Unit 2 Travelling单元测试卷 2022-2023牛津译林版八年级英语下册(无答案)

Unit 2单元检测
1.—I haven’t seen your father for a long time. Where has he ________
—He ________ Beijing for a month. He’ll be back next week.
A.been;have been in B.gone;have been in
C.gone;has been in D.gone;has gone to
2.Would you tell us __________ China
A.how long you have been to B.how long have you been in
C.how long you have been in D.how long you had been in
3.He gave us ________ bad advice that ________ people agreed.
A.such a ;such a few B.such;so few C.so;such a few D.so; so few
4.—________ do you like the movie
—I like it so much ________ its background music.
A.How; besides B.How; except for C.What; except D.What; but
5.—Where have you been The film ________ for half an hour.
—Oh, sorry. I’m late because of the heavy rain.
A.started B.has been on C.has started D.has begun
6.—Have you ________ to Hainan island for a trip before
—No, ________ Simon ________ I have had the chance luckily so far.
A.gone; both; and B.gone; either; or C.been; neither; nor D.been; not only; but also
7.—I am ________ to hear of her ________.
—It’s quite a miserable(煎熬) time for her family.
A.dying;dead B.dead;death C.died;dying D.dying;death
8.We’ve collected different kinds or stamps from all over the world, and hope to have a (an) ________ in the near future.
A.library B.exhibition C.parade D.platform
9.My parents ________ for over 40 years and they love each other very much.
A.married B.have married C.will marry D.have been married
10.This kind of machine is used ________ grow rice and it’s very helpful for farmers.
A.to B.for C.of D.On
11. Mr. and Mrs. Liu both like shopping. They have flown to shop in Hong Kong many times since they ________.
A.have been married B.have got married
C.got married D.have married
12. I remember she went to Hainan ____________ last month.
A.at the end B.at the end of C.in the end D.in the end of
13. ________ a little boy can draw ________ many beautiful pictures.
A.So; So B.Such; so C.So; such D.Such; such
14. The parade was really wonderful and I couldn’t ________ photos.
A.stop taking B.to stop taking
C.stop to take D.to stop to take
15. Did you meet any classmates ________ school this morning, Dick
A.on the way to B.by the way
C.In some ways D.in the way
16. It _______five years since the factory _______.
A.is; opened B.has been; has been opened
C.is; has been open D.has been;has been on
17. We screamed and laugh _________the whole trip .
A.across B.through C.over D.on
18. —Do you know him well
—Sure. We friends since ten years ago.
A.were B.have become C.have been D.have made
19. Jack knew Rose at a very young age, and he wanted to ________ her at that time.
A.marry B.marry with C.marry to D.be married
20. —I am going on a trip to South Hill this weekend.
A.Enjoy yourself B.Help yourself C.That’s a good idea D.I hope so
Like many other young people, I’m interested in taking a trip. Every year my parents take me to ____11____ places on vacation. I enjoyed myself in all these places. But the trip to Dalian was my ____12____ one.
I remember I was ten years old that summer. I ____13____ a fast train to Dalian with my mother. When we got there, the first thing was to see the sea. Before I was there, I ____14____saw the sea. It was really great. There was so much blue ____15____ that you couldn’t see the end.
On the soft beach, I ____16____ my shoes, running and jumping. Sea waves and sea wind kept ____17____ to the beach. They seemed to be telling me some great stories. When walking on the beach, I ____18____ a lot of shells. They were really wonderful.
Later, I sat on the beach to have a rest and enjoyed the sunshine. Then I got into the water. The water kept making me up and down like a ____19____. Just at that time, I saw a yacht (快艇) running on the water. I wanted to sit on it, but I was kind of ____20____. Then my mother said to me, “Dear, just go for it and try to be ____21____. If you are scared, just shout!” As a result, I ____22____ the yacht. Soon it ____23____ run quickly and I felt like I was flying. I liked this kind of feeling so much that I was not afraid anymore. It was exciting! You never know ____24____ you try something.
I really enjoyed that vacation. It taught me a lot and I had a lot of ____25____with it. I’ll never forget this trip.
