鲁教版(五四学制)七年级下册Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake?综合测试卷(含解析)

鲁教版(五四学制)英语七年级下册Unit 4 How do you make a banana milk shake 综合测试卷
1.—After P.E., I often feel very thirsty.
—Why not buy some ________ to drink!
A.bread B.noodles C.apple juice D.dumplings
2.—________ butter do we need
—Two spoons.
A.How many B.How much C.What D.How
3.—How much yogurt does she need
—She needs ________.
A.two cup of yogurts B.two cups of yogurts
C.two cups of yogurt D.two cups for yogurt
4.Please ________ an onion into pieces and add them to the bread.
A.peel B.put C.cut D.pour
5.—Sorry, I’m late.
—________ tell me the bus broke down again!
A.Never to B.Not C.Don’t D.No
6.Please ________ the TV. There is an NBA game on CCTV-5. Let’s watch it.
A.turn on B.turn down C.turn up D.turn off
7.Put the ingredients in the container and _________, please.
A.mix up it B.mix it up C.mix up them D.mix them up
8.—Alice, could you help me ________ the meat I want to make some dumplings for dinner.
—OK. I'll do it right away.
A.put up B.give up C.use up D.cut up
9.— The box is too heavy to carry. What’s in it
— Oh, it is books.
A.filled with B.covered with C.used for D.asked for
10.I like the writers ___________are popular among teenagers.
A.who B.which C.whom
Do you know ____11____ to make super fruit ice-cream?Follow the steps below and you can make your own super fruit ice-cream.
In ____12____ a bowl of fruit ice-cream, you will need:a cup of yogur and honey, two cups of milk, two teaspoons of sugar and lemon juice. some apple sauce and cheese, and one small watermelon.
The procedure(过程)of making super fruit ice-cream:
Step l:Peel the watermelon. ____13____.
Step 2:Heat the milk. Add the sugar ____14____ it. Cool it.
Step 3:Pour the yogurt, lemon juice and honey into a bowl. ____15____.
Step 4:Put the apple sauce and cheese into the blender. ____16____ the blender.
Step 5:____17____ the ingredients from the blender.
Pour them into the ____18____ bowl. Cool them in the fridge. Stir(搅) them in and put the watermelon pieces ____19____ the top. Put them into the fridge ______20______ for about 3 hours.
11.A.when B.how C.what D.where
12.A.make B.makes C.making D.made
13.A.Cut it up B.Cut up it C.Cut them up D.Cut up them
14.A.an B.to C.with D.at
15.A.Mix it up B.Mix up it C.Mix them up D.Mix up them
16.A.Turn B.Turn on C.Turn off D.Turn down
17.A.Take B.Taking C.Take out D.Taking out
18.A.mix B.mixes C.mixing D.mixed
19.A.on B.in C.into D.out of
20.A.away B.again C.first D.next
The British eating habit is very different from that of the Chinese. For example, they eat a lot of potatoes. They like to eat them every day. They eat their bread with butter, or maybe cheese or jam(果酱). They drink a lot of milk, too. They drink cold or hot milk, and they put it in their tea. They put sugar in their tea, too. They are the world’s biggest tea drinkers. They like Chinese tea, but they usually drink strong black tea from India. They don’t eat much rice. For their main meals, they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables. After the main meal they always have something sweet(甜的).
21.People eat lots of ________ in Britain.
A.potatoes. B.beef C.butter D.rice
22.They eat ________ with butter.
A.breakfast B.cheese C.bread D.jam
23.They usually drink strong black tea from ________.
A.America B.India C.China D.Japan
24.What do they like to have for their main meals
A.Some rice and vegetables. B.Some meat and fruit.
C.Some rice and potatoes. D.Some meat or fish and vegetables.
25.After the main meal, they always have ________.
A.some soup B.some dessert(甜点) C.sandwiches D.fruit salad
Do you know how to make spaghetti with cream mushroom sauce Boil a pot of water and cook the spaghetti in it for 20 minutes. Cut up the onions and garlic. Heat a little oil in a pan and cook the onion and garlic for three minutes.
Add the mushrooms and cook for one minute.
