牛津译林版七年级下册Unit8 Pets期末复习试题(无答案)

七下期末复习 Unit8
1. goldfish ___________ (pl) 2. mouse ___________ (pl) 3. hold ___________ (sp)
4. feed ___________ (sp) 5. teach ___________ (sp) 6. hide___________ (sp)
7. build ___________ (sp) ___________ (n.) ___________ (n.) 8. bite ___________ (sp)
9. fight ___________ (n.) 10. gentle ___________ (adv.)
11. agree _________ (反义词) __________ (n.)
12. keep___________ (sp) 13. weigh___________ (n.)
14. noise___________ (adj.) 15. brush___________ (pl)
1. 带给某人某物bring sth _________ sb. = _________________________(2)
2. 为某人建造某物(2)build sth. ____________ sb. = _______________________
3. 一些吃的东西something __________ _____________
一些听的东西 something _______________________________________
4. 观看他们游来游去watch them ____________ ________________
5. 把它握在我的手里______________ it _________ my hand
6. 喂某人某物 (2)___________ sth. __________ sb. = _________________________
7. 教她讲话(2)teach her __________ ___________ = teach her __________ ____________ ________________
8. 我的狗是所有的动物中最聪明的。My dog is __________ ____________ of _________ _________ ____________.
9. 眼睛睁的大大的___________ eyes ____________ ____________
10. 寻找 (3)_____________ for = ____________ for = _______________ for
11. 你的宠物有什么特别?What is ____________ _____________ your pet
她不是麻烦。She isn’t ___________ ____________.
惹麻烦 ___________ ______________
做某事有困难 have __________ _____________ ...
处于困境 _________ ________________
13. 金鱼容易照料。Goldfish __________ ____________ ___________ _____________ _____________.
14. 一次温柔的抚摸a ___________ _____________
15. 和…押韵 ___________ with ...
16. 照料(2)_________ _________ = ____________ _____________ ______________
17. 制造噪音make ___________
吵闹的音乐 ______________ music
吵闹地说话 talk _______________
18. 重复我的话_____________ my words = ___________ my words ___________
19. 一直___________ = __________ ____________ ________________
20. 累了get ___________
迷路了 get ___________
病了 get ___________
21. 不要把金鱼放在阳光下。Don’t put __________ __________ the sun.
22. 称到40克重___________ ________ ___________ 40 __________
这条鱼多重? __________________ does the fish _____________
___________ is the _____________ of the fish
_________________ is the fish
23. 长到20厘米长grow ________ __________ __________ 20 _____________ long
24. 一份有关金鱼的报告a ___________ ___________ goldfish
25. 经常喂他们feed them ___________
26. 金鱼能长到多大?___________ ____________ can goldfish ______________
27. 非常喜欢锻炼 like _____________ ___________ ____________
28. 遛狗___________ a dog = __________ a dog __________ _________ _________
29. 她无忧无虑。She __________ ____________.
30. 她称两公斤。(3)She is _____________ kilos ____________.
_______________________________________ is 2 kilos.
She _____________ 2 kilos.
31. 如果你喜欢蛇,养一条没有问题。
There is ___________ ____________ ___________ ____________ a ___________ if you like it.



上一篇:人教版英语八年级下册 Unit 2 第四课时 Section B (1a-1e)随堂练习(无答案)

下一篇:人教版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 1 Festivals and Celebrations 单元检测卷(含答案)