外研版(2019)必修第一册 Unit4 Friends forever Developing ideas and Presenting ideas 同步训练(2份打包有答案)

Unit4 Developing ideas and Presenting ideas 基础过关练
1. The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the________(位置)is perfect.
2. This dress is too long-it________(拖)on the ground when I walk.
3. In the first three quarters of 2020, China-ASEAN trade reached 481. 81 billion US dollars, making ASEAN China's largest trading________(伙伴).
4. As a student, you should wear________(简单的, 朴素的)and simple clothes in the school.
5. Social media tools give o people an opportunity to share their daily life.
6. I like that restaurant because it has a friendly a .
7. For people doing this job, common sense, physical fitness and an outgoing p are likely to be more important than computer skills.
ought to; hear from; make one's fortune; turn up; start for; be ashamed of
1. They ________win easily today, but nothing in life is certain.
2. If the weather permits, she will ________Beijing tomorrow.
3. I am looking forward to ________you as soon as possible.
4. His daughter looked such a mess that he________ her.
5. Jack agreed to get here at seven;it has been seven twenty, but he hasn't________.
6. He left school early, determined to________ in New York, but he didn't make any money there.
1. At this point, it suddenly struck me that I was wasting my time. ________
2. To our anger, he struck the poor dog which had never done him harm. ________
3. The deadliest storm struck the country, killing tens of thousands of people and making millions homeless. ________
4. He was on the scene when the accident happened. ________
5. The team's victory produced scenes of joy all over the country. ________
6. He is good at drawing a peaceful country scene. ________
1. ________by the forest, the village has beautiful ________, which attract many visitors from areas. (surround)
2. I must arrive at his office at the________ time because I have had an________ with him. But I was ________to pick up a guest of our company to the airport. (appoint)
3. It was ________for them to make a ________by trading with foreigners. And more ________for them, they were supported by the government. (fortunate)
1. 但是如果有人决定违反规定呢?
But________ ________ somebody decided to break the rules
2. 所有我需要的是一个绝妙的机会。
________ ________ ________ ________ an excellent opportunity.
3. 无论你今后选择做什么,你都应该对自己有信心。
________ ________ ________ ________ ________ in future, you should have confidence in yourself.
4. 你需要去客户服务中心修你的电脑。
You need to go to the customer service center and________ ________ ________ ________.
The short story“After Twenty Years”is set in New York on a cold, dark night. Everything was very quiet. A police officer on duty found a man with a scar on his face outside "Big Joe" Brady's, and they started to have 1 chat. The man talked about his best chum and the 2 (fine)chap, Jimmy Wells.
One night twenty years ago, they 3 (dine)at "Big Joe" Brady's. They grew up together in New York and got on very well. 4 (make)his fortune, he was to start for the West while Jimmy Wells stayed in New York. 5 was on that night that they agreed to meet there again, no matter 6 their conditions might be or from what 7 (distant)they might have to come. At first, they corresponded 8 each other for a year or two, but then they lost track of each other. However, he believed Jimmy Wells would turn 9 as promised, and he 10 (wait)for him there.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________
1.location 2.drags 3.partner 4.plain 5.ordinary 6.atmosphere 7.personality
1.ought to 2.start for 3.hearing from 4.was ashamed of 5.turned up 6.make his fortune
1.Surrounded; surroundings; surrounding
2.appointed; appointment; appointed
3.fortunate; fortune; fortunately
1.what if 2.All I need is 3.Whatever you choose to do
4.have your computer repaired
1.a考查冠词。此处指“他们开始聊天”。have a chat聊天,故填a。
3.dined考查时态。由时间状语One night twenty years ago可知,此处应用一般过去时。故填dined。
4.To make考查不定式。句意:为了发财,他要动身前往西部,然而Jimmy Wells留在纽约。此处表示目的,应用不定式,故填To make。
5.It考查强调句型。句意:就在那天晚上,他们商定再次在那儿见面……。分析句子可知,此处是强调句式,即“It was+被强调部分+that+其他部分”。此处强调时间状语on that night,故填It。
6.what考查让步状语从句。此处为“no matter+疑问词”结构引导让步状语从句,指“不管他们的条件可能是什么样的”。no matter what不管什么,故填what。
7.distance考查词性转换。此处表示“他们可能会从多远的地方来”,由设空处前的from what可知,应用名词形式,故填distance。
8.with考查介词。句意:起初,他们互相通信了一两年,但接着就彼此失去了联系。correspond with sb.与某人通信,故填with。
9.up考查固定搭配。此处指“他相信Jimmy Wells会像承诺的那样出现的”。turn up意为“出现,露面”,故填up。
10.would wait考查时态。此处表示“他将会在那里等他”。根据语境可知此处应用过去将来时,故填would wait。
2 / 2Unit4 Developing ideas and Presenting ideas 能力提升练
Who needs friends According to most psychologists(心理学家), we all do, especially nowadays when so many other aspects of modern life are changing. It seems that having friends keeps us both healthy and happy.
