;将…分类;界定
1). The books in the library are classified according to subject.
2). Whales are classified as mammals rather than fish.
3. "You have people that have never tasted foie gras and will never taste it and they want something festive for the year-end parties.
festive [ fest v] adj. 节日的;喜庆的;欢乐的;
festival [ fest vl] n. 节日;喜庆日
1). The whole town is in festive mood .
2). The meal gave the occasion an almost festive air.
4. A recent public opinion study released by French foie gras producers found that 77 percent of French people were not ready to change from traditional foie gras to plant-based versions.
-- version [ v n] n. 变体;变种;型式;版本;
There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one.



上一篇:江苏省徐州市2022-2023三年级下学期数学期中调研试卷二 苏教版(含答案)
