
The way you use your cellphones around your family can have an effect on your relationships. Cellphones can make you feel more connected, but they can also distract(使分心)you and your family from connecting with each other in person. While some people need to check their phones for work or emergency(紧急情况)purposes, it’s important to make meaningful connections through face to face communication.
Some people have trouble putting away their cellphones. They might feel they can’t control how often they pick up their phones or how long they use them. They might feel the need to often check phones without a real reason or feel upset if they don’t have an opportunity to use their phones. Using cellphones for work purposes during family time can increase worries and unhappiness among family members. While using their cellphones, parents talk to their kids less, reply more slowly, and overreact to being interrupted. And ignoring their partner while on the phone is linked to lower relationship satisfaction among couples.
Once you’ve given some thought to your own cellphone use, think about the rules you want your family to follow when you’re together. To get your family on the same page, call a family meeting. Review each person’s current cellphone use and areas where you think some changes might help. It’s not just about simply cutting cellphone use down. Instead, consider what you’re using your phone for and what activities you want to carry out.
For example, are you or your children using phones to stay connected, learn something new, do school work, or do something else If you have kids, ask their opinions on your own phone use. You might be surprised by what they have to share. Use good communication skills by practicing active listening and showing curiosity about what each family member has to say.
Less phone use also usually means less screen time, which enables kids to spend more time outdoors and be more physically active. When teens spend more time actively with their parents, they tend to set higher educational goals.
1.What’s the first paragraph mainly about
A.Family members’ connections. B.Cellphones’ new challenges at home.
C.One disadvantage of the cellphones. D.People’s staying away from cellphones.
2.How do some people feel when they have no phone at hand
A.Uneasy. B.Uncertain. C.Curious. D.Homesick.
3.Why should a family meeting be held
A.To carry out activities. B.To reach an agreement.
C.To share the latest news. D.To set an example to others.
4.What can be the best title for the text
A.Are Cellphones Influencing Family Time
B.Are Mobile Phones Changing People’s Life
C.How Can People Get Along with Their Parents
D.How Do Children Set Right Educational Goals
Flash droughts are relatively new for natural disasters, and come on fast, with conditions going from normal to severely dry in less than one month. This means people have no time to prepare for the consequences, which can include dried crops, streams or wells.
A well-documented flash drought swept across the central U. S. in 2012. Normal winter and spring rainfall made people assume it would be a normal summer. But it suddenly stopped raining in May, leading to the driest summer in the Great Plains since 1895. The drought destroyed crops in six states, resulting in $35. 7 billion of agricultural loss.
The 2012 disaster inspired researchers to concentrate on flash droughts. In a study published in 2021, Cook and his colleagues, using tree ring data paired with soil moisture data, reconstructed the frequency and scale of flash droughts in the Central Plains over the past 500 years. The model showed that over one-third of all flash droughts since A.D.1500 occurred in the 20th century.
However, while science is giving some insights into where and how these rapid droughts happen, we still don’t know how to predict them.
“We know the physical ingredients that cause flash droughts, but we don’t really understand what triggers them in the soil column,” says Justin Mankin, a geography professor.
Part of the reason flash droughts are difficult to forecast is because there’s a lack of on-the-ground monitoring, including real-time measurements of soil moisture. Tools like the U. S. Drought Monitor rely on satellite imagery of vegetation as well as other geophysical data. But they only provide a guess of soil moisture, rather than showing what’s happening beneath the surface.
“Plants are doing the water exchange between the land and the atmosphere,” explains Mankin. “That exchange is happening in what we call the root zone about a meter underground, which is difficult to monitor from a satellite.”
5.What’s the purpose of mentioning the 2012 drought
A.To highlight the loss the drought brought. B.To show the history of flash droughts.
C.To further explain flash droughts. D.To illustrate the harm of the drought.
6.How did Cook and his team study flash drought
A.By doing experiments. B.By analyzing statistics.
C.By studying the history. D.By observing nature.
7.What’s the disadvantage of the current monitoring tools
A.They cannot predict soil moisture. B.They depend on satellites and data.
C.They cannot get clear pictures. D.They cannot track water exchange.
8.What’s the best title of the text
A.What Flash Droughts Are B.How Flash Droughts Form
C.What Flash Droughts Bring D.How We Predict Flash Droughts
Perhaps you’ve stopped doing what you want because you’re afraid of what others think of you. You feel that you must do what they expect and that you must meet their expectations, otherwise you’ll lose their approval. ___1___ Then, you’ll be able to do what you want freely.
