
Elephants are known to have an excellent memory.According to studies,they could still recognize and
remember a face,whether it is a human or another elephant.An elephant's memory is important to its survival.
Elephants living in a rainforest need to remember the place where they search for food.
It's always joyous to watch elephants getting reunited (with fellow elephants or people they came across
in their lives.And just like humans,elephants take note of the faces they see and recognize them like we remember
our family,friends,and hundreds more of people.And when they see a familiar (face,you'd know how
happy they are.
A veterinarian (recently had a heartwarming reunion with an elephant he saved.Pattarapol Maneeon
saved a wild elephant named Plai Thang in Rayong,Eastern Thailand 12 years ago.Plai Thang was then suffering
from a disease called Trypanosomiasis.Without proper treatment,the disease could cause an elephant's sudden
death.It can also be contagious (to other animals.Elephants that suffer from Trypanosomiasis tend to go
farther out of the area since they are weak and can't fight.
Dr.Maneeon noticed that Plai Thang was very ill and it had very little chance to survive.The poor creature
was struggling to eat or drink water,and it could hardly stand on its feet.
It took a while before the elephant allowed Dr.Maneeon to approach it.He shared that it was also challenging
to find and reach for treatment.Plai Thang was so clever to be hiding farther from usual to avoid possible predators
()so it was no easy task to take it to treatment.Anyway,with the help of a team of volunteers,the
veterinarian eventually managed to take Plai Thang to a nearby zoo.




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