Unit 4 What's the best movie theater?听力检测(含听力音频+听力原文+答案)

Which is the worst store in their town
A. B.
Which cinema is the cheapest
A. B.
What's Jenny's favorite subject
A. B.
What does the man think is the most delicious
A. B.
What color is Susan's skirt
A. B.
(1) Why does Tom like Friday best
A.Because he can have his favorite classes.
B.Because he doesn't need to go to school.
C.Because he doesn't have the English class.
(2) What does Tom do well in
A.Music. B.P.E. C.Art.
(1) When will the movie begin
A.At 6:30. B.At 7:00. C.At 7:30.
(2) Where will Jim and Anna see the movie
A.In Town Cinema. B.In Gold Cinema.
C.In Sun Cinema.
(1) Which is the best movie theater in town
A.Movie World. B.Family Cinema.
C.Blue Moon.
(2) What does Family Life have
A.The most comfortable beds. B.The largest rooms.
C.The best service.
(1) How is the new clothes store according to the man
A.It has the most popular and the cheapest clothes.
B.It is the nearest from his home.
C.It has the best service in town.
(2) What is the name of the new clothes store
A.Funky Clothes. B.Blue Moon.
C.The Black's.
(3) Where is the new clothes store
A.Near the bank. B.Near the post office.
C.Near the hospital.
(1) What's the weather like
A.Hot. B.Warm. C.Cool.
(2) Which is the largest swimming pool
A.Center Swimming Pool. B.Green Swimming Pool.
C.Park Swimming Pool.
(3) Why don't Dennis and his mother choose Green Swimming Pool
A.Because its service is very bad.
B.Because there are so many people.
C.Because its tickets is expensive.
(1) What is the best cinema in the woman's town
A.Town Cinema. B.Song Cinema.
C.Winner Cinema.
(2) What is the cinema best for
A.Its service. B.Its screens. C.Its seats.
(3) What has the most beautiful clothes
A.Blue Moon Clothes Store. B.Mr. Cooper's Clothes Store.
C.Mr. Miller's Clothes Store.
(4) Which hotel has the biggest rooms
A.Dream Hotel. B.Sunshine Hotel.
C.Center Hotel.
(1) How often does the man watch movies
A.Once a week. B.Twice a week.
C.Once a month.
(2) According the man, what is the best movie theater in town
A.Green Cinema. B.Movie Palace. C.Blue Cinema.
(3) Which of the following is true
A.Blue Cinema is the cheapest.
B.Green Cinema is the most expensive.
C.Movie Palace has the most comfortable seats.
(4) How does the man go to the Blue Cinema
A.By subway. B.By bus. C.On foot.
(1) When did the Brown's Noodles House open
A.Last month. B.Last week. C.Yesterday.
(2) What can you enjoy when you have meals there
A.Sports. B.Music. C.Film.
(3) What's free in the restaurant
A.Noodles. B.Rice. C.Tea.
(4) How many great specials in the restaurant
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
(5) What's the third special
A.Cabbage and chicken noodles. B.Tomato and egg noodles.
C.Carrot and mutton noodles.
1. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Miller's is a bad clothes store.
M: I know. And Dream Clothes store is even worse.
W: I think Blue Moon is the worst in our town.
2. 【答案】A
【原文】W: What's the best movie theatre
M: Sun Cinema. It's the cheapest.
W: But I think Moon Theatre has the most comfortable seats.
M: I agree. And Town Cinema has the biggest screen.
3. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Which subject do you like best
M: I like PE best. But my sister Jenny thinks history is more interesting than others.
4. 【答案】B
【原文】W: What do you think is the most delicious, noodles, dumplings or hamburgers
M: Well, I think noodles and hamburgers are OK. But dumplings are the most delicious.
5. 【答案】C
【原文】M: Your red skirt is really nice. Where did you buy it, Susan
W: In the Miller's. It has the best clothes in our town.
6. 【原文】W: Which day do you like best, Tom
M: Fridays.
W: What do you have on Fridays
M: English, P.E., music and art.
W: Do you like those subjects
M: Yes, very much. I especially love art. I draw best in my class.
(1) A
(2) C
7. 【原文】M: Hi, Anna. I heard that Thor: The Dark World is on in many cinemas at 7 o'clock. Would you like to go and see it with me tonight
W: Sure, I'd like to, Jim. Which cinema shall we go to
M: How about Town Cinema It has the best service.
W: But it is too far, and it is the most expensive. Let's go to Sun Cinema. It's near and the cheapest.
M: Sounds good.
(1) B
(2) C
8. 【原文】M: Hello! I am a reporter. Can I ask you some questions
W: Sure.
M: What's the best movie theater in town
W: Movie World is the best. It has the most popular movies.
M: What's the best restaurant then
W: It's Eating Room. It has the most delicious food.
M: I see. What about the clothes store What's the best one
W: It's Blue Moon. It has the most popular clothes.
M: Is the best hotel Family Life
W: Yes, it has the most comfortable beds.
(1) A
(2) A
9. 【原文】M: Hi, Mary. Where are you going
W: To Funky Clothes. I hear it has the best clothes.
M: Yes, you are right. But I know a new clothes store. The clothes there are both the most popular and the cheapest.
W: Really
M: Yes. The name of the shop is Blue Moon.
W: Is it far from here
M: Yes. It's near the hospital. You can take the bus to go there.
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
10. 【原文】W: It's too hot. Let's go swimming, Dennis.
M: Great, Mom! What's the best swimming pool
W: Center Swimming Pool, I think. It is the largest. But it's the most expensive.
M: What about Green Swimming Pool
W: Well, it is the cheapest and has the friendliest service. But it's the most crowded.
M: I think we should go to Park Swimming Pool. The water is good, and the price is not too high. It is large enough.
W: OK. Let's go!
(1) A
(2) A
(3) B
11. 【原文】M: Hi, Mary. Can I ask you something about your town
W: Sure. Go ahead.
M: What is the best cinema in your town
W: Town Cinema.
M: Why do you think it's the best
W: Because it has the best service.
M: What about clothes stores Which has the most beautiful clothes
W: Mr. Cooper's Clothes Store.
M: Which hotel is the cleanest
W: Center Hotel. It also has the biggest rooms.
M: Thanks for the information.
(1) A
(2) A
(3) B
(4) C
12. 【原文】W: Hi, I'm a reporter. I'm doing a survey. May I have you some time
M: Sure.
W: Do you like watching movies
M: Yes. I watch them once a week.
W: So what do you think is the best movie theater in town
M: Blue Cinema, I think.
W: Why do you think so
M: Green Cinema and Movie Palace are good, but Blue Cinema has the biggest screens and the most comfortable seats.
W: Well, what do you think of Green Cinema
M: It has the friendliest service, but it is the most expensive.
W: OK. Then what about Movie Palace
M: It is the cheapest, but the movies are the latest.
W: How far is it from your home to Blue Cinema
M: A little far. But it is convenient (方便的) for me to take the subway.
W: OK. That's all. Thank you.
(1) A
(2) C
(3) B
(4) A
13. 【原文】My parents and I often eat out on weekends. Most of the restaurants in our town are good. And the Brown's Noodle House is the most popular. It opened last month and it is the newest restaurant here. It is the most expensive, but the food is the best. And you also can enjoy music when you have meals there. What's more, the tea in the restaurant is free. There are three great specials there. The first one is cabbage and chicken noodles. The second one is tomato and egg noodles and the third one is carrot and mutton noodles. I often order carrot and mutton noodles there. Because I think it's the best food. It's a good place to enjoy your meals. Welcome to go there to have a taste.
(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) A
(5) C



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