Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands Section A Grammar Focus---4c同步习题)2022-2023人教版英语九年级全册(含答案)

Unit10 You're supposed to shake hands.
Section A Grammar Focus---4c同步习题(附答案)
1. Carmen found she had left her _________ (护照)at home just before getting on the plane.
2. The teacher asked me to get some _______ (粉笔) for her in the office.
3. We found there was no___________(黑板) in the classroom on the first day in school.
4. On this island, there is only one ________ (季节),it’s spring.
5. You should pay attention to your table _____ (礼仪)when you are living with a foreign family.
1.It will be tiring _______(be) around the baby all day.
2.You ____________(not suppose,go) outside with your hair wet.
3.Teenagers ________(expect,help) their parents with housework.
4.It is quite difficult ________(find) a parking place in this area.
5.We ______(suppose,watch) a baseball game yesterday,but it rained and the game was put off.
11.There are four ________(season) in a year.
12.It’s bad _________(manner) to talk and eat at the same time.
13.China Daily is worth ________(read). We can learn a lot from it.
14.Tourists will be amazed to find that _____(east) and Western cultures mix so well here.
15.The weather in the ____(north)part is much colder than that in the southern part.
16.The local museum is _______ a trip.
17.We walked along the ______ for two hours.
18.Could you please show me your _________,young man
19.The teacher is used to using _______ to write on the blackboard.
20..When you visit someone,it’s polite __________ at the door before entering.
21.She should arrive here before 2:00 p.m.(改为同义句)
She ___ __________ ____ arrive here before 2:00 p.m.
22.You are supposed to help him out.(改为否定句)
You _____ _____ supposed to help him out.
23.I suppose he will be back in an hour.(改为否定句)
I ______ suppose he _____ be back in an hour.
24.Students are supposed to greet the teacher when classes begin in China.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _____ students supposed to do when classes begin in China
25.They are supposed to invite Mike to the birthday party next Sunday.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _____ they supposed to invite Mike to the birthday party
People have two ears but only one mouth. That means we are supposed to listen,not just speak. Listening silently is a virtue(优秀品质) that we26.________(suppose,have). Then why is it important to be a good listener
Listening is really helpful.
When someone is sad or angry,he wants to talk about how he feels. At times like this,it’s polite of us 27._________(listen) silently until he calms down(平静下来). Then we can have a good talk with him. It is a good way to help him out.
Listening is a kind of love.
For example,we think our parents are always talking too much. But in fact,they do so because they are worried about our health,study and so on. We 28.____________(expect,listen)
patiently,so our parents will feel we care about them. A loving silence is often more powerful(有力量的) than words.
Listening is polite behavior.
It’s impolite to want others to listen to us but forget to listen to them. In order to show our respect to others,we 29.___________(suppose,listen) to them
first. Then we can express our ideas.Listening sounds easy,but it’s not. We30._____________
(should,learn) to listen with our ears and hearts as much as we can,and try to make ourselves good listeners from now on.
1.passport 2.chalk 3.blackboard 4.season 5.manners
6.to be 7.are not supposed to go 8.are expected to help
9. to find 10.were supposed to watch
11.seasons 12.manners 13.reading 14.Eastern 15.northern
16.worth 17coast 18.passport 19.chalk 20.to knock
21.is supposed to 22.are not 23.don’t will
24.What are 25.when are
26.are supposed to have 27.to listen 28.are expected to listen
29.are supposed to listen 30.should learn




下一篇:2022—2023物理人教八年级下册第10章 浮力基础训练(答案)