人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 单元检测卷(含答案)

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What is the woman doing there
A.Writing a story. B.Reading a story.
C.Writing a report.
2.What will they do
A.See the boy's teacher. B.Meet the boy's friend.
C.See their new teacher.
3.How does the woman feel about the job now
A.Bored. B.Funny.
4.What is Miss Green going to do
A.Watch the man play football. B.Watch David play football.
C.Watch David's friend play football.
5.When does the conversation most probably take place
A.At midnight. B.In the evening.
C.At dawn.
6.Where does this dialogue take place
A.In the restaurant. B.On the phone.
C.In the street.
7.When does this dialogue take place
A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon.
C.In the evening.
8.If the woman comes to lunch, how many people will come with her
A.Three. B.Five.
9.What are the man and woman looking for
A.A comfortable hotel. B.A modern hotel.
C.An inexpensive hotel.
10.Where could the man and the woman find a hotel they need
A.Next to a bank. B.Two-minute drive to the west.
C.On the left side of the street.
11.Where did the conversation most likely take place
A.Near a bank. B.Near a hotel.
C.In a restaurant.
12.What did the man want to do
A.To look for a gold watch for his wife. B.To buy a birthday gift for his wife.
C.To buy a diamond ring for his wife.
13.What did the man buy at last
A.A ring. B.A watch.
C.A necklace.
14.How much did the man pay for the gift
A.$2,250. B.$2,000.
15.When did the conversation most likely take place
A.Tuesday morning. B.Wednesday morning.
C.Thursday morning.
16.How many times was Miss Smith late during that week
A.Three times. B.Four times.
C.Five times.
17.Why was Miss Smith late that morning
A.It was raining. B.The bus service was very bad.
C.She didn't have a watch.
18.Why didn't the businessman write the speech himself
A.He was too lazy. B.He was too busy.
C.It was too difficult.
19.How did the audience feel about the businessman's speech in the end
A.They got bored. B.They showed interest in it.
C.They felt angry.
20.Why did the speech run on for an hour
A.The businessman read it twice.
B.The secretary wrote the speech for an hour.
C.The businessman read the original and the two copies of the speech.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
I think a close friend is someone you get on really well with, who helps you when you have problems, who gives you advice, and who always has time for you. I didn't have many close friends when I was at school or at university, for I was very shy, but now I have several. They are all women—I think it's difficult to make a close friend with the opposite sex (异性) .
I don't really have any close friends. I know a lot of people but mainly through work, and the kinds of social occasions (场合) when we meet are business dinners and evening parties. I think if you come from a really close family, then friends are a bit unnecessary. I like spending my free time with my family.
I think a close friend is someone who you've known for a long time, and who you still get on with. They probably share similar hobbies with you so you can do things together. I've got three close friends who I was at high school with and we often go away together (without our parents of course). We always go camping, play football, or walk outside in the open air.
For me close friends are the people you spend your free time with. I go out at weekends with a group of people—there are about seven of us, and I'd say we are all close friends. We also live near each other. I don't think you can have close friends far away from you; you need to be able to see each other often. But I don't think you need to be doing the same things. I mean I'm at university but none of my friends are.
21.What does Richard say about friends
A.It's hard to make friends at work.
B.They're less important than family.
C.Friends need to have a lot in common.
D.Women and men can't be close friends.
22.What does David enjoy
A.Physical activities. B.Parent child camps.
C.Going to evening parties. D.Playing out in the open air alone.
23.Who has more friends now than before
A.Ana. B.David.
C.Richard. D.Marie.
Farah was sitting in the kitchen going over the party list with her mother. The exams were over and Farah wanted to invite her friends for a party.
“Farah, aren't you going to invite Hafsa?” her mother asked. Hafsa had been her best friend since childhood.
“Mother, you know I am now a part of Purple Girls Club and we have some rules about people we can be friends with,” Farah answered.
“Really And what are the rules?”her mother asked.
“Well, only very pretty girls can be part of our group. And Hafsa is so... you know... dark.”
“I cannot believe it,” her mother said angrily.
As Farah left the kitchen, her father called her from the living room.
Farah went to her father and paled when she saw the exam report in his hands. “Farah, what has happened to your grades You have failed in mathematics,”her father said.
