外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册 Unit 2 Let's celebrate! 单元限时作业(含答案)

Unit2 单元限时作业
体裁:记叙文 题材:个人经历 词数:320 难度:中 建议用时:8分钟
[河北张家口2020高一阶段测试]At thirteen,I was diagnosed(诊断)with a kind of attention disorder. It made school difficult for me. When everyone else in the class was focusing on tasks,I could not.
In my first literature class,Mrs Smith asked us to read a story and then write about it,all within 45 minutes.
I raised my hand right away and said,"Mrs Smith,you see,the doctor said I have attention problems. I might not be able to do it.”
She glanced at me through her glasses,"You are not different from your classmates,young man."
I tried,but I didn't finish the reading when the bell rang. I had to take it home.
In the quietness of my bedroom,the story suddenly all became clear to me. It was about a blind person,Louis Braille. He lived in a time when the blind couldn't get much education. But Louis didn't give up. Instead,he invented a reading system of raised dots(点),which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.
Wasn't I the “blind” in my class,being made to learn like the “sighted" students?My thoughts spilt out(涌出)and my pen started to dance. I completed the task within 40 minutes. Indeed,I was not different from others;I just needed a quieter place. If Louis could find his way to solve his problems,why should I ever give up?
I didn't expect anything when I handed in my paper to Mrs Smith,so it was quite a surprise when it came back to me the next day-with an "A" on it. At the bottom of the paper were these words: "See what you can do when you keep trying!”
1.Why didn't the author finish the reading in class?
A. He didn't have self-confidence.
B. He was not fond of literature.
C. He had an attention disorder.
D. He needed a quieter place.
2. What can we learn about Louis Braille from the passage
A. He got a good education at school.
B. He made an invention which helps the blind.
C. He gave up trying.
D. He managed to cure his blindness.
3. What was Mrs Smith's attitude to the author at the end of the story
A. Angry.
B. Impatient.
C. Sympathetic.
D. Encouraging.
4. What is the best title for the passage
A. Keep Trying to Solve All Problems
B. How to Overcome an Attention Disorder
C.A Great Teacher
D. From the "Blind" to the "Sighted"
体裁:说明文 题材:介绍说明 词数:325 难度:中 建议用时:8分钟
From now,if all goes well,a high-tech spacecraft will land at the South Pole of the moon. There,it will drill 66 feet down into the surface and collect samples of the lunar mantle(月幔)to bring them back to the earth.
But before it leaves,it will have a two-part time capsule(时间囊):a public part,full of the earth's history,and a private part,full of digital memory boxes created by individuals. These memory boxes can hold digital files-records of family trees,videos or actual DNA in the form of human hair. Not everyone can have a digital memory box,though. The boxes are only delivered for the people who donate money to the project.
The project,called Lunar Mission One,has already raised more than half of its £ 600,000 goal since its start just a few days ago. The founders thought that it would succeed because of the attraction of both exploring the moon surface and leaving a time capsule behind. The mission was an action of scientific research,but it was also an emotional one,bringing the excitement of knowing that something humans built on the earth reached somewhere else in space.
Still,it does seem risky(冒险的)for a person to donate £60 to keep a digital memory box of a project that won't come true until 2024.What if the project never takes off?What if the technology isn't good enough?What if those digital memory boxes break on the moon's surface And how will anybody ever know if that happens Ian Crawford, a professor at Birkbeck College in London and scientific advisor to the mission, says it is not necessary to worry about these. The plan to leave a time capsule on the moon isn't really about physically leaving something on the moon-it's more an opportunity to encourage people's interest in space.
1. Who can have a digital memory box on the moon
A.A person who donated £ 60 to the project.
B.A person who has records of family trees.
C.A person who is in charge of the project.
D.A person who is interested in exploring the moon.
