Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks. Section B (2a-2e) 随堂练习(无答案)

八年级下册Unit 2 第五课时 Section B (2a-2e) 随堂练习
1. Thanks to your __________ (kind),I am able to live in such a beautiful house now.
2. With Bill's help, we found the house without __________ (difficult).
3. At last, I __________ (understand) what she said.How happy I was!
4. New workers will get two weeks’ __________ (train) before they start to work.
5. Your advice __________ (change) my life. I became healthier and happier.
1. Don't worry. I can help you __________ the box to your office.
2. The girl is very __________ and she always comes up with good ideas.
3. How often do you write a __________ to your friend
4. The young man couldn't hear anything. He is a __________ man.
5. Li Ming helped a __________ old man cross the street this morning.
1. The Internet makes ______ big difference to people's life.
2. Can you imagine what life will be ______ in fifty years
3. Everyone in my class is excited ______ climbing mountains.
4. His efforts (努力) made ______ possible for him to work in the city.
5. ---Thank you ______ training a guide dog for me, Mike. It helps me a lot.
---You're welcome, Mr. Smith.
1. 你可以跟萨莉谈谈,帮她走出困境。
You can ______ ______ Sally by talking with her.
2. 我的姐姐对志愿工作感兴趣。
My sister ______ ______ ______volunteer work.
3. 我妈妈经常告诉我不要给陌生人开门。
My mother usually tells me not ______ ______ ______ for the strangers.
4. 他的儿子六岁时就能读一些故事书。
His son ______ ______ ______ read some storybooks at the age of six.
5. 他们决定成立一个帮助残疾人的组织。
They decided to ______ ______ an organization to help ______ ______ ______.
How far do you have to go to get a cup of clean water Maybe it is just a few 1 away. But for Jimmy Akana from Uganda, a country in Africa, 2 water meant walking three miles to the nearest well (井). The water was not 3 . People might get sick after drinking it.
When Ryan Hreljac, a Canadian boy, 4 the need for clean water in Africa, he decided to do
5 about it. He was only six years old at that time,but he didn't let that 6 him.
Ryan asked his mom and dad for 7_· They said that he could do housework to earn(赚) money.
8 four months, Ryan had 70 dollars. He 9 that would be enough to build a well. Ryan's mom drove him to an organization that builds wells for poor people all around the world. 10 , people at the organization told Ryan he 11 to spend 2,000 dollars building a well. Ryan had to 12
more housework to raise money. Finally,Ryan raised enough money. 13 he helped to build a well for Angolo Primary School in Uganda.
Years later, Ryan set up a foundation(基金会) called Ryan's Well Foundation to help 14 the world's water problem. Now Ryan's foundation is a team of people working hard to provide(提供) safe 15 for people in poor countries.
1. A.times B.steps C.breaks D.risks
2. A.tasting B.saving C.buying D.getting
3. A.right B.clean C.special D.different
4. A.noticed B.shared C.agreed D.controlled
5. A.everything B.nothing C.something D.anything
6. A.teach B.wait C.guide D.stop
7. A.trust B.question C.help D.example
8. A.For B.After C.In D.With
9. A.knew B.thought C.forgot D.found
10. A.Again B.Once C.Also D.However
11. A.tried B.wanted C.needed D.remembered
12. A.talk B.do C.write D.act
13. A.as B.because C.but D.and
14. A.make B.solve C.accept D.stand
15. A.water B.food C.rides D.sports
六、语篇填空。 阅读短文,根据语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。
Jim is a middle school student. He adopted(领养) three homeless dogs three months ago. He cared 1________ them and the dogs became heavier and healthier. Jim loves them very much, but he feels worried. He has some problems. First, he has run out 2________ his money to buy food for dogs. Second, the dogs are too big and there isn't enough space for them in his house. Third, the dogs are very noisy, so Jim's parents 3________ stand them.
Some of Jim's friends are trying to cheer him 4________. Some advise Jim that he should put up dogs’ photos in the neighborhood and look for new owners for them. Some tell him to call the TV station for help. Can you come up 5________ good ideas to help Jim



上一篇:五年级下册数学苏教版四、分数的意义和性质 同步练习(无答案)
