
一、Choose the word with the different sound.(选出发音不同的单词)(每小题1分,共5分)
1.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.estate B.enter
C.market D.environment
2.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.why B.fly C.secretary D.cry
3.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.enough B.about C.house D.mouse
4.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.fun B.unhealthy C.suggestion D.upstairs
5.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.healthy B.eating C.steam D.teach
二、Write out the word according to the pronunciation.(根据音标写出下列单词)3%
6.(1分)What does this sign     /mi n/ ?
7.(1分)We all enjoyed the     /fre / air in the morning.
8.(1分)They stayed at the     /h tel/ for three days.
三、Complete the sentences with given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)8%
9.(1分)Don't talk     here. (loud)
10.(1分)There are many     for you. (suggest)
11.(1分)We mustn't walk    the road when the red light is on. (cross)
12.(1分)Please keep     in the library. (quietly)
13.(1分)We can     the shopping bags. (use)
14.(1分)My good friend lives on the     floor. (twelve)
15.(1分)Do you think tigers are     than lions? (big)
16.(1分)We can buy ice cream in the    food section.(freeze)
四、Choose the best answer. (选出最恰当的答案)(每小题1分,共15分)
17.(1分)Lucy likes playing basketball, but Lily likes playing____ piano.(  )
A./ B.a C.an D.the
18.(1分)They held the sports meeting ________ September 30th.(  )
A.at B.in C.on D.with
19.(1分)May I have ______ chicken wings ______ dinner tonight,Mum?(  )
A.any;for B.some;for C.any;to D.some;to
20.(1分)Could you give me __________,Mary?(  )
A.two bag of ice B.two bags of ices
C.two bag of ices D.two bags of ice
21.(1分)I have __________ been to Shanghai,but I'll visit there this Saturday.(  )
A.just B.already C.yet D.never
22.(1分)The food in this restaurant are __________than that in that restaurant.(  )
A.expensive B.least expensive
C.less expensive D.the least expensive
23.(1分)Our parents at our school at two o'clock last Monday.(  )
A.arrive B.arrived
C.will arrive D.have arrived
24.(1分)There is only bread in the fridge(冰箱).What about going out to buy some?(  )
A.a little B.a few C.plenty of D.little
25.(1分)We must promise ________ a low carbon life (低碳生活).(  )
A.to have B.having C.had D.have
26.(1分)You eat too much sweet food,________ you have toothache.(  )
A.or B.but C.because D.so
27.(1分)Then let Jane ______ you cook the meal.(  )
A.help B.helps C.to help D.helping
28.(1分)Would you like ______ a new film with me tonight?(  )
A.to watch B.watching
C.watch D.to watching
29.(1分)—I can't find Tom.Do you know where he is?
—Oh,he ______ to the library.(  )
A.go B.goes C.will go D.has gone
30.(1分)Which part shows us ______ sugar we need every day?(  )
A.how long B.how often C.how much D.how many
31.(1分)﹣I'm sorry. I broke your glasses.
﹣_______.(  )
A.It's very expensive. B.That's all right.
C.How can you do this? D.I'm very angry.
五、 Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词填入空格,每空限填一词,每个单词只能填一次) : 5%
A.well B.helps C.become D.meals E.helpful F.strong
Our food is very important.We like eating it,and it makes us healthy.In most countries,people have three or four(1)    every day.Having food is like filling a car with petrol (汽油).It gives us fuel (燃料) for the work we do.
The most important meal is breakfast.Doctors say that it is the beginning of a day and you can't work(2)    without it.You should eat a lot in the morning,eat well at noon,but you shouldn't eat too much at night.
Protein (蛋白质) is very important.It builds our bones and makes our muscles (肌肉)(3)   .
Meat,fish,chicken,and eggs give us protein.Beans and milk also have protein.
Vegetables and fruit are also very important.They give us vitamins and other chemicals.Vitamin C
(4)    us fight disease.Without it,we(5)    sick.
六、Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)14%
33.(2分)We took a lot of photos in the park. (改为否定句)
We        many photos in the park.
34.(2分)Lisa will go swimming this weekend. (改为一般疑问句)
    Lisa     swimming this weekend?
35.(2分)We can use the lift on the right. (对划线部分提问)
       can you use?
36.(2分)We don't need to buy any cola because there is enough in the fridge. (对划线部分提问)
      you need to buy any cola?
