
1.(2021·泗洪)—Where __________ you two weeks ago
—I __________ in Nanjing.
A.was; was B.was; were C.were; was D.am; is
【解析】【分析】句意:—两周前你在哪里?—我在南京。two weeks ago两周前,是一般过去时的时间状语,问句主语是第二人称,be用were;答语主语是第一人称,be用was,与选项C相匹配。故选C。
2.(2021·泗洪)Let Jim __________ the dishes. He __________ them at home every evening.
A.wash; washes B.washes; washes C.washes; wash D.wash; wash
【解析】【分析】句意:让吉姆……盘子。他每天晚上在家……。前句是祈使句,let sb. do sth.让某人做某事;every evening每天晚上,是一般现在时的时间状语,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,wash洗,动词原形,washes洗,动词单三形式,与选项A相匹配。故选A。
3.(2021·泗洪)—Who does the __________ at your home
—Mum does. She's a good cook.
A.cook B.cooks C.cooking D.cooker
【解析】【分析】句意:—你家谁做饭?—妈妈。她是个好厨师。A做饭,动词原形;B做饭,动词单三形式;C正在做饭,现在分词;D餐具,do the cooking 做饭,固定搭配,故选C。
4.(2021·泗洪)Lily feels ill today. So she only eats __________ rice.
A.a few B.a little C.a lot of D.a few of
【解析】【分析】句意:莉莉今天觉得不舒服。所以她只吃……米饭。A许多的,修饰名词复数;B一点,修饰不可数名词;C许多的,修饰名词复数或不可数名词;D许多的,修饰可数名词复数,rice米饭,是不可数名词,根据前句表示莉莉今天觉得不舒服,可知不会吃太多东西,此处用a little修饰。故选B。
5.(2021·泗洪)—__________ bedroom is this
—It's my brother's.
A.Who's B.Whose C.Who D.What
6.(2021·泗洪)—Do you know __________ woman standing under the tree
—Yes. She is __________ popular teacher in our school.
A.a; the B.the; a C.a; a D.the; the
7.(2021·泗洪)You'll find __________ in China.
A.the Great Barrier Reef B.the Great Wall
C.Stonehenge D.Uluru
8.(2021·泗洪)There is a lot of __________ in summer. It always __________ heavily.
A.rain; rains B.rainy; rains C.rain; rain D.rainy; rainy
【解析】【分析】句意:夏天……很多。总是……大……。rain雨,名词或动词原形;rains下雨,动词单三形式,rainy多雨的,形容词,a lot of 许多的,后面接名词;后句缺少谓语动词,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,与选项A相匹配。故选A。
9.(2021·泗洪)There is going to __________ a basketball match tomorrow.
A.be B.have C.is D.are
【知识点】There be句型;一般将来时
【解析】【分析】句意:明天将有一场篮球赛。tomorrow明天,是一般将来时的时间状语,可知本句是there be句型的一般将来时,构成There be going to be+名词+其它。故选A。
【点评】本题考查了there be句型的一般将来时,注意there be句型的一般将来时用法。
10.(2021·泗洪)__________ the Earth, we shouldn't use too much plastic.
A.Protect B.To protect C.Protecting D.Protects
11.(2021·泗洪)—__________ will you stay there
—For about a month.
A.How long B.When C.What time D.How
【解析】【分析】句意:—你要在那里呆……?—大约一个月。A多久;B什么时候;C几点了;C怎么样,根据答语表示一段时间,问句用how long引导。故选A。
12.(2021·泗洪)—Does he really __________ at school
A.do well B.do well in C.be good at D.does well
【解析】【分析】句意:—他……学校真的学……吗?—当然。do well in在……方面做得很好;be good at擅长,固定搭配,问句询问他在学校真的学得好,不是擅长某方面,与选项B相匹配。故选B。
13.(2021·泗洪)__________ makes people beautiful and healthy.
A.Dance B.Dancing C.Dancer D.Dances
14.(2021·泗洪)Don't make noise. The child __________.
A.are sleeping B.is sleeping C.sleep D.asleep
15.(2021·泗洪)The children are talking __________ their plans for the summer holiday.
