Unit 2 强化练习-2022-2023 牛津译林版七年级英语下册(含答案)

Unit 2 Neighbours 强化练习
Do you have any problems ___________(检查) the computers
The volunteers are going to work in two __________(社区) centres this weekend.
The nurses are looking after the __________(生病的) boy patiently.
Most of __________(他们) spend a lot of time helping the old people.
All my classmates are _________(help) and we are like a family.
My brother is fixing his __________(break) bicycle.
I feel much __________(well) today.
You are __________ (luck) to miss the last train.
1. — Can you _________ it in English —No, I can’t.
A. say B. tell C. speak D. listen
2. On weekends, I help my mum ______ housework and Mum helps me_____ my homework.
A. do; does B. to do; with C. do; to do D.with; do
3.一__ will you come back 一In two days.
A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. What time
4. He _ to go far if he __ help because of the community center beside.
A. needn't;needs B. doesn't need;needs
C. needn't;need D. doesn't need;need
5 - Excuse me. Do you have a table for two
-I'm sorry,______there aren't any seats now. Can you wait for a few minutes
A but B and C or D so
6 _____very helpful_____you to help us solve this problem.
A.That's;for B. This is; to C.It's;for D. It's; of
7.— Are they going to have a meeting ________ this afternoon
— No. They will have in ________ the afternoon of 9 May.
A. in; in B. on; on C. /; on D. /; in
8. It’s dangerous for us to give too much ____ about ourselves on the Internet..
A. message B. suggestion C. notice D. information
A squirrel and a bird are close friends. One day, they see a snowman in front of a house.”Look at the snowman,” says the squirrel.” He looks 1 . Do you think we can make him happy ”
“Of course,” says the bird.” I will sing to him. ____2____ will make him feel better.”
“I will give him a present,” says the squirrel, ”That may make ____3___ up.”
The squirrel goes back ___4___ and brings some nuts and puts them in front of the snowman. The bird sings her favourite songs. _____5_____, the snowman doesn’t smile.
“We can’t cheer him up,” says the squirrel, ”Can you call the___6___ in the house out Maybe they know _____7_____ to do.”
The bird flies to the ____8____ and sings to the children.
“Listen!” a boy cries ___9_____.”A bird is singing. It is a ___10____ day. Let’s go out and play.”
The boy and his sister put on their coats and boots.They ___11____ to play in the snow. They see the nuts on the playground.
“We can use these to give our snowman a bigger __12_____,” the boy says, ”He needs a smile on his face.” “And we can make another snowman. We can give him a big ___13___, too,” says the girl. The squirrel and the bird watch the children ___14____ a nearby tree.
“Look!” the squirrel says to the bird. “ The snowman is smiling. And they are 15 another snowman.”
“That’s good” says the bird, “ Everyone needs a close friend.”
( )1. A. sad B. happy C. nervous D. hungry
( )2. A. Food B. Songs C. Words D. Jokes
( )3. A. it B. her C. him D. me
( )4. A. home B. office C. work D. school
( )5. A. Even B. However C. So D. Always
( )6. A. teachers B. workers C. children D. parents
( )7. A. what B. where C. how D. when
( )8. A. table B. kitchen C. bathroom D. window
( )9. A. sadly B. happily C. quickly D. quietly
( )10. A. rainy B. bad C. foggy D. nice
( )11. A. come in B. walk back C. run out D. jump into
( )12. A. mouth B. arm C. hair D. head
( )13. A. coat B. dinner C. smile D. party
( )14. A. to B. on C. at D. from
( )15. A. playing B. making C. drawing D. finding
No one knew how to study when he or she was a baby. You need to learn to do some things first. Then it will be easy for you to learn and do well in class.
Pay Attention(注意) in Class
Paying attention is good for learning. It can help you know what your teacher says, and it will help you learn more and faster.
Take Good notes
Taking good notes can make it easier to study. Be sure to write down all of the important things that your teacher says or writes on the blackboard, then read them after class.
Plan Ahead(提前计划)
Don't wait until Thursday night to study for Friday's test. Planning ahead can help you get good grades. You can plan what to do and how much to do each day.
Ask for Help
What should you do if you are confused about something Be sure to ask your teacher for help. You can also ask some other people, like your classmates, your mom or dad.
1. The pieces of advice can_______.
A. help us pass all the exams B. help us become cleverer
C. make it easier for us to learn D. make us stronger and healthier
2. We should write down _______ when we take notes in class.
A. what to do and how much to do that day
B. all the things that we are not sure about
C. the important things the teacher says and writes
D. what the teacher says to us in class
4. The underlined word "confused" means _______ in Chinese.
A. 困惑的 B. 诧异的 C. 恐惧的 D. 讨厌的
5. What can we learn from the passage
A. Reading the notes after class is a good start.
B. We should study well for Friday's test.
C. Learning how to learn is very important.
D. Planning ahead can help you know what the teacher says
Eric and Diana are on the top of a hill.
Diana: It's about time for lunch. What shall we have for lunch
Eric: Well, I think we must go down the hill and find a restaurant.
Diana: But how can we go to the (1)__________ of the hill Do you know the way
Eric: Yes. I know this place very(2) w__________. There is a restaurant called Hillway just
below us.(3)P_____________ me, I will take you there in 10 minutes.
Diana: Are you sure we are heading to the restaurant
Why is the (4)p__________ so narrow(狭窄的)
Eric: Yes, we are. Don't be(5) e with me.
Diana: Oh, look at the sign. It says "Road Closed!".
Eric: Oh, dear. We have to go up again! What bad luck we have!
Diana: Well, next time we go on a trip, we should bring a map.参考答案
checking communities sick them helpful broken better lucky
foot well below follow path



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