福建省福州市近三年(2021-2023) 九年级上册期末试卷(一检)分类汇编短文填词(含答案)

Ⅶ.短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
After nine years since its last edition(版本),the 12th edition of Xinhua Dictionary comes out. It has added new words and expressions shaped by the Internel and social 81 ['pr gres].
The new edition of the dictionary has also added a QR code to each page, allowing readers to scan the code(扫码) to learn how to 82 ( correct) write a character and hear the right 83 ( pronounce). This is the first time that Xinhua Dictionary has 84 ( bring) out an app and printed copies at the same time.
The 12th edition of the dictionary does not include too many new characters, 85 it does include more than 100 new words and expressions. Many of 86 are from the Internet,such as“fen si”(fans),“er wei ma”(QR code),and“dian zan”(clicking the“like”button).The new edition has also added more than 50 new usages,including“mai meng”(acting cute),“pin che”(carpool)and“pin gou”(shopping pool).
Since its first edition 87 1953, Xinhua Dictionary has sold more than 600 88 (million)copies around the world. The dictionary has been a tool(工具)for several generations of Chinese people. It has become a 89 ['sImbl] of Chinese culture. It is also the first dictionary written in modern Chinese. Most,if not all,Chinese people use Xinhua Dictionary in 90 ['praIm ri] schools when they start learning Chinese characters.
Ⅶ.短文填空 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Seeing therapy animals in the halls of a hospital is nothing new these days,but they're almost always dogs. However, there's 81 very different kind of therapy animal at Calais Hospital in France.
Peyo, or “ Doctor Peyo ” as he is 82 ( know) by his friends,is a 15-year-old horse. It used to train for equestrian(马术的)shows. One day,his 83 ( own), Hassen Bouchakour, happened to 84 [d 'sk v (r)] that his horse had a unique ability. After shows, Peyo would pick people out of the crowd and stick to 85 .(stay)close to them.
Bouchakour later realized that his horse was instinctively (本能地)choosing people that were sick — either physically or mentally. The trainer soon gave 86 his career as a sportsman.He decided to use Peyo's special gift to bring peace and comfort to those who most needed it.
The pair has began volunteering at Calais Hospital 87 2016. The horse is popular with everyone at the hospital, but he's particularly 88 ( help) when. patients are nearing the end of their lives. Having Peyo by their side brings them joy in their final moments and helps them have a more peaceful passing. And in some cases, his presence can reduce the patients ’ 89 [peIn] so greatly that they no longer require the use of strong drugs.
Since beginning his career as the therapy horse,Peyo has comforted thousands of patients and eased this end- of- life 90 ['p r d] for more than 1,000 patients.
Ⅶ.短文填空 (共10小题;母小题1分,满分10分)
If you're not living in an English speaking country,or you've never 81__________(be)to an English speaking country,how can you learn English well Many English teachers will advise you to listen and read a lot because you can improve your vocabulary in context. Now I'm going to share with you two other benefits(益处)you'll get from developing this habit.
The 82 ( one) benefit is “ intuition ”. What is intuition Well let's say that you come across a multiple choice question about English grammar. You look at the choices and you know immediately what 83 correct answer is. You don't know the grammar rule that 84 (explain)it. It just feels right. That's intuition. It comes from taking in a lot of input by listening and reading.
The second is an 85 ['I kri:s] in brain power. Just like how a muscle needs physical exercise to become stronger,your brain needs mental exercise to grow. Regular listening and reading is the great mental exercise. When you listen 86 someone speaking, you have to stay focused.This improves your attention. And if they' re speaking 87 ( real) fast, you' re also training your brain to process information faster which leads to better comprehension. Reading is great,too. It improves your memory. 88 you read a novel, you need to remember lots of details like the names of the characters,their backgrounds,the plot and so on. Some books even boost your intelligence. Reading 89 ['s tn] types of books improves the way you think.
There are some other benefits that I don't 90 ['men n] here.I guarantee that if you start listening and reading right now,you will love the results.




下一篇:五年级下册数学苏教版四、分数的意义和性质 同步练习(无答案)