Think about yourself, about what you really like and are interested in. You must lead your life independently, ___2___ However, you might feel afraid to do it because you’ ve always done everything to gain the approval of others. You need to get out of that zone, move to new places, and explore your full potential.
By surrounding yourself with people who think like you, you’ll realize that you don’t feel judged. Then, you’ll start doing what you really want. ___3__ Your new friends will integrate into your life and you’ll also keep your genuine friends. On the other hand, those who are always ready to see the negative and question what you’ re trying to do will drift away.
To overcome your fear of what others think and of their non-approval, you should start talking about your plans, For instance, you might want to tell a handful of friends about your wishes and dreams. ___4___ You’ll feel confident in yourself and you’ll be able to go on your new path without any fear.
It’s unavoidable that not everything will be plain sailing, and you’ll find obstacles along your way. ___5___ People in your environment often don’t understand what you do no matter how much you explain it, so ignore them.
A.There is no need to think about what you want.
B.You don’t have to change your circle of friends.
C.Your life belongs to you, as well as your actions.
D.By talking to them, you’ll be able to organize your plans and ideas.
E.If this is the case, it’s time to start working on your self-esteem (自尊).
F.You must do what you want without being affected by what others think.
G.However, you must trust in yourself and seek the necessary strength to move forward.
“Man up.” That’s the “advice” that some guys hear from their family and friends when they’re not ____1____ “manly” enough because they’re showing “too many” emotions.
And, frankly, it’s the kind of advice that ends up doing great ____2____. Love and support are what strengthen a person; toxic masculinity(有毒的男子气概)is what ____3____ some problems in the future.
A 16-year-old boy told his ____4____ about how he cried after not getting into a soccer team. It was a pretty big ____5____ to him and, naturally, he was upset. And ____6____ his mom and his sisters comforted him, his dad had a ____7____ attitude towards the entire situation. A big fight followed full of accusations of the boy not being enough of a man.
The boy’s dad ____8____ him for “not doing enough” to get into the soccer team. He then went on to give the boy some ____9____ on how to be more athletic and take care of his diet more.
_____10_____, the dad said that it was stupid to cry over a thing like this, and that it was time that he “manned up”. What followed was a long _____11_____ and afterwards, the boy ignored his dad for a week.
The boy’s behaviour can be _____12_____. Men, just like women, experience depression and anxiety. However, men are _____13_____ told to control their emotions and not to _____14_____ their problems with others, as it’s seen as being weak. Actually, for men, it is good to _____15_____ their emotions properly.
1.A.appearing B.acting C.responding D.offering
2.A.harm B.failure C.confusion D.anxiety
3.A.deals with B.runs into C.brings about D.looks into
4.A.opinion B.story C.secret D.trip
5.A.loss B.change C.shame D.blow
6.A.unless B.if C.because D.while
7.A.different B.positive C.friendly D.flexible
8.A.praised B.thanked C.forgave D.blamed
9.A.information B.inspiration C.suggestions D.demands
10.A.However B.Besides C.Therefore D.Instead
11.A.silence B.separation C.conversation D.argument
12.A.glorious B.practical C.understandable D.impressive
13.A.traditionally B.originally C.immediately D.simply
14.A.combine B.share C.handle D.compare
15.A.hide B.generate C.release D.control
Qinling Mountains is a geographical dividing line between Northern China and Southern China. They run west to east, ___1___(stretch)across Gansu Province, Shaanxi Province and Henan Province. Qinling Mountains is covered by large-scale plants, ___2___ are home to many wild animals such as giant pandas and golden monkeys.
Qinling Mountains was formed about 200 million years ago, ___3___(identify)as an important ecological security barrier. Because of the geographical differences in the north and the south of Qinling Mountains, Qinling-Huai River Line ___4___(become)the most important north-south boundary of Chinese geography so far. In winter, Qinling Mountains can block the cold wave from entering the south and in summer, the moist sea breeze ___5___(block)from entering the northern region.
While the Qinling Mountains have long been known as the northern edge of giant panda habitat, ___6___ was only in 2005 that the Qinling panda was recognized as ___7___ distinct subspecies of giant panda. The Qinling panda is distinguished by its___8___(slight)smaller size and fur that is brown rather than black, with about 270 distributed in 7 areas, like Taibai Mountain and Qingmuchuan. As the ___9__(high) peak in the Qinling Mountains, Taibai Mountain is quite popular among mountain climbers. Many climbing enthusiasts like to spend a whole night reaching its peak to record its beautiful sunrise and enjoy the hot spring for ____10___(relax).
