牛津上海版-七上 Module3 Unit8 Growing healthy,growing strong Exercise2练习(含答案)

1. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation
A.used (to do) B.moved C.lived D.changed
2. The children are reading _____ information booklet from the camp.
A./ B.a C.an D.the
3. We'll see the Wandering Earth at 7 p.m. tonight. Don't be late _____ it.
A.to B.on C.from D.for
4. Could you please show me how _____ this new app
A.to use B.using C.use D.used
5. To stay healthy, you should eat _____ meat and _____ fried chicken wings.
A.fewer; fewer B.less; less C.less; fewer D.fewer; less
6. We don't play _____ video games or watch _____ television.
A.too much; too much B.too many; too many
C.too much; too many D.too many; too much
7. You must read English aloud more often _____ you want to improve it.
A.if B.after C.so D.but
8. The Lis _____ Uncle Weiming in Beijing last month.
A.have visited B.visited C.were visiting D.visit
9. —Tom doesn't drink too much coffee before going to bed.
A.So can Alice B.Neither can Alice
C.So does Alice D.Neither does Alice
Before I went to Britain this summer, I used to think that Western food was much more _____10_____ than Chinese food. But after my trip, I changed my mind.
When I arrived in Britain, I stayed in a school called Bellwoods School. I had breakfast in the school canteen each morning. I felt _____11_____ when I saw fried eggs, bacons, sausages, steamed fish, milk and orange juice on the first morning. I thought it was wonderful to have such a big breakfast. The next morning I had the same. _____12_____ did I the morning after the next, next…Everything was unchanged, even the plates and cups. And _____13_____ I found I was having the same things for breakfast every day!
For lunch, I always had sandwiches and cola. For dinner, I always had pizzas. The pizzas were as hard as rocks. However, eating pizzas was good _____14_____ for my teeth. Sometimes, I found potatoes and chicken on the table, but they were without salt. They were tasteless at all! Many of my friends ate instant noodles (方便面) instead. I didn't do that, but I really _____15_____ Chinese food!
Now, I'm back and have meals at school. Sometimes, school meals taste just like Western food…Oh, maybe I should try some Japanese food!
10. A.expensive B.unhealthy C.delicious D.terrible
11. A.excited B.hopeless C.sick D.sad
12. A.And B.But C.Neither D.So
13. A.luckily B.finally C.usually D.firstly
14. A.rest B.news C.exercise D.fun
15. A.forgot B.missed C.thought D.mixed
16. Spell the words correctly according to the given phonetic symbols.
Please write down your name on the answer _____. / i t/
17. Spell the words correctly according to the given phonetic symbols.
There is a _____ about this film on the display board. / p st /
18. Spell the words correctly according to the given phonetic symbols.
After taking exercise, Peter becomes _____ than before. / f t /
19. It's a lot of fun to go _____ in the mountains with friends. (camp)
20. A person should drink at _____ eight glasses of water a day. (little)
21. Tu Youyou is the _____ Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize. (one)
22. Alice enjoys _____ Barbie dolls. (collection)
23. It's unhealthy to eat three or more _____ of ice cream a day. (box)
A. easy B. easily C. stops D. cannot E. because
To stay healthy, we must do the three things: eat right food, get enough sleep and exercise regularly.
Plenty of nutrition (营养) is important for good health. Our body _____24_____ work well if it doesn't get enough "fuel (燃料)". Don't eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods which are high in protein (蛋白质), for example, meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are helpful _____25_____ they provide enough vitamins and mineral the body needs.
Getting enough sleep is also the key. If we don't, we'll feel tired and get angry _____26_____. For a kid, seven to nine hours of sleep each night is a must. If you do so, your body will feel relaxed and comfortable.
Finally, taking a lot of exercise makes the body strong and _____27_____ us from putting on weight. It also improves our hearts and lungs. Taking exercise is not only good for the body but it is also fun.
24. _____
25. _____
26. _____
27. _____
28. We must change our bad eating habits to stay healthy. (对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ you change your bad eating habits
29. Sam does a lot of homework evening. (改为否定句)
Sam _____ do _____ homework every evening.
30. Bell fell off his bike and got hurt. (改为一般疑问句)
_____ Ben _____ off his bike and get hurt
31. Mr Hu told us a very interesting story. (改为感叹句)
_____ _____ interesting story Mr Hu told us!
32. Joe watched TV for three hours last Sunday. (保持原句意思)
It _____ Joe three hours to _____ TV last Sunday.
33. at, their, are spending, summer holiday, Health Camp, the children
1 . A
2 . C
3 . D
4 . A
5 . C
6 . D
7 . A
8 . B
9 . D
10 . C
11 . A
12 . D
13 . B
14 . C
15 . B
16 . sheet
17 . poster
18 . fitter
19 . camping
20 . least
21 . first
22 . collecting
23 . boxes
24 . D
25 . E
26 . B
27 . C
28 . Why, must
29 . doesn't, much
30 . Did, fall
31 . What, an
32 . took, watch
33 . The children are spending their summer holiday at Health Camp.
第1页(共1 页)



