Unit 2 What time do you go to school?单元检测题(含答案)

一 选择填空
( )1. I go to______work after_____breakfast every day.
A./;the B.;/,/ C.the;the D.the;/
( )2.______ does the girl usually get up —At 6:00.
A. What time B How C. How much D. How old
( )3. She often goes to school _____ 7 o’clock ____ the morning.
A. at, in B. in, at C. on, in D. at ,on
( )4.Scott has a good ______. He _______ in No.1 Middle School.
A. work, works B. job, works C. job , jobs D. work, job
( )5. She is a good student, She is____ late for school.
A. always B. often C. never D. usually
( )6. Mary_____school at 7:00 in the morning and_____home at 6:00 in
the evening.
A.goes;goes B.goes to;goes C.goes;goes to D.goes to;goes to
( )7 I have _____ homework to do in the evening.
A. many B. lot of C. lots of D. much of
( ) 8.“12:45”is________.
A.a quarter past twelve B. a quarter to twelve C. twelve forty-five D. forty-five twelve
( )9. It’s a funny time _____breakfast!He eats breakfast at 8:30 at night.
A. eat B. eats C. for eat D. to eat
( )10.The cake tastes ______and it is really delicious(美味的).
A.well B.badly C.good D.bad( )11.I think drinking milk is _____our health.
A. good for B. good at C. good with D. good to
( )12. Miss Read is good ______music.She can be good _____ children in the music club.
A.at, at B.with, with C.at, with D.with, at
( )13.I get up ______this morning because I want to be the first to get to school.
early B. slowly C. late D. quick
( )14.Mike is in the school music club, he either sings______plays the piano,
to B.and C.but D.or
( )15.Joe, don’t eat too much ice-cream.--OK, Mom. But it _______really good.
feels B. looks C. tastes D. sounds
二 完形填空
Miss Li has a good ___11__. She is an English teacher. She ___12__ English in a middle school. She gets up at__13___in the morning. She _14_breakfast at 6:00.After that she goes to school by bike. She gets __15___ very early. She cleans her desks and chairs for other teachers. Classes begin at 8:00. She works very hard. She__16__ at 4:00 in the afternoon. Then she __17___some housework .After dinner she__18___ to go over(批改) the students’ homework..___19___she tells her father and mother about her students .Usually she watches TV with her family. She __20___at about ten..
( )11.A job B. work C.jobs D. works
( )12.A.teach B.teaching C.teaches D.teacher
( )13.A. half to five B. five half C. half past five D. five o’clock half
( )14. A. has B. have C. eat D.eating
( )15. A. here B.there C.to there D. to here
( )16.A. go to home B. go home C. goes to home D. goes home
( )17.A. do B. doing C. to do D. does
( )18.A. needs B. helps C. always D. can
( )19.A. Sometime B. Sometimes C.Some time D. Some times
( )20. A. go to bed B. go to the bed C. goes to bed D.goes to the bed
三阅读理解: ( A )
Jane Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
get up 7:00a.m 7:00a.m 7:00a.m 7:00a.m 7:00a.m
morning school school school school school
lunch at home at school at home at school at home
afternoon play table tennis talk to friends Play table tennis Play table tennis swim
evening do her homework Do her homework read books Do her homework Do her homework
go to bed 10:00p.m 10:00p.m 10:00p.m 10:00p.m 10:00p.m
( )21.Jane's favourite sport is probably(可能)
A.volleyball B.tennis C.table tennis
( )22.When does Jane have lunch at school
A.On Tuesday. B.On Thursday. C.Both A and B.
( )23.On Wednesday evening,Jane usually_______.
A. reads books B. plays table tennis C.does her homework
( )24.When does Jane go to bed every day
A.7:00p.m B.8:00p.m C.10:00p.m
( )25.Which is Right about the description
Jane always gets up at 7:00 from Monday to Sunday
Jane usually does her homework in the evening
Jane never goes to bed at 10:00pm on school days
Alice doesn't like weekends because she has to get up at6:30. On Saturday morning, her mother takes her
to learn to play the violin. On Saturday afternoon, she learns drawing.When they get home,the eight-year-old
girl is very tired. She goes to bed quickly after dinner.
On Sunday morning,Alice learns to dance. After they get to the club,her mother does some shopping.
at twelve o'clock.When they get home, Alice's father gets ready for lunch. Classes are over(结束),They have
it at about one. Alice starts to do her homework at four. It usually takes her two hours. After she finishes her homework,it is time for dinner.Alice doesn't have time to play with her friends. She hopes there are no weekends in the world.