24.C 25.A 26.B 27.A
24.主旨大意题。根据第一段的“The way you use your cellphones around your family can have an effect on your relationships. Cellphones can make you feel more connected, but they can also distract (使分心) you and your family from connecting with each other in person.(你在家人身边使用手机的方式会对你的人际关系产生影响。手机可以让你感觉联系更紧密,但它们也会分散你和家人面对面交流的注意力。)”可知,第一段主要是关于手机的一个缺点。故选C。
25.推理判断题。根据第二段的“They might feel the need to often check phones without a real reason or feel upset if they don’t have an opportunity to use their phones.(他们可能会觉得有必要经常在没有真正理由的情况下查看手机,或者如果他们没有机会使用手机就会感到不安。)”可知,有些人在手边没有手机时感到不安,故选A。
26.推理判断题。根据第三段的“To get your family on the same page, call a family meeting.(为了让你的家人达成一致,召集一次家庭会议。)”可知,召集家庭会议是为了要达成一致。故选B。
27.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“The way you use your cellphones around your family can have an effect on your relationships. Cellphones can make you feel more connected, but they can also distract (使分心) you and your family from connecting with each other in person.(你在家人身边使用手机的方式会对你的人际关系产生影响。手机可以让你感觉联系更紧密,但它们也会分散你和家人面对面交流的注意力。)”可知,本文主要讲的是过度使用手机对家庭关系的不良影响和如何解决这个问题,因此最好的题目是A选项“Are Cellphones Influencing Family Time (手机影响家庭时间了吗?)”,故选A。
28.C 29.B 30.D 31.A
28.推理判断题。根据第一段“Flash droughts are relatively new for natural disasters, and come on fast, with conditions going from normal to severely dry in less than one month. This means people have no time to prepare for the consequences, which can include dried crops, streams or wells.( 骤旱是相对较新的自然灾害,而且来得很快,在不到一个月的时间里,情况从正常到严重干旱。这意味着人们没有时间为后果做准备,这些后果可能包括农作物干涸、河流干涸或水井干涸)”推知,第二段介绍2012 年美国中部平原发生的骤旱以及其影响是为了例进一步说明骤旱的特点。故选C。
29.细节理解题。根据第三段“Cook and his colleagues, using tree ring data paired with soil moisture data, reconstructed the frequency and scale of flash droughts in the Central Plains over the past 500 years. (在2021年发表的一项研究中,库克和他的同事利用树木年轮数据和土壤湿度数据,重建了过去500年中原地区突发性干旱的频率和规模)”可知,库克和他的团队主要利用数据来进行研究。故选B。
30.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“But they only provide a guess of soil moisture, rather than showing what’s happening beneath the surface. (但它们只提供了土壤湿度的猜测,而没有显示地表下发生了什么)”和最后一段“That exchange is happening in what we call the root zone about a meter underground, which is difficult to monitor from a satellite.(这种交换发生在我们所说的地下一米左右的根区,这很难从卫星上监测到)”可知,检测工具依靠卫星图片,只能猜测土壤水分,而看不到地下植物利用根部进行水分交换的情况。故选D。
31.主旨大意题。根据第一段“Flash droughts are relatively new for natural disasters, and come on fast, with conditions going from normal to severely dry in less than one month. (骤旱是相对较新的自然灾害,而且来得很快,在不到一个月的时间里,情况从正常到严重干旱)”及全文可知,文章主要介绍骤旱,相比传统干旱,发展更为迅速,预见期更短,同时也难以预测,目前也缺乏有效的监测工具。所以“What Flash Droughts Are(什么是骤旱)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选A。
36.E 37.F 38.B 39.D 40.G
36.根据上文“You feel that you must do what they expect and that you must meet their expectations, otherwise you’ll lose their approval.(你觉得你必须做他们期望的事情,你必须满足他们的期望,否则你会失去他们的认可。)”下文“ Then, you’ll be able to do what you want freely.(然后,你就可以自由地做你想做的事。)”可知前后是转折关系,空处应该是填一个承上启下的句子。E选项“If this is the case, it’s time to start working on your self-esteem .(如果是这样的话,是时候开始培养你的自尊了。)”中,前半句“If this is the case, ”与上文一致,后半句“ it’s time to start working on your self-esteem .”引起下文。故选E。
