Unit 1 My school过关检测卷(无答案无听力原文及音频)

Unit 1 过关检测卷
(时间:40分钟 满分:100分)
( )1. A. office B. library C. playground
( )2. A. first B. floor C. four
( )3. A. second B. sister C. next
( )4. A. many B. my C. gym
( )5. A. that B. this C. there
( )1. A. Yes,I am. B. Yes,I do. C. No,I am not.
( )2. A. It's in the park. B. He's on the second floor.
C. It's on the second floor.
( )3. A. Yes,it is, B. No,it doesn't. C. It's on the first floor.
( )4. A. I like it. B. Yes,it's so big. C. It's so clean.
( )5. A. I'm fine. B. I'm five. C. Fifty.
( )1. A. first B. second C. four
( )2. A. library B. forty C. playground
( )3. A. office B. play C. read
( )4. A. on B. under C. it
( )5. A. art room B. music room C. bathroom
A. playground B. teachers’office C. library D. art room E. music room
1. I'd like some
2. We're twins. She's my
3. I have a new
4. Theis so big.
5. It's 6:30 p. m. It's time for
( )1. Do you have art room
A. a B. an C./
( )2. My classroom is on floor.
A. one B. first C. the first
( )3.— that the gym , it is.
A. Do;No B. Is;No C. Is;Yes
( )4.— Where is Classroom 1 — It's the library.
A. next to B. near to C. next
( )5.— Do you have a music room — Yes. , please.
A. This way B. This is a way C. That way
( )6. Go to the library.
A. Play football. B. Read a book. C. Water the flowers.
( )7. This is the office.
A:teachers' B. teacher C. teachers
( )8.— the library — It's near the computer room.
A. Where B. Where's C. What
( )9.— students are there in your class — Thirty students.
A. How much B. Where C. How many
( )10.— you have a gym — Yes, we .
A. Do;do B. Are;do C. Do;are
( )1. Do you have a storybook A. It's on the second floor.
( )2. Where is your house B. Yes,it is.
( )3. Is that the art room C. Ten.
( )4. How many pens do you have D. Thank you,Amy.
( )5. Hi,Mr Jones. Here's my homework. E. No,I don't.
1.你向别人问路前,应该先说( )
A. Sorry. B. Excuse me. C. Thank you.
2.有参观者到你的学校参观,你应该说( )
A. Welcome to our school! B. Welcome to our classroom!
C. Welcome to our home!
3.你想说美术教室紧挨着图书馆,应该说( )
A. The art room is next to the library.
B. The art room is under the library.
C. The art room is on the second floor.
4.你想问你朋友的班里有多少名学生,应该问( )
A. How many teachers are there in your class
B. How many students are there in your class
C. How many students are there in your school
5.你想知道音乐教室在哪里,应该问( )
A. Where is the gym B. Where is the music room
C. What's in the music room
Amy: Welcome to our new school!1.
Visitor: Oh, it's so big!2.
Amy:No,it isn't. It's the art room.
Amy:It's on the first floor.
Amy:Yes,we do. This way,please.
A. Is this the computer room
B. This is our classroom.
C. Do you have a playground
D. How many students are there in your class
E. Where's the computer room
Hello,my name is Mike. Look!This is my school. It's big. There are twelve rooms. This is the library. It's on the first floor. I like to read books in it. The art room is on the second floor. There are some pictures in it. My friend,John,likes drawing pictures in it. The music room is under the art room. I often play the piano in it. Where is the computer room It's next to Classroom 1.
The second floor Classroom1 2. Classroom2
The first floor Classroom3 3. 4. Classroom4
5. How many rooms are there in the school
6. What's in the art room



上一篇:陕西省西安市新城区东方小学 2020-2021五年级上学期期中考试数学试卷(含答案)