37.(2分)Let's go to the movies tonight. (改为反意疑问句)
Let's go to the movies tonight,       ?
38.(2分)My diet is healthy.Alice's diet is not healthy. (保持句意基本不变)
Alice's diet isn't     healthy     mine.
39.(2分)Mary is 145 cm tall.Kitty is 150 cm tall. (两句合并为一句)
Kitty is        Mary.
七、Reading Comprehension. (阅读理解) 40%
40.(10分)Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案填入空格内)(10%)
Rudy's Restaurant Soups Chicken cup..............1.50 bowl............2.50 Vegetable cup..............1.25 bowl............2.50 Sandwiches (served with French fries) Chicken................................4.75 Tuna fish .............................4.00 Cheese.................................3.50 Desserts Apple pie..........................2.45 Ice cream.........................1.75 "Fast and tasty" Hamburgers (served with French fries) Plain............................4.25 Cheeseburger..............4.80 Salad Small green salad........2.00 Large green salad........3.00 Drinks Coffee.........................0.75 Tea..............................0.75 Coke cola....................1.00 Milk............................1.00 Bottled water..............1.25 Soda...........................1.25 Orange juice...............1.25 Be open all day. We never sleep!
(1)This reading material(材料) may come from a    .
A.shopping list
D.story book
(2)Rudy's Restaurant is open     hours a day.
(3)There are     kinds of desserts in the restaurant.
(4)Jason wants an apple pie and a small green salad.He must pay     dollars.
(5)Which of the following is true?    
A.An ice cream is cheaper than an apple pie.
B.We can drink apple juice in the restaurant.
C.There are four kinds of sandwiches in the restaurant.
D.A cup of chicken soup is cheaper than a cup of vegetable soup.
41.(10分)Choose the right words or expressions to complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)
Many years ago,in a small town,there lived a (1)   .He was helpful and kind.He was always ready to help every sick person.All the people in the town liked him and they (2)    went to him when there was anything wrong.
The years went past,and the doctor became old.He began to forget (忘记) things.When people noticed (意识到) this,they didn't go to him anymore.
"He may give us the (3)    medicine (药)," they said,and they were afraid.
The old doctor noticed that people didn't come to him anymore,but he didn't know why.So he asked, "Why does no one come to me now?"
Nobody wanted to tell him why because they didn't want to make the good old man (4)   ,so they said, "You have helped all the sick people in the town.There is nobody (5)    now."
The doctor was pleased when he heard that.
(1)A.policeman B.teacher C.doctor D.pilot
(2)A.always B.sometimes C.seldom D.never
(3)A.good B.bad C.right D.wrong
(4)A.unhealthy B.unhappy C.unlucky D.unkind
(5)A.sick B.bad C.angry D.strong
42.(10分)What is the best way to study?This is a very important question.Some Chinese students often study very h(1)    for long hours.This is a good habit,b(2)   it is not a better way to study.A good student must have enough e(3)    and sleep.Every day you n(4)    to take a walk or play basketball.If you do so,you'll find yourself s(5)    than before and you'll learn more.
Perhaps we can say that learning is like taking Chinese medicine(中药).We mean that like Chinese medicine,the effects(效果)of your study come s(6)    but surely.Learn and exercise every day and the effects will come just like Chinese medicine.
43.(10分)Read the passage and answer the following questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题).
Mr.and Mrs.Jones had a drive in the country and saw an old woman there.She had some beautiful oranges. "The oranges are quite cheap," Mrs.Jones said.Mr.Jones stopped the car,and his wife got out and bought ten oranges.Then they talked to the woman.She said, "Come and have tea with my husband and me in our hut."
They had some tea and cakes,and then Mrs.Jones said to the woman, "Your oranges are really sweet.Why are they so cheap?" The woman smiled and replied, "We live in the country,and nobody lives near us.We like talking to people,but nobody stops here.Then we put those cheap oranges there,and now a lot of people stop.I bring them home.We talk and we are happy."
(1)How did Mr.and Mrs.Jones go to the country?
They went to the country    .
(2)What did Mr.and Mrs.Jones buy?
(3)Did the old woman live near or far away from other people?
(4)Why did the old woman sell oranges cheaply?
(5)What do you think of the old woman?