37.根据上文“You must lead your life independently.(你必须自己独立地生活。)”可知后半句应该是和自己独立有关,也就是不受别人影响。所以,F项“You must do what you want without being affected by what others think.(你必须做自己想做的事,不要被别人的想法所影响。)”符合语境。故选F。
38.由本段的第一句“By surrounding yourself with people who think like you, you’ll realize that you don’t feel judged.(和你想法相同的人在一起,你会意识到你不会觉得自己被评判了。)”和空后的“Your new friends will integrate into your life and you’ll also keep your genuine friends.(你的新朋友会融入你的生活,你也会保持你真正的朋友。)”可知空处应该和friends相关,B项“You don’t have to change your circle of friends.(你不必改变你的朋友圈。)”故选B。
39.根据上文“To overcome your fear of what others think and of their non-approval, you should start talking about your plans, For instance, you might want to tell a handful of friends about your wishes and dreams.(为了克服你对别人想法和他们不赞成的恐惧,你应该开始谈论你的计划。例如,你可能想要告诉几个朋友你的愿望和梦想。)”可知,下文是有关如何克服的句子,此外,和D选项“By talking to them, you’ll be able to organize your plans and ideas.”相呼应。故选D。
40.根据空前“It’s unavoidable that not everything will be plain sailing, and you’ll find obstacles along your way. (不可避免的是,并不是每件事都一帆风顺,你会在路上遇到障碍。)”可知,下文应该是鼓励去解决障碍,继续前进的句子。所以,G项“However, you must trust in yourself and seek the necessary strength to move forward.(然而,你必须相信自己,寻求力量继续前进。)”符合语境,和后文衔接自然。故选G。
41.B 42.A 43.C 44.B 45.D 46.D 47.A 48.D 49.C 50.B 51.D 52.C 53.A
54.B 55.C
41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:“拿出男人的样子。”这是一些男人从家人和朋友那里听到的“建议”,当他们表现得不够“男子汉气概”时,因为他们表现出“太多”的情绪。A. appearing显现;B. acting表现;C. responding回应;D. offering提供。根据句中“Man up”和“not _____ “manly” enough”可知,“拿出男人的样子”应该是用于当男人们表现得不够“男子汉气概”时,“acting”意为“表现”,符合语境。故选B项。
42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:坦率地说,这类建议最终会造成很大的伤害。A. harm伤害;B. failure失败;C. confusion困惑;D. anxiety焦虑。根据下文“toxic masculinity (有毒的男子气概) is what _____ some problems in the future”中的“problems”可知,“拿出男人的样子” 这类建议未来会引起一些问题,由此可知,这类建议最终会造成很大的伤害。故选A项。
43.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:爱和支持是增强一个人力量的东西;有毒的男子气概在未来会引起一些问题。A. deals with处理;B. runs into遇到,陷入;C. brings about引起,导致;D. looks into调查。根据句中“toxic masculinity (有毒的男子气概)”可知,文章观点并不赞成“拿出男人的样子”这类建议,且下文介绍了这种建议的弊端,由此可知,有毒的男子气概在未来会引起一些问题。故选C项。
44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个16岁的男孩讲述了他在没有进入足球队后如何哭泣的故事。A. opinion意见;B. story故事;C. secret秘密;D. trip旅行。根据句中“told”和下文内容可知,下文讲述了男孩因没有进入足球队哭泣,被父亲批评没有男子气概的故事,由此可知,16岁的男孩讲述了他的故事。故选B项。
45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这对他来说是一个很大的打击,当然,他很沮丧。A. loss损失;B. change改变;C. shame羞愧;D. blow打击。根据上文“not getting into a soccer team”和句中“he was upset”可知,男孩没有进入足球队,感觉沮丧,由此可知,这对他来说是一个很大的打击。故选D项。
46.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然他的母亲和姐妹安慰他,但他的父亲对整个情况持不同的态度。A. unless除非;B. if如果;C. because因为;D. while虽然。根据句中“his mom and his sisters comforted him”和“his dad had a _____ attitude”可知,句子为让步状语从句,虽然他的母亲和姐妹安慰他,但父亲持不同的态度,“while”意为“虽然”,引导从句,符合语境。故选D项。
47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然他的母亲和姐妹安慰他,但他的父亲对整个情况持不同的态度。A. different不同的;B. positive积极乐观的;C. friendly友好的;D. flexible灵活的。根据下文“A big fight followed full of accusations of the boy not being enough of a man.”可知, 父亲指责这个男孩不够男子气概,由此可知,父亲没有安慰他,对这件事持不同的态度。故选A项。