Farah had no answer. The truth was that the activities of Purple Girls Club left her with very little time for studies.
“Farah, it says that you can take part in supplementary exams(补考). If your grades don't improve then, I'll cancel (取消) your trip to Spain.”
Farah went to her room and called Gina, the leader of Purple Girls Club, “Gina, can you help me to complete my notes before the exams?”
Gina laughed, “Exams Who cares about exams?”
One by one, she called her friends in the club but no one seemed to care or wanted to help.
Farah knew Hafsa would help her. Farah also knew Hafsa had been hurt by her, but Hafsa said, “If you need any help, just let me know. We can study together till your exams.”
Next Monday, as two friends entered the school together, Gina called out.
“Farah, you know our rules. You cannot be friends with those who do not belong to our club.”
“Gina, I have a new rule about friendship,” Farah replied.
24.After Farah became a member of Purple Girls Club, she chose a friend according to a person's________.
A.looks B.usual activities
C.grades D.favorite colors
25.Farah became pale after going to her father because ________.
A.he didn't allow her to go to Spain B.she didn't do well in her exams
C.she had to leave Purple Girls Club D.he asked her to improve her grades
26.Which word can best describe Hafsa
A.Silly. B.Beautiful.
C.Rude. D.Kind.
27. What lesson can we learn from the passage
A.A friend in need is a friend indeed. B.A perfect friend will never be found.
C.Be slow in choosing a friend. D.Friendship can be developed easily.
What makes a sense of humour is a difficult thing to tell. Different people find different things funny, and what may seem hilarious to some might be highly rude to others. However, having a good sense of humour is important for reducing stress and getting along with others. Therefore, it's important to think about ways to improve your sense of humour.
Look for the funny side of situations. While it can be difficult at times to find the funny side in unfortunate events when you're having a bad day, try to think about how the situation might look like to other people, and attempt not to get too angry. Laughing over minor accidents, trips and falls will help you in preventing the loss of temper that you will regret later.
Learn some basic jokes. Some people find it hard to remember jokes, and feel left out when others are telling them. It's worth trying to learn a few jokes that you can pull out of the bag when you need to, or regularly think about how you can turn a funny situation that occurs in daily life into an entertaining anecdote (趣闻) for later.
Look at jokes or funny cards. There are many different kinds of funny cards available, which can be a great inspiration for finding ways to improve your sense of humour. Giving an appropriate funny card to friends and family on the right occasion will show that you have a good sense of humour and are thinking about them.
Learn from friends. Look at friends that you think have a great sense of humour. How do they deal with situations, and what kind of jokes do they make Is there anything you can take away from their actions
28. What does the underlined word “hilarious” in the first paragraph probably mean
A.Extremely funny. B.Quite harmful.
C.Greatly meaningful. D.Quite useful.
29.How can you be humorous in tough times
A. By looking for the funny side of situations.
B.By laughing over any accident.
C.By turning a funny situation into a joke.
D.By struggling not to lose your temper.
30. What should people do for learning some basic jokes
A.Be active and learn from friends.
B.Be creative and get well prepared.
C.Be patient and listen to others carefully.
D.Be confident and have a good memory.
31. What would be the best title of the passage
A.What Makes a Sense of Humour
B.How to Improve Your Sense of Humour
C.What's Your Humour Style
D.Benefits of Humour
We are lucky to live in a world that is full of incredible technology. Our living rooms are packed with computers, LCD TVs, video game systems, and Blue ray players that help us enjoy the latest entertainment. Although these items bring us joy and convenience, they also create a lot of junk. Each device needs its own plug and adaptor to keep its batteries recharged, and over time these wires get tangled (缠绕在一起的). Thankfully, something has come along to help rid our homes of this mess while still supplying these devices with the power they need. It's called wireless charging and this trend is just starting.
Wireless charging has a lot of potential for smartphones and other electronic devices. Electronic devices can absorb the electricity once they're placed on a special charging mat. There are several advantages that wireless charging offers over traditional methods. For starters, cords (电源线) have a tendency to wear out with use. Wireless charging users never have to worry about buying replacement cords. Wireless charging is also far more convenient for medical implants, as patients won't need to recharge their devices through the skin using cords. In turn, this cuts down on the risks of infection. Wireless charging can also bring safety benefits, as wired charging devices that come in contact with water can increase the chances of getting an electric shock. Wireless charging gets rid of that danger completely.
