
Unit1 What's the matter
1. If you have a s_______________, you shouldn't eat any more.
2. The p_______________ got on the bus with a brown case.
3. I'm sorry to t_______________ you, but can you tell me the way to the hospital
4. The ice is too thin for you to skate on it. You'd better not take the r_______________.
5. Teenagers should learn how to protect(保护) themselves in a dangerous s_______________.
6. If a person loses a lot of b_______________, he will become ill and may die.
7. You must think it over before you make your d_______________.
8. What kind of s_______________ do you need to become a scientist
9. We know the i_______________ of English study.
10. --- Do you know what this word m_______________
--- Let me have a look. Eh, sorry, I don't know. Maybe you can look it up in a dictionary.
11. My arm was _______________(受伤) last week.
12. He was working on the day of his _______________(死).
13. I want to know how to _______________(控制) the machine.
14. How did you work in such a bad _______________(处境)
15. It will be a dangerous trip. Are you sure you want to take the _______________(风险)
16. The air here is so dirty that I can hardly _______________(呼吸).
17. There are many _____________(乘客) waiting for train at Dongguan Railway Station every day.
18. Please ask me for help when you are in _______________(困难;麻烦).
19. I have had some dumplings. The _______________(剩下的) are for you.
20. You don't know the _______________(重要性) of this problem.
21. What kind of v_______________ work do you think I could do
22. He has no friends here, so he feels l_______________.
23. My car doesn't work. I need to ask someone to r_______________ it.
24. The old man can't walk and move his arms easily. He is d_______________.
25. I don't u_______________. Could you explain that again, please
26. Can you really mend a b_______________ heart
27. It's hard to i_______________ how he can improve English so quickly.
28. Have you any d_______________ in doing this work
29. Do you think Mr. Smith is the o_______________ of the shop
30. He was wearing a new cap, but I didn't even n_______________ it.
31. They are _______________(运送) vegetables to the island by ship now.
32. When Thomas Edison was young, he showed great _______________(兴趣) in everything.
33. Parents sometimes don't ______(理解) why the teenagers play computer games too much.
34. You should _______________(换乘) to the No.9 bus. It will take you there.
35. I can't _______________(想象) the life without electricity.
36. I'm often _______________(兴奋的) when I am watching football matches.
37. Everyone in our class will _______________(欢呼) if our team wins the game.
38. She didn't _______________(注意到) that she was in trouble.
39. After a long _______________(旅行), we arrived at the small village finally.
40. We can _______________(修理) the bike. Please don't throw it away.



上一篇:Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents 单元检测 2022-2023人教版八年级英语下册(含答案)