48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:男孩的父亲指责他“做得不够”,无法进入足球队。A. praised表扬;B. thanked感谢;C. forgave原谅;D. blamed指责。根据上文“A big fight followed full of accusations of the boy not being enough of a man.”可知, 父亲指责这个男孩不够男子气概,由此可知,父亲指责他“做得不够”,所以无法进入足球队。故选D项。
49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,他继续给这个男孩一些建议,告诉他如何更具运动性,如何更好地照顾自己的饮食。A. information信息;B. inspiration灵感;C. suggestions建议;D. demands要求。根据句中“how to be more athletic and take care of his diet more”可知,“如何更具运动性”和“如何更好地照顾自己的饮食”是父亲给男孩的一些建议。故选C项。
50.考查副词词义辨析。句意:此外,父亲说,为这样的事情哭泣是愚蠢的,现在是他“拿出男人的样子”的时候了。A. However然而;B. Besides此外;C. Therefore因此;D. Instead反而。根据上文“He then went on to give the boy some _____ on how to be more athletic and take care of his diet more.”可知,父亲已经给男孩一些建议了,由此可知,此外,他又让男孩“拿出男人的样子”。故选B项。
51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:接下来是一场长时间的争吵,之后,男孩无视父亲一周。A. silence寂静;B. separation分离;C. conversation交谈;D. argument争吵。根据上文“A big fight followed”和句中“the boy ignored his dad for a week”可知,之前父子之间已经发生了矛盾,由此可知,父子之间发生了一场长时间的争吵,男孩不满父亲的态度,所以才会无视父亲一周。故选D项。
52.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个男孩的行为是可以理解的。A. glorious光荣的;B. practical实际的;C. understandable可以理解的;D. impressive给人印象深刻的。根据下文“Men, just like women, experience depression and anxiety.”可知,男人和女人一样,都会经历抑郁和焦虑,由此可知,男孩的哭泣和沮丧是可以理解的。故选C项。
53.考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,传统上,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪,不要与他人分享自己的问题,因为这被视为软弱。A. traditionally传统上;B. originally原来,起初;C. immediately立即;D. simply仅仅,只。根据句中“men are _____ told to control their emotions”可知,“男性被告知要控制自己的情绪”这是一种传统的观点,由此可知,传统上,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪。故选A项。
54.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然而,传统上,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪,不要与他人分享自己的问题,因为这被视为软弱。A. combine结合;B. share分享;C. handle处理;D. compare比较。根据句中“men are _____ told to control their emotions”可知,男性被告知要控制自己的情绪,由此可知,他们被告知不要与他人分享自己的问题,因为这被视为软弱。故选B项。
55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:事实上,对男人来说,适当地释放他们的情绪是很好的。A. hide隐藏;B. generate生成;C. release释放;D. control控制。根据上文“And, frankly, it’s the kind of advice that ends up doing great _____.”可知,文章观点是过度的“拿出男人的样子”,过度的控制情绪会给男人造成伤害,由此可知,对男人来说,应该适当地释放他们的情绪。故选C项。
56.stretching 57.which 58.identified 59.has become
60.Is blocked 61.it 62.a 63.slightly 64.highest 65.relaxation
57.考查定语从句。句意:秦岭被大型植物覆盖,是大熊猫、金丝猴等许多野生动物的家园。非限制性定语从句修饰先行词Qinling Mountains,在从句中作主语,指物,故用关系代词which。故填which。
58.考查非谓语动词。句意:秦岭形成于大约2亿年前,被认为是重要的生态安全屏障。分析句子结构可知identify与逻辑主语Qinling Mountains构成被动关系,故用过去分词作状语。故填identified。
59.考查时态。句意:由于秦岭南北的地理差异,秦淮线成为迄今为止中国地理上最重要的南北边界。根据so far可知为现在完成时,主语为Qinling-Huai River Line,助动词用has。故填has become。
60.考查时态语态。句意:在冬季,秦岭山脉可以阻挡寒潮进入南方,在夏季,潮湿的海风可以阻挡进入北部地区。主语与谓语构成被动关系,陈述客观事实用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为the moist sea breeze,谓语用单数。故填is blocked。
61.考查强调句。句意:虽然秦岭一直被认为是大熊猫栖息地的北部边缘,但直到2005年,秦岭大熊猫才被确认为大熊猫的一个独特亚种。分析句子结构可知此处为强调句“it be+被强调部分+that+其它”,被强调部分为only in 2005。故填it。



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