牛津上海版七上 Unit 2 Exercise 1练习(含答案)

1. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词
A.kite B.invite C.officer D.society
2. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词
A.alone B.close C.cost D.home
3. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词。
A.bus B.music C.truck D.but
4. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词。
A.puppy B.useful C.university D.museum
5. 选出画线部分发音不同的单词
A.turn B.surprise C.return D.Europe
6. 根据音标写出单词
The early men kept dogs to _____ /ɡɑ d/ their caves.
7. 根据英语释义写出单词,首字母已给
p_____: the act of stopping something bad from happening
8. 根据英语释义写出单词,首字母已给
s_____: not ordinary or usual
9. 根据音标写出单词。
We must stop the _____ / kru lt / to the animals by all means.
10. 根据音标写出单词
The flight to Paris landed _____ / se fl / just now.
11. 根据音标写出单词
Puppies need some _____ / spe l/ food instead of hard dog biscuits.
12. 根据音标写出单词。
All the customs _____ / f s z/ wear uniforms at work.
13. 根据英语释义写出单词,首字母已给
s_____: a group of people who join together for a particular purpose
14. 根据英语释义写出单词,首字母已给。
c_____: behaviour that causes pain or suffering to others
15. 根据英语释义写出单词,首字母已给
p_____: to like one thing or person better than another
16. 狗守卫着洞穴,使人安全,免遭危险。(用一般过去式)
17. 拯救动物远离危险 _____
18. 抓小偷 _____
19. 寻找失踪人口 _____
20. 你想要养一条狗作为宠物吗?
21. 一位 SPCA 工作人员_____
22. 照顾你的小狗_____
23. 在一个农场里_____
24. 更喜欢黄棕色那条_____
25. 帮助盲人安全地过马路 _____
1 . C
2 . C
3 . B
4 . A
5 . D
6 . guard
7 . prevention/ revention
8 . special/ pecial
9 . cruelty
10 . safely
11 . special
12 . officers
13 . society/ ociety
14 . cruelty/ ruelty
15 . prefer/ refer
16 . Dogs guarded the caves and kept people safe from danger.
17 . save animals from danger
18 . catch thieves
19 . look for missing people
20 . Would you like to keep one dog as your pet
21 . an SPCA officer
22 . take care of your puppy
23 . on a farm
24 . prefer the yellow and brown one
25 . help blind people cross the road safely
第1页(共1 页)




下一篇:第六章 实数单元测试题(含答案)