毕节市人教版八上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?听力检测 1(含答案和听力音频及原文)

A. B.
A. B.
A. B.
A. B.
A. B.
Who visited Nancy's family
A.Her uncle. B.Her aunt. C.Her friend.
Where did the girl go
A.She went to the beach. B.She went to the mountains.
C.She stayed at home.
Where did Rick's sister go
A.To the zoo. B.To the park. C.To the school.
When did the girl call the boy
A.This morning. B.Yesterday morning.
C.This afternoon.
Where does Jim's uncle live
A.In Beijing. B.In Shanghai. C.In Tianjin.
(1) Where did the man go in the summer holiday
A.He went back to his hometown.
B.He went to Beijing for his holiday.
C.He went to Hainan for his holiday.
(2) Why were the man's grandparents happy to see him
A.Because they hadn't seen him for a long time.
B.Because they are very old now.
C.Because they are very poor.
(1) What were they talking about
A.TV programs. B.Their work.
C.Their family members.
(2) What did the man's wife like to do
A.To watch the basketball match. B.To see films.
C.To read books.
(3) What did the woman think of the match
A.She slept after watching it for half an hour.
B.She couldn't stand it.
C.It was exciting.
(1) Where does Peter come from
A.He is from Canada. B.He is from China.
C.He is from America.
(2) What was Peter interested in
A.Chinese. B.Chinese history.
(3) When did Peter get back to New York
A.On July 12th. B.On July 31st. C.On July 30th.
(4) What did he do during the day
A.He visited places of interest.
B.He took a walk to enjoy the night views.
C.He traveled in his country.
(5) How did Peter go to Xi'an
A.By plane. B.On foot. C.By car.
1. 【答案】B
【原文】If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you.
2. 【答案】B
【原文】When did you go to the museum
3. 【答案】C
【原文】There are many pigs on the farm.
4. 【答案】B
【原文】Please take an umbrella with you when you go outside.
5. 【答案】C
【原文】Did you go to the movies last night
6. 【答案】B
【原文】M: Nancy, why did you stay at home yesterday
W: Because my aunt visited my family.
7. 【答案】B
【原文】M: Did you go to the beach on vacation
W: No, I went to the mountains.
8. 【答案】B
【原文】W: Did you go to the park, Rick
M: No, I didn't. My sister did. I went to the zoo.
9. 【答案】A
【原文】W: I called you this morning, but you weren't in. Where did you go
M: I went to the post office.
10. 【答案】B
【原文】W: What did you do last weekend, Jim
M: I visited my uncle. He lives in Shanghai.
11. 【原文】W: Where did you go for your summer holidays
M: I went back to my hometown to see my grandparents with my father. We hadn't seen them for half a year and my grandparents were happy and excited to see us.
W: How long did you stay there
M: We stayed there for a week and I visited all my old friends. When I was a boy, I planted a young tree in front of my old house and now it has become a tall big tree. How happy I was to see such a tall tree.
(1) A
(2) A
12. 【原文】W: Did you watch the basketball match on TV yesterday evening, Jeff
M: I wanted to, but my wife liked to see the films on TV better.
W: What a pity! It was quite exciting. Both teams played very well. What do you think of the film
M: It was quite good. But I missed the beginning of it because I had to eat first.
W: Did your wife enjoy it
M: No, she didn't. After half an hour she stopped watching and started to sleep.
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
13. 【原文】The summer vacation is the best time for students. They can go outdoors and have fun. They can go to big cities to go sightseeing, or go to the countryside to enjoy the beauty of nature.
Peter is an American middle school student and he loves travelling very much. He always travels in his country. This summer vacation he wanted to do something different. He was interested in Chinese history. So he flew to Beijing and Xi'an for the summer vacation. He left on July 12th and got back to New York on the last day of the month. He had a wonderful vacation. During the day, he visited places of interest and went shopping. At night, he took a walk to enjoy the night views. He thought he had a good time.
(1) C
(2) B
(3) B
(4) A
(5) A




下一篇:人教版化学九下优化练习:11.1 生活中常见的盐(第2课时)(原卷版+解析版)