
1.bike, on time, Kate, the,
2.you, tea, like, some,
3.temperature, is, what,
4.that, pass, ruler, me,
5.here, zoo, is, near, a,
the how of
bright days are !
why class not
to with the
me piano
he years taught
in ten school
has this for .
keep we reading-room should
quiet the .
10.new, is, hers, iPad, this( )
11.good, the, how, is, news!()
12.have, after, we, discussion, usually, a, reading(.)
13.enjoying, your, look, to, forward, dishes(.)
14.us, the, be, teaches, to, honest, story(.)
15.be put of, the heavy rain, had to, the
sports meeting, because of (连词成句)
16.have, the way, to, not, the problem,
yet, the students, solve, found (连词成句).
(1)like, you,
reading, do, books
(2)a, is, on,
there, plate, table, the
(3)boats, how, the,
dragon, pretty, are
(4)is, important,
time, to, be, it, on
(5)make, sad
movies, me, want, leave, to
18.want to, the room,
do, with, you,
your favorite posters, decorate( )
19.develop, to solve problems,
students, the ability, should (连词成句)
20.to send messages, is popular, to people all over
the world, it , to use online services (连词成句)
21.is fond of, his wealth, the rich businessman, in front of, showing off, poor people (连词成句)
22.work, healthy, for your body, are good, to, eating habits (连词成句)
23.根据所给的单词或词语完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。 (注意各小题的词形变化!)
(1)get, did, how,
there, you( )
(2)best, the,
theater, movie, what's( )
(3)it, make, can,
you, hope(.)
(4)gave, Carl's
dad, a lift, me(.)
(5)we, spend, a,
what, wonderful, day(!)
24.future, what, your, the, dream , is, for
(1)speak, don't, in public, loudly
(2)what, favorite, your, is, song
(3)a, reading, hobby, is,
is, a, day,
it, what
(5)everyone, gave, best wishes, him
(1)into, put, the, books, box, these(.)
(2)students, in, are, room, there, any, the,
reading( )
(3)play, how, they, well, football(!)
(4)my, her, brother, wash, will, feet, for(.)
(5)English, speak, she, nor, I, neither(.)
(1)wrong, is, with,
what, you( )
(2)you, free, this,
are, afternoon( )
(3)many, on the
shelf, there, books, are(.)
(4)flying, a, now,
she, kite, is(.)
(5)I, grow up,
want, when, I, reporter, a, to, be(.)
(1)I, my, love, deeply, motherland
(2)news, wonderful, what
(3)your, don't, to, parents, forget, thank
(4)you, can, the, pick up, rubbish
(5)will, strong, there, a, be, wind
like tomatoes, does( )
let's, games, on computer (.)
she, get up, what time ( )
your, nice, looks(.)
(5)a bad
day, what, he, has(!)
you, did, find,( )
(2)get up,
tell, to, earlier, him(.)
they, when, here, will( )
me, she, a letter, to
(5)toy, how, the, cute, looks(!)
(1)I, was, then, running(那时候我正在跑步。)
(2)you, can, to, tell, the, news, good, him(你能把这个好消息告诉他吗?)
(3)is, too, he, young, go abroad, to, himself(他的年龄太小了,不能自己出国。)
(4)are, we, still, Chinese, by, traditional, influenced, culture(我们仍然被中国的传统文化影响着。)
(5)win, at the Olympic Cames, his great
ability, him, helped, in running, a gold medal (他在跑步方面很强的能力帮助他在奥运会上赢得了金牌。)
(1)John, may, speak to, I( )
(2)computer games, don't, on,
time, waste(.)
(3)skills, learn, what, did,
basic, he( )
(4)girl, hard-working, how, is,
(5)wonder, you, come, I, where,
(1)interested, painting, are, in, you( )
(2)electricity, turn off, save, the lights, to(.)
(3)movies, what, like, do, kind, you, of( )
(4)there, between, two, difference, pictures, is ,a, the(.)
(5)it, is, good, idea, what, a(!)
(1)off, the, have, you, radio, turned( )
(2)did, last, sleep, you, night, well( )
(3)me, soft, makes,music, relax(.)
(4)I, do, not, am, next, sure, what, to(.)
(5)quickly, train, runs, the,
1.Kate returned the bike on time.
2.Would you like some tea
3.What is your temperature
4.Pass me that yellow ruler.
5.There is a zoo near here.
6.How bright the days of spring are!
7.Why not come to the piano class with me
8.He has taught in this school for about ten years.
9.We should keep quiet in the reading-room.
10.Is this new IPad hers
11.How good the news is!
12.We usually have a discussion after reading.
13.Look forward to enjoying your dishes.
14.The story teaches us to be honest.
15.The sports meeting had to be put off because of the heavy rain.
16.The students have not found the way to solve the problem yet.
17.(1)Do you like reading books
(2)There is a plate on the table.
(3)How pretty the dragon boats are!
(4)It is important to be on time.
(5)Sad movies make me want to leave.
18.Do you want to decorate the room with your favorite posters
19.Students should develop the ability to solve problems.
20.It is popular to use online services to send messages to people all over the world.
21.The rich businessman is fond of showing off his wealth in front of poor people.
22.Healthy eating habits are good for your body to work.
23.(1)How did you get there
(2)What's the best movie theater
(3)Hope you can make it.
(4)Carl's dad gave me a lift.
(5)What a wonderful day we spend!
24.What is your dream for the future
25.(1)Don't speak loudly in public.
(2)What is your favorite song
(3)Reading is a good hobby.
(4)What a sunny day it is!
(5)Everyone gave him best wishes.
26.(1)Put these books into the box.
(2)Are there any students in the reading room
(3)How well they play football!
(4)My brother will wash feet for her.
(5)Neither she nor I speak English.
27.(1)What is wrong with you
(2)Are you free this afternoon
(3)There are many books on the shelf.
(4)She is flying a kite now.
(5)I want to be a reporter when I grow up.
28.(1)I love my motherland deeply
(2)What wonderful news
(3)Don't forget to thank your parents
(4)Can you pick up the rubbish
(5)There will be a strong wind
29.(1)Does she like tomatoes
(2)Let's play games on computer
(3)What time does she get up
(4)Your sweater looks nice
(5)What a bad day he has
30.(1)Did you find him
(2)Tell him to get up earlier.
(3)When will they arrive here
(4)She wrote a letter to me.
(5)How cute the toy looks!
31.(1)I was running then
(2)Can you tell the good news to him?
(3)He is too young to go abroad himself.
(4)We are still influenced by traditional Chinese culture.
(5)His great ability in running helped him win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
32.(1)May I speak to John
(2)Don't waste time on computer games.
(3)What basic skills did he learn
(4)How hard-working the girl is!
(5)I wonder where you come from.
33.(1)Are you interested in painting
(2)Turn off the lights to save electricity.
(3)What kind of movies do you like
(4)There is a difference between the two pictures.
(5)What a good idea it is!
34.(1)Have you turned off the radio
(2)Did you sleep well last night
(3)Soft music makes me relax.
(4)I am not sure what to do next.
(5)How quickly the train runs!



