2023年广东省中考英语 阅读理解 能力提升专项训练 (三)(共10篇)(含答案)

2023年广东中考英语 阅读理解 能力专项训练(三)
Interesting festivals in the world Throwing tomatoes—Spain Spain takes “tomatoes fights” to a whole new level.But the tomatoes are being thrown, not eaten.The festival takes place during the last Wednesday in August.Trucks carry tomatoes into the square.People rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowd.Rolling cheese—England This festival is celebrated on the last Monday in May. It takes place on Cooper’s Hill.A large wheel of cheese (奶酪) is rolled down Cooper’s Hill.The festival is actually a race where people run down the hill after the rolling cheese.The first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheese.Burning man—The United States The Burning Man Festival lasts a week.It is from the Monday before Labor Day to Labor Day(which falls on the first Monday in September in America).The festival takes place in the Black Rock Desert.The best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a man.Pouring water—Thailand The Songkran Festival (泼水节) is the celebration of the New Year in Thailand. Rather than a single day,Thailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15th.Thai people run after each other,pouring water.Songkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land.
(  )1.How many festivals are mentioned in the passage
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
(  )2.Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May
A.Spain. B.England. C.The United States. D.Thailand.
(  )3.Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert
A.Throwing tomatoes. B.Rolling cheese. C.Burning man. D.Pouring water.
(  )4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A.The tomatoes are thrown into the crowd to eat.
B.Not all the festivals alive fall on the single day.
C.Burning a large real man is the best part of the festival.
D.Songkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists.
(  )5.The passage is most probably taken from     .
A.a tour guide B.a science report
C.a storybook D.a fashion magazine
The task of dealing with climate change(气候变化) is important. It needs work from different organizations and counties. It seems impossible that a common person can make a difference. Should you just give up No! Change starts with you. Here are just a few things you can do to save the Earth. Level 1: Things you can do from your sofa ● Save electricity by turning appliances (电器) off completely when they are not in use. ● Stop paper bank bills and pay your bills online. ● Share information with others. If you. see something interesting on the Internet about climate change, share it so that your relatives and friends can see it, too. Level 2: Things you can do at home ● Air dry. Let your hair and clothes dry naturally instead of using a machine. ● Take short showers. Having a bath needs much more water than a ten-minute shower. ● Recycle paper, plastic and glass. ● Change old appliances with energy-saving ones. Level 3: Things you can do outside your house ● Ride a bike, walk, take a bus or an underground. ● Use a glass or plastic water bottle and china(陶瓷) coffee cup. This can cut down on waste and maybe even save your money. ● Bring your own bag when you shop. Reuse the plastic bags. ● Give away what you don't use. Local community will give your used clothes, books and furniture new life to other people in need.
( )6. If you find something interesting on the Internet about climate change, what should you do
A. Write it down. B. Pay for it online.
D. Store it in your computer. C. Share it with others.
( )7. What can you do to make your hair dry according to the text
A. Leave it there. B. Use an old appliance.
D. Use a machine. C. Put on special clothes.
( )8. What may the local community do with your used clothes, books and furniture
