Module 5 Shopping复习试题2022-2023外研版七年级下册英语(无答案)

Module 5 Shopping
1.n[ mɑ:kit]._______2.n[ biskit]______3.n.[ lem n]______4.n. [ str :b ri]_____5.v..[trai]________
6.adv. [ s :tnli]_______7.n [seil]________8.n.[prais]_______9.a.[fre ]_____
10. n.[ sju:p mɑ:kit] _______ 11.n. [saiz] _______12.n [ s sid ]________
1. 试穿________ 2. 太贵____________3. 稍等,等一下____________
4. 半价_____________ 5. 多少钱________ 6. 什么颜色_____________7.什么号_______
1.What can I do for you 特殊疑问句
购物对话用语, 往往用于店员对顾客说,问顾客要买什么。相当于一般疑问句Can I help you a T-shirt for my mum 给我妈妈买件T恤衫 给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb.= buy sb. Sth.
E.g. My parents buy a bike for me.= My parents buy me a bike. 我的父母给我买了辆自行车。
3. May I try it on 我能试穿一下吗? try v.意为尝试,try on 试穿
E.g. This pair of shoes are nice, Try them on.这双鞋很漂亮,试试吧。
Try this coat on, Kate.凯特,试试这件外套吧。
try doing sth. 尝试做某事 try to do sth. 尽力做某事
try one’s best to do sth. 尽某人的最大努力做某事
E.g. He is trying his best to finish the work. 他正尽自己的全力在完成这项工作。
Tony tries using chopsticks. 托尼在试着使筷子。
4.wait a minute 稍等一下
5. There‘s a sale on today. 今天有降价活动。 此句中on 表示正在进行中。
6 Everything is half price.
Price价格 at the price of .... .以....的价格
Everything ,everyone等不定代词做主语时,谓语动词用单三形式。
7. How much are they How much would you like
How much, 多少,多少钱
8. I’ll take it.我买了。购物用语
1. 您要买点什么?______________________________
2. 她喜欢什么颜色?_____________________________
3. 她穿多大号的?_____________________________
4. 我能试试吗?_____________________________
5. 今天有降价销售活动。_____________________________.
6. 所有的东西都半价。_____________________________.
7. 这件t恤衫多少钱 _____________________________
8. 您还需要点什么别的吗?_____________________________
1. -___________ is your T-shirt -It’s 40 yuan.
A. How many B. How big C, How much
-I’d like to buy some books.\
A. What are you doing B.Can I help you C.How are you
3. Here is a big sale in the shop! Everything is ___________price.
A. half B. full C. zero
4.I want to buy a pair of gloves ___________my father.
A. to B.for
5.- What size do you like -___________.
A. Small. B. Black. C.70 yuan
6.-___________ - Certainly.
A. What time is it B. What can I do for you C. Can I try it
7. The shoes are very nice and cheap. ___________.
A. I will have them. B. I will buy them C.’I will take them
Unit 2You can buy everything on the Internet
1.n.[ d vɑ:ntid ]_______2.a[ sevr l]______3.pron.[ eni we (r)]______
4.v.[k m p ]_____ 5.v.[pei]_______6.v. [p ust]______7.v. [ri si:v] ________
8.n. [ pr d kt]______9.n. [wei] _____
10.a. [seif] ______
1. 网上购物 ___________ 2. 付钱____________3.购物方式____________
4. 一部手机_____________5.几天后________ 6. 在任何时候_____________
7. 比较同一种商品的价格____________________________
8.省钱_____________9. 网上付款 _______________
10.生活方式________________11.不再________________12. 能够_______________
Language points
Pay ...for sth. 为某物付...钱,主语是人
Sb. Spend some money on sth./(in) doing sth. 某人花多少钱买某物
Sth. Cost sb. Some money 某物花了某人多少钱
Ways of doing sth. 干某事的方式/方法,还可以说:ways to do sth.
One of...表示....之一,后跟可数名词时,跟可数名词的复数。
First,首先,then, 然后,用来表示做一件事情的顺序。First, next, then, finally.
如:首先,打开电脑。然后,打开一个新文件。First, turn on the computer. Then, open a new document.
First还可表示第一,为序数词,second, 第二,third第三,用来表示顺序,也可以用于列举。
如: Online shopping has several advantages. First, you can shop at any time. Second, you can save a lot of money. 作名词时,意为__________,还可用作动词,__________,为不及物动词,构成的短语还有: go shopping/ do some shopping
compare 动词,意为__________,把...和...作比较用 compare ...with...
by post 意为__________,介词by有“通过”之意,类似的短语还有 by email通过电子邮件 able to do sth.能够做某事,相当于can+动词原形,但be able to 不是情态动词,be动词有人称和数的变化。
7.Not...any more=no more 不再....
e.g. He doesn’t smoke any more. 他不再吸烟了。
1. First, you open the door._______(two),you turn on the light.
2. I’ll take it. Here ________(be)100 yuan.
3. There are many new _______(way) to practice our English.
4. Phones ______(change) our way of communication(沟通).
5. My brother doesn’t like______(swim) at all.
Test for Module 5
一、Complete the sentences according to the first letters given.
1. My mother often goes to the m_____________ to buy vegetables.
2. These vegetables look very f__________
3. Online shopping has many a___________.
4. E___________ in our shop is half price.
5. Parents always c_____________ their own children with others.
6. My father often r_________ letters from his students.
7. For us home is a s__________ place
8. There are all kinds of p____________ in the market.
9. The strawberry b___________ taste nice. I want some more.
10. They will come back a few days l__________.
1. 这件裙子真漂亮。我能试穿一下吗
This dress looks so pretty. Can I ________it _________
2. 我将为他的手机付钱。
I will __________ __________ his mobile phone.