A.to B.about C.with D.of
【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们正在谈论……他们的暑假计划。talk to sb.表示对某人谈话;talk with sb.表示和某人谈话;talk about sth.表示谈论有关某事,of的,表示所属关系,本句缺少谈论有关他们的暑假计划,此处用about。故选B。
It was     Day and the        holidays last week. Mike and his family went to Shanghai, they visited the     and had a great time there. They     some delicious jiaozi.
【答案】National;Mid-Autumn;Festival;Huangpu River;eat
(1)句意:上周是……节和……假期。第一个图片是喜迎国庆贺中秋,国庆节National Day。故答案为National。
(2)句意:上周是国庆节和……假期。第一个图片是喜迎国庆贺中秋 ,中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival。故答案为Mid-Autumn。
(3)句意:上周是国庆节和……假期。第一个图片是喜迎国庆贺中秋,中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival。故答案为Festival。
(4)句意:迈克和他的家人去了上海,他们参观了……,在那里玩得很开心。图片是第二个图片是看黄浦江 ,黄浦江the Huangpu River。故答案为Huangpu River。
17.(2021·泗洪)There are a lot of    (visit) from the US.
【解析】【分析】句意:有许多的来自美国的……。a lot of许多的,修饰名词复数,visit参观,名词是visitor游客,名词复数是visitors。故答案为visitors。
18.(2021·泗洪)The umbrella outside the shop is one of   . (孩子)
【解析】【分析】句意:商店外面的雨伞是孩子们的物品之一。one of+名词复数,表示……其一,孩子child,名词复数是children孩子们。故答案为children。
19.(2021·泗洪)The baby can't find his mum, he is crying    (sad).
20.(2021·泗洪)You mustn't    (shout) in the library.
21.(2021·泗洪)Leo went to    last year. He liked     football games there. (Australia)
【解析】【分析】句意:利奥去年去了……。他喜欢那里的……足球比赛。went to+地点,表示去某地,用名词形式Australia澳大利亚,是专有名词;footbal gamesl是名词词组,前面用形容词性的,Australia形容词是Australian澳大利亚的,形容词性。故答案为Australia,Australia你。
22.(2021·泗洪)Father's Day is coming. Some kids are making cards     love for their fathers. (show)
【答案】to show
【解析】【分析】句意:父亲节就要到了。一些孩子正在制作卡片来表达对父亲的爱。此处用动词不定式,表示制作卡片表达对父亲的爱,show展示,动词不定式to show。故答案为to show。
23.(2021·泗洪)The boy was    (one) to get on the bus.
【答案】the first
【解析】【分析】句意:那个男孩是……个上公共汽车的。表示顺序用序数词,表示数量用基数词,此处表示第一个上公共汽车的,表示顺序,用序数词,one1,序数词是first第一,前面用the。故答案为the first。
24.(2021·泗洪)There    (be) any orange juice in the glass yesterday.
【知识点】There be句型;一般过去时
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天杯子里有橙汁。yesterday昨天,是一般过去时的时间状语,可知本句是there be句型的一般过去时,juice是不可数名词,be用was。故答案为was。
【点评】本题考查了there be句型的一般过去时,注意there be句型的一般过去时用法。
25.(2021·泗洪)The    (cook) are from China. They are so great!
26.(2021·泗洪)—Who    (catch) the big fish
—My father did.
27.(2021·泗洪)There are two glasses of milk on the table. (对划线部分提问)
How   milk   there on the table
【解析】【分析】句意:桌子上有两杯牛奶。根据划线部分是数量,milk牛奶,是不可数名词,问句用how much多少引导,后面接一般疑问句,be用is,句意为:桌子上有多少牛奶?故答案为much,is。
28.(2021·泗洪)Pamela is like her grandmother. (改为同义句)
Pamela        her grandmother.
【解析】【分析】句意:帕梅拉就像她的祖母。be like同义词look like看起来像,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,look动词单三形式是looks,句意为:帕梅拉看起来像她的祖母。故答案为looks,like。
29.(2021·泗洪)She put out the fire with water just now. (对划线部分提问)
      she put out the fire just now
【解析】【分析】句意:她刚才用水把火扑灭了。根据划线部分是某物,用疑问词what什么引导特殊疑问句,后面接一般疑问句,just now刚才,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语动词put是实义动词,助动词用did,句意为:她刚才用什么灭火的?故答案为What did。
30.(2021·泗洪)Li Lei is in Team Four. Lin Tao is in Team Four, too. (合并为一句)
Li Lei and Lin Tao     in     same team.