A. The things will be reused by others.
B. The things will be bought by somebody else.
C. The things will be given away and you will have something new in return.
D. The things will be used to save others' lives.
( )9. What can we know from the text
A. You may spend more money when using a china cup.
B. Things in Levels 1 and 2 are those you can do at home.
C. It is advised to change old appliances with cheaper ones.
D. Common people can hardly do anything to deal with the climate change.
( )10. In which part of the newspaper would you probably read this text
A. Fashion. B. Local News. C. Education. D. Environment.
Become a Scholastic News Kid Reporter Thank you for your interest in becoming a Scholastic News kid reporter! In order to apply,you must be between the ages of 10—14 (must be 10 years old by November 1,2022) and complete and hand in all of the followings. ●A typed news article (400 words at most) about a person or an organization making a difference in your community. ●A typed paper (250 words at most) that answers the questions:Why do you want to be a kid reporter What do you hope to learn as a kid reporter ●Two ideas for stories about your community,which you would like to work on as a kid reporter. ●A basic background information form that lets the editors know more about you. ●A student release(发放) form which is provided by Scholastic News and must be completed and signed by your parent. ●A recent photo of yourself. If you are chosen as a kid reporter,it will appear on the Scholastic News website when we announce the new kid reporters in early November. The photo can be a color one which is printed or an actual one,and we won't return any photos which are handed in. Send all the above to: Scholastic News Kids Press Corps, 557 Broadway, New York NY 100123999 Have questions about the application(申请)?Email kidspress@scholastic.com. All applications must be sent by September 25th,2022, NO LATE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!
(   )11.Who will be allowed to work as a kid reporter
A.The kid who was born on November 1,2013
B.The kid who was born on December 1,2009
C.The kid who was born on September 1,2020
D.The kid who was born on October 1,2005
(  )12.You can complete and hand in the article or essay EXCEPT .
A.the topic about people or organizations making a difference in your community
B.why do you want to be a kid reporter
C.the topic about animals in your community
D.what do you hope to learn as a kid reporter
(  )13.If you want to be a kid reporter,what should you do
A.provide one idea for stories about your community
B.complete a form provided by Scholastic News and signed by your parent
C.hand in a recent photo of your family
D.hand in a basic grade information form
(  )14.What should a recent photo of yourself be
A.a color one which is printed B.returned if you want
C.emailed to kidspress@scholastic.com. D.sent by October 25th,2020
(  )15.What may the passage be from
A.A novel B.A guidebook C.A job requirement  D.A news report
Are you afraid to speak in public Are you a shy person If you think you are too shy and want to have a change to be a little bit braver, try the following. You can make it. ★Tell people you're shy. There's no need to hide it. When they get to know you are a shy kid, they'll understand you better. This also helps you feel at ease in talks. ★Smile to everyone. When you smile, people think you are friendly and easy to talk to. Remember that other people also have such feelings and most people will stay away from an angry looking face. ★Say something nice about people around you. If you find it hard to start talks, say something nice about people around you. Think about how great you feel when someone says something nice to you. Doesn't it make you want to keep talking to that person ★Get your attention elsewhere. Enjoy the party or the game. Don't waste time worrying about your looks or whether people like you or not. Take one small step at a time. Each time after you say “Hi” or smile at someone for the first time, say to yourself “I did it”!Or it could be something bigger, like buying yourself an ice cream. Keep trying and you'll never be shy when you talk to others one day.
( )16. If you want to be a little bit braver, the first thing you should do is to ______.
A. tell people you're shy
B. smile to everyone
C. say something nice about people around you
D. get your attention elsewhere
( )17. When you smile to the people, they will think you are ________.
A. outgoing B. shy C. friendly D. embarrassed
( )18. When you can't start talks with others, you may________ to make a beginning.
A. tell a joke B. let them know you're a shy kid
C. praise people around you D. take one small step at a time
( )19. The purpose of the passage is to________.
A. ask you to pay attention to other things
B. ask you to hide your shyness
C. help the shy person to be brave
D. help the brave people to be shy
( )20. From the passage we know that________.
A. it's necessary to speak in public
B. people stay away from the ugly looking people
C. you should worry about whether people like you
D. four ways can help you overcome shyness
Both Lisa and Tom want to watch a movie on Sunday. Here are some movies in different cinemas. MovieTimePlaceInformation about the movie102 Not Out 9:00 am-10:45 am 3:15 pm-5:00 pmHope CinemaIt’s about the interesting stories between a father and his son. Although the father is 102 years old, he believes that he can break the record (打破记录) and become the oldest. His son is 75 years old, but he is bored. Super Kid’s Attack 10:00 am-11:30 am 4:30 pm-6:00 pmTree Cinema It’s a cartoon movie about the sister and brother living without parents. That sounds terrible to every kid. Let’s see how their life will be!Wreck-It Ralph 2 2:00 pm-3:55pm 7:00 pm-8:55pmTwinkle CinemaIt shows the modern internet culture in an easy and interesting way. You can also see many Disney characters from different cartoon movies. Hotel Transylvania 3 3:00 pm-4:40 pm 7:30 pm-9:10 pmWonder CinemaThe story is about a monster (怪兽) family. They have a trip on a ship. It may sound a little scary. But in fact, it’s a funny e and enjoy!
