Unit 7 What's the matter? SectionB(3a-SelfCheck)课时练习卷(含答案)

鲁教版(五四学制)英语七年级下册Unit 7 What’s the matter Section B(3a-Self Check)课时练习卷
1.健康问题 ________
2.头痛 ________
3.伤到自己 ________
4.take risks ________
5.whole night ________
A: What’s the ___6___
B: I hurt ___7___ playing soccer. I have a ___8___ leg.
A: Oh, that doesn’t sound good.
B: What ___9___ I do
A: I think you should see a doctor and ___10___ an X-ray.
B: OK, thanks. I’ll do that now.
11.There are twenty ________(乘客)in the bus.
12.The man gave much ________(血)to save the little boy.
13.We should learn to face many different ________(情况).
14.—What does your sister do
—She is a ________(护士)in a hospital.
15.I’m sorry to make lots of ________ (麻烦) for you.
16.We know the ________(important)of the exam, so we will study hard.
17.The player ________(hurt)his leg in the match yesterday.
18.The visitor meant ________ (climb) Mount Tai.
19.The foreigner has been used ________ (eat) with chopsticks.
20.My dream is to be a famous doctor and save patients’ ________ (life).
-- He hurt his knee.
A.What did Tom happen B.What did happen to Tom
C.What happened to Tom D.What's matter with Tom
22.You shouldn’t ________. If you work hard, your dream must come true.
A.put up B.give up C.cut up D.get up
23.—What's the matter with Mary
— ________ .
A.She goes to see a doctor B.She likes healthy food
C.She should stay at home D.She has a sore throat
24.You ________ go to bed early because there will be an exam tomorrow.
A.should B.shouldn’t C.can D.can’t
25.—What’s wrong with you, Cheng Li
—I’m feeling ________.
A.terrible B.terribly C.badly D.terrify
This young man is ________ ________ ________ this factory.
You don’t have to ________ ________ because of this.
If we follow the rules, we won’t ________ ________ ________.
The doctor used the knife to ________ ________ his hurt left leg.
We ________ ________ ________ going to school by bike.
31.I expected all of you ________ up ________ on weekends.
A.give;rest B.to give;to rest C.to give;resting D.giving;to rest
32.—I have a stomachache.
—You ________ eat so much food.
A.have to B.should C.shouldn’t D.must
33.—Lily, could you please pass me the ________ I want to cut the apple.
—Sure, here you are.
A.ruler B.pencil C.book D.knife
34.Ann told a ________. That is, she ________ to her teacher for her being late.
A.lie; lie B.lied; lied C.lie; lied D.lied; lie
35.—I’m sorry to hear that your mum is ________.
—Luckily, she is not down like other ________ people in hospital.
A.sick; ill B.ill; illness C.ill; sick D.illness; sick
The Importance of First AidFirst aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly ill, including self help and home care if medical help is not available or delayed. First aid knowledge means life or death during an emergency situation so that the greatest possible good may be done for the greatest number of people. General Treatment to Burns ● Move the injured away from the heat source. ● Check the breathing and pulse as well as the extent and depth of burns. ● Flush the burnt area with water to reduce pain. ● Cover the wound with a sterilized (消毒的) dressing. ● For facial burns, use sheets or something else to cover the burnt area. Heatstroke(中暑) To avoid heatstroke, you should stop rough activities in hot weather. If you are still to go outdoors, you should: ● wear light loose-fitting clothing; ● rest in a cool place as often as possible; ● drink pure water or fruit juice; ● avoid beverages (饮料) such as milk, tea, wine, beer. First Aid training There are some organizations giving first aid courses recognized by the local government. For more information, you can call the Fire Services Ambulance Command Training School on 2640 3708.
36.If someone is burnt, you should let him or her ________.A.wear light loose-fitting clothing B.move away from the heat source
C.rest in a cool place as often as possible D.be covered with a sheet or something else
37.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true
A.First aid is given when medical help is unavailable or delayed.
B.A sterilized dressing is used to cover the wound to reduce pain.
C.Beverage should be avoided if someone is suffering heatstroke.