The number of TV series about groups of friends shows just how important friendship is to us. Psychologist Dorothy Rowe says that many of us now turn to our friends, instead of our families, for advice, comfort and security. One woman named Rebecca she interviewed even told her that if she had got to choose between her husband and her friend, she would choose her friend.
Since our friends mean so much to us, it is not surprising that the happiest marriages are also friendships. "Once the romantic stage of a relationship has passed, it is friendship that holds people together," says Rowe. If the couple do not make some change, they will either get tired of each other and break up or stay together but seek friendships with others.
But is friendship equally important to women and men According to author Rhonda Pritchard, women are more likely than men to have close friends. "You tell a friend things that you'd never tell your partner," says one woman she interviewed. For men, friendship is usually based on doing things together rather than the private conversations that are typical of women friends. Men share t time and activities like building a fence or a business, running, riding a bike, fishing or watching football games, but they don't often share their feelings.
Although many women find their relationships with a husband or boyfriend are not enough, many men say that their partner is their best friend. Even women who are very happily married are likely to become very unhappy without a close friend and can even find the breakup of a close friend as painful as the end of a marriage.
1. What did Rebecca think about friendship
A. Families are reliable forever.
B. Her friend means more to her than her husband.
C. One needn't have too many friends.
D. Friends are as important as families.
2. Why do some couples look for friends outside their relationships
A. Because they are encouraged by their partners.
B. Because they are not fairly treated by their partners.
C. Because they don't get what they need from their partners.
D. Because they think their i friends are more romantic.
3. What is the main difference between men's and women's friendship
A. Women often do things together.
B. Women often talk about business with friends.
C. Men seldom talk about their feelings.
D. Men often talk to their friends about work and families.
4. When the friendship ends, some women may ________.
A. feel as upset as when a marriage ends
B. share feelings with their partners
C. treat their partners as friends
D. turn to their husband for comfort
How to Recognize a True Friend
Sometimes it can be hard to recognize a true friend. Hopefully this article will help you recognize which friends are the keepers.
Be able to trust your friends. You ought to be able to trust true friends and they should return this trust. Do your friends tell you secrets that no one else knows Ask you for advice 1 However, if your friends tend to hide things from you and act secretly, then this is a sign that they may not trust you.
2 Think about it. How comfortable are your friends when they are around you Are they being themselves around you Are they acting fake or perhaps hiding something True friendships can take a while to develop, but if your friends are true they should feel comfortable with you, and vice versa(You with them).
Think about loyalty(忠诚). 3 If you are in need of a helping hand, your true friends should be there to offer it to you. True friends don't try to get one another into trouble. A true friend will always be loyal to you and will not reveal secrets.
Think about nicknames. A lot of true friends love to give each other nicknames! If your friend is giving you nicknames, then this is a great sign. Think of the nickname your friend has given you, does it suit you well 4
Look at how you fight. Nearly all best friends fight. 5 True friends will find their way through a fight, no matter what the size is. True friends will remain "faithful" to each other even during a fight. They will not divulge(泄露)each other's secrets, and they still care about each other.