( ) 21. We can learn the old father in 102 Not Out is _______.
A. strong B. bored C. shy D. confident
( ) 22. Lisa will be free after 9:40 on Sunday morning, so she can watch a movie in _______.
A. Hope Cinema B. Tree Cinema C. Twinkle Cinema D. Wonder Cinema
( ) 23. Tom wants to know about the Internet culture, so he may be interested in _______.
A. 102 Not Out B. Super Kid’s Attack
C. Wreck-It Ralph 2 D. Hotel Transylvania 3
( ) 24. Children might feel _______ when watching Hotel Transylvania 3.
A. happy B. sad C. calm D. bored
( ) 25. Which of the following is TRUE
A. 102 Not Out is a film about the brother and sister.
B. Children can watch Wreck-It Ralph 2 in the morning.
C. Super Kid’s Attack is the shortest of the four movies.
D. All of the movies are cartoons for children.
Have you ever been in a conflict (冲突) Do you know how to solve it Conflict resolution is a peaceful way of trying to deal with a conflict. Both sides in the conflict explain what they think happened to cause it. The person who listens to both sides is called the mediator (调解人). After both sides tell what they think happened to cause the conflict, they discuss ways to solve it. They try to come up with a “resolution” that both sides agree to. They cannot be angry during the communication. Everyone should use good listening and attending skills while talking. If voices get too loud or it appears that someone is angry, the mediator will speak up and have them treat each other with respect. After different suggestions are shared in how to mediate the conflict, it is time for discussing the best solution(解决办法). Here is an example of how conflict resolution works step by step in a school playground setting: Someone says a student pushed him on the football field. The person who was accused as the “pusher” says it was actually an accident. The person who was pushed gets the mediator. The mediator takes the two persons to a quieter place, away from others to talk. The mediator calms them down and lets them know he understands their feelings. Each person describes what happened. The mediator repeats what he heard, so it is clear to everyone. The mediator asks for ideas to solve the problem. The two persons offer their own solutions. The two persons have a discussion and come to an agreement. The mediator makes sure the persons follow the solution. The mediator offers praise for solving the problem. Conflict resolution can be used in many environments. It encourages people to tell what really happened, to share their feelings, and to work together peacefully to solve the problem. It offers people workable steps to reach an agreement with the help of a mediator.
( )26. According to the passage, if two students have had a fight, they had better_______.
A. call the police B. get a mediator
C. ask parents for ideas D. describe the fight to teachers
( )27. In conflict resolution, the mediator’s job is to_______.
A. describe what really happened to both sides
B. help both sides reach an agreement in a proper way
C. listen to both sides and then punish the trouble maker
D. write down what both sides have explained in the communication
( )28. The underlined words “accused” in this passage might mean “_______” in Chinese.
A. 惩罚 B. 忽略 C. 指责 D. 否认
( )29. The writer gives the example in the passage in order to_______.
A. show how a mediator works in a football match
B. help us know the importance of a mediator in daily life
C. show how conflict resolution is used in different environments
D. help us clearly understand the workable steps in conflict resolution
( )30. Which of the following will be the best title
A.How to be good at fighting B.How to make a resolution.
C.How to deal with angry mood. D.Hoe to solve a conflict.