2. What can be learnt about Lunar Mission One from Paragraph 3
A. The spacecraft was successfully started just a few days ago.
B. It will explore the moon surface and leave a time capsule on the moon.
C. It was created because of the excitement of knowing something in space.
D. It was an action of scientific research because it was designed with rich emotion.
3. Why does it seem risky to donate £60 to keep a digital memory box
A. The spacecraft won't be sent on time.
B. The technology isn't good enough.
C. The project won't come true until 2034.
D. There are various possibilities in such a long time.
4. What can be concluded from the last sentence of the passage
A. Everything about the project will be OK.
B. The time capsule on the moon is not meaningful.
C. The plan to leave a time capsule on the moon is scientific.
D. The message of the project is to call forth people's more attention on space.
体裁:说明文 题材:学校生活 词数:247 难度:中 建议用时:7分钟
[浙江诸暨中学2021高一段考]Each fall brings a lot of opportunities that beckon you to become involved in collective activities in your school.1
2 Clubs are probably the easiest and most direct route to getting involved. Typically,high schools have clubs that focus on a wide variety of themes. Do you have a great affinity for German films?3 If you answer yes,then you are in luck!There are probably clubs for those. Usually,the best way to approach joining a club is attending an after-school club fair at the beginning of the school year.
Try out for a sports team!If you have any interest in a sport your school offers,there is absolutely no harm in trying. The worst that can happen is that you don't make it and have to try next year. Joining a sports team is a great way to make friends with people who have similar interests.4 Sports provide an improvement in both physical and emotional health.
Volunteer!5 It could be answering phones in the main office at school,issuing passes to students,or even travelling abroad to provide international aid. My point is that volunteer work can be an incredible path to discovering passions and shaping your personality.
All in all,if you're looking for a fresh start,now it is the time!Choosing to fit in at your school by joining a club,trying out for a sports team,or volunteering is undoubtedly something you will not regret.
A. Join a club!
B. Know your strengths!
C. Here are a few ways to get involved.
D. Volunteer work comes in many forms.
E. What about a desire to go into medicine
F. There are various benefits of volunteer work.
G. It is also the perfect source of daily exercise.
体裁:议论文 题材:环境与自然 词数:286 难度:中 建议用时:15分钟
In our modern world,when something wears out,we throw it away and buy a new one. The 1 is that countries around the world have growing mountains of 2 because people are throwing out more rubbish than ever before.
Why did we 3 a throwaway society?First of all,it is now easier to 4 an object than to spend time and money repairing it. Thanks to modern manufacturing(制造业)and technology,companies are able to produce products quickly and inexpensively. Products are plentiful and 5.
Another cause is our 6 of disposable(一次性的)products. As busy people,we are always looking for 7 to save time and make our lives easier.
Companies 8 thousands of different kinds of disposable products: paper plates,plastic cups,and plastic bags,to name but a few.
Our appetite(欲望)for new products also 9 to the problem. We are addicted to buying new things.
Advertisements persuade us that newer is better and that we will be happier with the latest products. The result is that we 10 useful possessions to make room for new ones.
All around the world,we can see the 11 of this throwaway lifestyle. Mountains of rubbish just keep getting more and more numerous. To 12 the amount of rubbish and to protect the 13,more governments are requiring people to recycle materials.
However,this is not enough to solve our problem. Maybe there is another way out. We need to repair our possessions 14 throwing them away. We also need to rethink our attitudes to 15.Repairing our possessions and changing our consuming habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment.
1. A. key B. reason C. project D. problem
2. A. gifts B. rubbish C. debts D. products
3. A. face B. become C. observe D. change
4. A. hide B. control C. replace D. withdraw
5. A. safe B. funny C. cheap D. powerful
6. A. love B. lack C. prevention D. division
7. A. ways B. places C. jobs D. friends
8. A. donate B. receive C. produce D. preserve
9. A. adapts B. returns C. responds D. contributes
10. A. pick up B. pay for C. hold on D. throw away
11. A. advantages B. purposes C. functions D. results
12. A. show B. record C. reduce D. measure
13. A. technology B. environment C. consumers D. brands
14. A. in need of B. in favour of C. in addition to D. instead of
15. A. consumption B. collecting C. repair D. advertising
体裁:说明文 题材:社会文化 词数:171 难度:中 建议用时:7分钟
In the past a gentleman would offer his seat to a lady on a 1(crowd)bus. But now,he will probably lookout of the window or hide behind his newspaper,2(leave)the lady standing until someone else gets off.