八、Make up sentences with the words and phrases given. (连词成句, 标点符号已给出)10%
44.(2分)must ,we,use,left,on,the,the,one(.)
45.(2分)want,because,I,any,don't,it's,too,cola,sweet (.)
46.(2分)tonight,would,for,like,you,what,dinner (?)
47.(2分)have,I,bought,garlic,some,at,vegetable,stall,the (.)
48.(2分)when,I,I,restaurants,to,am,walking,school,a few,see (.)
一、Choose the word with the different sound.(选出发音不同的单词)(每小题1分,共5分)
1.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.estate B.enter
C.market D.environment
【解答】estate[ ste t];enter[ ent (r)];market[ mɑ k t];environment[ n va r nm nt。enter划线部分读音为[e],其他几项划线部分读音为[ ]。
2.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.why B.fly C.secretary D.cry
【解答】why[wa ];fly[fla ];secretary[ sekr tri];cry[kra ]。secretary划线部分读音为[ ],其他几项划线部分读音为[a ]。
3.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.enough B.about C.house D.mouse
【解答】enough[ n f];about[ ba t];house[ha s];mouse[ma s]。enough划线部分读音为[ ],其他几项划线部分读音为[a ]。
4.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.fun B.unhealthy C.suggestion D.upstairs
【解答】fun[f n];unhealthy[ n helθi];suggestion[s d est n];upstairs[ p ste z]。suggestion划线部分读音为[ ],其他几项划线部分读音为[ ]。
5.(1分)选出划线部分发音不同的单词。(  )
A.healthy B.eating C.steam D.teach
【解答】healthy[ helθi];eating[ i t ];steam[sti m];teach[ti t ]。healthy划线部分读音为[e],其他几项划线部分读音为[i ]。
二、Write out the word according to the pronunciation.(根据音标写出下列单词)3%
6.(1分)What does this sign  mean  /mi n/ ?
【解答】mean的音标是 /mi n/,与所给音标一致。
7.(1分)We all enjoyed the  fresh  /fre / air in the morning.
【解答】fresh的音标是/fre /,与所给音标一致。
8.(1分)They stayed at the  hotel  /h tel/ for three days.
【解答】hotel的音标是/h tel/,与所给音标一致。
三、Complete the sentences with given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子)8%
9.(1分)Don't talk  loudly  here. (loud)
10.(1分)There are many  suggestions  for you. (suggest)
11.(1分)We mustn't walk  across the road when the red light is on. (cross)
【解答】cross穿过,动词。walk across"走过",填介词。
12.(1分)Please keep  quiet  in the library. (quietly)
13.(1分)We can  reuse  the shopping bags. (use)
14.(1分)My good friend lives on the  twelfth  floor. (twelve)
15.(1分)Do you think tigers are  bigger  than lions? (big)
16.(1分)We can buy ice cream in the frozen  food section.(freeze)
根据We can buy ice cream in the﹣﹣ food section.(freeze)可知我们可以在冷冻食品区买冰淇淋.这里用过去分词作定语.故填frozen.
四、Choose the best answer. (选出最恰当的答案)(每小题1分,共15分)
17.(1分)Lucy likes playing basketball, but Lily likes playing____ piano.(  )
A./ B.a C.an D.the
18.(1分)They held the sports meeting ________ September 30th.(  )
A.at B.in C.on D.with
19.(1分)May I have ______ chicken wings ______ dinner tonight,Mum?(  )
A.any;for B.some;for C.any;to D.some;to
【解答】第一个空,any任何的,通常用于疑问句或否定句;some一些,通常用于肯定句。表示请求,并希望得到对方肯定回答时,一般疑问句用some。第二个空,for dinner"就晚餐而言"固定搭配。
20.(1分)Could you give me __________,Mary?(  )
A.two bag of ice B.two bags of ices
C.two bag of ices D.two bags of ice
【解答】根据题干和选项可知,句意为:玛丽,你能给我两袋冰吗?ice"冰"是不可数名词,bag是可数名词,表示"两袋冰"应用two bags of ice。
21.(1分)I have __________ been to Shanghai,but I'll visit there this Saturday.(  )
A.just B.already C.yet D.never
