
1、—_________ animals do you like
—I like pandas.
A. When B. Where C. Why D. What
2、There ________ two pet cats at Becky’s home.
A. have B. is C. are
3、—Does Eric have a _________ at home
—Yes. He has a cute cat.
A. pet B. place C. flag D. piano
4、It is very warm here. You ________ wear the coat.
A. must B. don’t have to C. have to D. must not
5、—Look! A bee is flying to a flower.
—It’s not a bee. It is a kind of tiny bird.
A. very big B. very small C. very smart
6、—How do we save elephants They are in great danger.
—Don’t _______ many trees or buy things made of ivory.
A. think of B. cut down C. come from D. listen to
7、There are many different ________ on Earth.
A. wood B. plants C. animal D. food
8、The teacher often asks us to be careful ________ our things.
A. for B. with C. on D. over
9、—Terra, you shouldn’t be so ________. You always leave your things here and there.
—Sorry, Mom. I’ll put them away at once.
A. careful B. beautiful C. careless D. excited
10、Which of the following words can be put in the mind map
A.animal B.food C.plant D.fruit
11、Look at the picture. I'm the dog. My name is Mike. The man is Rick. He can't 1 . I'm his guide dog(导盲犬). Rick works at the radio station. He 2 about sports with people. He loves his 3 . Rick is also a musician. He loves singing and playing the 4 . Sometimes he even teaches me to play the guitar. But I can't do it. I never 5 Rick. I go everywhere with him. Some people are 6 me. I'm big and black, 7 they think I'm dangerous(危险的), But I'm not. I'm very friendly. Sometimes people don't let me 8 the bus or the subway. And they don't let me go to the stores, 9 . Why Because I'm a dog I'm not happy about it. It's my 10 to let all people know about my work and be nice to me. Can it come true
1. A. see B. speak C. draw
2. A. shows B. finds C. talks
3. A. home B. job C. family
4. A. drums B. piano C. guitar
5. A. leave B. know C. meet
6. A. good with B. afraid of C. happy with
7. A. but B. so C. or
8. A. take B. ride C. drive
9. A. too B. also C. either
10. A. day B. dream C. time
Welcome to the City Zoo Do you love animals Please come to the City Zoo! There are many different kinds of animals. The elephants from Thailand are big and smart. The lions come from South Africa and they are interesting. And the cute and friendly giraffes are from the USA. Have fun and enjoy yourself here! * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Opening time: Monday—Friday 9:00 AM—5:30 PM Saturday & Sunday 8:30 AM—6:00 PM Price: An adult (成人): $4 A student: $2 * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Please keep the zoo clean! Don't give food to the animals
1. Where are the lions from
A. South Africa. B. The USA. C. Thailand.
2.How many kinds of animals are mentioned in the passage
A. Three. B. Four C. Five.
3. Eric, a middle school student, goes to the zoo with his parents. They need to pay _____.
A. $6 B. $10 C. $12
4.We can know that _____.
A. the giraffes in the zoo are big and smart
B. the zoo opens for eight hours on Wednesday
C. people can see animals at 8:45 am on Saturday
5.The poster is for _____.
A. a park B. a zoo C. a city
13、The Monkey Buffet Festival is on the last Sunday of November. It is a great day for monkeys in Thailand(泰国).The festival has a history of 31 years. People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. So, to thank monkeys, they have this special festival.
On that day every year, people put lots of fruit, vegetables, cakes and even drinks on the tables outside. They are all for monkeys. Many people come to see the monkeys on that day.
During the festival, there are a lot of interesting activities about monkeys. Young people always dress like monkeys and they sing and dance and play some music on the street.
Monkeys always live in groups. Most of them live in the trees. They are good at running and jumping. They eat fruit, vegetables, plants and birds' eggs. Monkeys are clever. Do you think so
1. The festival is usually in _____ in Thailand.
A. September
B. December
C. October
D. November
2.People have the festival because they think monkeys _____.
A. are cute
B. are clever
C. can work for them
D. can bring good luck
3.What do young people always do on that day
A. Eat all kinds of food.
B. Sing and dance.
C. Play with monkeys.
D. Run and jump.
4. Of the four kinds of food, monkeys don't eat _____.
A. beef B. bananas C. eggs D. apples
5. What is the best title(标题) for the passage
A. Monkeys Are Smart Animals
B. Monkeys' Favorite Food
C. The Festival for Monkeys
D. Monkeys in Thailand
14、 Kangaroos live in Australia. They can’t run or walk. But they can jump. They jump very fast. Baby kangaroos are very small and only three centimeters long. They can't jump and they can t see. A young kangaroo is always in its mother’s pouch (育儿袋) for the first six months. They can see when they are nine weeks old. They can jump when they are eight months old.
Camels (骆驼) live in the desert. They can close their noses to keep out the sand. Camels have humps (驼峰) on their backs — some have one and some have two. If a camel is hungry, its hump will get smaller. If a camel is thirsty, it will drink a lot of water and it won’t drink again for over a week.
1.Can kangaroos walk
2.How long is a young kangaroo in its mother's pouch
3.What do camels have on their backs
4.Baby kangaroos are only long.
5.If a thirsty camel drinks a lot of water, it won’t drink again for more than.
15、从方框中选出合适的句子, 填在对话中的空缺处, 使对话语意连贯。(选项中有两项是多余的)
A: There are many new animals in the zoo. Do you know
B: Oh ①_____
A: Monkeys, pandas, lions, giraffes and elephants.
B: Let's go and see them.
A: OK. ②_____
B: I want to see pandas first.
A: ③_____
B: Because they are very cute. ④_____
A: I like elephants.
B: ⑤_____
A: Because they are big and interesting.
