外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit4 Developing ideas Presenting ideas and Reflection基础测评+能力测评(有答案)

Unit4 Developing ideas, Presenting ideas and Reflection基础测评
1.The cut on her hand has healed(愈合)completely, without leaving a ________(伤疤).
2. The two brothers decided to go to America to seek their ________(机会).
3. In England and America ________(距离)is measured in miles, not in kilometres.
4. The two sides failed to reach an ________(协议).
5. It was the great man’s ________(命运)to lead his country to freedom.
6. I am so lucky to have a ________(伙伴)like you to enjoy the beauty of life together.
7. That ________(家伙)is really difficult to deal with.
8. His ________(建议)is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.
9. Don’t talk about business while we are ________(进餐).
10. It will need two elephants to ________(拖)all the wood away.
make a fortune, agree with, in the distance, turn up, be worthy of, ought to, with pleasure, a result of
1. The noise of the plane died away ________.
2. He laughed ________ when people said he looked like his dad.
3. I think you ________ go to see a doctor.
4. We missed the train ________ misreading the time.
5. We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn’t ________.
6. Many people hold the view that the film ________ being seen.
7. She could not bear the relentless music and ________ the volume.
8. If you can discover a market need then you can ________.
9. The climate here doesn’t ________ him.
1. Our conclusion is that we cannot reach an ________ (agree) with them.
2. But I should keep my ________ (distant) from my boss and my Indian colleagues.
3. I was late, but ________ (fortunate) for me, the train was late too.
4. To tell the truth, the book is worth ________ (read).
5. You must turn ________ your pass when you leave the building.
________ ________ ________ ________ he knew everything.
________ ________ ________ ________ something in what he said.
________ ________ ________ you should perfect your plan.
Mr. Smith ________ ________ ________ to Beijing, for I saw him in the library just now.
You will tell him that he ________ ________ ________ ________.
On 1 cold night, a policeman was having a chat with a man. The man said he 2 (wait) for his best chum who dined here with him 20 years before. They agreed that they would meet each other here again 3 (exact) 20 years later. They 4 (raise) here like two brothers. At that time, the man had to leave here to make 5 (he) fortune 6 his friend chose to stay in New York. A year or two 7 (late), they lost track 8 each other. But the man believed his friend would come here if he was 9 (live) because his friend was the 10 (true) and staunchest person in the world.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________
I.1. scar 2. fortune 3. distance 4. agreement 5. destiny
6. partner 7. chap 8. proposition 9. dining 10. drag
II. 1. in the distance 2. with pleasure 3. ought to 4. as a result of 5. turn up
6. is worthy of 7. turned down 8. make a fortune 9. agree with
Ⅲ.1. agreement 句意:我们的结论是,我们不能与他们达戎协议。由句意可知应填 agreement。
2. distance 句意:但是我应该与我的老板和印度同事保持距离。keep one’s distance from...与……保持距离。
3. fortunately 句意:我迟到了,但是对于我而言幸运的是火车也晚点了。副词作状语,故填 fortunately。
4. reading 考查固定句型。句意:说实话,这本书值得读。sh.+ be worth doing意思是“(某事)值得被做”,故填reading。
5. in 考查固定搭配。句意:你离开大楼时必须交出你的通行证。tum in上交。
IV.1. It seems as if 2. There seems to be 3. It seems that
4. can’t have gone 5. should have studied hard
V. 1. a 考查冠词。句意:在一个寒冷的夜晚,一名警察正在与一名男子交谈。on a cold night表示“在一个寒冷的夜晚”。
2. was waiting 考查时态。句意:那个男子说他在等20年前在这里和他一起吃饭的他最好的朋友。表示说话者当时正在进行的动作,故填 was waiting。
3. exactly 考查副词。句意:他们约定正好在二十年后他们会在这里再次见面。故填 exactly,意为“确切地,精确地”。
4. were raised 考查动词的时态和语态。句意:他们像两个兄弟一样在这里被抚养长大。根据句子结构可知此处为谓语,They与 raise之间是被动关系,且文章叙述的是过去发生的事,需用一般过去时,故填 were raised。
5. his 考查形容词性物主代词。修饰名词用形容词性物主代词,故填his。
6. while 考查连词。while“而,然而”,表对比。
7. later 句意:一两年后,他们彼此失去了联系。表示“多长时间以后”用 later。
8. of 考查固定搭配。lose track of与……失去联系,故填of。
9. alive 句意:但是这名男子相信如果他的朋友活着,他就会来这里,因为他的朋友是世界上最忠诚、最坚定的人。由句意可知这里应用形容词 alive作表语。
10. truest 考查形容词最高级。and连接两个并列的成分,根据后面的 staunchest可知填 truest。
2 / 2Unit4 Developing ideas, Presenting ideas and Reflection提升测评
There was once a beautiful town and a couple of lovers often stayed together on the top of the mountain enjoying the sunrise or by the sea appreciating the sunset. Everyone who knew them could not help envying them for their happy love.
