Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents 单元检测 2022-2023人教版八年级英语下册(含答案)

Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents
I. 单项选择
1. —Michael, could you please help me _____ this math problem
—OK. Let me have a try.
A. look up B. look after C. work out D. put away
2. ______ stop them hurting the little animals
A. Why not B. Why don’t C. Would you mind D. Why don’t you to
3. —How’s it going, Tina
—Great. My company has _____ me a good job.
A. offered B. provided C. introduced D. discovered
4. ______ he is very tired, _____ he still goes on working.
A. Although, but B. But, although C. Although, / D. But, /
5. Li Lei didn’t play computer games last weekend, ______, he worked as a volunteer in an old people’s home.
A. Instead B. Certainly C. Though D. Gradually
6. Mr. Wang is a man of few words, so he can’t _____ other people.
A. get on with B. understand C. run away from D. help
7. —Has your father come back yet
—No. He _____ come back _____ this Sunday.
A. doesn’t; until B. won’t; after C. doesn’t; after D. won’t; until
8. —I’m always ______ before the English exam.
—Don’t be afraid. I believe you can do it well.
A. nervous B. clear C. strange D. strong
9. —Let’s go shopping for some orange juice.
—______ And we can also buy some coffee for Mom.
A. Excuse me! B. Good idea! C. Never mind. D. I’m sorry.
10. Listen! Our science teacher ______ the use of the robot.
A. explains B. explained C. is explaining D. has explained
11. US scientist Edward T. Hall said that in a conversation between two people, 65% of ______ is done through body language.
A. application B. pronunciation C. introduction D. communication
12. The manager sounded friendly on the phone. He offered ______ us around the company.
A. shows B. showing C. to show D. showed
13. Many kids are practicing sports so that they can ______.
A. competition B. compete to others C. competing D. compete with others
14. The speaker showed some ______ examples to make the science report easy to understand.
A. awful B. stupid C. proper D. thick
15. —I’m going to add some tomato sauce to the salad, if you don’t ______.
—Not at all. Go ahead.
A. care B. agree C. mind D. insist
Ⅱ. 完形填空
When I was a 9-year-old boy, I once decided to run away from home. With some bread in my (16)_____, I started for the front door and said to Mom, “I’m leaving.”
“If you want to (17)_____, that’s all right,” she said, “but you came into this home with nothing and you can leave the same way.” I threw my schoolbag on the floor (18)_____ and started for the door again.
“Wait a minute,” Morn said, “You didn’t wear (19)_____ when you were born.” This really made me get mad. I (20)_____ my clothes — jacket, shoes, socks, underwear and all, shouting, “Can I go now ” “Yeah,” Morn answered, “but if you close that door, don’t come back again.”
I was so (21)_____ that I shut the door and started again. When I stepped out, I suddenly realized that I was outside with no clothes on. Then I saw three girls walking towards our house. I ran to (22)_____ behind a big tree quickly. After a while, I was sure the girls had walked away. I rushed to the front door and knocked on it loudly.
“Who’s there ” I heard. “It’s Mike! Let me (23)_____!”
The voice behind the door answered, “Mike doesn’t live here anymore. He ran away from home.”
I begged, “Morn! Mom! I’m (24)_____ your son. Don’t keep me out of the door!” Morn (25)_____ the door with a smiling face. “Did you change your mind ” she asked. “What’s for dinner ” I answered.
16. A. handbag B. socks C. schoolbag D. shoes
17. A. drop by B. run away C. hang out D. put off
18. A. slowly B. lightly C. carefully D. heavily
19. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything
20. A. took in B. took for C. took off D. took up
21. A. angry B. happy C. surprised D. quiet
22. A. play B. sleep C. rest D. hide
23. A. in B. out C. off D. down
24. A. also B. still C. even D. already
25. A. knocked B. closed C. opened D. fixed
Ⅲ. 情景交际
We’ve heard about several “poor students” in the past year. Cui Qingtao, a student from Yunnan, was working with his parents on a building site when he got an admission letter(录取通知书) from Peking University. (26)_____ She is a student from Hebei. She was doing her part-time job in a different city when her family got her admission letter from Peking University.
(27)_____ For example, they are all strong and optimistic(乐观的). Li Enhui said in an interview, “As long as we are alive, there are no problems that cannot be solved, and many people don’t have my experiences. (28)_____” Such an idea makes many adults feel embarrassed. He refused to accept donation money and decided to make money by himself. This is also the common thing that “poor students” have.
Whatever kind of values you hold, such personalities(品格) are necessary for growth. (29)_____ Not everything goes well all the time. Only by being strong and optimistic can one go through difficulties. In fact, living in poor families doesn’t promise such good personalities, and living in happiness doesn’t promise optimistic attitudes(态度). We like such “poor students” because they are strong and optimistic. For them, few can choose their lifestyles. (30)_____ That’s why they are highly praised. Every one of us should learn from them.
A. Life is full of ups and downs.
B. A girl named Wang Xinyi is another example.
C. “Poor students” are usually hard working and caring.
D. And these experiences make me grow and become better.
E. Born in poor families, these students have a lot in common.
F. However, all of them can choose their attitudes towards life.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
Mom and Dad—they’re two of the most important people in your life. You probably see at least one of them every day and, over your lifetime, they may influence you more than anyone else you will meet.
