牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 2 Travelling综合练习(含答案)

八年级(下)英语Unit 2综合练习
1. On the way __________ the mountain village, we found the houses there different from ours.
A. in B. on C. by D. to
2. I __________ this book last Monday, I have it for more than a week.
A. lent; kept B. borrowed; borrowed
C. borrowed; kept D. kept; borrowed
3. --- How long have Mr and Mrs Black__________ --- For more than thirty years.
A. married B. had married C. got married D. been married
4. John's father __________ Shenzhen to visit his old friends the other day.
A. has left to B. has left for C. left to D. left for
5. --- You haven't been to Sydney, have you --- How I wish to go there!
A. Yes, I have B. No, I haven't C. Yes, I did D. No, I didn't
6. Not only Peter but also Simon __________ just___________ to the library. They borrowed
some interesting books.
A. have; been B. have; gone C. has; gone D. has; been
7. Daniel won't be with us in the meeting. He __________ to Beijing.
A. went B. was going C. has gone D. has been
8. __________ your cousin with his friends recently
A. Has; been anywhere B. Have; been anywhere
C. Has; gone somewhere D. Have; gone somewhere
9. Some subjects, __________ maths and physics are very difficult to learn.
A. such that B. such as C. as a result D. all in all
10. --- We enjoyed that trip very much. --- __________.
A. I'm afraid so B. I'm sorry to hear that
C. I hope so D. I'm glad to hear that
A bird went to look for its happiness in a faraway place.
It flew and flew when it saw a little dying flower, whose face was full of smile, Not knowing why, the bird asked the little flower, “You're going to die. Why are you still so 2 ”
“Because my dream will come true," said the little flower.
“3 is your dream ”
“To produce(生产) sweet fruit.”
Then the little bird saw it: happiness is a 4in the heart.
The bird went on flying and saw a lame(瘸的) duck help a little duck find the way back home. There was something wrong with its 5 , but it had a smiling face.
“I'm happy because I can_6others," said the lame duck.
So the bird saw it: happiness is a love in the heart.
The bird kept flying and saw a spider climbing up a wall. The spider fell off the wall halfway,7it kept climbing again and fell off again. Even so, the spider didn't give up. The little bird asked the spider in surprise,“You_8again and again, why don't you have pain but happiness on your face
“As long as I keep making my efforts(努力), I'm able to climb up it.9this, I'm so happy," said the spider.
The little bird saw it: happiness is a faith in the heart,
So the little bird didn't look for happiness any more because it10the truth: happiness is not in the faraway place but in your own heart.
1. A. quickly B. clearly C. sadly D. suddenly
2. A. sweet B. shy C. happy D. unhappy
3. A. What B,How C. Why D. Where
4. A. story B. hope C. love D. change
5. A. feet B. head C. wing D. neck
6. A. support B. prevent C. pull D. help
7. A. and B. so C. but D. if
8. A. won B. cost C. failed D. tried
9. A. Instead of B. Because of C. As for D. Across from
10. A. introduced B. accepted C. recorded D. understood
Happy Rain on a Spring Night
Good rain knows its time right; O’er wild lanes dark cloud spreads;
It will fall when comes spring. In boat a lantern looms.
With wind it steals in night; Dawn sees saturated reds;
Mute, it moistens each thing. The town's heavy with blooms.
Translated by Xu Yuanchong
This famous poem, with four couplets, was written by Du Fu (712-770, Tang Dynasty) when he was living and farming in Chengdu His farming experience taught him to be thankful to nature.
The very first word, “good” shows the poet's joy and love for the spring rain. The rain is good because it knows” the right time to come. Here the poet uses personification, as if the rain were smart enough to come in time for the farmer's busy season.
When the rain comes, it comes during the night without making any noise. Unlike the summer storms, the spring rain finishes its task without being known.
In the third couplet, the poet describes a peaceful picture to us. In the night sky, the clouds look dark and heavy. It's a sign that there will be enough rain during the night. The light from the riverboat makes the dark scene a bit livelier.
Lastly, the poet starts to guess. Maybe tomorrow morning, the city of Chengdu will become beautiful when all of the flowers bloom(盛开) after the rain.
1. What's the Chinese title of the poem Happy Rain on a Spring Night
A.《春望》 B.《雨晴》 C.《春夜喜雨》 D.《夜雨寄北》
2. Which of the following rhymes are right for this poem
A. aa-bb-cc-dd B. ab-ab-cd-cd C. ab-cd-ab-cd D. ac-bd-ac-bd
3. What's the rain in this poem like
A. Busy B. Dark. C. Heavy. D. Quiet.
4. Which of the following also uses personification
A. With wind it steals in night. B. It will fall when comes spring.
D. The town's heavy with blooms. C. In boat a lantern looms.
5. What does Du Fu want to show in this poem
A. He's thankful to nature. B. He loves and enjoys farming.
C. He wants the flowers to bloom. D. He's worried about farmers.
The height of the world's tallest mountain, Mount Qomolangma, has been renewed by Chinese researchers. _____1_____
A 30-member Chinese survey(调查)team climbed the mountain in May 2020, with the use of the latest technologies. This is the third time that they have found out the height of Qomolangma since 1949. ____2____ In 2005, the result was 8,844.43 meters.