Still, there are a few drawbacks to wireless charging. The first is speed. It takes a bit longer to charge devices wirelessly than it does if the device is plugged in. The process also requires more heat, so devices tend to get a bit hotter, which could create other safety issues. Also, since devices must be left on a special pad while charging, it is harder to operate them while they are powering up. This limitation may be gotten rid of in the future, as researchers are developing transmitters (发射器) that can charge several different devices in a room without the need to connect to a charging pad. Although wireless charging technology may be far from perfect, it seems like a step in the right direction as we move towards a less tangled future.
32. What is the problem with many modern appliances
A.Most people can't afford to pay for them.
B.They can cause a lot of junk around the house.
C.They go out of style too quickly.
D.They are not very entertaining.
33.Why is wireless charging beneficial for medical patients
A.It often brings down the cost for their medical bills.
B.Wireless charging has shown to cure people of serious diseases.
C.It makes maintenance of their devices much easier.
D.It's being used as a replacement for many pills.
34.Which of the following is a disadvantage of wireless charging
A.Wireless charging means devices take up more space.
B.People can now buy fewer devices for their homes.
C.It takes longer to charge your battery wirelessly.
D.People can't plug in their devices conveniently.
35.What seems to be the author's attitude towards wireless charging
A.Cautious. B.Uncaring.
C.Disapproving. D.Favourable.
Building a thinking habit is important because it helps you live with a purpose. How can we build a thinking habit Here are some tips.
Be curious.
Curiosity is powerful.__36__ It also helps you recognize the ideas when they come. Curiosity is an important attitude in building a thinking habit.
Read widely.
If you want to come up with good ideas, you need to feed your mind with good ideas. __37__ This will give you fresh, new ideas. Don't just read from the fields you are familiar with. Read from other fields as well.
Read actively.
Not only should you read widely, but also you should read actively. Find some ideas and think about how you can use them. My favorite way to do this is by highlighting the book I read. I will then put the useful ideas in my idea journal (日记). __38__
Keep an idea journal.
When you find a good idea, don't just keep it in your mind. Instead, write it down to catch the idea.__39__ Keeping an idea journal makes you more sensitive to new ideas. You will quickly recognize them because you already have the habit of catching ideas.
Of course, it doesn't do you much good if you just write down ideas. Take time to read these ideas every now and then. In my case, I mark the ideas that I consider important and review them regularly. This often opens the way to new ideas.
A.Go over your ideas.
B.Design your own ideas.
C.One way to do that is to read.
D.It makes you like finding new ideas.
E.Otherwise, the idea might be gone forever.
F.This helps me get the most out of the books.
G.In this way, others can also benefit from your ideas.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Woody Davis had always been generous and kind. He never earned much money, but always __41__ to everybody and aided others.
Folks in town are __42__ for the good deeds he's done over the last 50 years. Last year, they decided to try and return some of that __43__. They started by cutting his firewood for winter. A couple of guys __44__ his old and broken truck. Woody's son, Clint Davis, said he didn't know how much the community __45__ his father until now. He said all the work his dad did for people has been __46__ ten times and that anyone can't buy the __47__ that people have poured out for his dad.
Unfortunately, Woody's days were __48__ . About a year ago, Woody contracted ALS (肌萎缩侧索硬化症). When CBS News __49__ him in January, his health was declining rapidly. He was already __50__ to lift and talk, but his spirit was completely __51__ . Woody told the reporter that he could hardly __52__ all the help offered by local people. “I feel lucky that I am dying slowly,” Woody said. His words seemed__53__. Woody explained that he was glad __54__ he got to see how people felt about him and what he__55__ meant to them before he died.