3. 有朝一日没有人将再去商店。
One day ________ _________ will go to the shops_________ __________.
4. 网上购物有几个缺点。
Shopping online has ____________ __________.
5. 那件紫色衬衫多少钱
_________ __________ is the__________ shirt
三、Complete the conversation with proper sentences.
Shop assistant: 1________________________
Betty: Yes. I’d like to buy a scarf.
Shop assistant: Oh, we have many colors. 2 ________________________
Betty: The green one looks nice, 3____________________________
Shop assistant: Certainly. Mm, it looks so beautiful on you.
Betty: Yes, I think so. 4____________________________
Shop assistant: It’s on sale now, only 20 yuan.
Betty: That’s great! 5____________________________. Here is the money.
Shop assistant: Thank you.
四、Multiple choice.
1. —Have you bought that digital camera
—No, I can’t afford it. The price is a bit too __________, I think.
A. low B. high C. cheap D. expensive
2. ---How much did this CD _______ you, Sally
---I got it for 5 dollars.
A. use B. spend C. take D. cost
3. —The blue skirt looks very nice. May I___________
—Yes, please.
A. try them on B. try it on C.take them off D. take it off
4. Mary __________a gift from a friend of hers, but she didn’t seem to _________it.
A. received, accepted B. accepted, received
C. receive, accepted D. accepted, receive
5. --What a beautiful sweater! How much did you for it
--198 yuan.
A. take B. cost C. pay D. spend
6. —
—Size 8. Can I try one on
A. How much is it B. How many do you want
C. What time is it D. What size do you wear
7. --- Can you tell me ________ it is from here to the Summer Palace
--- Let me see. It's about 15 minutes' ride.
A. how long B. how soon C. how much D. how far
8. ---You borrowed some money from me last year, Mr Green.
---Did I Did you lend me
A. How many B. How long C. How much D. How soon
9. Lucy ________ green trousers and a yellow sweater
A. put on B. puts on C. wear D. is wearing
10. What do you __________ China
A. like B. think C. think of D. know
11. Please get up quickly and have your breakfast, _________ you’ll be late.
A. and B. or C. but D. so
12. He goes to school _________ his mother’s car every day.
A. on B. in C. by D. with
13. Can you help him __________ a shopping list
A. make B. making C. makes D. with make
14. I like meat and rice, but my brother __________.
A. isn’t B. don’t C. doesn’t D. can’t
15. Would you like ________ bread
A. some B. any C. a D. one
16. –I’m going to the Summer Palace with my classmates tomorrow.
--Oh, really Have ________.
A. time B. luck C. wishes D. fun
17. I got back home very late because the traffic is very _______.
A. much B. full C. bad D. difficult
18. I don’t like to eat apples _____ bananas before supper.
A. with B. and C. or D. but
19. I’m going to get a purse for my mother on _________ Day.
A. Women B. Women’s C. Womans’ D. Woman’s
20. Miss Liu is going to teach ________ history next term.
A. us B. our C. we D. ours
21. Don’t _______ late _______ school next time.
A. come, to B. be, to C. be, for D. /, for
22. Listen! The noise _______ a running train.
A. hears B. is listening C. sounds D. sounds like
23. Our English teacher always makes English ________.
A. interest B. interesting C. interested D. interests
24. I don’t like playing football at all, but I enjoy ______ football games on TV.
A. looking at B. watching C. looking D. seeing
25. Welcome _______ my birthday party!
A. you B. you to C. all you to D. to
26. There is ______ “u” ______”s” and ____”e” in the word “use”.
A. a, an, an B. an, an, an C. a, a, an D. an, a, an
27. Can you ______ it ______ English
A. tell, with B. speak, in C. say, in D. talk, with
28. I want to buy ______ a pen.
A. he B. him C. his D. she
29. –Thanks a lot for helping me.
A. You’re welcome B. No, don’t thank me C. You are right D. It’s great
30. I have _____ pen _____pencil.
A. a, and B. a, or C. no, or D. a, a
五、 Reading.
What do you think about sales Here are some tips to help you get the most and the best goods with your limited money.
Shop around. A "sale" price isn't always the "best" price. Some shops may put a sale price on the goods that you want for a limited time; other shops may have a sale price on the goods every day.
Read the sale ads carefully. Some ads may say "quantities1 limited", so make sure that the goods you want are in stock2 before you enter the store.
Consider your time and travel costs. If something is on sale but the shop is across town, think about your time and the costs of transportation and parking in the price.
Go online. If you decide to buy something from an online shop keep the delivery3 costs in mind.
Think carefully about bargain offers4. These offers are based on buying more goods. For example, "Buy One, Get One Free". If you don't really want or need the thing, it's not a good deal.
Notes: 1. quantity n.数量 2. in stock 现货 3. delivery n. 递送 4. offer v. 提供
( )1. Why should you be careful when you go shopping in a sale
A. Because you have to make sure the goods that you want are in stock.
B. Because the sale price isn't always the best price.
C. Because you have to consider your time and travel costs.
D. Because you need to consider the delivery costs as well.
( )2. Which of the following is NOT good advice when shopping in sales
A. You always get the most for your money when the store has a sale.
B. You should consider the delivery costs if you buy something online.
C. Free gifts in shops are usually useless for you.
D. It's a good idea to go a long way to buy something cheap.
( )3. The best title for this passage is________ .
A. Online Shopping B. A Shopping Experience
C. Sale Shopping D. Shopping Advertisement




下一篇:Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays. 选择题专项练习(含答案)