( )26.Alice learns______subjects on weekends.
A.two B.three C.four D.five
( )27.The underlined word“tired”means”______”in Chinese..
A.兴奋的 B.疲倦的 C.伤心的 D.烦恼的
( )28.Alice learns to________on Sunday morning.
A.play the violin B.draw C.dance D.do her homework
( )29. Alice’s family usually have dinner at _______on Sundays.
A. twelve o’clock B. two o’clock C. six o’clock D. eight o’clock
( )30.What is the best title for this passage _______
A. Alice’s Family B. Alice’s Weekend C. Alice’s Favorite subject D. Alice’s School Day
1.My brother usually ________ __________(刷牙) at 6:30.
2. Does your father ______ ______ ______ (去上班)at seven
3. 你通常几点去睡觉?______ ______ do you usually ________ ________ ________
4.我喜欢早起。I like ____ ____ _____ ____,
5.我上课从不迟到I ____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
6..My brother ______ ______ ______(做作业)at home in the afternoon.
7.When I_______ ______(到家),I _______watch TV ______play computer games.(或者--或者).
8.She knows it’s not _____ ______(对---有好处)her, but it______ _______(尝起来美味).
9.My parents usually go to work at_______ _______ ________ _______(在7:45).
10. My brother finishes his classes at ______ ______ _______(11:30)
11. Mr Brown ______ (go) to work at six every day, He ______ (not go) to bed at 8:30.
12. She ______ (do) her homework at 7:00 in the evening..
13. What time _____Mr White usually ____ (take) a shower He usually ________(take ) a shower at 7:00.
14.Little Tommy ________(brush)his _______(tooth) every morning.
15. My father ______ (watch) TV in the evening.
16 I don’t have much time ________(eat)breakfast.
17.There __________(be)lots of fruit on the table.
18. My cousin doesn’t like _________(play)sports.
19.That’s a _______(fun)time for breakfast.
20.My mother is good at _____(cook), and she is very ________(health).
Linda is a middle school student.She studies in No.7 Middle School.There 1.____(be)twenty-four boys and seventeen girls in 2.______(she)class.She goes to school from Monday 3.______Friday. She4.______
(have)no classes on weekends.She usually gets up at 6:00 and has breakfast at 6:30. She 5.____(go)to school at 7:00. The first class 6._______(begin)at 8:00.She has four 7._____(lesson)in the morning and two in the afternoon.She has lunch at 12:15.At 3:50 they have8.______(sport). She 9.____(go)home at 5:00.She has dinner at6:00. She10.______(do)her homework at 7:00 and goes to bed at 9:30.
My friend Tom has a happy life.(A) He usually gets up at__6:00__a.m.on weekends. Then he goes for a walk. At 7:00 a.m. he comes back. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower. Then he eats breakfast. (B) After breakfast, he does his homework with his friends. (C) 他大约十点半回家,and he cooks lunch. After lunch he goes to the club. He reads books and plays chess with his friends. He eats dinner at 6:00 p.m. In the evening he often watches TV. He often watches sports shows and he likes sports very much. At around 9:00 p.m. he goes to bed. 完成下列任务:
1.对文中(A) 处画线部分提问____________________________________________________
2.将(B) 处句子翻译成汉语_______________________________________________________
3.将(C) 处句子翻译成英语________________________________________________________
4.What does Tom do in the club?(Not more than six words)______________________________
提示: 1) 起床5:40,锻炼半小时, 早饭6:30, 上学7:30;
2) 上午上4节课,12:00吃午饭;
3) 下午上2节课,4:00做运动,打篮球, 踢足球;
4) 下午5:30回家,做作业;
5) 晚上6:30吃晚饭;9:00左右睡觉。
I think I have a healthy life habit..___________________________________________________
四:1. brushes teeth, 2. go to work , 3.What time go to bed to 4. get up early
am never late for class 6. does his homework 7.go home , either or ,
good for , tastes good , 9. a quarter to eight , 10. half past eleven
五:11. goes, doesn’t go , 12.does , 13.does, take takes 14. brushes teeth,
watches 16.to eat 17. is 18.to play 19.funny 20. cooking healthy
六: are, her, to, has, goes, begins, lessons,sports, goes ,does
七:1.What time does he usually get up
3.He goes home at about 10:30/half past ten
4.Read books and play chess
5.Tom’s happy life



