2022-2023外研版英语七年级下册Module4 Unit2 同步练习(含答案)

2022-2023学年外研版英语七年级下册Module4 Unit2 同步练习
1.到达 ________________________
3.认为;想起 ________________________
4.在……和……之间 ________________________
5.实现;成为 ________________________________
6.乘坐地铁 ________________________________
7.乘坐索道 ________________________________
8.过河 ________________________________
9.公交车路程 ________________________
10.做……很容易 ________________________
11.China n. →_________adj. 中国的
12.free adj. →_________(反义词)忙碌的
13.use v. →_________adj. 有用的
14.hour n. →________(同音词)我们的
15.class n. →_________(同义词)课
16.Mr. n. 先生→________n. 太太;夫人
17.warm adj. 暖和的→________adj. 凉爽的
18.Nowadays, many ________ (robot) have been used to work in dangerous situations.
19.—What does your brother look like
—______ .
A.He is outgoing B.He is really tall and thin
C.He is a student D.He is in hospital
20.There are so many ________ in our school today because it was our open day.
A.student B.people C.policemen D.traffic
21.Peter doesn’t like playing baseball. He thinks it is ________.
A.easy B.interesting C.boring
22.There are ________ in the reading room, but some aren’t ________ for the students to read.
A.enough books; easy enough B.enough books; enough easy
C.books enough; easily enough D.books enough; enough easily
23.—Are you ________ this afternoon
—No, I must go to a party.
A.busy B.long C.free D.short
24.He wants to become a teacher. If he works hard, his dream will ________.
A.get up B.think of C.come true D.come in
25.—What do you think of the math problem
—I don’t think it is difficult. I can finish it ________.
A.easy B.really C.hard D.easily
26.—What is the weather like —It is raining ________.
A.heavy B.heavily C.strong D.strongly
27.Peter is too fat. He has to buy a _________ T-shirt.
A.tidy B.short C.small D.big
28.—Why do most people like hamburgers
—Because they’re ________.
A.boring B.easy C.delicious D.funny
Our school is going to build a new classroom building. Our teacher asks us to make a “time capsule(胶囊)” together. ___29___ is a time capsule It is a box and you can put something in it for people in the future. When ___30___ start to build the building, they will put our time capsule inside the wall. Maybe in a hundred years, someone will ___31___ it. So, what to put in it Someone says we can put in a CD with popular music of today. People in the future will know what kids like us enjoyed ___32___. Someone else thinks of leaving today’s ___33___. It can show what our world is like. There are many ___34___ good ideas—a favorite book, pictures of our school, pictures of ___35___. I think we can all write a short letter ___36___ them. Other students ___37___ the idea.
Everyone ___38___ excited. What would you put in a time capsule if you were making one
29.A.How B.Why C.When D.What
30.A.teachers B.workers C.students D.parents
31.A.find B.need C.read D.show
32.A.watching B.reading C.seeing D.listening to
33.A.homework B.newspaper C.clothes D.drawing
34.A.else B.others C.other D.another
35.A.us B.them C.you D.him
36.A.of B.with C.about D.to
37.A.like B.likes C.don’t like D.doesn’t like
38.A.are B.is C.were D.am
In English classes, our English teacher, Mr. Smith, sometimes asks us to write something about the future. Here is Mike’s writing. It is very interesting. Let’s read it.
In the future, there will be more people in the world. There won’t be so many animals. Therefore, people won’t eat meat often. They will live a long life because they eat healthy food such as fruit and vegetables.
People will live in the sea. Everyone will be able to swim and they have a computer at home. People will do a lot of things on computers, so they won’t go out to work. They will work at home. They can talk to their friends on computers. People will also use ships and planes a lot. They won’t use any cars, so cars won’t be popular. And ships and planes can carry them everywhere. Maybe there will be traffic jams in the sea and air. People will live happy life in the future.
39.What does the writer think of Mike’s writing
A.Interesting. B.Excitng. C.Boring. D.Impossible.
40.What will you do if you want to live a long life
A.Eating more meat. B.Eating more fruit.
C.Eating more healthy food. D.Eating more beef.
41.People won’t go out to work in the future because they _________.