D.A call on 2640 3708 can offer information about first aid training.
38.What is the author’s main purpose of writing the passage
A.To introduce some first aid training courses and schools.
B.To show the importance of first aid with some examples.
C.To praise an organization that is related to first aid training.
D.To tell the readers how to perform some first aid treatment.
angry, well, song, hope, also, relax, think, tired, clean, when, finger, medicine
I am a doctor. People often come to see me because they have colds or coughs. People ___39___ come to see me because they are sad or nervous. Sometimes ___40___ helps. Sometimes talking helps. But many doctors ___41___ that music can help people feel better. I asked a few of my patients(病人)how music helps them.“Sometimes I was ___42___ when I was a child. My family said, ‘Play your feelings on the piano!’ Sometimes I play a loud ___43___ on the piano. Soon I feel calm(平静的). I can laugh and cry through my ___44___ on the piano. It’s natural for me. It’s like breathing(呼吸).”
“Listening to music helps me feel ___45___. I like to listen to music and dance when I ___46___ my house.”
“I play the violin. I like playing at night ___47___ it is quiet. After playing I am tired but happy. I always sleep ____48____ after playing my violin.”
Are you a musician Good! Keep playing. If you are not a musician, listen to music and sing or dance. It’s good medicine.
1.health problem 2.have a headache 3.hurt oneself 4.冒险 5.整夜
【解析】1.“健康问题”翻译为health problem,为名词短语,名词health作定语修饰名词problem。故填health problem。
2.“头痛”翻译为have a headache,为动词短语。故填have a headache。
3.“伤到自己”翻译为hurt oneself,oneself为反身代词。故填hurt oneself。
4.take risks意为“冒险”,为动词短语。故填:冒险。
5.whole night意为“整夜”,在句中可作时间状语。故填:整夜。
6.matter 7.myself 8.sore 9.should 10.get
6.根据下一句“I hurt…playing soccer.”可知此处应是询问B怎么了,可用“What’s the matter ”来询问。故填matter。
7.根据空格前的“I hurt”可知是让自己受伤了,hurt oneself,主语为I,因此反身代词应用myself。故填myself。
8.根据上一句“I hurt…playing soccer.”可知,B受伤了,因此此处应是指腿疼,可用形容词sore来修饰名词leg。故填sore。
9.根据下一句“I think you should see a doctor”可知,A建议B去看医生,因此此处B应是询问“我应该做什么?”,应用情态动词should表示“应该”。故填should。
10.根据空格后的“an X-ray”可知此处指去照X光,应用动词get。连词and连接两个并列的动词原形。故填get。
18.to climb
【详解】句意:那位游客打算去登泰山。根据“The visitor meant...(climb) Mount Tai.”及所给词可知,mean to do sth.“打算做某事”。故填to climb。
19.to eating
【详解】句意:那个外国人已经习惯用筷子吃东西了。根据“been used”可知此处应用形容词短语be used to doing sth表示“习惯做某事”,动词eat的动名词为eating。故填to eating。
【详解】句意:-Tom发生了什么事?-他伤了他的膝盖。What did Tom happen形式错误;What did happen to Tom形式错误;What happened to Tom Tom发生了什么事?What’s matter with Tom这个句中matter前应加冠词the。故选C。
考查动词短语辨析。put up“搭建”;give up“放弃”;cut up“切开”;get up“起床”。根据“If you work hard, your dream must come true.”可知,不应该放弃梦想。故选B。