11.A.same B.crowded C.popular D.different
12.A.busy B.favorite C.useful D.difficult
13.A.sold B.expected C.took D.found
14.A.always B.usually C.often D.never
15.A.sky B.water C.sunshine D.wind
16.A.dressed up B.put on C.took off D.made up
17.A.walking B.touching C.moving D.waiting
18.A.picked B.broke C.bought D.won
19.A.boat B.swing C.fish D.bird
20.A.bored B.tired C.glad D.afraid
21.A.you B.me C.myself D.yourself
22.A.got on B.brought out C.put up D.took up
23.A.hoped B.started C.planned D.promised
24.A.until B.when C.after D.if
25.A.experience B.time C.fun D.difference
Asia's first Legoland(乐高乐园)was open for business on September 15th in Malaysia,bringing a new tourist attraction to all the people in Asia. The park has seven special themes. It is especially for families with children from 2 to 12 years old. Legoland Malaysia is the sixth Legoland theme park in the world,after those in Denmark(丹麦),Britain,Germany and another two in the United States.
Water Park lopper(套票) Legoland+Water Park $80 $70
Sea Life Hopper Legoland+Sea life Aquarium $87 $77
Legoland $70 $60
Sea Life Aquarium $20 $15
Water Park $15 $15
More information: TEL:(+60)32935188 www. e.my/ E-mail: Legolandmy@
How many Legoland theme parks are there in the world
A.Two. B.Four. C.Six. D.Eight.
27. How much should a 14-year-old boy pay for Sea Life Aquarium
A.$15. B.$20. C.$30. D.$35.
28. We can most possibly find this passage .
A.in a chemistry book B.in a traveling magazine
C.in a dictionary D.in a notebook
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous landmarks (地标) in Australia. This summer holiday, I got the chance to visit it and find out what makes this building so great.
As our guide told us, the Sydney Opera House was built with a kind of self-cleaning material that is very rare even today.
First, we visited the Drama Hall. We learned about the designer of the Sydney Opera House—Danish architect Jorn Utzon. He was the winner of an international design competition. However, he designed the building according to his own tastes, which caused several problems. The project was completed 10 years late. The cost of construction (建造) was over budget (预算). Utzon didn’t get to see it after it was built.
Then, we visited Joan Sutherland Theatre. The theater was refurbished (翻新) in 2017 with new high-tech equipment. There was a rehearsal (排练) that day, so we could hear the beautiful sound of the orchestra. Finally, we arrived at the largest theater—Concert Hall. It has hosted many kinds of performances, from classical to rock music. A few years ago, a sports event was even held there.
Before we finished the tour, the guide told us the rest of Utzon’s story. In 1966, Utzon had an argument with the government and refused to give in. He had to leave the country. It was a hard time in his life. But many years later, people understood him and saw the building as a masterpiece.
From this tour, I learned that the opera house is not only a famous building, but a carrier of history and culture.
29.Which is the correct order of the author’s trip to the Sydney Opera House
A.Concert Hall—Drama Hall—Joan Sutherland Theatre
B.Drama Hall—Concert Hall—Joan Sutherland Theatre
C.Joan Sutherland Theatre—Concert Hall—Drama Hall
D.Drama Hall—Joan Sutherland Theatre—Concert Hall
30.According to the story, Jorn Utzon __________.
A.designed the Sydney Opera House with other people’s help
B.had an argument with the government over the building
C.won an international design competition in 1966
D.visited the Sydney Opera House before he left the country
31.What does the author think about the Sydney Opera House
A.It was a waste of money and not worth visiting.
B.It is the best place to visit in Australia.
C.It is a part of Australia’s history and culture.
D.It is famous because of its designer.
32.What does the underlined word “masterpiece” in paragraph 5 probably mean
A.An expert on buildings.
B.A great work of art.
C.A master of designing.
D.A shocking piece of news.
33.What might be the best title for the article
A.Australia in my eyes
B.A legendary architect—Jorn Utzon
C.A trip to Sydney Opera House
D.A night at the opera
Are you sorry for not traveling during National Day holiday If you stay at home at that time, I think you are very lucky. Why Because there are too many people everywhere. In many places of interest in China, it’s too crowded to do anything. It was too crowded on the Great Wall on October 1st, 2018. You even couldn’t take photos of yourself or your friends. All that we could see were people. It was reported that there were about twenty people per meter on the Great Wall. My friends told me they could see nothing but many people on the Great Wall. “We couldn’t walk if the people in front of us didn’t walk,” he said. He showed us a photo on the Great Wall. In the photo, we hardly found him. There were too many people.