【解答】just刚刚,仅仅,只是;already已经;yet还;never从不。根据后文"but I'll visit there this Saturday"可知,与前文是转折关系,这周六去那儿,因此是以前没有去过上海。
22.(1分)The food in this restaurant are __________than that in that restaurant.(  )
A.expensive B.least expensive
C.less expensive D.the least expensive
【解答】expensive昂贵的,形容词;least expensive最便宜的,最高级;less expensive较便宜的,比较级;the least expensive最便宜的,最高级前通常使用定冠词the;由比较级的标志词"than"及结合选项可知,此处使应用形容词比较级。
23.(1分)Our parents at our school at two o'clock last Monday.(  )
A.arrive B.arrived
C.will arrive D.have arrived
【解答】根据句意和时间状语last Monday可知,要用一般过去时。
24.(1分)There is only bread in the fridge(冰箱).What about going out to buy some?(  )
A.a little B.a few C.plenty of D.little
【解答】a little一点,修饰不可数名词;a few少许,修饰可数名词复数;plenty of很多;little几乎没有,修饰不可数名词。根据"出去买点怎么样?"可知,只有一点面包,这里修饰不可数名词bread,用a little。only不与little连用。
25.(1分)We must promise ________ a low carbon life (低碳生活).(  )
A.to have B.having C.had D.have
【解答】to have不定式;having动名词/现在分词;had过去式;have有,动词原形。promise to do sth"承诺做某事"固定搭配,填to have。
26.(1分)You eat too much sweet food,________ you have toothache.(  )
A.or B.but C.because D.so
27.(1分)Then let Jane ______ you cook the meal.(  )
A.help B.helps C.to help D.helping
【解答】help帮助,动词原形;helps第三人称单数形式;to help不定式;helping动名词/现在分词。let sb do sth"让某人做某事"固定搭配,填动词原形help。
28.(1分)Would you like ______ a new film with me tonight?(  )
A.to watch B.watching
C.watch D.to watching
【解答】to watch不定式;watching动名词/现在分词;watch观看,动词原形;to watching介词+动名词。would like to do sth"想要做某事"固定搭配,填to watch。
29.(1分)—I can't find Tom.Do you know where he is?
—Oh,he ______ to the library.(  )
A.go B.goes C.will go D.has gone
【解答】go去,原形;goes去,第三人称单数;will go将去,一般将来时;has gone to...去了……,此处是在路上或已经到了。根据Do you know where he is"你知道他在哪里吗"可知,下文是"他去图书馆了"。
30.(1分)Which part shows us ______ sugar we need every day?(  )
A.how long B.how often C.how much D.how many
【解答】A.how long多久,提问时间段;B.how often多久一次,提问频度;C.how much多少,提问不可数名词;D.how many多少,提问可数名词复数;根据sugar we need every day可知问的是数量,sugar不可数名词。
31.(1分)﹣I'm sorry. I broke your glasses.
﹣_______.(  )
A.It's very expensive. B.That's all right.
C.How can you do this? D.I'm very angry.
【解答】It's very expensive.它非常贵。That's all right.没关系。How can you do this?你怎么能这么做?I'm very angry. 我非常生气。根据I'm sorry. I broke your glasses."我很抱歉。我打碎了你的眼镜。"可知,应该说"没关系。"
五、 Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once (将下列单词填入空格,每空限填一词,每个单词只能填一次) : 5%
A.well B.helps C.become D.meals E.helpful F.strong
Our food is very important.We like eating it,and it makes us healthy.In most countries,people have three or four(1) D  every day.Having food is like filling a car with petrol (汽油).It gives us fuel (燃料) for the work we do.
The most important meal is breakfast.Doctors say that it is the beginning of a day and you can't work(2) A  without it.You should eat a lot in the morning,eat well at noon,but you shouldn't eat too much at night.
Protein (蛋白质) is very important.It builds our bones and makes our muscles (肌肉)(3) F .
Meat,fish,chicken,and eggs give us protein.Beans and milk also have protein.
Vegetables and fruit are also very important.They give us vitamins and other chemicals.Vitamin C
(4) B  us fight disease.Without it,we(5) C  sick.