考查特殊疑问句。She goes to see a doctor她去看医生了;She likes healthy food她喜欢健康食物;She should stay at home她应该待在家;She has a sore throat她嗓子疼,根据问句“What's the matter with Mary ”可知,She has a sore throat最符合语境,故选D。
考查情态动词。should应该;shouldn’t不应该;can能;can’t不能。根据“because there will be an exam tomorrow”可知因为明天有考试,应该早点睡。故选A。
考查形容词作表语。terrible很糟糕的,形容词;terribly很,非常,副词;badly差,拙劣地副词;terrify恐吓,吓唬,动词。根据“What’s wrong with you”可知,此处在询问身体的情况。感官动词feel后接形容词作表语。故选A。
26. in control##charge of
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处应填“掌管”。in control/charge of表示“掌管”,为固定短语。故填in;control/charge;of。
27. take risks
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,此处应填“冒险”。take risks“冒险”,为固定短语,情态动词have to后接动词原形。故填take;risks。
28. get into trouble
【详解】根据中英文对照可知,空处应填“陷入麻烦”。get into trouble“陷入麻烦”,空前有won’t,动词用原形。故填get;into;trouble。
29. cut off
【详解】根据中文,本题缺少“切除”,对应英文“cut off”,不定式后面加动词原形,表目的。故填cut;off。
30. are##get used to
【详解】be/get used to doing sth“习惯做某事”,为固定短语。句子是一般现在时,主语是we,谓语动词用复数形式。故填are/get;used;to。
考查动词不定式作宾语补足语和动名词作宾语。expect sb. to do sth.表示“期望某人做某事”,give up doing sth.表示“放弃做某事”。故选C。
考查情态动词辨析。have to“不得不”;should“应该”;shouldn’t“不应该”;must“必须”。根据“I have a stomachache.”可知胃疼了,不应该吃太多食物,shouldn’t“不应该”,表建议。故选C。
考查名词辨析。ruler尺子;pencil铅笔;book书;knife刀子。根据“I want to cut the apple”可知,切苹果需要用到刀子。故选D。
36.B 37.B 38.D
36.细节理解题。根据“Move the injured away from the heat source.”可知,如果有人烧伤了,要将伤者移离热源,故选B。
37.推理判断题。根据“Flush the burnt area with water to reduce pain. ”可知,用水冲洗烧伤部位以减轻疼痛,而不是用消过毒的敷料覆盖伤口以减轻疼痛,故选B。
39.also 40.medicine 41.think 42.angry 43.song 44.fingers 45.relaxed 46.clean 47.when 48.well
39.句意:人们还因为伤心或紧张来看我。根据上一句“People often come to see me because they have colds or coughs.”可知,人们经常因为感冒或咳嗽来看我,此处表示人们来看我的另一个原因,应用备选词汇also来表示“也”。故填also。
40.句意:有时,药物能起作用。根据下一句“Sometimes talking helps.”可知,有时,谈话能起作用,此处应是指能起作用的东西,备选词汇medicine符合语境。故填medicine。
41.句意:但许多医生认为音乐能让人感觉好一点。根据空格后的“music can help people feel better”可知,音乐能让人感觉好一点,这是医生的看法,句子应用一般现在时,主语many doctors为复数名词,谓语动词应用原形。备选词汇think符合语境。故填think。
42.句意:当我还是孩子时,有时我很生气。be动词was后接形容词作表语。根据下文“Play your feelings on the piano!”可知,把你的情绪用钢琴弹出来,说明这些情绪应是不好的。备选词汇angry符合语境。故填angry。
43.句意:有时我在钢琴上弹奏一首吵闹的歌曲。根据“on the piano”可知是在钢琴上弹吵闹的歌曲。不定冠词a后接单数名词。备选词汇song符合语境。故填song。
44.句意:我可以通过钢琴上的手指又笑又哭。根据“on the piano”可知弹钢琴应是用手指弹奏,备选词汇finger符合语境,此处应用其复数形式fingers。故填fingers。
45.句意:听音乐让我感到放松。动词feel后接表示感受的形容词。根据“Listening to music”可知听音乐可以让人放松。备选词汇relax的形容词relaxed符合语境。故填relaxed。
46.句意:当我打扫房子的时候,我喜欢听着音乐跳舞。when引导的时间状语从句中主语为I,句子采用一般现在时,因此此处应填入动词原形。根据空格后的“my house”及备选词汇clean可知此处表示“打扫房子”。故填clean。
48.句意:拉完小提琴后,我总是睡得很好。根据上文“I like playing at night”可知作者喜欢在晚上拉小提琴,由此可知,拉小提琴有助眠作用。因此应是“睡得好”。备选词汇well修饰动词sleep。故填well。




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