So some people suggest that we should not have the gold week any more. But other people disagree with that. What’s your idea of it Are you sorry now for not traveling during the gold week I love staying at home more than traveling on National Day holiday.
34.How did the writer feel about staying at home on National Day holiday
A.He believed it was important to stay at home on National Day holiday.
B.He believed it was boring to stay at home on National Day holiday.
C.He felt lucky to stay at home on National Day holiday.
D.He felt sorry to stay at home on National Day holiday.
35.Why did the writer hardly find his friend in the photo
A.Because his friend was at the foot of the Great Wall.
B.Because his friend was isn’t good at taking photos.
C.Because there was something wrong with his camera.
D.Because there were too many people there.
36.What advice do some people give
A.The gold week should be cancelled (取消).
B.People are not allowed to go anywhere on National Day holiday.
C.Everyone should stay at home during National Day holiday.
D.People cannot go to the Great Wall on National Day holiday.
37.At which website may you read the article
A.www. B.www.
C.www. D.www.
Are you a fan of country music Do you like eating barbecue (烧烤) You can enjoy both of them in the same place—Nashville.
Nashville is a city in Tennessee, the United States. About 700 thousand people live a happy life here. Founded (建立于) near the Cumberland River in 1779, it is an old city. But it is also a modern one with beautiful buildings and wonderful streets.
People call it Music City because it is the country music capital of the world. Musicians like Elvis, Beyonce and Taylor Swift have all made music in Nashville.
If you want to listen to music, go to Honkytonk Highway. There are many music clubs, restaurants and bars (酒吧) on this street. Walk into any of them and you will see a band or a musician play. This city also has many art centres and museums. They are good places to learn about American culture and history.
Nashville is also a great place to eat nice food. Barbecue is a favourite there. Chicken, ribs, turkey, pork, and beef—Nashville barbecue has something for every taste. Be careful not to eat too much!
Feel your mouth watering Go to the city and enjoy yourselves.
38.The passage mainly tells us something about ________.
A.a US city B.a country C.US art D.barbecue
39.The structure of the passage may be ________.
( ①=Paragraph(自然段)1 ②=Paragraph 2 ③=Paragraph 3 ④=Paragraph 4 ⑤=Paragraph 5 ⑤=Paragraph 6 )
A. B. C. D.
40.If someone’s mouth is watering, he or she feels like ________.
A.visiting a place B.listening to some music
C.eating something very much D.playing some music
41.You can find the passage in the column (栏目) of ________.
A.housing B.sports C.cooking D.Travelling
57.The pen I bought yesterday ________ (not write) well.
58.Lucy got ______ (marry) to a man from her hometown.
59.The old man was found __________ (die) in a wooden house.
60.Simon lives in a big family. He doesn’t know all his ___________ (relative) names.
61.I’m going to visit the places of ________(interesting )there, such as the Great Wall. the Summer Palace and the Palace Museum.
62.What’s his ________ (fly) number to Hong Kong
63.I'm afraid you _________ (lose) the key, haven’t you
64.How did you know that light _________ (travel) faster than sound
65.It’s useless to save him because he’s already a ________ (die) man.
66.David is a ________ (fantasy) singer and he is so famous.
67. Mr. Smith likes traveling around and enjoys the ________ (美丽) of nature.
68. My parents bought a ________ (几个) of gifts for my grandparents.
69. There is a _________ (直达的) train to Beijing. It takes only three hours.
70. I can see beautiful ________ (view) through the window of my room.
71. There are many ways to keep healthy, such as ________ (play) basketball.
He was ________________________________________________________.
The fruit salad looks ________ ________ ________ it tastes.
I can’t stand ________ ________ ________ ________ movie.
—I've ________ ________ ________ a water park.
—______ ______.
He always ________ ________ in the daytime and can’t ________ ________ at night.
Mr Brown and his wife have been married for 20 years. (同义句转换)
Mr Brown and his wife       20 years ago.
I moved to Nanjing in 2005.(同义句转换)
I        in Nanjing since 2005.
These conferences stopped last Saturday. (同义句转换)
These conferences              last Saturday.



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