鲁教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 Do you want to watch a game show? SectionB(2a-2e)练习(无答案)

Unit 1 SectionB(2a-2e)第四课时达标基础练
1....的象征__________________ 2. 美国文化_______________
3.因...而出名_________________ 4. 出现,出版__________
5. 其中一个主要原因_______________ 6.面对任何危险___________________
7.准备/愿意做某事__________________ 8. 尽某人最大努力________________
9.第一个卡通角色__________________ 10.有声音和音乐的卡通片___________
11. 例如__________________ 12.在二十世纪二三十年代____________
13….之一________________ 14.不如…________________
1. There are two good f__________ at the cinema this week.
2. There are four m________ roles in Beijing Opera: sheng, dan, jing and chou.
3. Chinese c__________ has influenced the world for thousands of years.
4. You’d better find out a s________ way to solve it.
5. It’s c_________ for children to be afraid of the dark.
6. I h______ to visit Paris one day.
7. The children enjoy funny j_______.
8. Mr. White is a f______ doctor.
9. I’m sorry to hear the bad n______.
10. Look! What’s h__________ over there
1. They had a _______ (discuss ) about their favorite movies.
2. Look at the clouds ! It might ________ (rain) today.
3. Soap operas are _______ (enjoy). I watch them every night.
4. I dislike cartoons because I think they are _______ (meaning ).
5. -What’s your dream -I want to be a _______(success ) basketball player.
6. -He maybe an ______ (lucky) man . He has lots of problems in his life.
-I’m sorry to hear that.
7. Lei Feng was always ready ______ (help) others.
8. Do you mind ______ (open ) the door
9. I like _____ (act) movies because they are exciting.
10. The old man _______ (lose ) his son last year.
( )1. His new book _________ last weekend.
A. came out B. came up C. came in D. came to
( )2. Dunhuang is famous ______the Mogao Caves.
A. by B. for C. in D. as
( )3. Peter is ready _______ any difficulty, so he is very brave(勇敢的).
A. to face B. facing C. to lose D. losing
( ) 4. -The watch is cheap but it works well. -Yes, that’s the _____ why I bought it.
A reason B. mind C. end D. idea
( ) 5. You will be _____ in your studies if you keep studying hard .
A successful B. common C. unlucky D. rich
( ) 6. -When did the story _______ -In the 1950s .
A die B. give C. happen D. expect
( )7. Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous __________ in American __________
A. symbol; culture B. symbol; cultures C. symbols; culture D. symbols; cultures
( )8. His father was born __________.
A. in the 1950 B. in 1950s’ C. in the 1950s D. in the 1950s’
( )9. We waited for him at the school gate, but he didn’t appear until nine.(同义替换)
A. know B. finish C. look around D. come
( )10. We all know that one of the world’s most popular sports _______ football.
A. am B. is C. are D.was
1. 京剧是中国文化的象征。 Beijing Opera is a ______ _______ Chinese culture .
2. 那部动画片是什么时候上映的? When did the cartoon ________ _______
3. 我们应该尽最大努力去学好英语。
We should _______ ________ _______ to learn English well .
4. 在这次考试中我们表现很好,我们的老师很高兴。
We ______ _______ _______ ________ in this exam and our teacher was very happy .
5. 我的朋友总是乐意帮助别人。
My friend is always ______ ________ _______ others .
6. 80多年以前,他第一次出现在动画片中。
Over 80 years , he first in the cartoon.
7. 在20世纪30年代,他制作了87部米老鼠卡通片。
, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.
8. 米老鼠就像一个普通人。Mickey a common man.
9. 米老鼠经常遇到像失去家园或女朋友之类的许多问题。
Mickey often had many problems his house or girlfriend.
10. 在1978年,米老鼠成为在好莱坞星光大道上拥有一颗星星的第一个卡通人物。
1978, Mickey the first cartoon character to have a star the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
In American c_________, one very famous symbol is a cartoon,for e_______ Steamboat Willie. Mickey Mouse first a_______ in the cartoon on November 18, 1928. Because of the s_______ cartoon,Walt Disney became very rich.You might ask why this cartoon was so popular.One of the main r_______ is that Mickey was like a common man.Though he was u________ and had many problems such as l______ his house or girlfriend,he was always ready to try his best to face any d_______.So most of people wanted to be 1_____ Mickey.
On November 18,1978,Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame.People today expect to see more and more little mice f_____ against bad guys(家伙,人).



上一篇:牛津译林版八年级下册英语Unit 2 Travelling综合练习(无答案)