A. What animals do you want to see first B. Why do you like them C. Where are they D. Do you like elephants E. What animals do you like F. What are they G. Why do you want to see them first
16、 动物和人类共处一个世界,是人类的朋友。有的动物美丽,有的动物可爱,有的动物活泼,有的动物腼腆。你最喜欢哪种动物 为什么 请写一篇60词以上的英文短文(不含已给文字),介绍你最喜欢的动物及原因,可适当发挥。
My Favorite Animal
There are many animals in the world. But my favorite animal is
解析:考查there be句型。have有;is主语是第三人称单数;are主语是复数。根据“There”可知,是there be句型,主语“two pet cats”是复数,故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。pet宠物;place地点;flag旗帜;piano钢琴,根据下文"He has a cute cat."可知,上文是问"有宠物吗?"。故选A。
解析:意为“天气暖和了。你不必穿外套了”。have to强调客观需要,must 强调主观需要。由“天气暖和了”可知是客观需要,故选B。
解析:考查动词短语。think of考虑;cut down砍伐;come from来自:listen to听;根据“many trees”可知,此处指的是“不要砍伐树木”,故选B。
解析:句意:老师经常要求我们小心自己的东西。考查介词。for为了;with和……一起;on在……上面;over超过;根据“The teacher often asks us to be careful...our things.”可知,此处是be careful with sth“小心某物”,故选B。
解析:句意:—Terra,你不该那么粗心。你总是把东西到处乱放。—对不起,妈妈。我很快会把它们收起来的。考查形容词辨析。careful仔细的;beautiful美丽的;careless粗心的;excited激动的;根据下文“You always leave your things here and there.”可知,这里说的是不该那么粗心,故选C。
11、答案:1-5ACBCA 6-10BBACB
解析:1.迈克是一只导盲犬, 他的主人里克是盲人, 看不到东西, 故所缺的词是see。
2.里克在一家无线电台工作, 他和人们"谈论"关于体育运动方面的东西, 表示"谈论"要用talk, 根据语境可知所缺的词是talks。
3.根据上文的描述可知, 他喜欢他的"工作", 故所缺的词是job。
4.根据设空处后的he even teaches me to play the guitar可知, 里克喜欢唱歌和弹"吉他", 故所缺的词是guitar。
5.根据其后的"我和他一起去各个地方"可推断, 迈克从来不"离开"里克, 故所缺的词是leave。
6.根据其后的描述"他们觉得我很危险"可推断, 一些人"害怕"迈克, be afraid of意为"害怕", 符合题意。
7.根据设空处前的"我体型大, 是黑色的"和设空处后的"他们觉得我很危险"可知, 所缺的词是so。
8.有时人们不让迈克"乘坐"公共汽车或地铁, 故所缺的词是take。
9.句意: 他们也不让我进商店。表示"也", 而且位于否定句句尾的词是either。
10.迈克的"梦想"是让所有人了解其工作, 对其友善一些, 故所缺的词是dream。
解析:1.细节理解题。根据文章中的"The lions come from South Africa" 可知答案为A。
2.推理判断题。文章中一共提到了三种动物, 分别是大象、狮子和长颈鹿, 故答案为A。
3.推理判断题。根据价格信息"每个成年人4美元"和"每个学生2美元"可知, 埃里克和他的父母一起一共需要支付10美元, 故答案为B。
4.推理判断题。根据开放时间"Saturday & Sunday 8:30 AM— 6:00 PM"可知, 周六上午可以在8点45分看动物, 故答案为C。
5.推理判断题。本文是一张动物园的海报, 故答案为B。
解析:1.细节理解题。由第一段中的"The Monkey Buffet Festival is on the last Sunday of November."可知答案为D。
2.细节理解题。由第一段中的"People there think monkeys can bring good luck to them. So, to thank monkeys, they have this special festival."可知, 人们庆祝这个节日是因为他们觉得猴子能够为他们带来好运, 故答案为D。
3.细节理解题。由第三段中的"Young people always dress like monkeys and they sing and dance and play some music on the street." 可知答案为B。
4.推理判断题。由第四段中的"They eat fruit, vegetables, plants and birds' eggs."可知答案为A。
5.主旨大意题。通读全文可知, 本文介绍了泰国的一个为猴子设立的节日, 故答案为C。
14、答案:1.No, they can't.2.For the first six months.
3.Camels have humps on their backs. /Humps.
4.three centimeters; 5.a week/ seven days
解析:①根据"动物园有许多新来的动物"以及其后的答语"猴子、熊猫、狮子、长颈鹿和大象"可知, 所缺的句子是F, 该句的含义是 "它们是什么 "。
②根据答语"我想先看熊猫"可推断, 所缺的问句是A, 该句的含义是"你想先看什么动物 "。
③根据答语中的"因为它们很可爱"可推断, 所缺的问句是G, 该句的含义是"你为什么想先看它们 "。
④根据答语"我喜欢大象"可知, 所缺的问句是E, 该句的含义是"你喜欢什么动物 "。
⑤根据答语"因为它们又大又有趣"可推断, 所缺的句子是B, 该句的含义是"你为什么喜欢它们 "。
My Favorite Animal
There are many animals in the world. But my favorile animal is dog. I like dogs best because they are cute and smart. Many people keep dogs as pets. They can help people do a lot of things and they can also play with people. Dogs have a good sense of smell. So people often ask dogs to find the lost things. Dogs also have a good sense of hearing. They can hear what people can't hear.
Dogs are our friends. We should treat them friendly and protect them.



上一篇:人教版八年级下册Unit2I'll help to clean up the city parks.基础梳理、基础测试及专项练习 (无答案)