Beauty sleep is a real thing. Researches have shown that people who have enough sleep look more attractive to others. A few bad nights is enough to make a person look “especially” more ugly, their sleep experiment shows. The researchers asked 25 university students to join in their sleep experiment. They were asked to sleep well for two nights. A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hours every night for two nights in a row. The researchers took make-up free(素颜) photos of the volunteers after both the good and the bad sleep. Next, they asked 122 strangers to have a look at the photos and judge (评价) them on attractiveness, health, and sleepiness, as well as asking them “How much would you like to make friends with this person in the picture?” The strangers were good at judging if the person they were looking at was tired, and, if they were sleepy, their attractiveness scores were low. The strangers also said they wouldn't want to make friends with the tired students. The researchers say this is a spontaneous thing for people. An unhealthy-looking face makes people run away. In other words, people don't want to hang around with people who might look like ill. Dr. Brewer, an expert at the University of Liverpool said, “Judgement of attractiveness is often unconscious(无意识的), but we all do it, and we are able to judge on even something small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy. This study is a good reminder of how important sleep is to us.”
()31. When did the researchers take make-up free photos
A. Before the experiment.
B. After two nights' good sleep.
C. After two nights' bad sleep.
D. After both two nights' good sleep and two nights' bad sleep.
()32. The researchers asked the strangers to do the following EXCEPT .
A. telling who looked healthier
B. telling who didn't have many friends
C. telling who missed a lot of sleep
D. telling who was attractive
()33. What kind of friends did the strangers like to make
A. The people who were tired.
B. The people who were sleepy.
C. The people who were unhealthy.
D. The people who were attractive and energetic.
()34. What does the underlined word “spontaneous” in Paragraph 6 mean in Chinese
A. 有帮助的 B. 自然的 C. 无意义的 D. 不可能的
()35. Which can be the best title for the passage
A. Beauty Sleep, More Attractive
B. More Sleep, More Friends
C. Less Sleep, Fewer Friends
D. No Attractiveness, No Friends
We'll finally grow up someday, leaving our parents and facing the challenges in life. Parents may not be able to solve every problem for us. Instead, we should have enough life skills to cope with the problems that come our way. This is what our country tries to do now: Helping more students respect working spirit. To stress the importance of hardworking spirit education (劳动教育) among students of different ages, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council carried out a guideline(指导方针) in March. The guideline calls for students to respect work. Students should learn basic life skills and form good working habits through such education. The government has been trying to make the students know the importance of hardworking spirit education. But this has been overlooked(忽视) in recent years. Many teens do not value the importance of working hard and are uninterested in doing so. According to a study of nearly 3,000 students that was done by Ningbo Evening News in March, only 22 percent of primary and middle school students help with everyday chores around the house. Schools and families play an important role in teaching students about the value of working hard, the guideline says. Primary and middle schools should provide students with hardworking spirit classes every week, according to the guideline. Schools can also hold activities to give students real-world work experience. For example, schools can teach children how to plant trees on Tree-Planting Day. As children's first teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn how to do chores at home. Students should master one or two life skills every year. These skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms.
( )36. The guideline was carried out in order to _________.
A. teach students how to do chores at home
B. call for students to respect work
C. help students solve life problems
D. ask students to be more independent
( )37. What does the underlined word “stress” in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese
A. 要求 B. 强调 C. 规定 D. 提高
( )38. What is Paragraph 5 trying to tell us
A. Only 3,000 students help with housework.
B. Students pay no attention to work spirit.
C. About one-fifth of students help with housework.
D. Students are very dependent on their parents.
( )39. According to the guideline, schools should _________.
A. provide both guidance and chances for real work
B. hand out the guideline to every student
C. teach students how to plant trees
D. give parents homework
( )40. Which of the following can be part of students' hardworking spirit education
A. picking up homeless animals.
B. cutting down trees.
C. leaving their parents and finding part-time jobs.
D.helping with everyday chores at home.
Natural way to recycle plastic was found. Everyone knows by now. that plastic pollution is a huge problem for the environment. Beijing, for example, has dealt with this by banning thin plastic bags, plastic tableware and other plastic items in supermarkets, restaurants and hotels since May 1, according to CGTN. But an even better solution might be on the way. Researchers at a French company called Carbios have discovered a enzyme (酶) that can break down plastic. The enzyme, which was first found in compost (堆肥) leaves, turns plastic into chemical “building blocks” that can then be used to create new products, according to the Guardian. The new enzyme was uncovered in research that was published last month in the journal Nature. Researchers studied over 100,000 microorganisms (微生物) to find one that could break down plastic quickly. The leaf compost enzyme was first discovered in 2012. Scientists changed its genes (基因), allowing it to break down 90 percent of one ton of plastic in less than 10 hours. “It had been completely forgotten, but it turned out to be the best,” said Professor Alain Marty, chief science officer at Carbios. The enzyme especially breaks down PET, a type of plastic that is most commonly used to produce plastic bottles and food packaging. It is the fifth most common type of plastic that we use. Carbios said it is working together with companies like Pepsi and Nestle—major consumers of plastic themselves—to develop their research and start using the enzyme in industry, according to Forbes.
