外研版七年级下册Module 1 Lost and found同步练习(无答案)

Module 1
1. I am looking for my _________(钱包).
2. This dress is not hers. Her dress is __________(紫色的).
3. You must be _________(小心的)with the cars on the road.
4. There is a __________(机场)in the south of the city.
5. There are some __________(奇怪的)things in the lost and found box.
6. How beautiful your ________(手套)are.
7. There are lots of _________(照相机)in the teachers’ office.
8. There are six ________(百)students in our school.
( )1. Be quiet.Tom is doing     homework in the classroom.   
A.yours B.him C.his D.their
( )2.These are their crayons and     are over there.Let’s go and get them.
A.we B.our C.ours D.us
( )3.My mother likes red.It’s one of    favourite colours.
A.me B.her C.hers D.his
( )4.—Hi, Tom.Is this your wallet or Kate’s
—It’s mine, not    .
A.hers B.her C.his D.him
( )5.—Can I use    English book     isn’t here.
—Sure.Here you are.
A.your;I B.you;My C.yours;Mine D.your;Mine
( )6. My grandpa wrote letters to their friends ______they are young.
A.since B.when C.after D.before
( )7. ---Can you take a photo for me
---Sorry, I can. Because I______my camera at home.
A.forget B.forgot C.leave D.left
( )8. There are ______animals in the park. Most of them are birds.
A.three thousands B.three thousand
C.three thousands of D.three thousand of
( )9.---Tom, what are you doing
---I am_______my schoolbag.
A.looking for B.looking up C.looking after D.looking at
( )10.---Where are you going, Tony Why are you in ______hurry
---I am going to play _____basketball with Tom.
A./, / B.a, / C.the, the D./,the
( )11.Tony, remember to take away your school uniform. Your always _____it on the playground.
A.lose B.put C.leave D.give
( )12.Here     a coat and some nice gloves.They are yours.
A.is  B.are  C.am  D.be
( )13.Please be careful     your things at school.
A.to  B.with  C.for  D.in
( )14.—     is this pen
—It’s mine.
A.What  B.Who  C.Who’s  D.Whose
( )15.This is     key and that is     eraser.
A.a;a  B.a;an  C.an;a  D.an;an
( )16.My bag is very big but     is very small.
A.you  B.your  C.yours  D.her
her hers his its mine my Whose your yours
---Is this ___________sweater, Daming
---Yes, it is.
---Are these gloves_____________, Betty
---Yes, they are.
---_________watch is this
---It’s Mary’s.
---This wallet isn’t ____________. Is it yours
---Yes, it is. Thank you.
---Tony is looking for his crayons.
---Are these ___________
There are _________________books in the library.
---________these books ___________
---No, they __________. They are _____________.
He goes to school _________________________.
_________camera is here. _________is there.
We _________________________my schoolbag.
6.Kate ______ _______ _______her pet pig.
7.Can you see my _______ _______ I lost it on the playground.
8.Please call me _______ ______ _______free.
9.Why do you ______your homework ______ ______ _______
10.You can _______ _______ _______138769009.
1. is, his, glasses, he, for, looking (.)
2. people, hundreds of, the, take part in, Festival, Kite (.)
3. often, Mike, things, loses (.)
six, are, on, the, there, list, names (.)
5. these, pigs, that, farmer's, are ( )
1. Miss Gao can play the piano, too.(改为同义句)
Miss Gao_________ _________play the piano.
2. My father bought me a bike five years ago.(对画线部分提问)
__________ __________your father__________ you a bike
3. Dalian has a population of about 5.3 million.(对画线部分提问)
__________the population of Dalian
4. There are about 28 million people in Chongqing. There are about 14 million people in Tianjin.(合并为一句)
The population of Chongqing is much__________ __________that of Tianjin.
5. her, Lucy, shorter, is, than, sister(.)(连词成句)
My father works in a lost and 1__________(找到) office in our city. In his office, there are hundreds of things, such as 2__________(钱包), 3__________(手表), 4__________(手套) and other strange things. 5_________(谁的) are they They are not 6 (我的). Are they 7 (你的) Are they 8__________(她的) My father doesn’t know.
This weekend, my father 9__________(找到;发现) a little cat in a park near our house and takes her home. She is black. I give her a name—Anna. Anna likes scratching(抓) the back of the sofa(沙发). I don’t know what to do about it. My father says, “Lucy, I have a good idea.” Then he makes her go outdoors. But from then on, when she wants to play outside, she begins to scratch the back of the sofa.
How 10__________(有趣的)!
Mr James __1__ at the school Lost and Found. He works very __2__. Every day when __3__ gets a lost thing, he takes notes __4__ it. There __5__ pens, books, school uniforms (校服), keys and many __6__ things in the Lost and Found. Most of them are the __7__. If you lose your things, it's easy for you __8__ the Lost and Found for help. But you must tell Mr James what it is, its color and the day __9__ you can't find it. I think Mr James is very helpful, and you will be __10__ when you find your lost things there.
( ) 1. A. work B. works C. working D. worked
( ) 2. A. carefully B. careful C. care D. careless
( ) 3. A. he B. his C. him D. she
( ) 4. A. in B. about C. on D. at
( ) 5. A. am B. is C. are D. be
( ) 6. A. others B. other C. the other D. the others
( ) 7. A. teacher B. student’s C. students’ D. teachers’
( ) 8. A. go B. to go C. to go to D. to get
( ) 9. A. what B. when C. where D. why
( ) 10. A. happy B. sad C. angry D. worry




下一篇:第七章 万有引力与宇宙航行 综合测试 (含解析)高一下学期物理人教版(2019)必修二册