41.A.waved B.pointed
C.apologized D.appealed
42.A.eager B.ready
C.grateful D.concerned
43.A.mercy B.goodwill
C.choice D.reward
44.A.fixed up B.turned in
C.took apart D.pulled over
45.A.made out B.stood by
C.took in D.cared about
46.A.repeated B.understood
C.repaid D.accomplished
47.A.love B.hope
C.memory D.expectation
48.A.concluded B.lengthened
C.treasured D.numbered
49.A.recognized B.interviewed
C.consulted D.comforted
50.A.preparing B.attempting
C.struggling D.managing
51.A.unreasonable B.unmoved
C.untouched D.unstable
52.A.suspect B.accept
C.appreciate D.believe
53.A.strange B.powerful
C.simple D.awkward
54.A.though B.because
C.once D.unless
55.A.fortunately B.gently
C.normally D.actually
On a cold evening with snow floating in the air, I got 56.________ (stick) on the road because of a flat tire (轮胎). I attempted 57.________ (seek) help from the passing cars, but no one stopped. As I was about to give up hope, a man 58.________(drive) an old dirty car came to my aid. To be honest, I was scared when he first approached me. Eying him up and down, I thought to myself, “There is a very good chance 59.________he may rob me.” He seemed to have sensed my discomfort so he tried to ease my 60.________ (anxious) by introducing himself. His act of kindness made me feel ashamed to have questioned his intentions. 61.________was really considerate of him to stop to help a perfect stranger like me, especially in such terrible weather. Thus, after the spare tire was fitted, I asked 62.________much I owed him. I wanted to pay him back. 63.________ (surprising), he did not take my offer but rather told me to pass the act of kindness forward and help more people 64.________ need. As he said those words, I noticed him wearing a smile of contentment. Helping others seemed a very 65.________ (nature) thing to him. I witnessed the true beauty of human nature in him.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
It was the middle of the day with bright sun, blue sky, green grass, and a soft breeze(微风). It was a great day to play outside and the best day of my life because I got a new ball and a new bike as my sixth birthday presents, and I was visiting my cousin, Kristy, at her house.
“Here I go!”shouted David while kicking my new ball. David lived next door and was older than me. I thought he was a wild child, but he was actually very kind. The ball went flying as if it were going to space. “That is high!” Kristy said in surprise and we went after the ball. We all had a great time.
Later we had supper and the food my aunt made was good. While Kristy was helping do the dishes, David and I ran outside to play. We started taking turns to ride my bike.David suggested that we ride it to the forest, and I agreed.David and I got on the bike and David started going fast.
As we rode through the forest, I felt the wind brushing my face. It felt so great and free. Suddenly the bike hit a fallen branch and we went flying off the bike. Lying on the ground, I felt dizzy(眩晕的). I checked myself for injuries and saw some but they didn't bother me.
“David!” I shouted out loudly and anxiously.
“Hey,” said a voice. I turned my head and it was David, who was standing behind me, holding my broken bike. At the sight of my damaged bike, I was so sad that I couldn't hold back my tears. It took David some time to calm me down.
When we realized it was time to walk home, we found ourselves lost.________________________________________________________________________
It was completely dark when we saw fireworks (烟火) being set off in the distance.________________________________________________________________________
(Text 1)
M:What are you doing in New York
W:I'm writing a story for YES magazine.
(Text 2)
M:Sarah, I would like to introduce my teacher Miss Smith to you. Shall we go and see her now
W: Good. Let's go.
(Text 3)
M:What do you like about your job
W:Well,it was fun at first because there was so much to learn. But now,I keep doing the same things day after day. I'm fed up with my job.
(Text 4)
M:Miss Green, my friend David is a very good football player and he has played it for years. Will you come and watch him play some day
W:Yes, I will. Thank you. I like watching football games.
(Text 5)
M:It's freezing now here. There won't be another car for hours. I should stay at home.
W:Don't worry. We should see the sun come up in half an hour.
(Text 6)
M:“Deep Sea Restaurant”. Head Waiter. Good morning.
W:I'd like to reserve a table for five.
M:And is that today, madam
W:Of course.
M:At what time, madam
W:Oh, about three o'clock, I suppose.
M:I'm afraid we only serve lunch until 3 p.m., madam.
W:Oh well, two o'clock then, and it must be by a window.
M:Very good, and what name, please
W:Brown, Mrs. Martha Brown.
M:Very good, Mrs. Brown. A table for five at 2 p.m. today.
(Text 7)
M:Good evening,sir,madam. A table for two
W:No, thank you. But we have a small problem. Can you help us
M:Sure. What can I do for you
W:We are looking for a hotel. Are there any hotels near here
M:Yes,there are some hotels in this street. The nearest one is next to the bank. It's quite modern.