【解析】【分析】句意:李雷在第四队。林涛也在第四队。根据两句表示李雷和林涛都在相同的队,主语是复数,be用are,相同的the same,句意为:李雷和林涛在同一队。故答案为are,the。
Mike wants to be       .
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示,缺少:一名钢琴家a pianist。故答案为a,pianist。
    the rules and stay safe on the     .
How much     the     of shoes
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示,缺少:双pair;主语the pair of shoes,中心名词是pair,是名词单数,be用is。故答案为is,pair。
He only eats a     sweet food     a time.
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示,food是不可数名词,前面用一点a little修饰,缺少:一点a little;每次at a time,缺少:at。故答案为little,at。
Please     some     , plastic bags and plastic bottles.
Mr. Black has a shop. He works in the shop by himself all day, so he feels very (1) and tired every day.
It was (2) Sunday morning. Mr. Black didn't feel well, so he went to see his doctor. The doctor asked him (3) , and looked him over carefully. After that, he left the room, and (4) back with three different bottles of pills .
Looking at Mr. Black, he said," (5) the green pill with a big glass of water when you wake up. Take the blue pill with a big glass of water after you have lunch. And before (6) to bed, take the red pill with another big glass of water. "
Mr. Black was very surprised, he took so (7) medicine and asked the doctor, "Mmm… doctor (8) is wrong with me " The doctor answered. "Mr. Black, you are not drinking enough water."
(1)A.happy B.sad C.busy
(2)A.on B./ C.in
(3)A.a lot B.a lot of C.lot of
(4)A.came B.waited C.went
(5)A.Eat B.Take C.Drink
(6)A.going B.to go C.went
(7)A.many B.much C.a lot of
(8)A.how B.what C.when
(7)句意:布莱克先生很惊讶,他吃了这么……药,问医生:“嗯……医生,我怎么了?”医生回答。“布莱克先生,你喝的水不够。”so many这么多,修饰名词复数;so much这么多,修饰不可数名词,a lot of许多的,修饰名词复数,medicine药,是不可数名词,前面用so much修饰。故答案为B。
As the saying goes, “A hero is known in the time of misfortune (不幸)". Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong. In 2003, SARS broke out (爆发)in Guangdong. People had a bad cough and got a high fever, lots of people died from the disease (疾病). Zhong helped a lot of sick people there.
In early 2020, a disease called Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) hit Wulian. Zhong Nanshan, 84-year-old, led his team to Wuhan to fight the disease. Zhong's team did their best to help the sick people. He asked people to wear masks, wash hands frequently(频繁地),stay at home and not to go to crowed places.
Zhong likes sports very much. When he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still helps sick people in the hospital and teaches young doctors. "I am just a doctor " Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.
(1)Zhong Nanshan is a doctor in Beijing.
(2)SARS broke out in Guangdong in 2003.
(3)Zhong Nanshan is 67 years old now.
(4)Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia hit Wuhan in early 2020.
(5)Zhong Nanshan asked people to wear masks, wash hands frequently, stay at home and go to crowed places.
(1)句意:钟南山是北京的一名医生。根据He is a doctor in Guangdong.可知钟南山是广东的一名医生。故答案为错误。
(2)句意:2003年广东爆发非典型肺炎。根据In 2003, SARS broke out in Guangdong.可知2003年广东爆发非典型肺炎。故答案为正确。
(3)句意:钟南山现年67岁。根据In early 2020, a disease called Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia hit Wulian.Zhong Nanshan, 84-year-old, led his team to Wuhan to fight the disease.可知2022年钟南山现年86岁。故答案为错误。
(4)句意:2020年初,新型冠状病毒肺炎袭击武汉。根据In early 2020, a disease called Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia hit Wulian.Zhong Nanshan, 84-year-old, led his team to Wuhan to fight the disease.可知2020年初,新型冠状病毒肺炎袭击武汉。故答案为正确。
(5)句意:钟南山要求人们戴口罩,勤洗手,呆在家里,去人山人海的地方。根据He asked people to wear masks, wash hands frequently,stay at home and not to go to crowed places.可知钟南山要求人们戴口罩,勤洗手,呆在家里,不去人山人海的地方。故答案为错误。
Alipay and WeChat Pay are popular everywhere, even in the small shop in China. They're the future ways to pay bills (付账).