You can't 3(entire)blame men for this change in manners.4(go)are the days when women could 5(refer)to as the weak. A whole generation has grown up demanding 6(equal)with men in jobs,in education and in social lives. Hold 7 door for some women and you are likely 8(get)an angry lecture on treating women as weaklings. Take a girl out for a meal and she'll probably insist on paying 9 share of the bill. All these,according to some sociologists,will change men's attitude towards women and the conventional active politeness is perhaps slowly being replaced by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women,so that men can see women 10 equal human beings.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________
难度:中 建议用时:20分钟
Christmas was around the corner. Six-year-old David was thinking what presents he could get from Santa. He wanted a pair of slippers; he wanted a silk tie; he wanted some toys. And school was starting soon,he also hoped to get something about schooling. In order to get Santa to know what he needed,he thought he would write a letter to Santa,which he believed would bring him those presents. He found a sheet of paper and made a list of the items on it,and then bent down to post the letter in the chimney,waiting for the wind to take it to Santa. David got up very early on the Christmas morning. He searched his room carefully,but to his disappointment,he didn't find the presents he had hoped for. Hadn't Santa received the letter?Was he too busy to send him the gifts?Although feeling a little upset,David was convinced that Santa would not forget him and he was bound to receive the items.
Many years had passed and 2019 came. In an old house,a young builder,Lewis Shaw was removing the fireplace with his colleagues when he suddenly found a small piece of paper,which was still in perfect condition even if it had turned yellow. He picked it up and unfolded it. It was a letter written to Santa. The touching hand-written note said:
Dear Father Christmas,
Please can you send me a drum,a box of chalks,a pair of slippers,a silk tie,a pencil box,and any little toy you have to spare?
This was the very letter written by David and the house was where he had lived during his childhood!The letter struck Shaw so much. How simple Christmas once was!David didn't ask for much,just the things he just needed. Nowadays kids always want expensive gifts and take it for granted.
Shaw decided to find out the author of the letter. He shared a photo of the note on Facebook. He also______________________________________________________
A great surprise was on the way. After a pleasant chat,_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2.B推理判断题。根据第五段的第二句It was about a blind person,Louis Braille.和第五句Instead,he invented a reading system of raised dots,which opened up a whole new world of knowledge to the blind.可知,路易斯·布莱叶是个盲人,他发明了凸点阅读系统,这为盲人打开了一个全新的知识世界。故选B项。
1.A细节理解题。根据第二段中的The boxes are only delivered for the people who donate money to the project.及第四段中的Still,it does seem risky for a person to donate £60 to keep a digital memory box of a project that won't come true until2024.可知,一个人向该项目捐赠60英镑便有可能在月球上留下一个数字存储盒。故选A项。
2.B细节理解题。根据第三段中的The founders thought that it would succeed because of the attraction of both exploring the moon surface and leaving a time capsule behind.可知,“月球任务1号” 将会探索月球表面,并在月球上留下一个时间囊。故选B项。
4.D推理判断题。根据文章最后一句The plan to leave a time capsule on the moon isn't really about physically leaving something on the moon-it's more an opportunity to encourage people's interest in space.可知,该项目的目的是激发人们对于宇宙空间的兴趣。故选D项。