W:Do you think there're any inexpensive ones nearby We're leaving tomorrow morning.
M:Yes. Drive west for about two minutes and you will find a gray building on the right side. It's a family hotel, very comfortable, and the prices are quite reasonable.
W:It sounds nice. Thank you very much for your help.
M:That's all right.
(Text 8)
W:May I help you, sir
M:Yes. I'm looking for a nice gift for my wife. It's her birthday tomorrow.
W:Perhaps she would like a nice necklace. We have many for you to choose from.
M:I don't know. She's already got one.
W:Well,then,maybe a ring or a watch would be nice.
M:Yes. She may need a new watch. The one she's wearing was passed down from her grandmother. So she's always late for work.
W:The gold one is pretty.
M:Yes,it is. But are these diamonds real
W:Yes,they are. This watch usually costs $ 2,500. But if you buy it now,I can give you 10% off.
M:It's very nice. I'll take it. Do you accept credit cards or checks
W:Both will do.
(Text 9)
W:Good morning,Mr. Sharp. I'm awfully sorry I'm late.
M:You're late every morning, Miss Smith. You were late Tuesday, yesterday... Don't you have a watch
W:Yes,but it wasn't my fault. I stood in the rain for an hour this morning. I waited and waited for a bus. And then when one came, it was full.
M:How about yesterday and the day before yesterday
W:Well, I came by taxi yesterday and...
M:And you were still late! And Tuesday
W:Tuesday I went to see the doctor and I waited for my turn for almost two hours. It was terrible!
M:And tomorrow, Miss Smith
(Text 10)
An important businessman was asked to give a twenty-minute speech in another city. He was too busy to write it himself, so he asked his secretary to put one together for him out of a large book of speeches which she had on her desk. She typed one out for him, and he picked it just in time to rush off to his plane. But when he gave his speech, it ran on for an hour,and the audience was bored by the end of it. When the businessman got back to his office,he complained to his secretary about this. “I told you it should be a twenty-minute speech,” he said to her angrily.“That's what I gave you,” she answered,“the original and the two copies. The original for you to read at the meeting and the two copies for the file.”
答案:1~5 AAABC 6~10 BACCB
11~15 CBBAC 16~20 ABBAC
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文中的四人对亲密朋友这个话题发表了各自的看法。
21.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据Richard说的“I think if you come from a really close family, then friends are a bit unnecessary. I like spending my free time with my family.”可知,他认为朋友没有家人重要。
22.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。根据David说的“We always go camping, play football, or walk outside in the open air.”可知,他热爱体育运动。
23.答案与解析:D 细节理解题。根据首段中的“I didn't have many close friends”和“but now I have several”之间的对比可知,Marie现在的朋友比她以前多。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了一个患难见真情的故事。Farah懂得了什么是真正的友谊。
24.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据文中的“Well,only very pretty girls can be part of our group.”可知,Farah根据人的相貌来选择自己的朋友。
25.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据文中的“Farah, what has happened to your grades You have failed in mathematics.”及“Farah, it says that you can take part in supplementary exams(补考).If your grades don't improve then,I'll cancel(取消)your trip to Spain.”可知,Farah 没考好。