Firstly, it saves people's time to pay bills. People don't need to go outside with cash (现金). They do not need to count the money or check the bills. Just scan (扫描) the smartphone and the bill will be paid by Alipay or WeChat Pay. It is so easy to pay.
Secondly, people don't have to worry about getting fake cash (假币). Many years ago, people were easy to get fake cash as they received the change. But now, we use cash less, and people won't get fake cash without paper money. Our life will be much convenient.
(1)What is the popular way to pay bills now in China
A.WeChat Pay. B.Alipay. C.Both A and B.
(2)What did people worry about when they paid bills many years ago
A.Counting cash. B.Getting fake cash. C.Checking bills.
(3)Just scan the ________ and the bill will be paid by Alipay or WeChat Pay.
A.smartphone B.computer C.cash
(4)Which sentence is NOT true
A.We use cash less than before.
B.People must go out with cash now.
C.It saves people's time to pay bills by Alipay or WeChat Pay .
(5)What's the meaning of "convenient"
A.繁琐的 B.困难的 C.方便的
(1)A微信支付。B支付宝。CA和B都有。根据Alipay and WeChat Pay are popular everywhere, even in the small shop in China. They're the future ways to pay bills.可知中国现在流行的付账方式是微信支付和支付宝。故答案为C。
(2)A清点现金。B收到假钱。C检查账单。根据Many years ago, people were easy to get fake cash as they received the change.可知很多年前人们付账时担心收到假钱。故答案为B。
(3)A智能电话;B计算机;C现金,根据Just scan the smartphone and the bill will be paid by Alipay or WeChat Pay.可知只需扫描智能手机,账单将通过支付宝或微信支付。故答案为A。
(4)A我们使用的现金比以前少了。B人们现在必须带着现金出去。C通过支付宝或微信支付节省了人们的时间。根据 People don't need to go outside with cash.可知人们现在必须需要带着现金出门是不对的。故答案为B。
1.(2021·泗洪)—Where __________ you two weeks ago
—I __________ in Nanjing.
A.was; was B.was; were C.were; was D.am; is
2.(2021·泗洪)Let Jim __________ the dishes. He __________ them at home every evening.
A.wash; washes B.washes; washes C.washes; wash D.wash; wash
3.(2021·泗洪)—Who does the __________ at your home
—Mum does. She's a good cook.
A.cook B.cooks C.cooking D.cooker
4.(2021·泗洪)Lily feels ill today. So she only eats __________ rice.
A.a few B.a little C.a lot of D.a few of
5.(2021·泗洪)—__________ bedroom is this
—It's my brother's.
A.Who's B.Whose C.Who D.What
6.(2021·泗洪)—Do you know __________ woman standing under the tree
—Yes. She is __________ popular teacher in our school.
A.a; the B.the; a C.a; a D.the; the
7.(2021·泗洪)You'll find __________ in China.
A.the Great Barrier Reef B.the Great Wall
C.Stonehenge D.Uluru
8.(2021·泗洪)There is a lot of __________ in summer. It always __________ heavily.
A.rain; rains B.rainy; rains C.rain; rain D.rainy; rainy
9.(2021·泗洪)There is going to __________ a basketball match tomorrow.
A.be B.have C.is D.are
10.(2021·泗洪)__________ the Earth, we shouldn't use too much plastic.
A.Protect B.To protect C.Protecting D.Protects
11.(2021·泗洪)—__________ will you stay there
—For about a month.
A.How long B.When C.What time D.How
12.(2021·泗洪)—Does he really __________ at school
A.do well B.do well in C.be good at D.does well
13.(2021·泗洪)__________ makes people beautiful and healthy.
A.Dance B.Dancing C.Dancer D.Dances
14.(2021·泗洪)Don't make noise. The child __________.
A.are sleeping B.is sleeping C.sleep D.asleep
15.(2021·泗洪)The children are talking __________ their plans for the summer holiday.
A.to B.about C.with D.of
It was     Day and the        holidays last week. Mike and his family went to Shanghai, they visited the     and had a great time there. They     some delicious jiaozi.