Add the wine, cream and vegetable soup. Cook them for ten minutes. Beat an egg, and add a little water and pour it slowly into the pan. Mix up for half a minute.
Add the beans and tomatoes and stir(搅拌)for two minutes on a low heat. Put the spaghetti on the plates and pour the sauce over the top.
26.You should cook for 20 minutes.A.the onions and garlic B.the spaghetti
C.the egg D.the beans and tomatoes
27.After adding the mushrooms, you should cook for .
A.20 minutes B.10 minutes
C.half a minute D.one minute
28.What ingredients don’t we need
A.The onions. B.The potatoes.
C.The mushrooms. D.The wine.
29.The underlined word “Beat” means in this passage.
A.蒸 B.煮 C.打 D.加热
30.The passage mainly talks about .
A.how to make spaghetti with cream mushroom sauce
B.how to make mushroom soup
C.how to make vegetable soup
D.how to cut up tomatoes
The British like simple food. They usually add only salt and pepper to their food. The British often get their meals ready very quickly, because many women go out to work, and they do not have much time to spend in the kitchen. In supermarkets there are a lot of food in tins(金属食品盒)and packets. ①Just cook the food for a few minutes, and the meal is ready. On Sundays, there is usually a bigger, better lunch. It is usually a big piece of roast meat with potatoes and green vegetables, and after that, some dessert.
②So many British women do not spend a long time in the kitchen. And their husbands(丈夫)do not spend a long time at the dinner table. Some people think that the British eat only when they are hungry. Some families eat their meals in front of the TV. The mealtime is not a time for families to talk to each other as it is in many other countries in the world.
32.The British women don’t spend much time in the kitchen because they don’t like to do so.
33.The mealtime is a time for families to talk to each other in many other countries in the world.
35.When do British people usually eat a big lunch
36.The h________ is too small to plant a tree.
37.It’s so cold today. I think the t________ must be very low.
38.This big restaurant can ________(接待)many people every day.
39.Do you like to drink _________(酸奶)
40.His sister likes to eat bread, but she doesn’t like ________(黄油).
41.________ (one), wash the fruit before you eat.
42.How many ________(tomato)do we need for the tomato noodles
43.She ________(need)to break two eggs now.
44.Let’s ________ (sit) down and watch TV.
45.________(not run)in the street. It’s dangerous.
of, one, add, dinner, next, invite, how, when, they, first
People in Uganda usually ___46___ guests to enjoy bananas. ___47___ the guests come, they usually give each of them a cup ___48___ delicious banana juice. After that they have the banana dishes for ___49___. The most popular banana dish is matoke(乌干达蒸香蕉).The delicious matoke is ___50___ of the oldest dishes in the world. A legend(传说)says that Kintu brought matoke to the earth. Ugandans think that Kintu was the ___51___ man on earth.
___52___ do you cook matoke First, people peel some bananas and place them in banana leaves. ___53___, they steam(蒸)them for about one hour and then mash(捣碎) ___54___. Finally, they ____55____ some sauce, fresh fish or meat. Do you want to enjoy this delicious food
西红柿炒鸡蛋(scrambled eggs with tomatoes)是一道家常菜, 它既美味可口又简单易做。根据所给提示, 以"How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes"为题写一篇80词左右的短文。原料:一个西红柿、三个鸡蛋、一个青椒(green pepper)、盐、油(oil)
1. 将西红柿和青椒切碎;
2. 把鸡蛋打破(break)放入碗里并搅拌;
3. 往鸡蛋里放些盐并搅拌;
4. 将平底锅(pan)加热, 锅里放些油, 然后放入鸡蛋、西红柿和青椒;
5. 翻炒两分钟即可。
How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes
【详解】句意:——体育课结束后,我经常感到口渴。 ——为什么不买点苹果汁喝呢!