【解答】(1)考查名词。句意:在大多数国家,人们每天吃三四顿饭。three or four +名词复数;这里是说人们吃三四顿饭。meal名词,餐;这里用名词复数。根据句意,故选D。
(2)考查副词。句意:医生说这是一天的开始,没有它你就不能工作好。根据Doctors say that it is the beginning of a day (医生说这是一天的开始)可知,这里是说没有吃早饭,你就不能工作好。根据句意,well副词,好地。故选A。
(4)考查动词。句意:维他命C帮助我们对抗疾病。根据下文Without it,we become sick.(没有它,我们就会生病。)可知,维他命C帮助我们对抗疾病、主语是Vitamin C,谓语动词变第三人称单数,help动词,帮助,变第三人称单数。根据句意,故选B。
(5)考查动词。句意:没有它,我们就会生病。根据前句句意:维他命C帮助我们对抗疾病。可知,没有它,我们就会生病。become sick生病。故选C。
六、Rewrite the following sentences as required.(根据要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)14%
33.(2分)We took a lot of photos in the park. (改为否定句)
We  didn't  take  many photos in the park.
34.(2分)Lisa will go swimming this weekend. (改为一般疑问句)
 Will  Lisa  go  swimming this weekend?
35.(2分)We can use the lift on the right. (对划线部分提问)
 Which  lift  can you use?
【解答】原句划线部分on the right属于名词lift的后置定语,提问常用疑问词Which lift。再把剩余部分变为一般疑问句,需把情态动词can提前至疑问词之后。再把剩余部分变为一般疑问句。
36.(2分)We don't need to buy any cola because there is enough in the fridge. (对划线部分提问)
 Why  don't you need to buy any cola?
【解答】原句划线because there is enough in the fridge部分属于原因,提问常用疑问词Why。再把剩余部分变为一般疑问句,需把We don't变为don't you。
37.(2分)Let's go to the movies tonight. (改为反意疑问句)
Let's go to the movies tonight,  Shall  we ?
【解答】对于Let's+动词原形,构成反意一般疑问句,用Shall we。
38.(2分)My diet is healthy.Alice's diet is not healthy. (保持句意基本不变)
Alice's diet isn't  as/so  healthy  as  mine.
【解答】"我的饮食健康。爱丽丝的饮食不健康。"可以表达为"爱丽丝的饮食不如我的健康。"not as/so...as"和......不一样"固定搭配。
39.(2分)Mary is 145 cm tall.Kitty is 150 cm tall. (两句合并为一句)
Kitty is  taller   than Mary.
【解答】根据"Mary is 145 cm tall.Kitty is 150 cm tall."可知,凯蒂比玛丽高,二者相比较,应使用形容词比较级,tall"高的",形容词,其比较级是taller;than"比"。
七、Reading Comprehension. (阅读理解) 40%
40.(10分)Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案填入空格内)(10%)
Rudy's Restaurant Soups Chicken cup..............1.50 bowl............2.50 Vegetable cup..............1.25 bowl............2.50 Sandwiches (served with French fries) Chicken................................4.75 Tuna fish .............................4.00 Cheese.................................3.50 Desserts Apple pie..........................2.45 Ice cream.........................1.75 "Fast and tasty" Hamburgers (served with French fries) Plain............................4.25 Cheeseburger..............4.80 Salad Small green salad........2.00 Large green salad........3.00 Drinks Coffee.........................0.75 Tea..............................0.75 Coke cola....................1.00 Milk............................1.00 Bottled water..............1.25 Soda...........................1.25 Orange juice...............1.25 Be open all day. We never sleep!
(1)This reading material(材料) may come from a  C .
A.shopping list
D.story book
(2)Rudy's Restaurant is open  D  hours a day.
(3)There are  B  kinds of desserts in the restaurant.
(4)Jason wants an apple pie and a small green salad.He must pay  C  dollars.
(5)Which of the following is true?  A 
A.An ice cream is cheaper than an apple pie.
B.We can drink apple juice in the restaurant.
C.There are four kinds of sandwiches in the restaurant.
D.A cup of chicken soup is cheaper than a cup of vegetable soup.
(2)细节理解题。根据文章结尾"Be open all day."可知该餐厅全天营业,即24小时都在营业。故选D。
41.(10分)Choose the right words or expressions to complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或短语完成短文)
Many years ago,in a small town,there lived a (1) C .He was helpful and kind.He was always ready to help every sick person.All the people in the town liked him and they (2) A  went to him when there was anything wrong.
The years went past,and the doctor became old.He began to forget (忘记) things.When people noticed (意识到) this,they didn't go to him anymore.