A. Consider comfort.
B. Choose your friends carefully.
C. True friends are always there for one another.
D. Both are sure signs that your friends trust you.
E. If so, this shows your friend must know you quite well.
F. So if you and your friend have a little argument, don't worry!
G. An inside joke shows that you share a special connection with your friend.
1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
Once upon a time, friendship was easy. I miss how spending time together used to be as simple as walking across the hall or picking up the 1 to say, "I've got wine, and I'm coming over. " I miss the way we could laugh and cry or talk about nothing for hours because we had 2 to go and nothing to do. And 3 we did, and I whatever it was, laughing, crying, or talking was much more important anyway.
These days, friendship feels much 4 Instead of walking across the hall with a bowl of cookies, we need to 5 for hours or board a plane to get together. Family responsibilities a and work obligations leave us with 6 minutes, and when we collapse(瘫坐)in bed at night, . we can barely gather the 7 to wash off our makeup, 8 carry on a phone conversation. Days and weeks have gone by and we communicate only by 9 or Facebook updates, and by the time we do get together, there is so much to say that we aren't even sure where to start.
I want a handful of real, true, and 10 friendships-not flocks of fake friends and casual acquaintances(熟人). I want to know that we'll be friends whether we 11 within 10 minutes' walk or a thousand miles away from each other. I want to know that we'll be friends whether it's as simple as walking across the street or as 12 as planning a girls' weekend together. I want friends who are there not just when it's easy, but when it's hard.
Because true friendship isn't about being 13 ; it's about loyalty and trust and the ability to be who we are with each other. True friendship has no limitation of time, 14 or differences. True friends know us inside out. They know our 15 , so they better understand our present situation and will continue to be part of our future.
1. A. phone B. bottle C. friendship D. topic
2. A. places B. nowhere C. ways D. anywhere
3. A. unless B. since C. even if D. as if
4. A. more important B. closer C. more efficient D. harder
5. A. jog B. drive C. wait D. prepare
6. A. few B. more C. last D. another
7. A. courage B. speed C. energy D. thought
8. A. no wonder B. in case C. let go of D. let alone
9. A. applications B. halls C. homes D. texts
10. A. honest B. unreliable C. solid D. virtual
11. A. respond B. live C. talk D. part
12. A. challenging B. cheerful C. considerate D. expectant
13. A. easy B. generous C. troublesome D. tiring
14. A. space B. distance C. similarities D. privacy
15. A. heart B. personality C. past D. status