A.won’t need to work any more B.won’t eat meat often
C.will work under the sea D.will do things on computers at home
42.Which of the following is NOT true according the passage
A.Mike’s writing is very interesting.
B.People will live on the moon.
C.Mr. Smith is an English teacher at school.
D.People don’t have any cars at home in the future.
Here we ask some students to talk about the future. Let’s see what they think about the life in the future.
John: In the future people will live in different places. Many people will live in faraway places, under the sea or even on the moon.
Mary: In the future, people will speak only two languages. English and Chinese will become world languages.
Tom: In the future, people can eat anything and people won’t worry about the food problem in the world.
Kate: In the future, people will communicate(沟通)easily. They can talk with each other at any place. They can send emails, do some shopping, read and borrow books, and order meals or tickets through the Internet.
Tony: People will live long in the future. Doctors will cure(治疗)all kinds of disease.
Jay: In the future, people will travel to a lot of places. They can travel abroad and even travel to the moon.
43.Where does John think people will live in the future
A.In far-away places. B.Under the sea.
C.On the moon. D.All of the above.
44.Mary says that the world languages in the future will be ________.
A.English B.Japanese C.Chinese D.A and C
45.According to the passage, which of the following can’t we do through the Internet in the future
A.Sending emails. B.Looking after babies.
C.Ordering tickets. D.Doing some shopping.
46.Why will people live long in the future
A.Because people can eat anything.
B.Because doctors can cure all the disease.
C.Because people will be happy every day.
D.Because people will have a lot of money.
47.Today we can’t travel to ________ as we wish.
A.Dalian B.America C.space D.England
Life in the future(将来) is different from now. There is not any paper money in the future. People use their credit cards when they go shopping. There are not so many shopping malls. At weekends, people needn’t go out. They usually do some shopping at home on the Internet.
Children don’t get up early to go to school. They have lessons at home on the Internet, too. Teachers teach their students and give them homework on the Internet. Children give the homework to their teachers on the Internet, too.
People don’t need to do much work. There are more robots(机器人). Robots do hard work for people. Parents don’t cook or wash clothes. A cooking robot cooks breakfast. In fact, robots do all the housework for us.
There are more holidays. Parents spend much time with their children. They spend a lot of time travelling around the world.
I think life in the future is very interesting. Do you think so
48.What is the Chinese for the underlined phrase “credit cards”
A.身份证 B.户口本 C.信用卡 D.优惠卡
49.Teachers teach their students ________in the future.
A.in the classroom B.over the radio C.on TV D.on the Internet
50.In the future, robots are helpful and they can ________.
A.eat dinner B.cook meals for us
C.talk with our friends D.watch films
51.Which is the best title(标题) for the passage
A.Shopping online B.Studying at home
C.Robots in the future D.Life in the future
Let us suppose it is 2060 now. Of course, things have changed and life is very different. We can make voyages to the moon every day. It is very easy to take a holiday on the moon today. But it was impossible for the people in 1960 to take such a holiday. At many scenic spots on the moon, many hotels have been built. Everything imaginable is provided for the young and the old to entertain. People still eat food on the moon. But many food is made in pill forms and the food is mainly from green plants.
52.Life in 2060 is still the same as now.
53.It was impossible to take a holiday on the moon in 1960.
54.According to the passage, there are no scenic spots on the moon in 2060.
55.Everybody can enjoy everything imaginable in the hotels on the moon.
56.In 2060, people don't need to eat any food.

1.get to 2.ride a bike/by bike 3.think of 4.between...and... 5.come true 6.take the subway 7.go on a ropeway 8.cross the river 9.the bus ride 10.It’s easy to do sth.
11.Chinese 12.busy 13.useful 14.our 15.lesson 16.Mrs. 17.cool
19.B 20.B 21.C 22.A 23.C 24.C 25.D 26.B 27.D 28.C
29.D 30.B 31.A 32.D 33.B 34.C 35.A 36.D 37.A 38.B
39.A 40.C 41.D 42.B 43.D 44.D 45.B 46.B 47.C
48.C 49.D 50.B 51.D 52.F 53.T 54.F 55.T 56.F