But one day, the man was severely injured and lay in bed in hospital for several days without any consciousness. The woman guarded him by the bed in daytime, and called his name non-stop at night. She went to the church and prayed to God until she had no tears to flow.
A week passed and the man was still sleeping. God was finally moved by her love and persistence and would like to do her a special favor.
God said, “I can help your lover recover quickly on condition that you promise to be a butterfly for three years. Do you agree with the deal ” She said excitedly and firmly, ”Yes,I do! I won’t regret doing that.”
The next day, the woman became a beautiful butterfly, flying hurriedly to the hospital. It turned out that the man came to, talking with a doctor. She could not hear what they were talking about because she could not fly into the house. What she could do was watch her beloved through the window helplessly.
Another spring came and the butterfly was in a hurry to fly back to see the man, only to find that there was a pretty lady standing by him. At that moment, she was so shocked that she almost fell down from the sky. She could hardly believe her eyes.
People were saying that the man was seriously during Christmas and the pretty and cute female doctor took good care of him and that finally they fell in sweet love.
The butterfly felt heartbroken. In the following days, she often saw the man take the woman to the top of the mountain to enjoy the sunrise or to the seaside to enjoy the sunset.
Paragraph 1:
The butterfly knew that all these should have belonged to her, but now they belonged to another woman. She could do nothing but rest on the man’s shoulder off and on.
Paragraph 2:
God also felt sad and sighed, “Do you regret what you have done ”
Dear Alex,
It’s really a pity that you will leave us and go back to your country. On the occasion of parting, I would like to express my deep gratitude to you. Thank you very much for your help.
For various reasons, my English was not very good. But your timely help made a difference. With your patient and effective help, my English has improved a lot. What’s more, thanks to your help, I now have confidence in my English.
Parting is inevitable, but I believe our friendship will last forever. Wish you all the best and a good journey back home.
Li Hua
Paragraph 1:
The butterfly knew that all these should have belonged to her, but now they belonged to another woman. She could do nothing but rest on the man’s shoulder off and on. On the last day of the third year when the deal between God and the butterfly was almost over,the man held a wedding with his girlfriend. The church was crowded with people. The butterfly flew into the church quietly and rested on the shoulder of God, listening to the man’s promise to the bride and seeing him put a ring on her finger and kiss her sweetly. The butterfly was sad in tears.
Paragraph 2:
God also felt sad and sighed, “Do you regret what you have done ” The butterfly wiped her tears on the face and said. “No.” God felt a bit relieved and said. “Tomorrow can become a human again.” But she shook her head and said, “No, I want to be a butterfly for the rest of my life.” Then the butterfly would stay together with her lover forever. On the top of the mountain or at the seaside, she could enjoy the sunrise and the sunset happily together with them.
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下一篇:外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit3 Family matters单元同步闯关练(有答案)