"He may give us the (3) D  medicine (药)," they said,and they were afraid.
The old doctor noticed that people didn't come to him anymore,but he didn't know why.So he asked, "Why does no one come to me now?"
Nobody wanted to tell him why because they didn't want to make the good old man (4) B ,so they said, "You have helped all the sick people in the town.There is nobody (5) A  now."
The doctor was pleased when he heard that.
(1)A.policeman B.teacher C.doctor D.pilot
(2)A.always B.sometimes C.seldom D.never
(3)A.good B.bad C.right D.wrong
(4)A.unhealthy B.unhappy C.unlucky D.unkind
(5)A.sick B.bad C.angry D.strong
【解答】(1)名词辨析。句意:许多年前,在一个小镇上住着一位医生。policeman警察;teacher老师;doctor医生;pilot飞行员。由下文He was always ready to help every sick person.(他随时准备帮助每一个病人。)可知这是一位医生。故选C。
(2)副词辨析。句意:当有什么不对劲时,人们总会去找他。always总是,一直;sometimes有时,偶尔seldom很少,不常;never从不。由前面All the people in the town liked him and they,(镇上所有的人都喜欢他。)可知人们喜欢找他看病,所以总是会找他看病。故选A。
(3)形容词辨析。句意:他们说:"他可能会给我们开错药。"good好的;bad坏的;right对的;wrong错的。由前面He began to forget things.(他开始忘记事情。)及后面they were afraid(他们很害怕。)可知,此处指的是医生会因为健忘而开错药,故选D。
(5)形容词辨析。句意:没有人想告诉他为什么,因为他们不想让这位好心的老人不高兴。unhealthy不健康的;unhappy不高兴的,不快乐的;unlucky不幸的,倒霉的;unkind不友善的。根据后文人们对老医生说的话You have helpedall the sick people in the town..,(你帮助了镇上所有的病人....)以及最后The doctor was pleased when he heard that.(医生听到后很高兴。)可知,人们说谎,是因为不想让老医生不开心。故选B。
42.(10分)What is the best way to study?This is a very important question.Some Chinese students often study very h(1) ard  for long hours.This is a good habit,b(2) ut it is not a better way to study.A good student must have enough e(3) xercise  and sleep.Every day you n(4) eed  to take a walk or play basketball.If you do so,you'll find yourself s(5) tronger  than before and you'll learn more.
Perhaps we can say that learning is like taking Chinese medicine(中药).We mean that like Chinese medicine,the effects(效果)of your study come s(6) lowly  but surely.Learn and exercise every day and the effects will come just like Chinese medicine.
【解答】(1)hard.考查名词。句意:一些中国学生经常长时间努力学习。study学习,动词需用副词修饰;根据"for long hours"和首字母h可推出时非常努力。hard努力。故填hard。
(3)exercise.考查形容词。句意:一个好学生必须有足够的锻炼和睡眠。enough足够的,形容词修饰名词;根据后文"take a walk or play basketball.",且根据首字母提示,可推测出是锻炼,故填exercise。
(4)need.考查动词。句意:每天你需要散步或打篮球。everyday每天,用于一般现在时;you是第二人称,动词需用原形;根据"A good student must have enoughe___and sleep"及首字母提示可推出是需要散步或打篮球。need需要。故填need。
(5)stronger.考查形容词。句意:如果你这样做了,你会发现自己比以前更强大,你会学到更多。根据下文than可知是用比较级,根据"take a walk or play basketball"可知是锻炼,结合所给首字母提示,可知是更强壮,故填stronger。
(6)slowly.考查形容词句意:我们的意思是说,就像中医一样,你的学习效果来得缓慢而肯定。根据下文"Learn every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine."可知每天学习,效果就会像中药一样,结合所给首字母提示,可推测出是慢,修饰动词come,所以用副词 slowly,故填slowly。
43.(10分)Read the passage and answer the following questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题).
Mr.and Mrs.Jones had a drive in the country and saw an old woman there.She had some beautiful oranges. "The oranges are quite cheap," Mrs.Jones said.Mr.Jones stopped the car,and his wife got out and bought ten oranges.Then they talked to the woman.She said, "Come and have tea with my husband and me in our hut."