17.(2021·泗洪)There are a lot of    (visit) from the US.
18.(2021·泗洪)The umbrella outside the shop is one of   . (孩子)
19.(2021·泗洪)The baby can't find his mum, he is crying    (sad).
20.(2021·泗洪)You mustn't    (shout) in the library.
21.(2021·泗洪)Leo went to    last year. He liked     football games there. (Australia)
22.(2021·泗洪)Father's Day is coming. Some kids are making cards     love for their fathers. (show)
23.(2021·泗洪)The boy was    (one) to get on the bus.
24.(2021·泗洪)There    (be) any orange juice in the glass yesterday.
25.(2021·泗洪)The    (cook) are from China. They are so great!
26.(2021·泗洪)—Who    (catch) the big fish
—My father did.
27.(2021·泗洪)There are two glasses of milk on the table. (对划线部分提问)
How   milk   there on the table
28.(2021·泗洪)Pamela is like her grandmother. (改为同义句)
Pamela        her grandmother.
29.(2021·泗洪)She put out the fire with water just now. (对划线部分提问)
      she put out the fire just now
30.(2021·泗洪)Li Lei is in Team Four. Lin Tao is in Team Four, too. (合并为一句)
Li Lei and Lin Tao     in     same team.
Mike wants to be       .
    the rules and stay safe on the     .
How much     the     of shoes
He only eats a     sweet food     a time.
Please     some     , plastic bags and plastic bottles.
Mr. Black has a shop. He works in the shop by himself all day, so he feels very (1) and tired every day.
It was (2) Sunday morning. Mr. Black didn't feel well, so he went to see his doctor. The doctor asked him (3) , and looked him over carefully. After that, he left the room, and (4) back with three different bottles of pills .
Looking at Mr. Black, he said," (5) the green pill with a big glass of water when you wake up. Take the blue pill with a big glass of water after you have lunch. And before (6) to bed, take the red pill with another big glass of water. "
Mr. Black was very surprised, he took so (7) medicine and asked the doctor, "Mmm… doctor (8) is wrong with me " The doctor answered. "Mr. Black, you are not drinking enough water."
(1)A.happy B.sad C.busy
(2)A.on B./ C.in
(3)A.a lot B.a lot of C.lot of
(4)A.came B.waited C.went
(5)A.Eat B.Take C.Drink
(6)A.going B.to go C.went
(7)A.many B.much C.a lot of
(8)A.how B.what C.when
As the saying goes, “A hero is known in the time of misfortune (不幸)". Zhong Nanshan is a hero like this. He is a doctor in Guangdong. In 2003, SARS broke out (爆发)in Guangdong. People had a bad cough and got a high fever, lots of people died from the disease (疾病). Zhong helped a lot of sick people there.
In early 2020, a disease called Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (新型冠状病毒肺炎) hit Wulian. Zhong Nanshan, 84-year-old, led his team to Wuhan to fight the disease. Zhong's team did their best to help the sick people. He asked people to wear masks, wash hands frequently(频繁地),stay at home and not to go to crowed places.
Zhong likes sports very much. When he was 67, he could still play basketball. Now at the age of 84, Zhong still helps sick people in the hospital and teaches young doctors. "I am just a doctor " Zhong says. But we think he is a hero and a fighter.
(1)Zhong Nanshan is a doctor in Beijing.
(2)SARS broke out in Guangdong in 2003.
(3)Zhong Nanshan is 67 years old now.
(4)Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia hit Wuhan in early 2020.
(5)Zhong Nanshan asked people to wear masks, wash hands frequently, stay at home and go to crowed places.
Alipay and WeChat Pay are popular everywhere, even in the small shop in China. They're the future ways to pay bills (付账).
Firstly, it saves people's time to pay bills. People don't need to go outside with cash (现金). They do not need to count the money or check the bills. Just scan (扫描) the smartphone and the bill will be paid by Alipay or WeChat Pay. It is so easy to pay.
Secondly, people don't have to worry about getting fake cash (假币). Many years ago, people were easy to get fake cash as they received the change. But now, we use cash less, and people won't get fake cash without paper money. Our life will be much convenient.
(1)What is the popular way to pay bills now in China
A.WeChat Pay. B.Alipay. C.Both A and B.
(2)What did people worry about when they paid bills many years ago
A.Counting cash. B.Getting fake cash. C.Checking bills.
