Units1-2 周末培优2022-2023牛津译林版英语九年级下册(无答案)

一 .单项填空
1. Christopher Columbus was ______ explorer from ______ European country.
A. a; an B. an; an C. a; a D. an; a
2. Marie Curie____the use of X-ray machines,which are now widely used in hospitals.
A. put away B.put out C. pushed in D.pushed for
3. My ankle was hurt in the running race, and the pain   until I couldn’t walk any more.
A. came B. got C. increased D. changed
4.-Did you find your English dictionary yesterday
-No, I didn’t find ________, but I’ve borrowed ______ from the school library.
A. it; it B. it; one C. one; it D. one; one
5.What should we do first if we want to _______ our village
A. decide B. discover C. explore D. develop
6. China has become stronger than before. She is rising like a   dragon in the East.
A. small B. giant C. strange D. hybrid
7. -Has your friend completed his design -Not yet. He_______ on it last night.
A. worked B. has worked C. is working D. was working
8. --- Bill, shall I get you something to drink ---________
A. You are welcome. B. No problem .
C. Nice of you. Some juice, please. D. It doesn’t matter.
9. Each style of the clothes_____by world's top designers. So they can always make you look amazing.
A. specially designs B. is specially designed
C. correctly designs D. is correctly designed
10. —You know I haven’t passed the driving test for the second time. I have to take a third one.
A. Don’t worry. It happens. B. Better luck next time!
C. This is nothing. D. Never mind.
1I think it's much more difficult to get the __________(飞行员)licence than a driving licence.
2.A number of__________(科学家)attended the meeting in Shanghai last week.
3.I think Linda has more___________(优势)than me doing this kind of job.
4. How long has the brave man (服役)as a test pilot
5. Because of his achievements, rice production has been (增加)by 20%-30%.
6. Now Chinese is (wide)spoken throughout the world.
7. Two thousand kilos of rice solved the problem of ________(hungry) for these farmers.
8.With the______________(develop) of modern education, our country is becoming larger.
1. Some of the customers are not ___________ (satisfy) with the service of this hotel at all.
2 Doctors are still _______ (sure) whether the virus is the cause of the disease.
3. Jack told us that they _______________(return) to the USA from Shanghai by the end of next November.
4. Our school life ________________(change) a lot over the past few years.
5.Although my car is very old, it still (run)very well.
四 .完形填空
In one’s life, one spends most time being with oneself. But one has the least understanding of oneself. When you are successful, you may be very proud. When you fail, you may lose heart. If you don’t get a thorough (完全的) understanding of yourself, you may miss many ____1____in life.
To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know well about yourself. You may ____2____your strong points and weak ones. You may hope for a ____3____ future, but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can ____4____. You may be very confident to meet challenges, but first you should know ____5____.
To get a thorough understanding of yourself need self-appreciation (自我赏识). You think you ____6____a tall tree or just small grass. But you can always have your own way of being there. As soon as you get full confidence in yourself, you are sure to face any trouble.
To get a thorough understanding of yourself ____7____means to take care of yourself. When you are angry, find a quiet place so that you won’t be hurt. When you are sad, tell your friends about it to change the mood into a good one. When you are tired, get a good sleep. If you don’t know when and how you should look after yourself, you won’t be able to stay away from ____8____.
No one can ____9____what will happen in the future. Get a thorough understanding of yourself, you will get a full control of yourself and find your life ____10____colors.
If you cannot get a thorough understanding of yourself your friends parents or teachers may help.
1.A.jobs B.hobbies C.chances D.friends
2.A.realize B.see C.find D.make
3.A.comfortable B.wonderful C.funny D.interesting
4.A.come over B.come out C.come up D.come true
5.A.when to do B.where to do C.how to do D.what to do
6.A.ought to do B.should be C.may be D.must be
7.A.either B.also C.too D.neither
8.A.happiness B.health C.illness D.speak
9.A.tell B.say C.think D.speak
10.A.busy with B.happy with C.full of D.thankful to
AI (人工智能) makes our lives easier and better, Let’s see the amazing AI.
Cool driverless(无人驾驶) busA bus door opens and you get on. Wait, where is the driver Here is a new kind of driverless bus called Apolong. It can seat 14 people and doesn’t need a driver. The bus follows traffic rules. It stops every time when it sees a stop light. Your close friendsHi, everyone. I’m Xiaoice, a chatbot(聊天机器人), I speak like a 17-year-old girl. If you feel lonely, you can talk with me. I’m good at singing, writing poems and telling stories. I want to be your friend.
World’s first AI anchor(主播)Hey, look! The famous Chinese anchor(主播) Qiu Hao is reporting the news for sold for us. But, is he really Qiu Hao The answer is “no”. This is the world’s first AI anchor. It looks and speaks just like a real person. It speaks both Chinese and English. It can work24 hours without any mistakes. The AI anchor joins Xinhua’s reporting team. You might see it on TV soon. Popular AI artistThis beautiful painting was at an auction(拍卖) in 2018. It sold for about 3, 000, 000 yuan! But it is not a work by a famous painter, such as Vincent van Gogh. It was painted by an Al artist. Three Frenchmen created the AI. The AI artist studied over 15, 000 paintings. In this way, it learned to paint. Now it is among the most popular artists in the world.
1.The fact about Apolong is that ________.A.there is a driver in it B.the door is opened by the passenger
C.there are 24 seats in it D.it stops every time when it sees a stop light
2.Xiaoice can’t ________.
A.go out to play with you B.talk with you if you feel lonely
C.be your friend D.sing, write poems or tell stories
3.The painting is ________.
A.a work painted by Vincent van Gogh
B.worth about 3, 000, 000 yuan at an auction.
C.studied by three French artists over 15, 000 times
D.among the most beautiful paintings in the world
4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.Xiaoice is a 17-year-old girl.
B.The AI anchor can only speak English.
C.The AI anchor can work 24 hours without mistakes.
D.The AI artist is one of the most popular artists in China.
There are some skills for students to listen to the teacher in class,which means you're going to have to practice it. Just as you would have to practice playing basketball to be a better player,you also have to practice listening. How to listen in school?Here are some suggestions.
One of the things you need to do is to make sure that your mind doesn't wander(漫游). It's easy to start thinking about other things,especially when you're not interested in the subject. _____1_____
Next,listen to the main ideas. If you want to catch every little piece of information,you'll feel tired and bored.
_____2_____ Not only does this show respect to the teacher,it also helps prevent your mind from wandering. _____3_____ Or it could just be someone talking to their neighbors who shouldn't be. It can even be some birds outside the classroom window,or a group of kids who are talking loudly as they pass the door to your room.
Finally,you need to take notes because you will not remember everything the teacher said. You'll have to take down the notes so that you can study it after class. _____4_____
Listening isn't always easy,but if you follow these simple steps,you'll be much more successful in your classes.
A. You'll also need to look at the teacher.
B. Helping with each other is a good way.
C. You don't need to take too many notes in class.
D. It might be a friend who is trying to pass you a note.
E. Taking notes also makes you pay attention to the class.
F. So make yourself pay attention to what the teacher is saying.



上一篇:2022-2023七年级数学下册北师大版2.3平行线的性质课堂作业 (含答案)