But it is not easy to measure(测量) the height of Qomolangma. The average air temperature there is -29℃ and strong winds blow all the time. In such terrible conditions, surveying drones(无人机)can't work well at the top of the mountain. So, sending human experts is still necessary to make sure of the exact results.
Measuring the height of Qomolangma is more than just getting one exact number. Lying atthe place where the Eurasian plate(板块) meets the Indian plate, Mount Qomolangma formed 38 million years ago as the two plates hit each other. ____3____
____4____ Knowing the condition of the snow and the natural environment at the top, the researchers could study the climate change on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau.
A. It's a great place for researchers to watch plate movements. B. Actually, the height of the mountain can change over time. C. The survey team will also get first-hand information of the climate change. D. It is now measured as standing 8,848.86 meters above sea level. E. In 1975, they measured Qomolangma as 8,848.13 meters. F. Their result showed that Qomolangma reached a height of 8,844 meters above sea level
1. Among the water sports, Simon likes ____________________ (sail) best.
2. The poor dog has been ____________________ (die) for two days.
3. It's amazing that she sings so_____________________ (beauty).
4. He is very young, but he has been to many places of _________________(interesting) in China.
5. It was great___________________ (funny) to play hide-and-seek when we were little children.
6. My family had a ____________________ (fantastically) time in Hainan this winter holiday
7. The day of the winter holiday (final) arrived.
8. We took a lot of ____________________ (photo) when visiting in Jiuzhaigou.
9. She took the two o'clock ____________________ (fly) to Chicago.
10. You mustn't climb the mountains on such _______________ (snow) days. It's very dangerous.
1. At the Spring Festival, we usually visit our ____________________ (亲戚) and friends.
2. There is a ____________________ (直达的) high-speed train to Dalian.
3. I like many kinds of ball games ____________________ (除了…以外)baseball.
4. My father's often on ____________________ (公事) and he is very busy.
5. My daughter likes watching ____________________ (动画片) very much.
6. Next, you should give details to support the five main ____________________ (要点)
7. I suddenly____________________ (感觉到)the food coming up from my stomach(胃) during
that boat trip.
8. The young______________________ (两人) seemed very happy.
9. The man used ____________________ (魔法)to produce(产生) six rabbits from his hat.
10. Everybody had a good time playing on the___________________ (沙滩)yesterday afternoon.
11. By the way, is there an ____________________ (机场)in your hometown
12.The Greens from Beijing have been used to living in the__________________(农村),and they have decided not to leave.
Dear mom,
I'm having a great time in Hong Kong, although I have to be honest and say that I like Changzhou better. Still, it's a great place 1____________ (visit) and I'm lucky to be here for n six-month English course.
My accommodation(住处)is with an English family. They are 2____________ (friend) to me. We are getting on 3____________ (good) with each other. By the way, my host family will take me to 4____________ Indian film festival next weekend.
There are so many things to see and to do here. Every day I take part in many 5____________ (activity) with my classmates after class. They are very interesting and 6____________ (excite). I can take trips 7____________ the beaches, Disneyland and soon I can also go to many shopping centres, sports centres, cinemas and concerts.
Recently, I 8____________ (communicate) with many foreign friends during my stay in Hong Kong 9____________ a result, I have improved my listening and speaking skills. My host family also teaches me something about local culture. In a word, I10_____________ (enjoy) myself here, but I miss you very much.
Li Feng
They __________________________________________their hometown for over two years.
How can't they miss their child
None of us ____________________________________________, so we know little about it.
The car _____________________________________________________________ at present
Many football fans __________________________when they suddenly knew Maradona died.
Mrs Li works so hard that she must have a rest for _________________________ this month.
Are you ______________________________________________________________ Sanya
一、1-5 DCDDB 6-10 DCABD
二、1-5 DCABA 6-10 DCCBD
三、1-5 CBDAA
四、1-4 DEAC
五、1. sailing 2. dead 3. beautifully 4. interest
5. fun 6. fantastic 7. finally 8. photos
9. flight 10. snowy
六、1.relatives 2. direct 3. except 4. business
5. cartoons 6. points 7. felt 8. couple
9. magic 10. sand 11. airport 12. countryside
七、l. to visit 2. friendly 3. well 4. an
5. activities 6. exciting 7. to 8. have communicated
9. As 10. am enjoying
八、1. have been away from
2. have/has been to the place of interest
3. is moving at full speed
4. couldn't stop crying
5. a couple of/a few days at the end of
6. going to take a direct flight to