26.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据文中的“If you need any help, just let me know. We can study together till your exams.”可知,作者在求助其他朋友无果的时候,是Hafsa帮助了她,由此可以判断出Hafsa很善良。
27.答案与解析:A 推理判断题。通读全文可知,作者在需要帮助的时候,她的其他所谓的好朋友,并没有帮助她,而是Hafsa帮助了她。由此可见患难见真情。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了如何培养幽默感,如向朋友学习、在逆境中保持乐观、提前准备好一些幽默的笑话等。
28.答案与解析:A 词义猜测题。根据画线词前的“Different people find different things funny”及后面的“might be highly rude to others”可推测,画线部分意思应该与rude形成对比,结合选项可知,A项最符合语境。该词意为“滑稽可笑的”。
29.答案与解析:A 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Look for the funny side of situations. While it can be difficult at times to find the funny side in unfortunate events when you're having a bad day”可知,在困难的时候要学会寻找事情有趣的一方面,这样就能够保持幽默。
30.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的最后一句可知,为了学习一些基本的笑话,我们应当变得富有创造力,将生活中一些有趣场景改编成趣闻轶事,并且也可以提前学习一些笑话,即有所准备。
31.答案与解析:B 主旨大意题。根据全文内容,尤其是第一段中的第一句和最后一句可知,本文主要介绍的是如何提升你的幽默感。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一种新技术——无线充电,并分析了其优缺点。
32.答案与解析:B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Although these items bring us joy and convenience,they also create a lot of junk.”可知,家用电子产品给我们带来方便和快乐的同时也制造了一些垃圾。故选B项。
33.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Wireless charging is also far more convenient for medical implants, as patients won't need to recharge their devices through the skin using cords.”可知,无线充电使设备的维护更加方便。故选C项。
34.答案与解析:C 细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“there are a few drawbacks to wireless charging. The first is speed. It takes a bit longer to charge devices wirelessly than it does if the device is plugged in.”可知,无线充电的缺点之一就是充电时间比有线充电时间长。故选C项。
35.答案与解析:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“This limitation may be gotten rid of in the future”和“Although wireless-charging technology may be far from perfect, it seems like a step in the right direction as we move towards a less-tangled future.”可知,作者认为无线充电的局限性会在将来得到解决,虽然这项技术目前还不完善,但这是向未来迈出的正确的一步。由此可见作者对无线充电是赞成的态度。故选D项。
【语篇解读】  本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了几种养成思维习惯的方法。
36.答案与解析:D 上文提到好奇心很强大,下文讲述了当想法到来时好奇心还能帮助你辨认这些想法,由此可知,此空讲的应是好奇心的一个强大之处,所以D项“它使你喜欢发现新的想法”切题。
37.答案与解析:C 根据小标题和段落内容可知,本段的关键词是read,空后的This指的就是阅读。故C项切题。
38.答案与解析:F 根据小标题和本段内容可知,本段主要讲的是如何积极地阅读,作者以自身为例进行详细说明。上文讲述了作者会把有用的想法写在想法日记中,所以空处应是描述这种做法的好处。故F项切题。
39.答案与解析:E 本段讲的是要写想法日记。上文提到要把心里的想法写下来,下文讲述了写想法日记能够使你对新想法更加敏感,所以空处应是写想法日记的原因。故E项“否则,这个想法就可能永远消失”切题。
40.答案与解析:A 本空是标题句。根据本段内容可知,本段主要讲的是记下想法后要时不时地花时间去看,所以A项切题。A项“Go over your ideas.”与空后的“read these ideas every now and then”“review them regularly”相对应。
【语篇解读】  本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了Woody Davis乐于为他人服务且不索要报酬的事迹,同时当地居民则尽力回报他,让他在临终前看到了自己的人生价值。
41.答案与解析:A  此处表示虽然Woody Davis没挣多少钱,但是他总是给每个人打招呼,帮助他人。wave“挥手,招手”,符合语境。
42.答案与解析:C  根据上下文,尤其是空后的“the good deeds he's done over the last 50 years”可知,Woody总是乐于助人,所以当地居民十分感谢他。grateful“感谢,感激”,符合语境。eager“渴望的”;ready“准备好的”;concerned“担心的,忧虑的”。
43.答案与解析:B 根据下文中的“They started by cutting his firewood for winter...his old and broken truck”可知,当地居民决定回报 Woody的善意(goodwill)。
44.答案与解析:A  根据上文中的“try and return”及下文中的“old and broken truck”可知,作为回报,一些人修好了Woody的货车。 fix up“修理”,符合语境。turn in“退还,交还”;take apart“拆卸”;pull over“停靠路边”。
45.答案与解析:D 根据文中当地居民对Woody的回报和Woody儿子的话可知,当地的居民很关心Woody。care about“关心”,符合语境。make out“理解”;stand by“支持”;take in“收留”。