(3)Just scan the ________ and the bill will be paid by Alipay or WeChat Pay.
A.smartphone B.computer C.cash
(4)Which sentence is NOT true
A.We use cash less than before.
B.People must go out with cash now.
C.It saves people's time to pay bills by Alipay or WeChat Pay .
(5)What's the meaning of "convenient"
A.繁琐的 B.困难的 C.方便的
【解析】【分析】句意:—两周前你在哪里?—我在南京。two weeks ago两周前,是一般过去时的时间状语,问句主语是第二人称,be用were;答语主语是第一人称,be用was,与选项C相匹配。故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:让吉姆……盘子。他每天晚上在家……。前句是祈使句,let sb. do sth.让某人做某事;every evening每天晚上,是一般现在时的时间状语,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,wash洗,动词原形,washes洗,动词单三形式,与选项A相匹配。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:—你家谁做饭?—妈妈。她是个好厨师。A做饭,动词原形;B做饭,动词单三形式;C正在做饭,现在分词;D餐具,do the cooking 做饭,固定搭配,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:莉莉今天觉得不舒服。所以她只吃……米饭。A许多的,修饰名词复数;B一点,修饰不可数名词;C许多的,修饰名词复数或不可数名词;D许多的,修饰可数名词复数,rice米饭,是不可数名词,根据前句表示莉莉今天觉得不舒服,可知不会吃太多东西,此处用a little修饰。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:夏天……很多。总是……大……。rain雨,名词或动词原形;rains下雨,动词单三形式,rainy多雨的,形容词,a lot of 许多的,后面接名词;后句缺少谓语动词,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,与选项A相匹配。故选A。
【知识点】There be句型;一般将来时
【解析】【分析】句意:明天将有一场篮球赛。tomorrow明天,是一般将来时的时间状语,可知本句是there be句型的一般将来时,构成There be going to be+名词+其它。故选A。
【点评】本题考查了there be句型的一般将来时,注意there be句型的一般将来时用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:—你要在那里呆……?—大约一个月。A多久;B什么时候;C几点了;C怎么样,根据答语表示一段时间,问句用how long引导。故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:—他……学校真的学……吗?—当然。do well in在……方面做得很好;be good at擅长,固定搭配,问句询问他在学校真的学得好,不是擅长某方面,与选项B相匹配。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:孩子们正在谈论……他们的暑假计划。talk to sb.表示对某人谈话;talk with sb.表示和某人谈话;talk about sth.表示谈论有关某事,of的,表示所属关系,本句缺少谈论有关他们的暑假计划,此处用about。故选B。
16.【答案】National;Mid-Autumn;Festival;Huangpu River;eat
(1)句意:上周是……节和……假期。第一个图片是喜迎国庆贺中秋,国庆节National Day。故答案为National。
(2)句意:上周是国庆节和……假期。第一个图片是喜迎国庆贺中秋 ,中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival。故答案为Mid-Autumn。
(3)句意:上周是国庆节和……假期。第一个图片是喜迎国庆贺中秋,中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival。故答案为Festival。
(4)句意:迈克和他的家人去了上海,他们参观了……,在那里玩得很开心。图片是第二个图片是看黄浦江 ,黄浦江the Huangpu River。故答案为Huangpu River。
【解析】【分析】句意:有许多的来自美国的……。a lot of许多的,修饰名词复数,visit参观,名词是visitor游客,名词复数是visitors。故答案为visitors。
【解析】【分析】句意:商店外面的雨伞是孩子们的物品之一。one of+名词复数,表示……其一,孩子child,名词复数是children孩子们。故答案为children。
【解析】【分析】句意:利奥去年去了……。他喜欢那里的……足球比赛。went to+地点,表示去某地,用名词形式Australia澳大利亚,是专有名词;footbal gamesl是名词词组,前面用形容词性的,Australia形容词是Australian澳大利亚的,形容词性。故答案为Australia,Australia你。
22.【答案】to show
【解析】【分析】句意:父亲节就要到了。一些孩子正在制作卡片来表达对父亲的爱。此处用动词不定式,表示制作卡片表达对父亲的爱,show展示,动词不定式to show。故答案为to show。