考查名词辨析。bread面包;noodles面条;apple juice苹果汁;dumplings饺子。根据“After P.E., I often feel very thirsty.”可知,口渴要喝苹果汁。故选C。
【详解】句意:——我们需要多少黄油? ——两勺。
考查特殊疑问句。How many多少(后加可数名词复数);How much多少(后加不可数名词);What什么;How怎样。butter“黄油”,不可数名词;结合“Two spoons.”可知,此处问需要多少黄油。故选B。
【详解】句意:——她需要多少酸奶? ——她需要两杯酸奶。
考查动词辨析。peel削;put放置;cut切;pour倾倒。“cut… into...”表示“把……切成……”。故选C。
考查短语辨析。turn on打开;turn down调低;turn up调高;turn off关闭。根据“There is an NBA game on CCTV-5. Let’s watch it”可知,要打开电视看比赛,故选A。
考查动词短语。put up搭建;give up放弃;use up用光;cut up切碎,根据后面的“the meat I want to make some dumplings for dinner”可知,应该是切肉,故选D。
【详解】试题分析:句意:---这个盒子太重了搬不动。里面有什么?---里面装满了书。A装满;B覆盖;C被用来;D要求。此题考查固定短语be filled with装满。根据句意,应选A。
本题考查定语从句。先行词是the writers,关系代词在定语从句中作主语且指人,故选A。
11.B 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.B
when什么时候;how怎样;what什么;where哪里。根据“Follow the steps below and you can make your own super fruit ice-cream.”可知,此处是说如何制作冰激凌,故选B。
Cut it up把它切碎;Cut up it错误表达;Cut them up把它们切碎;Cut up them错误表达。空处指西瓜,为单数,用it代替;若代词与“动词+副词”构成的短语连用时,代词放中间,即“动词+代词+副词”。故选A。
an一个;to到;with和;at在。add to“添加到”,固定短语。故选B。
Mix it up把它混合;Mix up it错误表达;Mix them up把它们混合;Mix up them错误表达。空处指酸奶、柠檬和蜂蜜这些东西,要用复数them。若代词与“动词+副词”构成的短语连用时,代词放中间,即“动词+代词+副词”。故选C。
Turn转向;Turn on打开;Turn off关闭;Turn down调低。根据“Put the apple sauce and cheese into the blender.”可知是打开,故选B。
Take动词原形;Taking动名词形式;Take out拿出,动词原形;Taking out动名词形式。根据上文可知,用的都是祈使句结构,且表达拿出佐料,故选C。
mix混合,动词原形;mixes动词三单;mixing 现在分词形式;mixed过去分词或过去式形式。mixing bowl“混合碗”用现在分词作定语。故选C。
on在……上;in在……里;into在……里;out of从。on在……上。根据“the top”可知,此处是说放在上面。故选A。
away离开;again再一次;first首先;next接下来。根据上文“Cool them in the fridge”可知,此处指再一次放到冰箱里,故选B。
21.A 22.C 23.B 24.D 25.B
21.细节理解题。根据“For example, they eat a lot of potatoes”可知,他们吃很多土豆,故选A。
22.细节理解题。根据“They eat their bread with butter,”可知,是吃有黄油的面包,故选C。
23.细节理解题。根据“but they usually drink strong black tea from India”可知,通常喝来自印度的浓红茶,故选B。
24.细节理解题。根据“For their main meals, they like meat or fish with potatoes and one or two vegetables”可知,主食喜欢吃一些肉或鱼和蔬菜,故选D。
25.细节理解题。根据“After the main meal they always have something sweet”可知,在正餐之后,他们总是吃一些甜食,故选B。
26.B 27.D 28.B 29.C 30.A
26.根据Boil a pot of water and cook the spaghetti in it for 20 minutes.可知烧开一锅水,煮面需要20分钟;故选B
27.根据Add the mushrooms and cook for one minute.可知,加入蘑菇,煮一分钟,故选D
28.根据Heat a little oil in a pan and cook the onion and garlic for three minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for one minute. Add the wine可知,需要洋葱,蘑菇和酒,不需要土豆,故选B
29.根据文章后有an egg鸡蛋和后面加一点水,慢慢倒入锅中,搅拌半分钟,可知应打一个鸡蛋;故选C
30.根据Do you know how to make spaghetti with cream mushroom sauce 你知道怎么用奶油蘑菇汁做意大利面吗?可知文章主要介绍如何制作奶油蘑菇酱意大利面的步骤以及需要的原材料。故选A
31.只需要把这种食物煮上几分钟饭就准备好了。 32.F 33.T 34.So many British women spend short time in the kitchen. 35.On Sundays.