Moms and Dads need to care for their kids from the minute they’re born. It’s a parent’s job to love and help kids — and most parents will do this as possible as they can, even when the “kids” grow up and have children of their own. That means you have many years ahead to share with your mom and dad.
Here are some ways you can stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship(关系): Spend time together. Don’t play a computer game or watch TV by yourself. Ask your mom and dad to play with you, go outside together, or read a book out loudly. Try to spend more time together.
Share your feelings and ask for help. Many kids say they’d like their parents to help them when they’re unhappy. Tell them if you’re sad or have a problem. They’ll be happy to help you.
Be kind and caring. Little things might mean a lot to your mom or dad. You can brighten your parent’s day with a hug, a card or a joke. It’s also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked. It’s important to show that you care for each other. Kids and parents show their love by respecting(尊重) each other, and being caring, polite and thoughtful.
Do your best at whatever you do. You don’t have to be perfect, but when you do your best, you make your parents proud. It makes them happy to see how you, re turning into a great kid. Why Because it lets them know you, re doing a good job.
31. Your parents are two of the most important people in your life because they ______.
A. see you every day
B. have duty to care for you
C. need your help
D. influence you more than anyone else
32. Most parents ______ after their kids have grown up.
A. stop helping their kids
B. try their best to help their kids
C. leave their kids
D. are busy taking exercise
33. What should kids do when they’re unhappy
A. Watch TV by themselves.
B. Play a game with their parents.
C. Tell their parents and ask for help.
D. Be kind to their parents.
34. The underlined word “brighten” in the sixth paragraph means “______” in Chinese.
A. 使……忙碌
B. 使……愉快
C. 使……悲伤
D. 使……紧张
35. Which can be the best title of the passage
A. Getting Along with Your Parents
B. Talking to Your Parents
C. When Your Parents Fight
D. Spending More Time with Your Parents
V. 词汇运用
A) 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,注意变换形式。
what, train, read, stay, make
36. He keeps on _____ some books this holiday.
37. It is necessary for us to have a high level ______.
38. I am afraid of ______ that same mistake.
39. _____ difficulties we meet with, we will try to achieve our dreams.
40. She went to school instead of ______ at home.
B) 根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。
41. Reading and writing are two different _____(skill).
42. Everyone needs to work hard for the ______(develop) of our country.
43. What _____(cause) the big fire yesterday
44. It’s not right ______(copy) your classmates’ homework, Wang Tao.
45. Mary ______(guess) that the letter was from her best friend.
Ⅵ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词完成句子。
46. Don’t forget to _____(归还) my keys tomorrow.
47. He worked out the maths problem in the ______(恰当的) way.
48. As far as we know, safety comes first ______(无论什么) you do.
49. Mr. Sigmund Friend is used to _____ (处理) with all kinds of problems.
50. Many public service ads on TV remind us to spend more time ______ ______ _____(与……相处) our parents well.
Ⅶ. 综合填空
try, wonder, seem, bicycle, something, duck, everyone, bored, feed, anywhere
I spent my summer vacation with my grandparents, my uncle and aunt at Nellore. It (51)______ to be the best time for me. I played with my cousins every day. We rode (52)______, and sometimes we walked on the beach. There were some little (53)______ in my grandparents’ home. I (54)______ them every day. After a few days, the ducks liked me. And they followed me (55)______ I went. It was really interesting. My grandma (56)______ to make different kinds of food and drinks for us. Everything she made tasted great. I heard some (57)______ stories from my grandpa. When he finished telling a story, he always taught me to learn (58)______ from it. I loved all the stories and never felt (59)______. But I had to go back to school at last. I said goodbye to (60)______ there, and my father came to pick me up. I wanted to see them again!
Ⅷ. 书面表达
校报“Sunshine Teenager”栏目收到不少同学的咨询邮件。假如你是Mr. Hunt,请你根据Mike的信息,给他写封回信,提出你的建议并说明原因。80词左右。
Student Problems Advice
Mike 1. … parents give too much pressure 2. ... parents won’t let him have a pet... 1. talk to them 2. ...
Dear Mike,
It’s not easy being your age, and ______________________________________________
Mr. Hunt
Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents
I. 1-5 CAACA 6-10 ADABC 11-15 DCDCC
Ⅱ. 16-20 CBDBC 21-25 ADABC
Ⅲ. 26-30 BEDAF
Ⅳ. 31-35 DBCBA
Ⅴ. 36. reading 37. training 38. making 39. Whatever 40. staying 41. skills 42. development 43. caused 44. to copy 45. guessed
Ⅵ. 46. return 47. proper 48. whatever 49. dealing 50. getting on/along with
Ⅵ. 51. seemed 52. bicycles 53. ducks 54. fed 55. anywhere 56. tried 57. wonderful 58. something 59. bored 60. everyone
Ⅶ.Dear Mike,
It’s not easy being your age, and it’s normal to have these problems. Why don’t you talk about them with your parents Ask why they give you so much pressure. Free time activities like sports are important, too. If you are stressed out all the time, you won’t get good grades. Secondly, please ask your parents why you can’t keep a pet. You should explain that you will feed the pet and do the cleaning. I hope things will be better for you soon.
Mr. Hunt