They had some tea and cakes,and then Mrs.Jones said to the woman, "Your oranges are really sweet.Why are they so cheap?" The woman smiled and replied, "We live in the country,and nobody lives near us.We like talking to people,but nobody stops here.Then we put those cheap oranges there,and now a lot of people stop.I bring them home.We talk and we are happy."
(1)How did Mr.and Mrs.Jones go to the country?
They went to the country  by driving .
(2)What did Mr.and Mrs.Jones buy?
 Some beautiful oranges .
(3)Did the old woman live near or far away from other people?
 She lived far away from other people .
(4)Why did the old woman sell oranges cheaply?
 They wanted to talk with others .
(5)What do you think of the old woman?
 I think she is very clever. .
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据Mr.and Mrs.Jones had a drive in the country.(琼斯夫妇在乡下开车兜风,)可知琼斯夫妇开车去乡下。故填by driving。
(2)细节理解题。根据Mr.Jones stopped the car,and his wife got out and bought ten oranges.(琼斯先生停下车,他的妻子下车买了十个橘子。)可知她买了一些漂亮的桔子。故填Some beautiful oranges.
(3)细节判断题。根据We live in the country,and nobody lives near us.(我们住在乡下,没有人住在我们附近。)可知这位老妇人住得离别人远。故填She lived far away from other people.
(4)细节理解题。根据The woman smiled and replied, "We live in the country,and nobody lives near us.We like talking to people,but nobody stops here.Then we put those cheap oranges there,and now a lot of people stop.I bring them home.We talk and we are happy."(女人笑着回答,"我们住在乡下,没有人住在我们附近。我们喜欢和人交谈,但没有人在这里停下来。然后我们把那些便宜的桔子放在那里,现在很多人停下来。我把它们带回家。我们交谈,我们很高兴。")可知老妇人便宜地卖桔子是与人交谈。故填They wanted to talk with others.
(5)个人想法题。根据The woman smiled and replied, "We live in the country,and nobody lives near us.We like talking to people,but nobody stops here.Then we put those cheap oranges there,and now a lot of people stop.I bring them home.We talk and we are happy."(女人笑着回答,"我们住在乡下,没有人住在我们附近。我们喜欢和人交谈,但没有人在这里停下来。然后我们把那些便宜的桔子放在那里,现在很多人停下来。我把它们带回家。我们交谈,我们很高兴。")因此可知这位老妇人很聪明。故填I think she is very clever.
八、Make up sentences with the words and phrases given. (连词成句, 标点符号已给出)10%
44.(2分)must ,we,use,left,on,the,the,one(.)
 We must use the one on the left .
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为词陈述句,且为一般现在时态。We 是主语,must 情态动词后接动词原形use做谓语,the one 做宾语,on the left"在左边"做状语。
故答案为:We must use the one on the left。
45.(2分)want,because,I,any,don't,it's,too,cola,sweet (.)
 I don't want any cola because it's too sweet .
【解答】结合提示词和标点可知这是个含有由because引导的原因状语从句的主从复合句;根据所给词语,主句的主语是I,谓语是don't want,宾语是any cola;原因状语从句中副词too修饰表语sweet,由此连成句子。
故答案为:I don't want any cola because it's too sweet。
46.(2分)tonight,would,for,like,you,what,dinner (?)
 What would you like for dinner tonight ?
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为特殊疑问句,且为一般现在时态。考虑用What作疑问词,情态动词would构成疑问句,主语用代词you,动词短语like for dinner作谓语,tonight作时间状语。
故填:What would you like for dinner tonight。
47.(2分)have,I,bought,garlic,some,at,vegetable,stall,the (.)
 I have bought some garlic at the vegetable stall .
【解答】根据所给的词和标点,可知本题为陈述句,且为现在完成时态。I是主语,have bought 是谓语,some garlic"一些大蒜"做宾语,at the vegetable stall"在蔬菜摊上"做状语。
故答案为:I have bought some garlic at the vegetable stall。
48.(2分)when,I,I,restaurants,to,am,walking,school,a few,see (.)
 I see a few restaurants when I am walking to school .
【解答】I作主句的主语;see看见,作主句的主语;a few一些,修饰restaurants;when当……时候,引导时间状语从句,从句用进行时,其结构是be doing的形式;I作从句的主语;be动词用am;walking to school走着去上学。
故答案为:I see a few restaurants when I am walking to school.