( )41.What do we know about the enzyme
A. It is a new type of plastic.
B. It can break down plastic quickly.
C. It was first found in the earth.
D. It can make the plastic stronger.
( )42.What does the underlined word “banning” means in Chinese
A.禁止 B.提倡 C.处罚 D.改善
( )43.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. Where the scientists found the new enzyme.
B. How the scientists changed the enzyme's genes.
C. How the scientists found the new enzyme.
D. When the scientists found the new enzyme.
( )44.Why did the scientists change the genes of the leaf compost enzyme
A. To break down the leaves quickly.
B. To do researches checking the effect of microorganisms.
C. To break down plastic quickly.
D. To help people accept the enzyme more easily.
( )45. In which part of the newspaper would you probably read this text
A. Fashion. B. Medical Science. C. Education. D. Environment.
Ant Forest,a project launched(倡仪) by Chinese mobile payment platform AliPay,has received a 2019 Champions of the Earth Guardian Award,the UN's highest environmental honor,for turning the green good deeds of half a billion people into real trees planted in some of the driest parts of China. The United Nations Environment Program announced in Nairobi,Kenya,on September 19,2019. The award also went to Chinese Organizations last 2 years. In 2018,Zhejiang Green Rural Revival Program won the Inspiration and Action award for its work to dealt with polluted waterways and damaged lands. In 2017,Saihanba Afforestation Community got the same award for turning barren sand into green hills. Ant Forest users are encouraged to record their low carbon footprint through daily actions like taking public transport or paying utility bills (水电费) online. For each action,they receive “green energy”points and when they get a certain number of points,a real tree is planted. Users will be able to view images of their trees in real time via satellite. In addition to planting trees,users can also get protected areas through the “ant forest” platform,explore new ways to help the poor and improve the living standards of local people through digital technologies. Since Ant Forest launched in August,2016,Ant Forest and its Non governmental organization partners have planted some 122 million trees in China's driest areas,which include regions in Inner Mongolia,Gansu,Qinghai and Shanxi. The trees cover an area of 11.2 million square kilometers,with the project becoming China's largest private sector (民间) tree planting project.
(  )46.Which organization won 2019 Champions of the Earth Guardian Award
A.The United Nations Environment Program. B.Ant Forest.
C.Zhejiang Green Rural Revival Program. D.Saihanba Afforestation Community.
(  )47. How do the Ant Forest users get a real planted tree
A.By recording their low carbon footprint through daily actions. B.By taking public transport.
C.By paying utility bills. D.By watering the trees.
(  )48.What does the underlined word “barren” means in Chinese
A.肥沃的 B.绿色的 C.黄色的 D.贫瘠的
(  )49. According to the passage,which statements is NOT true
A.Ant Forest is a project launched by AliPay in August,2016.
B.Ant Forest have planted some 122 million trees in China's driest areas.
C.Ant Forest is becoming China's largest private sector tree planting project.
D.Ant Forest is turning the green good deeds of 500 million people into real trees planted.
(  )50.What’s the main idea of this passage
A.to tell us how to play Ant Forest B.to introduce Ant Forest
C.to plant trees on Ant Forest D.to to help the poor people
1-5. D B C B A
6-10. C A A B D
11-15. B C B A C
16-20. A C B C D
21-25. D B C A C
26-30. B B C D D
31-35. D B D C A
36-40. B B C A D
41-45. B A C C D
46-50. B A D B B



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