4.G本段的主旨句为Try out for a sports team!(参加运动队的选拔!),G项(参加运动队也是日常锻炼的理想来源。)中的daily exercise符合本段主旨,选项中的It指的是Joining a sports team。故选G项。
5.D本段的主旨句为Volunteer!(做一名志愿者!),空后的It could be answering phones in the main office at school,issuing passes to students,or even travelling abroad to provide international aid.对志愿者工作的形式举出了例子,D项(志愿者工作有多种形式。)承上启下。故选D项。
Exercise 2
1.D根据下文中的countries around the world...throwing out more rubbish than ever before可知,人们扔掉了更多的垃圾,垃圾堆积如山,这是全世界所面临的问题。故选D项。
2.B根据下文和文章最后一句中的 reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment可知,因为人们现在扔掉了比以前更多的垃圾,所以垃圾堆积如山。故选B项。
4.C根据空后的than to spend time and money repairing it可知,与花时间和钱修理物品相比,现在更换物品更容易。hide意为“隐藏”;control意为“控制”;replace意为“更换”;withdraw意为“撤退;收回”。故选C项。
6.A根据下文中的save time and make our lives easier可知,另一个原因是人们对一次性产品的钟爱。故选A项。
7.A根据空后的to save time and make our lives easier可知,此处指忙碌的人们总是在寻找方法节省时间,让生活更舒适。ways to do sth是固定搭配,意为“做某事的方法”。故选A项。
8.C根据空后的thousands of different kinds of disposable products可知,此处指企业生产各种一次性产品。donate意为“捐赠”;receive意为“收到”;produce意为“生产”;preserve意为“保存”。故选C项。
9.D句意为:我们对新产品的欲望也造成了这一问题。adapt to意为“(使)适应”;return to意为“返回;归还”;respond to意为“回应;(做出)反应”;contribute to意为“促成;造成”。故选D项。
10.D根据上文中的a throwaway society和空后的useful possessions to make room for new ones可知,此处指人们扔掉还有用的物品来为新的物品腾地方。pick up意为“捡起;学会;(开车)接”;pay for意为“支付”;hold on意为“抓住;坚持”;throw away意为“扔掉”。故选D项。
11.D根据下文中的Mountains of rubbish just keep getting more and more numerous.可知,这里指的是用后即扔的生活习惯的后果。advantage意为“优点;有利条件”;purpose意为“目的”;function意为“功能;作用”;result意为“后果”。故选D项。
12.C根据设空处后的 more governments are requiring people to recycle materials 以及下一段中的reduce the amount of rubbish可知,此处指越来越多的政府要求人们循环使用物品,这样做是为了减少垃圾、保护环境。故选C项。
14.D根据前面的Maybe there is another way out.可知,此处指我们需要修理我们的物品,而不是扔掉它们。故选D项。
15.A设空处前面一句提到了要修理物品,再根据后一句中的and changing our consuming habits可知,我们也要反思自己的消费态度。故选A项。
2.leaving句子谓语是will look和hide,此处与谓语动词之间无连词连接,故此处应用非谓语动词,分析句子结构可知,leave与主语he之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。故填leaving。
3.entirely 设空处修饰动词blame,应用副词,表示“完全地”,故填entirely。
4.Gone 此处为表语置于句首的完全倒装句,正常语序为:the days are gone,后面是when引导的定语从句,修饰前面的主句主语 days。故填Gone。
5.be referred 设空处为定语从句谓语的一部分,women与refer to之间为被动关系,表示“被提及”,空前有情态动词could,故填be referred。
6.equality 设空处作demanding的宾语,表示“平等”,应用名词。故填equality。
8.to get be likely to do sth为固定表达,意为“可能会做某事”,故填to get。
9.her句意为:带一位女孩出去吃饭,她很有可能坚持付自己的那份账单。pay one's share意为“付自己的那一份账”,根据空前的she'll probably insist on中的she可知,此处应填her。
10.as 此处考查固定搭配 see sb as..…,意为“把某人看作……”,故填as。
3.提分词句:connected with,had sth fulfilled,where Shaw returned the letter to him(where 引导非限制性定语从句),Inside it were all the presents David..…(完全倒装)等。
Shaw decided to find out the author of the letter. He shared a photo of the note on Facebook. He also spoke to the neighbours on both sides of the house. Within two days he connected with David, the old man living in a town nearby now. They met in the old house, where Shaw returned the letter to him. David was both shocked and excited that he could read the letter again so many years after he wrote it!
A great surprise was on the way. After a pleasant chat, Shaw handed David a box. Inside it were all the presents David had listed in the letter. In fact, it had taken Shaw much time to collect these presents. He even didn't know where to find a drum suitable for children before he was able to get one. David was quite moved-he finally had his Christmas wishes fulfilled!
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上一篇:人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 单元检测卷(含答案)

下一篇:2023 高考化学二轮专题复习 专题2 化学计量及其应用 专题复习(答案)