1.B细节理解题。根据第二段中One woman named Rebecca...she would choose her friend.(她采访的一位名叫丽贝卡的女士甚至告诉她,如果要在丈夫和朋友之间做出选择,她会选择她的朋友。)可知,Rebecca认为朋友对于她来说比丈夫重要,故选B项。
2.C推理判断题。根据第三段中If the couple…seek friendships with others.(如果情侣们不做出一些改变,他们要么厌倦对方而分手,要么继续在一起,而寻求与他人的友谊。)可以推断,一些夫妻在他们的关系之外寻找朋友,是因为他们没有从伴侣那里得到他们需要的东西,故选C项。A项“因为他们受到伴侣的鼓励。”、B项“因为他们得不到伴侣的公平对待。”和D项“因为他们认为他们的朋友更浪漫。”均不符合文意。
3.C细节理解题。根据第四段中For men,friendship is...but they don't often share their feelings.(对男人来说,友谊通常是建立在一起做事的基础上,而不是像典型的女性朋友们那样的私人谈话。男人们分享时间和活动,比如建篱笆或开公司、跑步、骑自行车、钓鱼或看足球比赛,但他们并不经常分享他们的感受。)可知,男性与女性的友情的区别在于男性不会像女性那样和朋友分享他们的情感,故选C项。
4.A细节理解题。根据最后一段中Even women who are...as painful as the end of a marriage.(即使是婚姻非常幸福的女人,如果没有一个亲密的朋友,也可能会变得非常不幸福,甚至会发现一段亲密的友谊的破裂和婚姻的结束一样痛苦。)可知,当一段亲密的友谊结束时,有些女性会感觉就像婚姻结束一样难过,故选A项。
1.D根据前两句Do your friends tell you secrets that no one else knows?Ask you for advice?(你的朋友会告诉你没有其他人知道的秘密吗?征询你的意见了吗?)和后句的转折However…then this is a sign that they may not trust you.(然而,如果你的朋友往往会对你隐瞒事情和秘密行动,那么这表明他们可能不信任你。)可知,前面两点是你朋友信任你的明显迹象。故选D项。
2.A根据后面内容How comfortable are your friends when they are around you?(当你的朋友在你身边的时候,他们有多安逸?)和but if your friends are true they should feel comfortable with you,and vice versa(但是如果你的朋友是真正的朋友,和你在一起,他们应该感到自在,反过来也是一样)提示可知,本段主题句应为:Consider comfort.(考虑舒适。)。
3.C根据空后句If you are in need of a helping hand,your true friends should be there to offer it to you.(如果你需要帮助,你真正的朋友应该在那里给你提供帮助。)可知,真正的朋友总是彼此相伴,故选C项。
4.E根据主题句Think about nicknames..和空前句Think of the nickname your friend has given you,does it suit you well?(想你朋友给你的绰号,它是不是很合适你呢?)可知,绰号的适合表明了你的朋友一定对你相当了解,故选E项。
5.F根据空前句Nearly all best friends fight.(几乎所有最好的朋友都争吵。)和空后句中True friends will find their way through a fight(真正的朋友将会通过争吵找到解决方法)可知,如果你和你的朋友有争吵,没有必要担心。故选F项。
1.A“我”怀念过去和朋友一起度过时光的方式是如何简单到像穿过走廊,或者拿起电话(phone)说:“我有酒,我马上过来。”根据下文中的to say…可知这里应指拿起电话picking up the phone。故选A。
2.B“我”想念“我们”可以哭和笑,或者聊无关紧要的事一连聊上几个小时,因为“我们”无处(nowhere)可去,也无事可做。由该空和nothing to do的并列关系可知选B。
3.C即便(even if)“我们”有处可去,有事可做,不管“我们”在做什么,笑、哭或者聊天无论如何都更重要一些。此处重点理清did指代什么,由上文可知,did相当于had somewhere to go and something to do,再根据上下文逻辑关系可知选C。
4.D如今,友谊让人觉得更加艰难(harder)。由上段首句friendship was easy和下文描述的朋友相聚的困难可知,作者认为友谊在过去很容易维系,但如今变得艰难,故选D。
5.B“我们”不是带着一碗饼干穿过走廊,而是需要开车(drive)数小时或者乘飞机去和朋友相聚。由本句中walking和board a plane可知,这里在叙述和朋友团聚的交通方式,而设空处和“乘坐飞机”在麻烦程度上是并列的,故选B。
8.D“我们”几乎没有精力洗掉妆容,更不用说(let alone)打电话了。上下文属于递进的逻辑关系,故选D。no wonder意为“难怪”;in case意为“以防万一”;let go of意为“放弃”,均与文意不符,故排除。
9.D日子一天天、一周周地过去了,“我们”只通过短信(texts)和脸书更新的信息交流,而当“我们”真正聚在一起的时候有太多话要说,以至于“我们”甚至不知道从何谈起。这里所填词和后面的Facebook updates并列,故选D。
13.A因为真正的友谊不必简单(easy);它是忠诚和信任,以及相处时保持自我的能力。文章开始作者虽然表达了对过去简单友谊的怀念,但由上一段最后一句I want friends who are there not just when it's easy,but when it's hard.可知,作者其实并不是觉得简单的友谊一定好,艰难的友谊一定不好。故选A。
14.B真正的友谊没有时间、距离(distance)和差异的限制。由上文提到的…whether we live within 10 minutes' walk or a thousand miles away from each other.可知,作者叙述了对于“距离”的看法,故选B。
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下一篇:2023年中考人教化学第10单元 酸和碱一轮练习(答案)