Module 2 Experiences 知识过关测试题2022-2023外研版八年级英语下册(含答案)

八下(外研)Module 2 知识过关测试
Class___________Name ____________Number___________
( ) 1. It's fine today. Let's travel ________ a boat on the river.
A. at B. on C. to D. for
( ) 2. This bag is ________ from that one. Can you tell me their ________
A. different; different B. different; differences
C. differences; different D. differences; differences
( ) 3. Shanghai is one of ________ cities in China.
A. busy B. busier C. the busier D. the busiest
( ) 4. I want to go to Hainan for my summer holiday. And my aunt _______ wants to go there.
A. too B. very C. also D. anyway
( ) 5. —Have you _______ been to New York before
—Yes, twice.
A. never B. ever C. often D. then
( ) 6. The bike is too expensive. We can't ________ it.
A. hope B. afford C. learn D. help
( ) 7. —Let's go to play volleyball after school.
—That ________ great.
A. sounds B. looks C. smells D. tastes
( ) 8. The Spring Festival is coming. Most people are ________ the days.
A. worrying about B. thinking of
C. counting down D. writing down
( ) 9. I want to invite one of my friends _______ me.
A. staying at B. to stay at
C. staying with D. to stay with
( ) 10. Stop _________ on the ice. It's dangerous.
A. walk B. to walk C. walking D. walked
( ) 11. —________ you ________ the movie One Step Away, Alice
—Yes, I have.
A. Have; seen B. Has; seen
C. Did; see D. Do; see
( ) 12. Betty ________ the Great Wall, so she knows it very well.
A. is visiting B. visits
C. was visiting D. has visited
( ) 13. —Is Lisa at home
—No. She ________ the bank. She ________ there just now.
A. has gone to; went B. has gone to; has been
C. has been to; went D. has been to; has gone
( ) 14. —_______, Bob
—That was fantastic!
A. Have you visited London B. What about you
C. How did you spend your holiday D. How was your trip
( ) 15. —I lost my favourite watch.
A. That's fine! B. That's a pity.
C. Have a good time. D. Have a try!
I finished my cooking course in a college at the age of 21. I thought I was going to ___1___a world famous cook. I hoped people would travel all over the world just to get a ___2___of my food. But three months later, I knew I was ___3___.Since nobody traveled to taste my food, I decided I should travel to taste theirs.
___4___my travel, I visited many different countries, such as Japan and France, where different kinds of food ___5___ my eyes. I especially loved the experiences in Italy and China.
When in Italy, I learned how to ___6___pizza and salads. We had long lazy lunches in the sun and evening meals where the ___7___went on long into the night.
In China, I loved the hot Sichuan food and ___8___ the delicious Beijing snacks(小吃). I also discovered the joys of making dumplings with good friends...
My year of travel came to an end all too ___9___, but I had delicious what I should do for the ___10___of my life. I want to bring the fantastic food of the world into my kitchen in New York.
( )1. A. invite   B. become    C. follow       D. remember
( )2. A. smell    B. sight     C. taste        D.feeling
( )3. A. free    B. right     C. wrong        D. angry
( )4. A. After    B. Until     C. Beyond       D. During
( )5. A. covered   B. opened    C. closed       D. wounded
( )6. A. try     B. send     C. make       D. show
( )7. A. films    B. stories    C. introductions    D. conversations
( )8. A. enjoyed   B. served    C. offered       D. fetched
( )9. A. slowly   B. easily    C. quickly       D. suddenly
( )10. A. rest    B. part     C. half        D. quarter
Rebecca Stevens was the first British woman to climb Mount Qomolangma.Before she went up the highest mountain in the world,she was a journalist(记者) and lived in a small flat in South London.
In 1993,Rebecca left her job and her family and traveled to Asia with some other climbers.She found that life on Qomolangma is hard.“You must carry everything on your back,”she said,“so you can only take things that you will need.You can’t wash on the mountain,and in the end I didn’t even take a toothbrush.I am usually a clean person but there is no water,only snow.Water is very heavy so you only take enough to drink!”
When Rebecca reached the top of Mount Qomolangma on May 17,1993,it was the best moment of her life.Suddenly she became famous.
Now she has written a book about the trip and people often ask her to talk about it.She has a new job too,on a science programme on television.
Rebecca is well-known today and she has more money,but she still lives in the flat in South London among(在……之中)her pictures and books about mountains!
( )1.Before Rebecca climbed Qomolangma,she worked as a _______.
A.climber C.journalist
( )2.Rebecca went to Asia to _______ in 1993.
A.spend a holiday with her family
B.climb the highest mountain
C.look for a new job
D.take some pictures
( )3.Rebecca found life on Qomolangma was hard because _______.
A.she was usually a very clean person
B.she had nothing but a toothbrush
C.water there was very heavy and expensive
D.everything that was needed had to be carried on the back
( )4.After her trip to Asia,Rebecca _______.
A.did the same job B.lived in the same flat the same money D.climbed the mountain again
( )5.Rebecca became famous for _______.
A.her science programme
B.her pictures and books
C.having much money
D.reaching the top of Mount Qomolangma
A) 根据句意及所给汉语提示语写出所缺单词。
1. Many Chinese people go to ________(法国) on holiday every year.
2. There're two ________(古老的) houses in the park.
3. Jenny entered three ________(比赛) at school last term.
4. They ________(邀请) their teacher to play games yesterday.
5. How many ________(国王) are there in the world now
B) 根据句意从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式,每词限用一次
Germany, mix, queen, Arabic, tower
6. The ________ and her children live in this palace.
7. ________ is an important country in Europe.
8. There are two ________ on the top of the mountain.
9. My uncle lived in Egypt for many years, so he can speak ________ very well.
10. James ________ American English and British English sometimes.
1. 比尔参加了那项活动,得了一等奖。
Bill took part in that activity and won the ________ ________.
2. 你曾经参观过那个博物馆吗?
________ you ________ visited that museum
3. 我哥哥想度过一个梦寐以求的假期。
My brother would like to go on a(n) ________ ________.
4. 迄今为止她已经学了六种语言。
________ ________ she has learned six languages.
5. 我总是想去加拿大旅行。
________ always ________ to travel to Canada.
I have ________(1) (take) many photos in Beijing. I ________(2) (visit) the Great Wall and ________(3) (meet) many foreigners. We ________(4) (talk) in English. It ________(5) (be) very interesting. Then I ________(6) (go) to the Palace Museum. There I ________(7) (see) the Beijing Opera. I had never ________(8) (see) the Beijing Opera before. It was really great. At about twelve o'clock, I ________(9) (feel) hungry, so I had dinner in a restaurant. I had never ________(10) (eat) Beijing Duck before. It was delicious.
1-5 BBDCB 6-10 BACDC 11-15 ADADB
1. France 2. ancient 3. competitions 4. invited 5. kings 6. queen 7. Germany 8. towers 9. Arabic 10. mixes
1. first prize 2. Have; ever 3. dream holiday 4. So far 5. I've; wanted
1.taken  2.visited  3.met  4.talked  5.was
6.went  7.saw  8.seen  9.felt  11.eaten



上一篇:Module 1 Unit 1 Writing a travel guide 同步练习题 2022-2023牛津上海版英语七年级下册(含答案)