23.【答案】the first
【解析】【分析】句意:那个男孩是……个上公共汽车的。表示顺序用序数词,表示数量用基数词,此处表示第一个上公共汽车的,表示顺序,用序数词,one1,序数词是first第一,前面用the。故答案为the first。
【知识点】There be句型;一般过去时
【解析】【分析】句意:昨天杯子里有橙汁。yesterday昨天,是一般过去时的时间状语,可知本句是there be句型的一般过去时,juice是不可数名词,be用was。故答案为was。
【点评】本题考查了there be句型的一般过去时,注意there be句型的一般过去时用法。
【解析】【分析】句意:桌子上有两杯牛奶。根据划线部分是数量,milk牛奶,是不可数名词,问句用how much多少引导,后面接一般疑问句,be用is,句意为:桌子上有多少牛奶?故答案为much,is。
【解析】【分析】句意:帕梅拉就像她的祖母。be like同义词look like看起来像,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用单三形式,look动词单三形式是looks,句意为:帕梅拉看起来像她的祖母。故答案为looks,like。
【解析】【分析】句意:她刚才用水把火扑灭了。根据划线部分是某物,用疑问词what什么引导特殊疑问句,后面接一般疑问句,just now刚才,是一般过去时的时间状语,谓语动词put是实义动词,助动词用did,句意为:她刚才用什么灭火的?故答案为What did。
【解析】【分析】句意:李雷在第四队。林涛也在第四队。根据两句表示李雷和林涛都在相同的队,主语是复数,be用are,相同的the same,句意为:李雷和林涛在同一队。故答案为are,the。
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示,缺少:一名钢琴家a pianist。故答案为a,pianist。
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示,缺少:双pair;主语the pair of shoes,中心名词是pair,是名词单数,be用is。故答案为is,pair。
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示,food是不可数名词,前面用一点a little修饰,缺少:一点a little;每次at a time,缺少:at。故答案为little,at。
(7)句意:布莱克先生很惊讶,他吃了这么……药,问医生:“嗯……医生,我怎么了?”医生回答。“布莱克先生,你喝的水不够。”so many这么多,修饰名词复数;so much这么多,修饰不可数名词,a lot of许多的,修饰名词复数,medicine药,是不可数名词,前面用so much修饰。故答案为B。
(1)句意:钟南山是北京的一名医生。根据He is a doctor in Guangdong.可知钟南山是广东的一名医生。故答案为错误。
(2)句意:2003年广东爆发非典型肺炎。根据In 2003, SARS broke out in Guangdong.可知2003年广东爆发非典型肺炎。故答案为正确。
(3)句意:钟南山现年67岁。根据In early 2020, a disease called Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia hit Wulian.Zhong Nanshan, 84-year-old, led his team to Wuhan to fight the disease.可知2022年钟南山现年86岁。故答案为错误。
(4)句意:2020年初,新型冠状病毒肺炎袭击武汉。根据In early 2020, a disease called Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia hit Wulian.Zhong Nanshan, 84-year-old, led his team to Wuhan to fight the disease.可知2020年初,新型冠状病毒肺炎袭击武汉。故答案为正确。
(5)句意:钟南山要求人们戴口罩,勤洗手,呆在家里,去人山人海的地方。根据He asked people to wear masks, wash hands frequently,stay at home and not to go to crowed places.可知钟南山要求人们戴口罩,勤洗手,呆在家里,不去人山人海的地方。故答案为错误。
(1)A微信支付。B支付宝。CA和B都有。根据Alipay and WeChat Pay are popular everywhere, even in the small shop in China. They're the future ways to pay bills.可知中国现在流行的付账方式是微信支付和支付宝。故答案为C。
(2)A清点现金。B收到假钱。C检查账单。根据Many years ago, people were easy to get fake cash as they received the change.可知很多年前人们付账时担心收到假钱。故答案为B。
(3)A智能电话;B计算机;C现金,根据Just scan the smartphone and the bill will be paid by Alipay or WeChat Pay.可知只需扫描智能手机,账单将通过支付宝或微信支付。故答案为A。
(4)A我们使用的现金比以前少了。B人们现在必须带着现金出去。C通过支付宝或微信支付节省了人们的时间。根据 People don't need to go outside with cash.可知人们现在必须需要带着现金出门是不对的。故答案为B。



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