31.just“只”;cook the food for a few minutes“把这种食物煮上几分钟”;the meal is ready“饭就准备好了”,故填:只需要把这种食物煮上几分钟饭就准备好了。
32.根据“The British often get their meals ready very quickly, because many women go out to work, and they do not have much time to spend in the kitchen”可知,因为许多女人要出去工作,而不是她们不喜欢烹饪,故填F。
33.根据“The mealtime is not a time for families to talk to each other as it is in many other countries in the world”可知,用餐时间不像世界上许多其他国家那样是家人互相交谈的时间,故填T。
34.根据“do not…a long time”可知,肯定句要将long改为short,故填So many British women spend short time in the kitchen.
35.根据“On Sundays, there is usually a bigger, better lunch”可知,在星期天,通常有一个更大,更好的午餐,故填On Sundays.
【详解】句意:这个洞太小了,种不了树。此空在句中作主语,应填名词。结合“too small to plant a tree”及首字母可知,需要一个洞来种树,hole“洞”,根据is可知,此空应填单数名词,故填(h)ole。
【详解】句意:今天真冷。我想气温一定很低。根据“It’s so cold today”及“very low”可知,冷的时候气温很低,temperature“气温”,故填(t)emperature。
【详解】句意:我们做西红柿面需要多少个西红柿?tomato“西红柿”,可数名词,根据how many可知,此空应填复数形式,故填tomatoes。
【详解】句意:让我们坐下来看电视吧。根据“Let’s”可知动词短语let sb do sth表示“让某人做某事”,此处应用省略to的动词不定式作宾语补足语。故填sit。
45.Don’t run
【详解】句意:不要在大街上跑。它很危险。此处是祈使句的否定形式,用don’t+动词原形的结构,故填Don’t run。
46.invite 47.When 48.of 49.dinner 50.one 51.first 52.How 53.Next 54.them 55.add
46.句意:乌干达人通常会邀请客人吃香蕉。根据“guests to enjoy bananas”可知,是“邀请”客人吃;再根据“usually”可知,这是一般现在时,主语是People,谓语动词用原形invite,故填invite。
47.句意:当客人来时,他们通常会给他们每人一杯可口的香蕉汁。根据“the guests come, they usually give each of them...”可知,此处需要连词连接句子,结合备选词汇可知,应用when“当……时候”,引导时间状语从句,句首单词的首字母大写,故填When。
48.句意:当客人来时,他们通常会给他们每人一杯可口的香蕉汁。根据“a cup...delicious banana juice”可知,此处是a cup of“一杯”。故填of。
49.句意:之后,他们晚餐吃香蕉菜。根据“they have the banana dishes for...”及所给单词可知,应该是“晚餐”,故填dinner。
50.句意:美味的蒸香蕉是世界上最古老的菜肴之一。根据“...of the oldest dishes in the world”可知,此处是“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”意为“最……的……之一”,故填one。
55.句意:最后,他们加入一些酱汁,新鲜的鱼或肉。根据“some sauce, fresh fish or meat.”以及所给单词可知,应该是add“添加”。主语是they,句子为一般现在时,谓语动词用原形add,故填add。
56.How to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes
Do you like scrambled eggs with tomatoes The dish is delicious and easy to cook. Here’s a recipe for it. First cut up one tomato and one green pepper. Next break three eggs and put them into a bowl and mix them. Add some salt and mix again. Then heat the pan and pour some oil into the pan. Put the eggs, the tomato and the green pepper into the pan. Finally cook for two minutes. Now you can enjoy it.
【点睛】这篇短文首先利用一句话“The dish is delicious and easy to cook”引入正文,开始介绍西红柿炒鸡蛋的做法。在介绍时,first,next,then,finally表示顺序的词的应用使得做菜步骤清晰有序,令读者一目了然。首尾句“Now you can enjoy it.”使得这篇说明文首尾呼应。总之这篇短文达到了预期的写作目的,是一篇比较成功的文章。



