Unit 2 My favourite season Part C 同步练习题(含答案)

Unit 2《My favourite season》Part C 同步练习题
班级:_________ 姓名:__________
1.( )A.winter B.season C.spring
2.( )A.rain B.green C.white
3.( )A.leaf B.sleep C.work
4.( )A.apple B.snowman C.orange
5.( )A.picking B.swimming C.sing
6.There ______ three pretty pictures. I like them ______. ( )
A.have; all B.are; also C.are; all
7.It’s usually ______ in summer. ( )
A.windy and warm B.sunny and hot C.windy and cool
8.______ is golden and farmers are busy. ( )
A.Spring B.Summer C.Autumn
9.—Mum, look at my picture! ( )
A.Good job! B.Here you are. C.You’re welcome.
10.Alice likes winter ______ she can ______ in the snow. ( )
A.but; play B.because; play C.because; plays
which when what why who
11.—________do you get up —At 6 o'clock.
12.—________is that man —Mr Li.
13.—________do you like spring —Because it’s warm.
14.—________ season do you like best —Summer.
15.—________ is the weather like —It's windy.
16.We can go on ______ _____ in spring.
17.I like summer. Because I can ______ _____ in the river.
18.—Which season do you like best
—Autumn. I often _____ ______ in my garden.
19.—What’s your favourite ______, Belly
—______ is my favourite season.
20.—______ do you like spring
—Because I can ______ _____.
A.Because it’s pretty. B.Because I can sleep all day. C.At 3 o'clock. D.I’d like some beef noodles. E. Summer.
21.What would you like to eat ( )
22.Which season do you like best ( )
23.I like winter best. ( )
24.When do you take a dancing class ( )
25.Why do you like spring ( )
Amy: ____26____
Sarah: It's windy and warm.
Amy: ____27____
Sarah: Spring.
Amy: ____28____
Sarah: Because I can plant trees. ____29____
Amy: I like winter best.
Sarah: ____30____
Amy: Because I can make a snowman.
A.Why do you like spring
B.What do you do
C.What do you do in winter
D.What about you
E.Why do you like winter
F.What's the weather like today
G.Which season do you like best
Hainan is my hometown. It’s a very beautiful city. The buildings are tall, and the trees are tall, too. Summer is favourite season for many people in Hainan. It’s hot and sunny. The boys and girls can wear their sunglasses and beautiful T-shirts. They can swim in the sea, too. The favourite drink in Hainan is coconut(椰子) juice. It’s fresh and sweet. It’s very delicious. Spring is warm in Hainan. Fall is cool. It seems that(似乎)there is no winter in Hainan. Because it’s not very cold in winter.
31._________ is favourite season for many people in Hainan. ( )
A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall
32.It’s _________ in summer in Hainan. ( )
A.hot and sunny B.windy and cool C.warm and cool
33.The boys and girls can _________ in the sea. ( )
A.play B.skate C.swim
34.Spring is very _________ in Hainan. ( )
A.cool B.warm C.cold
35.It’s _________ in winter in Hainan. ( )
A.not very cold B.snowy C.hot
John and I are good friends. John likes spring best. It’s warm and rainy. He can plant trees and flowers. But I don’t like spring. I like summer. It’s sunny and hot. I can go swimming and eat ice cream. When autumn comes, the weather is good and the colours are pretty. Farmers are busy on the farm. We can go on a picnic. The last (最后的) season is very cold for us. We don’t like it. But we like playing in the snow. Which season is it Do you know
36.Read and finish the sentences.读短文,完成句子。
(1) ________ are very busy on the farm.
(2) I like ________ best and John likes ________best.
(3) The last season is ________.
37.Read and judge.读短文,判断,对的写T,错的写F。
(1) John can plant trees and flowers in autumn. ( )
(2) I like summer best because I can go swimming. ( )
(3) John and I like playing in the snow. ( )
(4) We can go on a picnic in summer. ( )
38.Write about yourself.写一写你喜欢的季节。
Which season do you like best Why
I like ________ best. Because I can ________________________.
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.C
11.When 12.Who 13.Why 14.Which 15.What
16. a picnic
17. go swimming
18. pick apples
19. season Spring
20. Why fly kites
21.D 22.E 23.B 24.C 25.A
26.F 27.G 28.A 29.D 30.E
31.B 32.A 33.C 34.B 35.A
36. Farmers summer spring winter 37. F
T T F 38. autumn go on a picnic
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