46.答案与解析:C Woody的儿子认为Woody之前所做的已经得到了当地居民十倍的报答。repay“酬报,报答”,符合语境。repeat“重复”;understand“理解”;accomplish“完成”。
47.答案与解析:A 根据语境可知,Woody的乐于助人赢得了当地居民对他的爱(love),这种爱是任何人都不能用金钱买来的。 hope“希望”;memory“记忆”;expectation“期望”。
48.答案与解析:D 根据下文中的“About a year ago,Woody contracted ALS(肌萎缩侧索硬化症)”可知,此处表示不幸地是,Woody活着的日子屈指可数了,大约一年前,他患了肌萎缩侧索硬化症。number“计数”。
49.答案与解析:B 根据上文中的“CBS News”和下文中的“Woody told the reporter”可知,CBS News对Woody进行了采访。interview“(媒体)采访,访问”,符合语境。recognize“认出”;consult“咨询”;comfort“安慰”。
50.答案与解析:C 根据上文中的“Woody contracted ALS(肌萎缩侧索硬化症)”和“his health was declining rapidly”可知,Woody接受采访时坐起来说话已经很费力了。此处用struggling很形象地表现出其病得很严重的事实。prepare“准备”;attempt“尝试”;manage“勉力完成”。
51.答案与解析:C 根据空前的“but”可知,Woody坐起来说话很吃力,但是他的精神完全不受影响。untouched“未受影响的”,符合语境。unreasonable“不合理的”;unmoved“冷漠的,无动于衷的”;unstable“不稳定的”。
52.答案与解析:D Woody说他对当地人提供的所有帮助感到难以置信(believe)。
53.答案与解析:A 根据上文中的“I feel lucky that I am dying slowly”可知,Woody说他自己正在慢慢死亡,这让他感到很庆幸,这种说法似乎十分奇怪(strange)。powerful“强有力的”;simple“简单的”;awkward“令人尴尬的”。
54.答案与解析:B Woody很高兴是因为他在临终前知道了人们对他的看法和事实上他对别人意味着什么。空处前后是因果关系,应用because。
55.答案与解析:D  参见上题解析。actually“真实地,确实”。
【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。在一个飘雪的寒冷的晚上,作者的一个车胎没气了,幸好遇到一名男司机帮忙换上了备用轮胎。作者作为一名女性,起初还有戒心。最终,在他身上,作者看到了人性真正的美。
56.答案与解析:stuck 考查过去分词作表语。句意:因为一个漏气的轮胎我被卡在路上。“get+过去分词”表示“被……”,故此处填stuck。
57.答案与解析:to seek 此处用动词不定式作宾语。固定搭配:attempt to do sth.尝试着做某事,故答案为to seek。
58.答案与解析:driving 此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示正在进行的动作,故答案为driving。
59.答案与解析:that 句意:他有一个抢劫我的好机会。chance后面用that引导同位语从句,解释说明chance的内容。
60.答案与解析:anxiety 形容词性物主代词后跟名词,故此处应该填名词形式,故答案为anxiety。
61.答案与解析:It 此处是it作形式主语,后面的动词不定式作真正的主语。故答案为It。
62.答案与解析:how 句意:我问我该付给他多少钱。因为说的是“钱”,用how much,故答案为how。
63.答案与解析:Surprisingly 此处用副词修饰整个句子,又因为位于句首,故答案为Surprisingly。
64.答案与解析:in 句意:……帮助更多有需要的人们。in need“需要”,故答案为 in。
65.答案与解析:natural 形容词修饰名词,故答案为natural。
Dear Peter,
It's a pity that you quarreled with your parents. Attractive as mobile games are, they do cost you much time and energy, which does harm to your health and study.To be honest,it is our primary task to study hard now.I think what your parents did is because they care about you. How can we let them down So it is necessary to say sorry to them.
Hope you will get on well with your parents soon.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
When we realized it was time to walk home, we found ourselves lost. It was getting darker and darker. I felt so scared that tears rolled down my face again. David attempted to comfort me. He told me that he once made some marks on the trees in the forest, which might help us find the way home. Therefore, we made efforts to look for the marks but in vain. Having walked anxiously for about an hour in the forest, we failed to find our way out.
It was completely dark when we saw fireworks(烟火) being set off in the distance. We ran excitedly in that direction as fast as possible. Soon we found my aunt's house, in front of which my cousin Kristy was holding some fireworks and lighting them. Seeing us come back safely, Kristy cheerfully hugged us. She told us that when noticing we had been away for long, she was concerned about our safety. She set off fireworks to draw our attention and guide us. It was an unforgettable experience. Without David's comfort and Kristy's fireworks, I would have lost in the forest forever.



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